Published October 2011
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All newsletters up to Ferreira Fest 44 (including this one) used an off-site image storage system that is now unfortunately defunct.
This means that most photos in these newsletters have been lost.
Whenever possible, photos have been added afterwards.
It’s the 20th of the month, and that means it’s time for FERREIRA FEST 22! Come this way and celebrate the career of the incredibly talented Canadian actor Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! In this month’s issue: Saturday at Dragon*Con! Tons of pictures! Screen caps! And meeting The Man in person!

Reporting on the Dragon*Con Saturday is a daunting task at best, so let’s start with something simple and rather time-sensitive: Patrick Gilmore (Dale Volker on SGU) wants to know who you would most love to have a lap top chat with. So, if you’re on Facebook, RUN, do not walk, and vote for Louis!!
Report by Bea
Saturday morning was the time for the big Dragon*Con costume parade. Granted, there were some awesome costumes at the con, but we were there for Louis alone! So we decided to line up early for the SGU panel that morning, which meant fighting the crowds in front of the hotel since we actually had to cross the street where people were lined up 6 rows deep. It was worth it, though, because we ended up close to the front of the line and thus in the first row! The anticipation was nerve wracking, especially since the panelists were late but then finally, Louis was the first to enter.
I have been a Louis fan for a very long time but this was the first time I actually saw him in person and it’s a moment I will never forget. He wore a grey t-shirt hoodie and immediately started taking pictures of the crowd.
Here are some videos of the panel by Xira Tania (on YouTube they are labeled panel 8-11). Thanks for sharing them!
Here are two slightly overexposed but absolutely gorgeous pictures of Louis by Celeste Monsour:

Later during the day Philip Schweier caught Louis on camera as he was having a fun ride on a fan’s tiny bicycle, while taking a break from signing autographs.
Next on our agenda: the photo shoot. It was at the Hilton hotel and we arrived at the location well ahead of time and just settled down to wait for the shoot to start.
At long last Louis came wandering by, making small talk with people who were waiting and then looking at the poster advertising the celebrities whose picture you could get that weekend. He promptly grabbed a sharpie and drew a big pair of glasses and a moustache on his own picture! The picture was also on the tickets we received for the photo shoot and the autograph sessions.

We had been warned that the shoot would be a very quick affair, and boy, they sure whipped us through! Louis still took the time to ask for everyone’s name and what kind of picture they wanted. We waited until the very end and then got in line. Agi went first, and she got the perfect patented Louis face. Eszter wanted a more serious one, and he was happy to oblige, and when I asked him if I could just have a hug he said “Of course!”, and threw his arms around me.

Then we had another picture taken of all three of us with him, and we left it to the photographer Craig Damon to arrange us. He did an amazing job and all the pictures turned out beautifully.
We got to pick them up right away, since they had a high quality speed printer there. While they had scheduled about half an hour for the shoot the whole thing was over in less than 10 minutes (there is such a thing as being too efficient!)!), so Louis came wandering over and started chatting with us.

When I told him I ran his unofficial fan club and we were just three members he was genuinely shocked. And then he gave me a beautiful bracelet that his daughter had made for him to pass on to friends. It was blue and grey and silver – my favorite colors!
I had one of my older Louis photos that I had collected over the years with me, and he had the best time looking at it and reminiscing.
We left rather reluctantly – there was no one else in line and so Louis was effectively stuck there, but we didn’t want to be rude so we snuck out.
Next came the Walk Of Fame. That’s what they call the area where the celebrities sit at a table for a certain amount of time and sign autographs and chat with the fans. The whole thing was terribly disorganized, with everyone telling you something different as to where to line up. Very frustrating. We were so glad to finally get into the room and back to Louis!
There was a young couple there with a tiny baby boy whom they had named Ronon Everett.
Louis got to hold the little tyke and you could tell he was incredibly honored and moved. Eszter caught it on camera.
Afterwards he gallantly kissed the mother’s hand.
When it was our turn he asked me if he could show my old picture to David Blue and Patrick Gilmore, and they both took pictures of his old picture.

Then I gave him a photo manip I had made of him, and he couldn’t stop laughing about it. He signed my poster of Colonel Young, and everything for Agi and Eszter, too.
As we prepared to leave he gave us all hugs across his table – and believe me, he is VERY huggable!
We stumbled back to the car and went to the hotel, and we thought surely this day couldn’t be topped by anything.
Boy, were we wrong!!
Next month on Ferreira Fest: Dragon*Con Sunday! Or: The Official Louis Ferreira Fanclub is born on the third floor at the Hilton in Atlanta!

And now: Will the REAL Louis Ferreira please stand up? I came across this surf board on eBay.
Obviously it has nothing to do with OUR Louis, but it is kind of fun to imagine him as a surfer dude!

By popular demand we have uploaded the sampler of the now-defunct Stargate Magazine featuring SGU with lots of nice Louis pictures.
You can download it for yourself now here.

Of course no Ferreira Fest would be complete without a batch of Kimmy’s Caps! Kimmy has made caps of the movie “Loves Music Loves to Dance“, where Louis plays detective Vincent DiSalva. The whole thing was so huge I had to chop it into three parts! So here is “Loves Music Loves to Dance“. Thanks, Kimmy!
**Note: All three sections of the screen caps have been combined into one on our Google Drive.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
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We hope to see you all next month!