Published September 2016.
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All content copyright © 2016.
Once again it’s the 20th of the month, and that means another huge party here at Ferreira Fest, where we celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira and catch up with his friends and our charities! Autumn is about to begin and as the days grow shorter and the weather cools off a little here in North America we welcome you to join us! Grab a pineapple cocktail of your choice at our virtual bar and come on in!

Ability Online
Ability Online’s big Making History fundraising event has a new date – it is now happening on
Tuesday, October 25th. You can purchase your tickets here.
The official event invite and much more info can be found here.

Ability Gives strives to contribute to life changing experiences in children and youth with disabilities by helping families acquire necessary equipment/aids. This month’s featured child is Connor. He had a psychological assessment and was diagnosed with Autism. Connor is in need of an iPad and special apps available there to help him maintain his connection to a world that behaves within his frame of expectations.

To help Connor please donate what you can by clicking here.
To learn more about Ability Online please visit their website or the Ability Online Page.
To make a donation please click on the logo below – it’s quick, easy and secure.

The Good Neighbours’ Club
The latest GNC newsletter is now available here.
The Good Neighbours’ Club has two exciting new additions to help elder homeless men in Toronto.
“Antonio Petoso joined ED Bruno Scorsone, Chair Nick Golding and Matthew Ellis for the unveiling of the Aquarius Men’s Wear Clothing Room. Last year we distributed almost 9,000 articles of clothing and toiletries to the men.”
“The Good Neighbours’ Club thanks the City of Toronto and Joe Pereira for the outstanding work they completed on our accessible washroom and showers. We have many men who must use wheelchairs and often don’t have access to a proper washroom/ showers, that can meet their requirements. Our clients are thrilled that it’s now operational!”
Learn more on the GNC website (now Haven Toronto). If you wish to make a donation to this worthy cause and help fight the indignity of homelessness, please click on the logo below to access our very own GNC donations page.

The Children’s Aid Foundation
Photos from the recent Recognition Night can be found on CAFDN’s Instagram feed.
Upcoming Fundraising Event:
October 16th – Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Charity Challenge
“Join the Children’s Aid Foundation and its partner agencies for the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Charity Challenge. Run or walk with TEAM HOPE to help raise awareness and funds during Child Abuse Prevention Month.”
You can always find the latest news in the CAFDN newsletter The Buzz. And to support children in foster care please go to our special donations page by clicking on the logo below.

MOTIVE has concluded its four year run in Canada, and the final episode garnered a lot of press and many bittersweet memories.
You can read about it here (the US still has one episode to go – the finale airs this upcoming Sunday on USA Network, so please don’t follow these links if you wish to remain spoiler-free!):
- The Toronto Sun (1) (SPOILER WARNING!)
- The Toronto Sun (2) (SPOILER WARNING!)
The Televixen has a nice preview write-up of the episode Chronology of Pain.
The Gate has an interview with Victor Zinck who played Detective Mitch Kennecki. It also contains spoilers for the last episode so please proceed with caution! It is a very insightful piece so be sure to read it after you watch the final episode if you don’t want to be spoiled!
BickeringCritics has a review of the episode Foreign Relations where Angie gets a new colleague from across the pond.
HiddenRemote has a feature about Missy Peregrym guest starring on MOTIVE. She’s not the first Rookie Blue star to appear on MOTIVE, and Louis has also guest starred in two episodes of Rookie Blue.
A MOTIVE Season 4 collage, courtesy of TV-eh…

Four years of camaraderie and good times are coming to an end…

THIS LIFE Season 2 will premiere on October 2 on CBC in Canada. Louis guest stars in several episodes – we’ll keep you posted as much as possible since the series does not appear to air anywhere else in the world (yet).
Here’s an interesting article about filming in Montreal, a city that rarely gets to play itself and often stands in for various European cities. Louis enjoys working there very much.

It’s been quite a while but Louis’ short film ARTHUR with Paola Botero is finally hitting the film festival circuit! We’ll have to wait until it’s made its rounds but soon we will have all kinds of screencaps for you. Meanwhile, here’s a still that Juan Andres Hodgson (Owner/Producer at Red Castle Films) shared, along with the promise of a “New demo reel coming soon!“

Louis plays Antonio, the abusive boyfriend of the lead character Vera. Find out more about ARTHUR in our special feature in Ferreira Fest 60.
We can’t wait to watch! Best wishes to Paola and her team!

Actor Gene Wilder died on August 29. Most of us know Gene from blockbuster movies such as Blazing Saddles or Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory.
Here are some personal thoughts Louis wanted to share about Gene Wilder:
LF: “Aaah, Gene Wilder, who doesn’t love Gene Wilder! That Willy Wonka movie changed everyone, and the funny thing is, here is a great story about Gene Wilder: David DeLuise came over, and you know he grew up in Hollywood with his father Dom DeLuise who was friends with everybody.
So, David, two days ago, showed me a video clip. His brother found all these old video tapes and is transferring them to DVD. The video tape was of him, Dom DeLuise, his mother Carol, Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner, and his middle brother Michael [DeLuise] all in a bedroom at their beach house in Malibu, hanging out on a bed, singing songs and just talking.
And I was just like, this is like some sort of archaeological find. I was like, this is amazing, ‘cause this is Gene but he must be in his forties. And as soon as he spoke I was like, oh my god! And David said that he was the kindest, most wonderful man that he’s ever met, and anytime you’re around Gene Wilder, all he could tell me was that he just made him feel so special. And those were the words he said.
Gene just had a way of making you feel so special. And you get that sense from him, especially in that movie, the way he would look at the certain children that he approved, and the other ones where he was kind of like, well, you’re works in progress, I won’t judge you. But you can see that, you can see on his face just the love for all the kids but how varied he was in his impression of all those children. I thought that was brilliant in that performance, where he commented on everyone with what he was looking for, and the qualities that he followed.
So to me, he was the person to play that role because he, in fact, had those qualities in him. He recognized those in Charlie, of course, but I thought that that was beautiful. So, just one of those wonderful actors who was a beautiful human and a beautiful spirit. His relationship with Gilda was apparently just this beautiful and wonderful in love.
It seems like he was a very very very special, talented man, I’m sure, to all of us. We were very lucky to have been entertained by him and have all the movies that he’s done over the years that we can watch and enjoy as we wish.“

Occasionally Louis will recommend a book to his friends. We’ve got a wonderful one for you this month, and many of you may be familiar with it. For those who aren’t you can order it here. We’ll discuss this book more in the future so for now get your own copy and let’s read!
LF: “I read a book a long time ago that changed my life. I want to share it with people, because I think it’s such a powerful book for people, and it’s called ENOUGH ALREADY – Alan Cohen is the author. And it’s all the self-things, the work that you gotta do to make yourself get on the level of consciousness that I think we need to be on to make the planet a better place to live. I love this book. I’d love to recommend it to people, as my Book of the Week or Book of the Month, or Book of the Year.“
You will of course remember that Alan Cohen is the author of the book Are You as Happy as your Dog? which Louis read for us over the course of three years. You can find his reading on the First Reading Series Page.

Here are a few short snippets of longer conversations, where Louis shares his thoughts about different topics.
Actors and Olympians
LF: “As actors we can only draw the analogy of when you audition, you sometimes will prepare for days and days and days and hours and hours and hours; you go into the room and you got five minutes, and if it doesn’t go great, then all that time is gone. These people do it four years, for hours and hours every day! You can’t help but be in awe of that kind of commitment to do something that they love.
There’s something there; that’s why I think people get connected to the Olympics, because you see people from all over the world and realize, they’re just like everyone else, they’re all, wherever you are, it’s the same story: people want to be happy and succeed and have healthy relationships, blah blah blah, and yet, there is such a disconnect from the world, more and more, and that’s really the sad part of what we’re doing as a society, as a world.“
Movie Favorites
LF: “This year so far my favorite movies have been Captain Fantastic, and there was a movie called Swiss Army Man; I thought that was one of the most creative, inventive film making experiences I’ve seen in a while!“


In honor of Troy Mundle‘s webseries SADinVAN (Single and Dating in Vancouver) being such a big online hit (see Troy’s rubric below in the Friends News section) we have 84 screencaps from Louis’ scene in Season 2 episode 1 G’Intervention. Louis plays a delightfully absurd alternate version of himself, and Billie the bulldog is making a special appearance as well.
Watch the episode here.
Here is a direct link to the album:

The second monthly reading series is Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
You can listen to the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month’s chapter is Chapter 4: It’s Fall from Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals.

The Affolter Brothers
- Counter Act
The official trailer is out and it looks awesome! Watch it right here!
Louis’ latest short film will screen at the Edmonton International Film Festival (EIFF) on Friday, October 7th at 3:30pm.
You can also watch it at ReelWorld Film Festival in Toronto on October 15th. Check the schedule here.
If you’re in the neighborhood be sure to check it out and report back!
Here is a photo of Jon marking off sections on the storyboard wall during the making of the movie, as well as two other film projects.
The Affolter Brothers’ new web series Bottoms Up premiered at VanChanFilmFest last week. You can watch it and other gems at Comedyblender!

Justin Breault
And in other news, our resident fitness expert Justin went horseback riding.
For more sports adventures please visit Justin’s Page.

Amanda Alexander
Check out the new MOTIVE listings in the professional credits on Amanda’s Page! With the series’ end we now have the complete set for her. Amanda shared her thoughts about the conclusion of the series in Canada via Twitter.
Meanwhile, like the rest of the MOTIVE cast and crew, Amanda has moved on to other shows. This is a view from her “office” on set last week. No, we’re not jealous.

Greyston Holt
If you’ve ever contemplated a trip to Denmark, now you have a very compelling reason to go! Our friend Greyston will be at Comic Con in Copenhagen this weekend – so jump on a plane and start the adventure!
There is a terrific interview with Greyston at UInterview which includes a clip of him and Louis in Durham County. You can also read more about him on Greyston’s Page, along with photos and a filmography.

Mika McKinnon
Mika was livin’ it up at Dragon Con in Atlanta over the Labor Day weekend! We hope you got to meet her or attend one of her panels.
She was featured on The Unique Geek‘s “50 Days of Dragon Con” podcast – you can listen to it here. There’s also a great write up of her “How to get away with murder” Panel (please note that neither Mika nor any of the other panelists recommend murder for any reason!) at the Daily Dragon.
Mika and Bea reunite after a panel

Eugene Lipinski
Eugene is busy filming season 2 of The Romeo Section – new listings have been added to the professional credits on Eugene’s Page.
Season 2 premieres October 5th on CBC. Watch the trailer here.

Troy Mundle
Troy’s web series Single And Dating in Vancouver (SADinVAN) ranks as one of the Top International Web Series at #16! Congratulations, Troy! Way to go!

Dennis Heaton
With MOTIVE’s conclusion we’ve updated the Dennis Heaton Page with the last few credits.
The Vancouver Sun has a great interview with Dennis about MOTIVE ending, future projects, and this cool photo by Brendan Meadows.
DH: “I’m in development with Lark Productions on a new project, and I wrote a feature film, an idea I’ve had for years that I’ve always wanted to write. My long term dream would be that it would be a directing debut for myself.”
A recent Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) decision changed how Canadian a television show needs to be in order to be called “Canadian” and receive public funding. For an excellent breakdown and background on the issue read this article by the Ottawa Citizen.
In response to the controversial CRTC ruling Dennis wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau – a very poignant read! It is also mentioned in an article by The Toronto Star.
Here is Dennis’ letter:
Mr. Trudeau, Ms. Joly, Ms. Wilson-Raybould,
My name is Dennis Heaton. I am a Vancouver based film and television writer and producer. I have lived and worked in the film and TV industry in Vancouver — for the most part — since I graduated from my first post-secondary media course in 1989. I say “for the most part” because, as a freelancer, I have often had to go where the work takes me. Ask me about my three years in Nova Scotia working on Jason Priestley’s CALL ME FITZ (or not). I can say this: Mr. Priestley is that nice in real life.
In my 27 years as a film and television industry professional, I have worked on all matter of productions, in all manner of jobs. My first job was painting animation cels for short films and commercials at Marv Newland’s world-renowned animation studio International Rocketship. My most recent job was executive producing and showrunning the acclaimed CTV police procedural MOTIVE. The series finale is Tuesday night. (10 pm in Toronto, 7 pm on the West coast if you get the East coast feed).
But my first love was and remains screenwriting. I have written for live action and animation. Documentary and drama. Television and feature films. I have received over twenty award nominations for my creative work, and I’ve been thrilled to win several regional, national, and international accolades for the stories I create.
I won’t bore you with the minutiae of my CV any longer, but I feel it’s important that I provide this detail due to the recently announced CRTC policy framework and the ultimate point of my letter.
This policy framework, specifically the change lowering the bar for independent Television funds (which includes Shaw Rocket Fund, Telus Fund, Cogeco Fund, Harold Greenberg, and the Rogers Group of Funds) from 8/10 to 6/10 which the document indicates is to allow for “…the hiring by production companies of non-Canadian actors or creators, who may increase a project’s attractiveness and visibility in international markets” is greatly disheartening to me. I am not the only one.
As you may or may not already be aware, this announcement has led to a lot of concern within the creative community, particularly amongst the creators who identify as writers.
Directors and actors, historically, are able to secure positions on the “service work” productions that come up to Canada from the United States. These are shows like LUCIFER, SUPERGIRL, and THE FLASH. There is only one way a Canadian writer can work on these shows. They must move to Los Angeles and become American-based writers. A Canadian writer’s only other choice, career-wise, is to remain in Canada and hope to write for Canadian produced content — this is the much maligned “Cancon” that I have proudly worked on for these last 27 years.
Please know that the purpose of my letter is not to complain about this CRTC policy, although I could — and as the Pacific Region Councilor for the Writer’s Guild Of Canada, I should. Especially given the fact that the CRTC, which I know is an arm’s length regulator, is still working under a Harper Government mandate rather than a mandate created by our Liberal government.
Instead, I am writing you today to ask you for one favour, both for myself and for every other Canadian screenwriter: Will you sign letters of recommendation for our O-1 applications for United States work visas?
I assure you, I am not being facetious. As I said earlier, I have often had to go where the work takes me. And this policy framework requires that I — and many, many other content creators — at least consider looking to our neighbour to the south. Not only for writing opportunities in the United States, but also to make ourselves known to the US content creators who will be given shows on our Canadian networks due to this new policy framework.
Obviously, I wouldn’t expect you to actually write the letter. If you agree to this request, our immigration lawyers would provide you with the body of the letter to be printed on Government stationary. You could then sign and email back a scanned copy, or mail us the hard copies.
Again, I want to stress that this is not a joke. I wish I was kidding.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dennis Heaton

Patrick Gilmore
Patrick’s new series Travelers premieres in Canada October 17 on Showcase and worldwide on December 23 on Netflix. Jen Spence has a recurring role, Amanda Alexander is the script supervisor, and another very special person guest stars in an episode!
Social Media accounts for the series:
– Instagram
– Twitter
– Facebook
A nice video on what the show is about and which includes the new promo can be found here.

Alex Appel
Alex just attended the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Shortly before that she met up with Ferreira Fest at Dragon Con on Labor Day weekend!
She is very busy preparing for her next film project which will get underway in Spring 2017 with some very big names in the mix. Stay tuned for lots more info to come!
Can’t wait that long? Go visit Alex Appel’s Page in the meantime for an in-depth interview!

Eric Banerd
Eric has been on tour with his band The Wild Romantics much of the summer. Here are a few awesome shots of Eric in action!
Eric has been on tour with his band The Wild Romantics much of the summer.
Here are a few awesome shots of Eric in action!
“Almost end of tour. We’ve got one last homecoming show in Vancouver this Thursday at The Fox Cabaret! It’s gonna be a helluva party and all the celebs are gonna be there!”

Sad news from The Wild Romantics Facebook Page:
“As they say, all good things must come to an end. It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to our longtime drummer and friend, Eric Banerd, as he continues on to pursue his career as an actor and filmmaker.
The good times we’ve had together are countless and all of us in the band can’t thank you enough for everything that you’ve put into this project over the last couple of years. We’ll never forget having no idea who you were as we gave you a ride home from Peak bootcamp and then a few months later flying out to Toronto together and sharing the sweatiest HoJo room all together for way too many days straight. Alas, I could go on and on and on. But let’s save the rest of the stories for those nights at the bar when someone needs a good laugh.
We wish you the best of luck in all of your future projects. You’ll always be our Uncle Daddy. No matter how many times you go to the store for cigarettes and come home 7 days later. Love ya.
Aleisha, Rory, Jarred and Evan”
Eric’s first plan is to work on some charity projects in Mexico City:
“Can’t wait to head back down to Mexico with Journey! We will be building 30 houses outside of Mexico City in a couple weeks. Journey and my company EB Painting also teamed up with our friends in Mexico at Dulux Paints to paint all of the houses!”
We wish Eric the best of success in his upcoming projects and will keep up with his career as always.

David Dingess
In honor of Gene Wilder’s legacy here’s a photo of our friend David playing the title character in the musical Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. David had big shoes to fill and he rose to the challenge in the 2014 Georgia College production.
David writes:
“I didn’t want to mock Gene Wilder in his role, but my acting choices clearly resembled his – though some may not know how I arrived to his inspiration.
I decided that during the time I was in the role, I would eat 5 king sized chocolate bars a day – don’t you think Wonka would have had at least that many a day?
It made me SOOOO happy, and then SOOOO grumpy.
I like to think that is how he arrived at that demeanor as well.”
Find out more on David’s Page.

Jennifer Spence
Jen has several new items on IMDb so we’ve updated the listings on Jen’s Page as well.
She also stars in the new short film Trying, along with Patrick Gilmore.
Logline: A 35-year-old teacher and her musician husband discover the ins-and-outs… and ins-and-outs… of ‘What to expect when you’re NOT expecting.’

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid has a new IMDb listing, and we have updated Ingrid’s Page accordingly:
Notorious (TV Series)
– Episode #1.2 (2016) … Dr. Gina Matheson
Logline: A charismatic defense attorney and a powerhouse television producer work together to control the media following a high-profile incident.
The episode airs September 29th on ABC. Set your DVRs now!

Rob Munic
Rob is busy filming his new series Ice. We’ve updated his production listings accordingly – visit Rob’s Page for more!
His new short film Over, Under, Through was renamed The Bird Who Could Fly.
Logline: Arthur tries to manage his one brother, life-in-jail, his other brother, drug addict, and pressures of their Korean-born mother. Juggling his mother’s religious extremism, he tries to heal his brothers’ lives and emerge to find his own.
Here is a production shot of Ice. We can’t wait to watch it!

Peter Kelamis
Peter was a guest at Gatecon 2016 in Chicago. Here he is hanging out with fellow actor Dan Payne!
Peter will also attend the very last Official Stargate Con by Creation Entertainment, along with fellow Stargate Universe alumni Alaina Huffman and David Blue. It’s this upcoming weekend, September 23-25.
Peter’s filmography credits have been updated on Peter’s Page. There is also a Twitter thread about all the voices Peter has done for My Little Pony.

Bradley Stryker
Bradley has a new IMDb listing – in his own words he plays “another super classy guy” in episode 6 of The Arrangement, a new series that is currently filming. Nobody plays “super classy” guys better than our friend Bradley!
Logline: TV actress Megan Morrison is offered a $10 million marriage contract with Hollywood’s biggest star.
Meanwhile, Bradley’s feature film Land of Smiles continues to rack up awards at film festivals around the world. Congratulations to Bradley and his team!

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. Please visit her website for lots more photos and fascinating facts and information about this ancient artform. And if you find yourself in Vancouver – visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
Nicole writes:
This time I am submitting my last client’s belly, which happened to have twins inside!
She is a doula herself and this will be babies 2 and 3 for her.

Charity Auction Results
The four items that were donated by Louis and The Friends of Louis Ferreira fetched a combined $1,555 for The Atlanta Center for Self-Sufficiency (ACSS), an organization that places homeless people back into the workforce by “providing a hand up, not a handout”.
Many thanks to Louis, Agi, Amanda, Brad, Andy, Gene, Deb, Callie, James, the Stargate fans at Dragon Con and everyone else who helped make this auction such a big success!

Grey Gardens
The film about the documentary of the same name gets a mention at the FilmSchoolRejects blog, as does Louis who played the role of David Maysles, one of the brothers who made the original documentary. You can find screencaps of Grey Gardens in Ferreira Fest 63 or on the Screen Caps Page.
Flag Map
Ferreira Fest has had visitors from over 112 countries and 654 different cities or regions! Here is our newest Flag Map.

Greetings to all of our new visitors from all over the planet – we’re so glad you found us! Write in sometime and introduce yourself, we’d love to hear from you, and we’re always looking for correspondents from other countries. Send an email if you’re interested in participating (yes, there are fringe benefits!).
Will the real Lou Ferrigno please stand up?
Here’s a little gem from a recent conversation that Louis had with our friend Dennis Heaton. Listen to the sound clip here:
LF: And he was saying “Hey, I was mentioning you to a fellow writer here; when I brought up Louis Ferreira she said ‘The Incredible Hulk?’” – I advised him to send a green frog with very skinny arms back and say “Here is my impression of the Incredible Hulk. Notice the less definition in the arms, but I’m certainly much more flexible.”
Lou Ferrigno played The Incredible Hulk in the 1978 movie.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!