Published December 2014.
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It’s December 20th, and that means it’s time for Ferreira Fest, the monthly celebration of Louis Ferreira’s acting career, his friends, and making a difference in this world! We have music, interviews, movies and so much more! Help yourself to a free pineapple drink at our virtual bar and come on in for a Happy Holidays party!

The latest issue of the monthly newsletter The Buzz is now online. Check it out!
During the month of December, 20% from the sale of these necklaces will go to CAF. Click on the image for more information on how to get yours!

We also received a lovely holiday card from The Children’s Aid Foundation!

Please consider making a donation to this worthy cause, and help underprivileged children have a wonderful holiday this year! Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent that the law allows – please check with your tax adviser. And for every donation made you will receive a small Louis-related gift. Click on the logo below – it’s easy and secure.

It’s Christmas at The Good Neighbours’ Club!

Want to help spread some holiday cheer to older homeless men in Toronto? Please consider a gift – no matter how small – to the Good Neighbours’ Club. They are working hard to bring in people from the cold who have nowhere else to go during the day, and winters in Toronto are brutal. If you are reading this while you’re sitting somewhere warm and dry, please think of those who don’t have those basic necessities and make a donation. It’s easy – just click on the logo below and send a gift that really matters, it’s safe and easy. Your donation is tax-deductible, please ask your tax adviser for details. Thank you!

Louis’ latest short film ARTHUR has started its fundraising campaign! Watch the short clip below and find out more!
(Sorry – this video has since been taken offline. As of September 2016 it is no longer available.)
Please consider contributing to “Arthur’s” IndieGoGo campaign – there are all sorts of perks associated with it, such as being listed in the end credits or on IMDb, or obtaining Associate Producer or Executive Producer status. If you’ve ever wanted to be a movie producer, here’s your chance! Please be sure to check out the Official ARTHUR Page on IndieGoGo!
Louis gets to play a bad guy in this one! He portrays the heroine’s abusive boyfriends. Check out more photos in Ferreira Fest 058 and Ferreira Fest 059.
Paola was so kind as to send us another still photo of herself and Louis on set during the filming. Thanks, Paola!

And if this makes you want to see more, you can find screencaps of the promo video here.

According to script supervisor Amanda Alexander MOTIVE wrapped principal photography on December 17 and everyone is now on their holiday break. Amanda had Season 3 broadcast news as well:

Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
As part of a first-look strategy for “Project Latte,” Bell Media’s subscription on demand video streaming service, episodes of original Canadian series will premiere 24 hours in advance of their network television premieres. MOTIVE is included in the Project Latte lineup. All 26 episodes of the first and second seasons, along with weekly first-look episodes from the upcoming third season, will be featured.
Read more about it on The CTV Insider.
Here is a new press release about MOTIVE’s season 3. The section about MOTIVE includes a tiny spoiler, so please read on with caution!
MOTIVE (Season 3) (Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT, beginning March 8 on CTV)
The dramatic Season 2 finale of original Canadian crime drama MOTIVE saw Detective Angie Flynn’s (Kristin Lehman, THE KILLING) past and present fatally collide when her involvement in a new trial about an old case called everything she stood for as a detective into question. With Sergeant Cross (Warren Christie, ALPHAS) at the center of it all, and the personal toll he paid as the price in the end, viewers were left wondering if Angie was calling it quits as a member of the homicide team.

The third season picks up six months later – with a burnt-out Angie having left the homicide team. But a case with direct personal implications for her beloved partner Detective Oscar Vega (Louis Ferreira, SGU STARGATE UNIVERSE) draws her back into the fold. MOTIVE also stars Brendan Penny (THE ASSISTANTS) as the team’s ambitious Detective Brian Lucas and Lauren Holly (NCIS) as the team’s lead medical examiner, Dr. Betty Rogers.

After 5 official Festival selections Through The Pane has won 12 Awards – and counting! Way to go, Pauline and Louis!
Official show photographer Peter Holst has made another photo from the shoot available. Please check out his work at

A wheelchair makes a great dolly substitute for smooth camera movements!

Louis played the character of Declan in Breaking Bad‘s season 5 episodes Buyout, Say My Name and Buried. Metástasis (meaning “metastasis” in Spanish) is the Colombian Spanish-language shot-for-shot remake of the highly acclaimed U.S. crime drama.
Sony Entertainment Television (Latin America) was working with Colombian producer Teleset on the series, which is set in Bogotá, Colombia and its surroundings and consists of 62 50-minute-long episodes.
In the US the series aired on Univision.
Brian kindly posted a screen cap of the first scene with Declan II. It’s from the meeting with Mike Ehrmantraut where they discuss the sale of the stolen methylamine from the train heist.

Justin Breault posted this photo of a friend’s birthday party which Louis attended. Eagle-eyed viewers will also spot Pauline Egan, Louis’ friend and co-star from “Through The Pane“.


This month we bring you 232 screencaps from Louis’ oldest IMDb credit: Doing Life (1986).
The story: Tony Danza stars in this drama based on the true story of Jerry Rosenberg – the world’s first convict-turned-attorney. When two cops are dead, and he’s the chief suspect, Jerry finds himself in a maximum security prison awaiting the death penalty. One night, as a fellow inmate is executed, Jerry resolves to save himself by studying law. According to Louis this is not his first professional credit, but it is the first one listed on IMDb where he had a role that was listed in the movie’s playoff. He plays Bobby, a young inmate in the prison who becomes one of Jerry’s friends and students.
You can watch the movie on Amazon Instant Video.
Here is a direct link to the album, or click on the image below:

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book:
Did you realize the book has also been translated into other languages?
Check it out on Mr. Cohen’s page!
Click on the thumbnail of the cover art to go to where you can purchase a copy of the Spanish version of the book, ¿Eres Tan Feliz Como Tu Perro?
Here is this month’s chapter.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Chapter 22: Keep it simple
Munchie deals with what is in front of him. He does not schedule into the next decade or wrestle with the decision over whether to lease or buy the car. None of his brain cells are occupied remembering various PIN numbers.
All of life is exactly where he is.

Jen has a new IMDB listing:
The Whispers (TV Series) (filming) – Episode #1.12 … Tech Specialist
Storyline: An unseen force is manipulating society’s most innocent-our children-to act in favor of its cause. As the kids unwittingly help this unknown enemy, the clock counts down in this suspenseful race to save humanity.
Jen also had a part in the short Mina.Minerva which was screened at the Whistler Film Festival earlier this month on December 4th.
Storyline: When a petty argument nearly pushes seventy-year-old identical twin sisters Mina and Minerva to fisticuffs, decades of unaired baggage threatens to implode their already strained relationship.
Read more about it at Reel West, and follow the movie on Twitter!
Here are two pictures of Jen and husband Ben Ratner at the UBCP/ACTRA Awards 2014:
Jen’s latest SyFy movie A Christmas Tale has been renamed Christmas Icetastrophe. It airs December 20th at 9/8c on Syfy. That’s tonight! Reruns are scheduled for December 21 at 1:30am, December 25 at 9pm and December 26 at 1am.
Storyline: All they want for Christmas is to stop a horrific meteorite from crystallizing their entire town!
On February 9, 2015, her movie Down River will be screened at the Available Light Film Festival in Whitehorse, Yukon.

Rob participated in MPIC Event’s 4th Annual Holiday Poker Party/Toy Drive. Here he is with all kinds of goodies!
Way to go, Rob!!

In the past month Peter posted a few photos on Twitter that speak for themselves…
Peter also shared some great casting news: he plays a part in the new movie Big Eyes!
On New Year’s Eve, he will be doing a show in Calgary at The Laugh Shop Comedy Club.
He is scheduled to appear at Creation Entertainment’s Official Stargate Convention in Chicago, IL on August 14-16, 2015.

Bradley has a new IMDB Listing:
Nightfire (pre-production) – Roger Williams
– Stay tuned for more details!
Over the past few months we have watched Bradley’s screenplay “Silent Hero” steadily work its way to the top of the Big Break Screenwriting Contest. It finished in the top three – out of 7000 entries! Congratulations, Bradley!
Bradley has finished his recurring role as Skipjack on Lizzie Borden: The Fall River Chronicles. He shared two more photos of himself on set:
Many thanks to Alma for tracking down all the Friends updates!

Our French correspondent Anne reports:
Season 2 of Motive has finished airing in France now.
No other ongoing series is broadcast except the Missing series on Téva every night at 6pm.
Here are the French titles for the Season 2 episodes of Motive:
Mauvais karma (Raw Deal)
Légitime défense (They Made Me a Criminal)
Carte maîtresse (Overboard)
Préjugés (Deception)
Sans issue (Dead End)
Faux amis (Bad Blonde)
Le grand saut (Pitfall).
Héritage (Angels with Dirty Faces).
Mère et fils (Abandoned).
Esperanza (Nobody Lives Forever).
Une balle pour Joey (A Bullet for Joey)
Le baiser de la mort (Kiss of Death)
Protéger et servir (For You I Die)
Thanks for all the goodies, Anne!

Ildi reports that Stargate Universe is still shown in syndication in Hungary. It airs on Channels AXN and AXN Black. Thanks, Ildi! Here is the schedule:

Right now it is free to stream Louis’ Star Trek: Voyager episode Once Upon A Time on How long that will be case, no one knows as they seem to be rotating the free episodes. It is also only accessible from the US. So hurry and watch while it’s there! Click on the screencap to watch the episode.
Thanks for the link, Agi!

As of publication time we have had friends from 86 countries and 427 different regions visit this site. Welcome, everybody! We’re so glad you found us! Please visit often and email us and tell us more about you, or leave a message in our guestbook!

Once again it’s time to gear up for the great annual birthday project! Each year The Friends of Louis Ferreira send Louis a box of cheer for his birthday on February 20.
This year’s theme is “Homemade”.
So: make a birthday card from scratch! There’s no need for grand artwork (unless you’re so inclined). Make something from the heart, write something heartfelt, share something from the bottom of your heart.
Alternatively, you can make a donation to one of our charities (see above) or a charity of your choice.
If you’ve participated in a birthday project before – the instructions and mailing address are still the same. If this is your first time or if you’d like the instructions again please send an email to Ferreira Fest.
Be sure to put your card into a larger envelope before you mail it out, and please do not seal the inner envelope. No autograph or contact requests, please – this is strictly to wish Louis a happy birthday.
All cards must arrive here by January 31, 2015, so send them out now, please.
Questions? Please ask.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!
And here’s Louis with a special message for all of his friends here at Ferreira Fest: