Published June 2013
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All newsletters up to Ferreira Fest 44 (including this one) used an off-site image storage system that is now unfortunately defunct.
This means that some photos in these newsletters have been lost.
Whenever possible, photos have been added afterwards.

Woohoo! It’s the 20th of the month, and that means of course it’s time for our monthly party here at Ferreira Fest to celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! This is a very special edition, and we’ve all been waiting for it for a long time. Along with our special features we also have a ton of pictures, news articles, The Reading Series, interviews, a little Q&A and another commentary transcript, so grab a free pineapple drink at the bar and join us!

When Louis first started getting involved in Ferreira Fest about 18 months ago it was our big goal to work towards charitable causes that we – his friends, supporters and fans – could promote. As we’ve learned, setting up such an endeavor is quite involved, and finding just the right causes took time. But we have arrived, and now you, honored party guests, are able to give back something for every photo Louis has shared, every question of yours he’s answered, every tweet of yours he’s responded to, every story of his that has touched us.
Giving to those in need, serving society for the greater good and sharing our good fortunes with those who have fallen upon hard times are essential expressions of the human spirit, and to many of us, including Louis, it comes naturally. Doing good makes you feel good. Giving makes you richer. Sharing creates communities.
Louis sums it up perfectly in this little clip:
LF: Make a small difference by supporting charities. It’s something that I think we all should do. And I think ultimately it’s in the giving back that we serve ourselves.
To that end he has selected two specific charities for us to support, but really, it does not matter who you give to, as long as you do it with goodwill and friendship in your heart.
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
As a father himself Louis has a vested interest in supporting children’s charities. Please visit the official web pages of The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada for much more information, testimonials, case stories and detailed descriptions of outreach and education programs.
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is Canada’s leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth, and families involved with the child welfare system.
They raise and grant funds and develop high-impact programs that are delivered in partnership with 104 child- and youth-serving agencies across the country.
With the support of donors and partners, they help children and youth involved with the child welfare system access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.
Click on the banner to donate now!

The Good Neighbours’ Club in Toronto
During his recent stay in his childhood hometown of Toronto Louis had an opportunity to visit The Good Neighbours’ Club, a daytime shelter for homeless men over the age of 50. Dr. Bruno Scorsone, Executive Director, was kind enough to record a brief message for us, explaining the history and purpose of the organization. Please be sure to visit the official web site of The Good Neighbours’ Club for photos, stories, shared moments and detailed background information on this vital organization in Toronto:
The Good Neighbours’ Club was started in 1933 during the Depression. There were a lot of older men who were wandering the streets that had been to the war and there was nothing for them to do then. Many of them were in very bad shape. So May Birchard* decided to open a center for them, where the men could come in out of the cold.
Today we see between three and four hundred men (per day). They’re not veterans of the war as much but they’re all broken in many ways because of age, because of illness, because of social isolation. Many of them used to be workers and professionals and then things got rough. They lost their jobs, they lost their homes, their family broke down and they ended up on the street.
Something that we hear very often is “I never thought I would end up in the street, staying at a shelter.” Now, the shelters are not very pleasant places. People live there because they have to. They want to get out as quickly as possible and there is nowhere for them to go.
The Good Neighbours’ Club is a place where they can come during the day and they can get fed, they can find some fresh clothes, a shower, a place of welcome, a place to hang around. For older people it’s hard to find another job if they’re sick, if they’ve been injured at work, and depression often sets in and loss of hope. Having a place where they are respected and welcome as human beings is extremely important.
We seem to attract a lot of good people that volunteer and that help us carry on, so I think it’s a blessed place. It’s a good place for people who are in need, it’s a place that makes people who are well off reflect on what life is all about and what is important: the value of friendships, the value of family and human relations. So I think it’s a symbol for the whole community, for the whole city. We are very grateful to everyone who helps out those who are in need.
*Note: May Birchard (died July 30, 1968) was a municipal politician and anti-poverty activist in Toronto.
If you have a safe place to stay tonight please go to our special page and share a little with those who are not so lucky. Click on the banner to go to the donations page now!

While working on Ferreira Fest has always had its own rewards – it is an ongoing learning experience, sometimes frustrating, but always humbling and a labor of love and joy for the many people who contribute every month – our future charity work is what will define us as a community. If you’ve ever wished you could participate more, express your thanks or give something back – now you have two easy ways to do it. Even the smallest amount will make a difference, so give what you are able to give. Every penny is appreciated, no donation is too small, ever.
From the bottom of our hearts and everyone else at Ferreira Fest: THANK YOU.
Ferreira Fest is a wonderful place that we’ve created – now it’s time to share it with others in the same spirit that makes this community special.
From now on there will be monthly updates on our fundraising efforts, along with special events updates for our charities. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

The NBA playoffs are just about over, which means our long wait for new episodes of MOTIVE is almost over! The show airs in the US on ABC at 9pm on Thursday nights. A new episode will air on June 27. Check your local listings for exact times.
The show is now also airing in the UK and will soon air in Germany as well. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Bitte hier lesen!
There is a very nice review/ recap of episode 2 (Crimes of Passion) on pop break.
Reviews can also be found at, and The News-Messenger (where the name change is still news)
A lovely interview with Louis’ co-star Kristin Lehman was posted on Pop Culture Principle, in which she speaks very fondly of Louis and the working relationship between their two characters, as well as the harrowing audition experience that helped them bond.
The official Nielsen Ratings for the first 3 episodes can be found here on TVseriesfinale.
More ratings discussions of the premiere, coupled with the season opener of Rookie Blue can be found on thefutoncritic and TVbythenumbers.
The MOTIVE premiere on ABC also finally launched Louis into the Top 500 on IMDb. Given the fact that there are over 4 million listings on there, this is beyond awesome!
Earlier this month the MOTIVE gang appeared at the CTV Upfront, a large promotional event for CTV shows in the upcoming season. MOTIVE had just been renewed for Season 2, so Louis was there with his colleagues Kristin Lehman and Lauren Holly. You can read a report of the event at TVfeedsmyfamily. Pictures of Louis at the event can be found at gettyimages, CTV_Sheri, CTV Upfront Facebook and frankrizzowerks.
MOTIVE executive producer Erin Haskett posted this gem on Twitter, proving that pictures of Louis can never be too big! Click on the thumbnail for the post. Thanks, Erin!
BFF David DeLuise, not to be outdone, posted a photo of Louis on TV to prove he was watching MOTIVE! Thanks, David!

And yes, there is a special love page for Detective Oscar Vega on tumblr.
It was bound to happen…

A recap of the season 4 opening episode “Surprises” can be found here at zap2it.
And in case you missed it – here are some 800 screencaps of all of Louis’ scenes from his first Rookie Blue appearance (remember we’re being treated to one more so stay tuned! It’s episode 4 or 5, coming up soon!), you can indulge in all the goodness here. Here is a direct link to the photo album:

Earlier this month Bea visited with Louis in Los Angeles to work on our charity projects and catch up. Of course there was the obligatory trip to The Aroma Cafe again where the cup cakes are, well, more like feed bucket cakes, and the coffee will keep you awake for days!
And then… It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…
Portuguese Superman!!!
So our question to you is: what special super powers does Portuguese Superman have?
Leave a comment in the guestbook or forum!

Earlier this year Louis posted a picture of himself and Charlie Chaplin. Here it is again.
We asked Louis about the story behind this curious image. Here is his answer:
FF: This is about the Charlie Chaplin picture that you posted. Do you remember that?
LF: Yeah.
FF: How did that come about?
LF: I went to visit the creators of Goola City, the animated film I did in Vancouver, and they worked at the Jim Henson Studios with the Kermit the Frog on top of it on La Brea, and when I went there I found out that it in fact was originally Charlie Chaplin’s studios! And his theatre was there, and the sound stages were there, and that picture was there, and was just too excited to take a picture next to it. So that’s exactly what happened.
It was a discovery for me that put a big smile on my face. But then I also realized that I was in fact – then it became the Jim Henson Studios, and I got to take pictures of me and the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal, one of my favorite films ever, not to mention I’m a huge Muppet fan, so I was in Heaven. I was absolutely in Heaven that day. It was just so crazy to me, that – you know…
Here is Louis with the Skeksis.

And what would Ferreira Fest be without at least one dog picture!
Louis posted a photo of Billie the bulldog on Twitter at Casey’s request!

While in Los Angeles Bea also had the pleasure of having dinner with Ingrid Rogers and Rob Munic at The Bloom Cafe. Alas – nobody thought about taking pictures!
Rob’s latest event Midnight Makeout Session was wildly popular on June 1, with standing room only. Incidentally, it was performed at the same location where Rob, Ingrid and Louis filmed Dancing Still last year, at Six01 Studios.
Ingrid is now on Twitter! Go to her profile at @theingridrogers and follow her for all her latest news and career developments. For more on Dancing Still visit Ferreira Fest 35.
William Waring, Stargate Universe director and co-commentator on this month’s SGU commentary in part 3, has won a Leo Award for Best Directing in a Dramatic Series for his work on the new sci fi series Continuum. Congratulations, Will!

Here is this month’s installment of the reading series of “Are you as happy as your dog?” by Alan Cohen.
Click on the thumbnail to purchase a copy of the book. As always, our thanks go to Mr. Cohen for giving us permission to publish this reading series. Please visit his website to learn more about his work.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Be honest
I never have to figure out what’s on Munchie’s mind.
When he is happy, he wags his tail. If he isn’t feeling well, he cries.
When he wants to play he jumps into my lap. When he doesn’t feel like playing, he walks away.
Munchie has never lied to me, and I trust him.

MOTIVE co-star Lauren Holly is a true Twitter fiend and a veritable treasure trove for Louis pictures. Here are just a few she’s posted lately – click on the thumbnails to go to her actual posts. And go ahead and follow her on Twitter @LaurenHolly for tons of fun posts and Louis pictures! Please thank her for sharing these gems!

Finally, our friend Lauro Monteiro posted a picture of himself and Louis playing pool. Thanks for sharing, Lauro!

No doubt MOTIVE made it onto the cover of a lot of TV Guides and magazines.
Here is another one we were able to get a hold of, from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Sadly, except for a very short snippet on page 2 there was no article to go with the cover photo.

The links pages for available movies and TV shows for the US have been updated – click on the link in the side bar. Thanks to Casey who diligently tracks down this huge bag of fleas on a regular basis! Need more Louis in your life? Go to the links page and indulge. Need to give someone a hint on what to give you for your birthday/ wedding/ graduation/ midsummer/ National Peanut Butter Day/ Christmas/ insert-your-own-occasion day? Send them to the links page. And remind them that donating to our two charities is a perfect gift for all seasons!
For those of you who have asked about Louis being at Dragon*Con this year: it might actually happen! We can’t confirm anything at this point but as soon as we have something we can safely pass on we promise we will, so stay tuned for a special post in the very near future and keep your fingers crossed.

DVD: SGU Season One – Episode Twelve “Divided” part 2 Commentary with Director William Waring, actors Louis Ferreira, Elyse Levesque, Julia Benson and script coordinator Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. Transcript by Casey.
Note: Commentaries are recorded while the actors, directors and producers watch the episode and provide their insight into its filming. There are often multiple conversations taking place at the same time as well as the episode soundtrack playing the background. We will attempt to piece those conversations together to decrease reader confusion. At times, the commentators get caught up watching an episode and fail to discuss which will be noted as [episode soundtrack]. We will note scene progression by first sentence using the GateWorld transcript of the episode for tracking purposes.
Listen to the sound file here:
[Scene: CONTROL INTERFACE ROOM. Eli and Chloe. CHLOE: I want to see the alien ship. ELI: You know it’s just parked there to track us?]
EL – David had so much stuff to do in these scenes, in these sequences, all shot together, and he had all these specific things he had to touch, and…
[Scene: Chloe walks closer to Eli as they watch Kino footage of the alien fighter ship stuck to the underside of Destiny. CHLOE: How long has it been on the ship?]
EL – (laughs)
LF – Julia, what is wrong with her?
JB – I don’t know. (laughs)
EL – It’s the chocolate! You gave me the chocolate. It’s your fault. You brought this in here.
LF – I feel like I’m with some sort of like… what’s happened? What’s going on with…?
EL – Take them away!
LF – She’s like – what happened? What time is it?
EL & LF – (laugh)
EL – I’m not… I have yoga brain!
LF – (laughs) Oh my god!
JB – I’m hearing a lot of silence!
EL – (laughs)
LF – Me too!
EL – I feel uncomfortable. I feel like I need to fill the void of silence! I panic!
[Scene: Scott fires on the alien ship, it breaks free from Destiny.]
JB – This is another cute one.
LF – Go…
EL – (laughs)
LF – Look! Another cute… that’s not a shuttle.
EL – No!
[Scene: After Scott fires three more shots at the alien ship, it explodes.]
LF – Whoa!
EL – Kablooey.
LF – See, we don’t get to see these effects until after… the fact, obviously.
EL – You have to use your imagination a lot.
LF – The sci-fi, have you guys… had you done a lot of sci-fi before this show?
EL – Yeah, being in Vancouver, yeah.
LF – You have? Yeah.
EL – Yeah, I’ve done quite a bit.
LF – Julia?
JB – Yeah, I had done Atlantis.
LF – Okay. It’s a different…
JB – And, yeah, Supernatural.
EL – And Supernatural… that’s right, yeah!!
JB – Supernatural! (laughs)
LF – Oh, what the hell is that?!
EL & JB – (laugh)
LF – Is that the same thing? Or is it the two guys on it, or something. Two handsome boys?
EL – Yeah, it’s the handsome boys.
JB – Cute boys!
EL – Sam and Dean Winchester!
LF – Wow! Just…
JB – (laughs)
EL – You can save me any day of the week!
LF – Wow!
[Scene: HYDROPONICS LAB. T.J. enters, catching Brody off guard. T.J. smiles and sits down. Brody nods nervously. Volker calls him over radio.]
EL – I love this room! With the… I’ve never seen it. I never saw the actual set. So I was surprised to see that in Space. When I saw that I was like, what a great set!
JB – I know.
[Scene: HYDROPONICS LAB. Brody switches off his radio, looks at T.J. nervously. BRODY: That was… that was just, um, Volker and his… Bridge club, so…]
EL – Terrible liar!
LF – He’s a horrible liar!
(All laugh)
[Scene: SHUTTLE. Young in pilot’s seat.]
LF – (deep voice) Look I had, I clearly had some food!
EL & JB – (laugh)
JB – We’re a big cast of eaters, so…
EL – Yeah.
LF – No, but, but the reality is… no, no, I’ve been really, so, you know, we all, on some level, we’re all supposedly we’d be losing weight.
EL & JB – Yeah.
LF – That’s been, is that a challenge for you? Because it really was something I was very aware of all the time.
EL – Yeah.
LF – Still, to this… you know…
[Episode soundtrack plays.]
[Scene: CONTROL INTERFACE ROOM. Chloe watches over Eli’s shoulder as Eli tries to engage docking clamps for the shuttle from his own controls.]
LF – What are you (Chloe) doing hanging around?
EL – Just, you know, making sure he’s not lonely.
LF – You’ve never… you’ve never cared before?
EL – Well, you know, people change. (giggles)
LF – (giggles) Clearly.
[Scene: CONTROL INTERFACE ROOM. Chloe walks around the room keeping Eli in her line of sight. She sees something on a console and calls him over. Eli looks at it. ELI: What the hell?]
LF – You really do, sometimes shots of you, those baby blue husky eyes of yours are ridiculous. Like they’re… yeah.
EL – Thanks. Thank you.
[Scene: CONTROL INTERFACE ROOM. Chloe watches Eli. ELI (on radio to Young): Someone’s transferring controls to another station. I-I… I’ve got nothing.]
EL – Watch this sneaky ninja move I pull.
JB – Chloe! I know!
EL – Sneaky ninja move.
LF – When? When?
EL – Wait for it. Wait for it. You might not even see it.
LF – Wait, what happens?
EL – Might not even see it happen.
[Scene: CONTROL INTERFACE ROOM: Eli and Young discuss the problem over radio. Chloe glances at Eli, sneaks off behind his back without him noticing.]
EL – Schwing! Don’t even notice!
LF – Was that it?
EL – Yes.
JB – She knows!
LF – What’d you do?
EL – Uh, I’m off! Just wait! (laughs)
LF – (chuckles)
JB – She’s bad!
EL – Schwing!
[Scene: SHUTTLE. Young listens to Eli (on the radio) tell him what will happen if shuttle is not locked down when ship goes into FTL. ELI: I’m not sure, but I think the shuttle would be vaporized.]
LF – Oh!
JB – (fearful sigh)
LF – Death, again?
EL – With them on board!? That’s not good.
[Scene: CORRIDORS. Chloe running.]
LF – Tsk-tsk-tsk.
EL – I’m going to fix it!
JB – (laughs)
EL – Geesh! I’m in over my head. What can I say?
[Scene: Greer is in a CORRIDOR. Young tells Greer to take a detail and find Rush. GREER: Yes, sir. Greer turns and strides off quickly.]
LF – My Jamil! I love my Jamil!
[Episode soundtrack plays.]
[Scene: RESEARCH LAB. Rush tries to convince Eli (over radio) to let him finish transferring controls. Wray enters. WRAY: What’s going on?]
JB – He’s a lot of work, hey?
LF – Oh! (chuckles)
EL – Yeah!
LF – It just has a different feel than all the other episodes. Like, that was the thing about, I think, Felix, like, he really…
LBW – Just feels a bit bigger.
LF – Yeah, yeah, he uses his cameras in a different way.
EL & JB – Yes!
LF – And I love that. I think that’s like really, you know, if you’re a director for television, that’s the best that you can do, is, yeah. Yeah, he comes under a lot. He uses the camera while low and wide.
EL – That’s great.
LF – But to put your kind of, like, stamp on it. Like an actor trying to get his brand or his identity. The director does the same thing with their style. Like you always know a Peter DeLuise episode. It’s very specific.
EL – Yeah. That’s true.
(continued in Ferreira Fest 43)

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!