Published June 2022
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It’s the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere (although many of us have been sweating in the heat for several weeks) and since it’s the 20th of the month it’s time for our monthly Ferreira Fest gathering where we check in with Louis Ferreira, his friends and chosen charities. This month we have the start of a new interview series with Louis’ neighbor and friend Arvena Tokarek, our exclusive Reading Series, screen caps, photos, a new recipe and so much more! Grab a slice of homemade Chocolate Chip Banana Bread and a refreshing pineapple cocktail at our virtual bar and come on in!

Upcoming Portugal Trip Alert!
If you are going to be in Portugal this Fall please let us know! Louis is planning a trip after the summer and would love to meet up with his Portuguese friends!

Ability Online
The upcoming Whisky for a Cause Fundraiser is still a few months away but it’s time to make reservations now! Click on the image to book your place!
If you’re looking for a comfortable place to hang out, make friends, and feel good about yourself then Ability Online is the place for you. On Ability Online, everyone looks the same – we’re just friends meeting friends.
Our online communities are comprised primarily of people who share the challenges associated with disabilities and/or chronic illness, but everyone is welcome to participate!
The whole point of Ability Online is to have a fully integrated online community, proving the point that there are no disabilities online. So welcome aboard everyone! In our online community you can exchange public or private messages on a whole range of topics ranging from medical mysteries to animal stories. We also offer lively chat facilities, skill development modules, games, and activities. And we’re especially proud of our mentors, who provide patient and caring peer support.
You will also have access to our amazing forums, where you can read messages posted by other members, and respond if you wish, or create your own! Forums are organized by topics to make it easier for you to find the types of messages you are interested in. Forums are at the core of the Ability Online environment and provide an open invitation to start a conversation with a friend who shares your interests.
Ability Gives is our equipment grant program, started in the Spring of 2012 with the generous support from the Pollack Family. Ability Gives is dedicated to helping families acquire necessary equipment and aids for children (under 18 years of age) with a disability or a complex medical condition. We have given the gift of independence to more than 200 children to date, valued at over $450,000!
And you can always help by donating to the general fund – simply click on the logo below!

Haven Toronto
There are thousands of men over the age 50 in shelters in Toronto annually. Hundreds more sleep outdoors and in precarious accommodations. The number of seniors who are homeless has doubled in four years.
Haven Toronto is their sanctuary, a place where they can feel at home, where they are always welcome and treated with dignity and respect. We serve thousands of clients from over 60 countries. Though they come for many of the same reasons, each person is unique, welcome and respected.
Why Price Doesn’t Matter For Some People
Elder homeless men cannot afford to buy simple necessities like toothpaste, shampoo, socks or shoes. When prices go up, the most basic items are even further out of reach.
Haven Toronto is a tireless advocate for affordable housing and fights elder discrimination in all areas of life.
If you want to make sure your charitable donations have an immediate impact please consider shopping on Haven Toronto’s Shop & Share site: every item you buy there goes directly to an elder homeless man in need – no middle man required!
Of course you can also give to the general operating fund of the organization by clicking on the logo below. Please note that you will be linked to our very own donations page which still bears the former name of the shelter – The Good Neighbours Club. Your donation will still arrive at Haven Toronto.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
At The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada we understand that youth in vulnerable circumstances struggle to feel like they belong. Often the experiences they face growing up in care can affect their ability to build relationships and trust others.
Community events are an amazing place to help people find the family they deserve. This Pride Month, we want to help connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth to a community where they can be around people who love and support them for who they are.
Here are some Community Pride events taking place across Canada this month:
Edmonton, AB Pride Charity Drag Brunch – June 26 @ 11AM (Churchill Square)
Lethbridge, AB Pride Parade – June 25 @ 11AM (Civic Centre Park)
Surrey, BC PRIDE Festival – June 25 @ 4PM-9PM (Central City Mall)
Victoria, BC Pride Parade – June 26 @ 11AM (Victoria West)
Truro, NS Pride Parade – June 25 @ 2PM (Colchester Legion Stadium)
Toronto, ON Pride Parade – June 26 @ 2PM (Bloor & Church St.)
You can always read the latest news online at The Buzz or subscribe to the newsletter for convenient delivery to your email inbox!
To help support kids and youth in the foster care system, please click on the logo below. Donating is easy and secure, and every penny helps!

Every once in a while photos from Louis’ past shows pop up in various locations on the internet – here is a lovely cast photo of the critically acclaimed but short-lived show Trinity.
Trinity was an American family drama television series created by Matthew Carnahan that aired on the broadcast network NBC from October 16, 1998 to November 6, 1998. Among the main cast was Louis Ferreira, Jill Clayburgh, Tate Donovan, and Sam Trammell.
Set in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, Bobby McAllister, a detective from a working-class Irish Catholic family looks after his family members.
Louis (second on right) played the main character Detective Bobby McAllister.

And here’s a photo of Louis, Jackie, Lauren Holly and Christian Majewski all hanging out together.
Lauren played Medical Examiner Dr. Betty Rogers in the series Motive, who turned out to be Louis’ character’s love interest.

This month we have a very special interview guest at Ferreira Fest – Louis’ friend and neighbor Arvena Tokarek.
We’ll let Louis introduce her:
“Hello friends, say hello to Arvena, AKA Rennie. She’s the best! She’s my 85 year old neighbor in Vancouver and we often get together to share stories and experiences and I’m always blown away by what she has to say.
So enjoy, my friends, and every happiness to all – always.”
Here he is with his friend in her living room!
Thanks to Casey and Paco for the transcript!

FF – Hi Arvena, this is Bea from Ferreira Fest and I’m so happy to be talking to you today. Welcome to Louis’ friends and Ferreira Fest guests! Let’s get started by having you tell us a little bit about yourself. So, who is Arvena, and what gets you up in the morning?
AT – Well, my body gets me up at five o’clock. It says to me, “You get up now, or you won’t get up today.” So, I listen to my body and I get up, then I start my day. I’m 85 years old, but I have no idea that I am, until I look in the mirror. Then I realize I’m 85 years old.

I’m of pretty healthy Ukrainian stock. I was born on a farm in Saskatchewan. And I did all the farm things that young people did, at that time. The horses, the cows, the chickens, the goats. People would say to me now, when they see pictures of me with horses, and they were huge horses, “Weren’t you afraid of them?”
I said, “Well, nobody told me to be afraid.” You don’t know that you’re supposed to be afraid of anything until somebody tells you to be afraid.
FF – Isn’t that the truth.
AT – It’s true. They put me on one of those horses, it was like being in an easy chair. I was little, they were big, and away we’d go.
I loved the farm. But in 1947, when I was 10, we came to Vancouver. Of course, I will be forever grateful, because this is a lovely city. The weather is perfect. I think of Saskatchewan now, and you have to be hardy to live in Saskatchewan.
And I was very political throughout my life. My mother and father were founding members of the New Democratic Party, which is a left-leaning party here in Canada. It’s the third party, if you will. And I worked for the party. Not the government, the party, for, well, I retired after 25 years.
So, I’m very political. I enjoy politics. I enjoy your politics. It makes me wonder now and again. I’m political. I’m going to be honest with you.
FF – That’s fantastic. That sounds so interesting.
What does a typical day look like for you? I mean, you’re retired, so what is it that you do day by day? And what do you like to do for fun? Do you have any hobbies? We’ve established that you’re very politically engaged. So, I’m assuming that is still happening. But what do you do day in, day out? And what do you do for fun?

AT – Well, I’ve got a beautiful apartment. I’ve had it since 1993. And I love interior decorating. So, I get up and I’ll go to maybe an auction and see what I can get but now, at my age, I realize that’s a little silly because I shouldn’t even buy green bananas at my age! But I don’t have any children so I have no children to leave things to so I’m trying to curb that desire to go to auctions and get things because, I have a book as a matter of fact, and it’s my friends, Paul and Chris, who are going to be looking after everything when I exit stage right. And it’s called The Paul and Chris Playbook. And it tells them everything, who I want to get what.
Now, when I have friends come in, I tell them, “You tell me what you want here”. And I’ll put it in the book and you can have it when I’m gone.
FF – That sounds like such a good idea.
AT – Well, especially, I have no brothers and sisters either. And I have some beautiful antiques. And I really don’t want them ending up in a thrift store. I’d rather them go to my friends.
FF – To somebody who truly appreciates it, yeah.
AT – Yeah, yeah. But, I can’t stand to be in the house all day. And I get in my car, I go for a drive, as I say, if there’s an auction, or Goodwill or something I’ll go and see what they have.
I have some neighbors who are elderly and I go shopping for them. My day is full. I’ll do anything, I’ll go anywhere. I’m still healthy to do it.
FF – That’s fantastic. Wow! So, you keep pretty busy then?

AT – Oh! Every day! Every day I’m doing something. I figure I don’t want to waste a minute because, you know, at 85, the clock is ticking. So, my father lived to 101 and my mother lived to 96. But they didn’t have the misspent youth that I did so I don’t think I’ll reach that goal.
FF – Well, you certainly got the pedigree to go for that! That sounds great. Right, well, we’ve mentioned that you’ve been around for a while. You’ve mentioned that you’re 85. I’m sure you have a million stories to share. Tell us about what was your biggest adventure. The biggest adventure you’ve been on in your lifetime.
AT – Well, in the fifties, which I call my halcyon days, I was a singer. I sang in pubs, as a matter of fact, I even went across the line into Washington state and sang at some, I think it was called The Breakers, and The Reef. And I remember, the place was blue with smoke. But I had such a good time. I was with a country and western band and those were wonderful times.
And, you know, you didn’t make much money, but you had a wonderful time. You met wonderful people. It was… the fifties were a gentle, gentle time. I can remember in school, we didn’t lock the door because if we did and I needed a key, I’d lose it anyway. Nobody locked their door, why would they? There was no need.

But, it’s a different world now.
FF – Absolutely.
AT – But, the fifties, they truly were happy days. And I remember when I went to work for the first time, it was summer holidays, and I made a hundred dollars a month.
I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven. This hundred dollars was, well, I ruled the world with this hundred dollars. Two months, July and August. And of course, that paid for all my schooling for the coming year. But, it’s a different world now.
FF – Now you can barely fill your gas tank for that!
AT – Well, there again, Bea, I know gas is, and it’s very expensive here, I think it’s about eight dollars a gallon here. But I do not complain because I figure if I start complaining, sell the car! I just won’t. I won’t complain about it. And, you know, the food prices are going up. I will not complain. I don’t want, at this stage of my career, I don’t want to complain about eating, about paying for food, for gas. I don’t want to do that to myself. Because I can see what it’s doing to people. And I know it’s a hardship for some people, but I just don’t want to complain.
FF – I hear you. Well, you just mentioned that you had a lot of stuff going for you in the fifties, and Louis had mentioned I should ask what was the most interesting decade of your life, what was the most interesting decade that you lived through, would you say that was the fifties? And, was there anything else?
AT – Oh, absolutely!
AT – Absolutely. Those were the days when I was crazy about movies and movie stars. But they were real movie stars. You didn’t see them in torn pants. You saw them glamored up and I loved it because they were there, I was here and it was something, not to aspire to because there was no way I wanted to be them, but I loved to watch them. I loved the movies. The Bette Davis movies especially. Especially Bette Davis. And my favorite, all time favorite, movie of course is All About Eve.
The people were different then. They weren’t combative. And I wonder if it was because the war had ended in ‘45. Things were good. You could buy a house on the income of one person. The dad. So, to live a good life, there was no stress like there is now. So, the fifties were, as I say, my halcyon days.
FF – Wonderful. So, listen, since you’ve been around for a while, you’ve seen the world change quite a bit. Can you tell us about a time when you were able to witness history in the making? When you felt something, whoa, this is big, this is important, this is going to change the world.
AT – I think the biggest thing was the fall of the Berlin Wall. My cousin was there. He was working for ABC. As a matter of fact, I have a piece of the Berlin Wall in a shadow box.
FF – That’s fantastic.
AT – I think that’s probably one of the biggest. The assassination of John Kennedy. It’s not my country, but that hit me so hard because that truly was Camelot. I had such high hopes for my American cousins. And then it seemed that that day, everything changed. Everything changed. Their innocence changed. And the countries, we are cousins, there’s no doubt about that. Sometimes distant cousins, but cousins nonetheless. That, I think, was a heartbreak for me. I had just been married. I got married on November the 9th, and on November 22nd, it just, I think it took a lot out of me. That was hard.
Let’s see. I have been to Europe twice. And now I think it’s, I don’t think you can go to Europe on 5 dollars a day like you did in the sixties like I did.
FF – Probably not!
AT – No, no! But, I did. I traveled to Europe on five dollars a day. And now I think it’s probably closer to five hundred dollars a day.
FF – Well, depending on where you’re going! Where did you travel in Europe? What countries did you visit?
AT – Well, I started in England and went to France, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia. One of my favorites was Switzerland. Lucerne especially. Lucerne, Switzerland.
FF – Oh, Lucerne is beautiful.
AT – Yeah. Yeah. To the Grotto. Where the lion is. Yeah, that brought tears to my eyes. Oh, one of my favorite spots was the Isle of Capri. That was, the Blue Grotto, where you have to lay down in the boat.
FF – Yeah, yeah.
AT – That was one of my favorite spots. But I liked the museums and the musty smell of the Escorial in Spain. There’s a coach museum in Lisbon with all the coaches throughout the years. They are so beautiful. And I went there one morning ‘til finally, they had to throw me out. I think it was about six o’clock. They finally said, “I think you’d better leave now.” I spent all day in this museum of the coaches.
FF – Oh wow!
AT – Oh, I loved that.
FF – Well, Europe is certainly a nice place to visit. Very diverse. Lots of things to look at.
AT – Yeah, and the people, in Holland, because the Canadians liberated Holland, I couldn’t buy myself a drink. If they knew you were Canadian. They’d invite you to home, to have a meal with them. They didn’t know me from Adam, but they love Canadians in Holland.
FF – That’s wonderful.
AT – That was touching.
FF – Yeah. That’s beautiful. So, please tell us about an idea or a principle that has guided your life. And how you came to realize its value.
AT – The one thing I think I’ve thought of throughout my life, and my mother taught me this…two things my mother taught me that I never forgot. “Today’s suntan is tomorrow’s wrinkles.” And I was the kid, at the beach, with this big hat. And all the others were playing, and my mother would never let me sit at the beach without a big sunhat. That was one thing.
And another thing she taught me is “Always be kind to people because you don’t know what they’re going through at that particular moment.” And I lived with that. Be kind to people. Because you just don’t know what’s going on in their life. They could be inches from falling apart. So, that’s the two things I think I remember most.

FF – That will certainly get you a long way. That is awesome. So, how did you meet Louis? He mentioned that you’re a neighbor?
AT – Yeah, well, I’ve been in this apartment now 29, 30 years. And he was looking for an apartment. He was with his real estate agent, and I happened to be downstairs and he just asked me a few questions. As a matter of fact, at this moment, I’ve got his dog, Giancarlo, is on my bed. I babysit Giancarlo because I lost a dog and I need a dog around me. So, he allows me to have his dog.
Anyway, I met him that way. And then, we became friends. He would come up, and I’m his, oh, what’s it called…because I have chocolates and candies all over the place, in here. And he doesn’t like to eat them at home. But he’ll come up and eat chocolates up here. So, I get lots of visits from him.
FF – He mentioned that you’re Giancarlo’s Grandma.
AT – Oh, yeah, that’s my Granddog.
FF – Granddog… That is perfect!
AT – And, Giancarlo, he just loves me so much. I mean, he’s not allowed on the bed when he’s there, but he’s allowed on my bed. And he knows it. He knows, he can get away with anything at Grannie’s.
FF – He’s a sweet little dog. I’ve met him several times. He’s a great lapdog. He’s a cutie.

AT – Oh, he’s wonderful. Did you meet Billie Holliday?
FF – I did meet Billie, yeah. I also met Charlie. I don’t think you met Charlie, the big Goldendoodle that Louis used to have. So, I met Charlie, that was a long time ago. But I did meet Billie and Giancarlo.
AT – Billie’s going through some tough moments right now.
FF – Poor Billie. But she’s a tough little dog. And you know she’s well taken care of. And I know she’s having her best life in her circumstances. It’s the best it can be. And that’s all that anybody can ask for really.

Well, Arvena, we’re almost at the end. As I mentioned earlier, this interview will go out to readers and listeners in over a hundred countries. So now here’s a chance for you to send them all a message, some advice, a wish or a piece of wisdom.
AT – Well, I would say, it’s what my mother told me years ago: Always be kind, because you never know what a person is going through at that particular time, and the way you would react with people determines how that day is going to go for someone.
That would be it.
FF – All right! That is certainly sage advice. Well, Arvena, thank you so much for your time. And I hope you have a great rest of your day!
AT – Thank you so much, Bea! I enjoyed this, thank you!
FF – Thank you Arvena, bye-bye.
AT – Bye-bye.

Here are Louis’ TV listings for the upcoming week:
Shooter – SHO/ SHOe
Wednesday 22 June, 8:00 PM
Saturday 25 June, 9:00 PM
Sunday 26 June, 9:45 PM
Tuesday 28 June, 8:00 PM
Thursday 30 June, 10:00 PM
Friday 1 July, 2:00 PM
A marksman living in exile is coaxed back into action after hearing of a plot to kill the President. After being-double crossed for the attempt and on the run, he sets out for the real killer and the truth.
See screen caps here!
NCIS 913: A Desperate Man – PARAMOUT
Saturday 25 June, 12:00 PM
Monday 27 June, 10:00 PM
A navy lieutenant is murdered, and the team investigates while being interrupted by her husband (Louis Ferreira), who is a detective; Ray Cruz returns to talk to Ziva about their possible future together.
See screen caps here!
Check here every week for current TV airings!

This month we have 278 screen caps from the Missing season 3 episode #303 Unnatural Disaster for you!
Logline: A boy is found after a hurricane only to go missing when he is taken to a hospital.
Louis plays FBI Assistant Director John Pollock. Co-starring was Caterina Scorsone, who is also the daughter of Bruno Scorsone, former director of Haven Toronto, then called The Good Neighbours Club.
Here is a direct link to the album:

The fourth monthly reading series continues in Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns.
Unlike previous readers, this volume was published as a hardcover book within the Level 3 series of the Mr. Mugs readers. It was originally released in 1968. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age.
You can listen to all the previous book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
Here is this month’s chapter.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Chapter 23: Pat Runs Away (Part 2)

He thought of the nest
away up in the tree.
He thought of Mark and Tom
and of the clubhouse.
Then he thought of Mother.
Something inside Pat made him
want to go home.
He was sorry for going near the nest.
He was sorry he ran away.
He looked around.
He didn’t know what street this was.
“Oh, Mr. Mugs, where are we?
I can’t see the house!” Pat said.
“Let’s go back, Mr. Mugs.
I want to see Mommy!”
Back they went – a sad little boy
and a sad dog.
Mother saw the two up the street.

When Pat and Mr. Mugs got
near the House, Mother went out.
Pat ran to Mother. He cried and cried.
“I’m sorry for going away, Mommy.
I’m sorry for going near the nest.”
Pat cried. He loved Mother
and he wanted to be a good boy.
Mother looked at her little boy.
“Don’t cry,” she said.
“Let’s go inside.
I’m sorry you ran away but
I’m happy you’re back.
I won’t have to punish you
this time, Pat.
You did that for me.
Come into the bedroom, Pat.
I have a story for you.”

Alaina Huffman
Alaina was celebrating with her colleagues of her recent movie Jonah, a science fiction story starring Alaina as well as Osric Chau and Ken Kirby.
We’ll have more info in the film in the near future. Congrats to Alaina for another project completed!

Greyston Holt
Greyston has enlisted his partner Cristina Rosato as a model for some gorgeous views of his home, Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver.

Troy Mundle
Troy (the Storm Trooper in the middle) is celebrating the release of Chapter 2 of Bucketheads, a fan-generated Star Wars story.
Logline: After the Empire suffered its costly defeat on Endor, things appear dire for Nova Squad.
You can watch it here.

Dennis Heaton
Netflix’ Geeked Week just premiered the teaser for Dennis’ new show The Imperfects, which means that we can now share the news! Watch it right here!
“A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022.
Three outsiders – lamentable leftovers of science experiments gone bad – band together to search for the Mad Scientist who conducted those experiments and transformed each of them into something that isn’t quite human anymore…”
Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hopes of reversing the side-effects… but also they’re being chased by a government agency, dealing with college applications, teenage romance, random monster mutations, and all of sorts of coming of age related dramas. Oh, and the government agency has tanks.
The show features Italia Ricci, Iñaki Godoy, Morgan Taylor Campbell, Rhianna Jagpal, and Rhys Nicholson and was created by show-runner Dennis Heaton, and the creative minds behind The Order, Fargo and Van Helsing.

Eric Banerd
Eric’s company Even Better Painting is busy making the Greater Vancouver area a much prettier place!
Contact them if your place needs a facelift!
“We gave this home a refresh with Sherwin-Williams Salty Dog on all stucco siding.
Exterior painting can completely change the look of your home, and helps to protect the structure from the elements!”

David Dingess
Here is the cover for David’s new album Dave’s Day in Manhattan, coming this Summer. Photo by Vita Phoenix, taken at Tony’s Di Napoli in New York City.
We’ll let you know when the album is available!
And here are two moments of the favorite part of David’s day!

Peter Kelamis
Several years ago Peter voiced the character Whiplash in the animated series Iron Man: Armored Adventures.
A recent post shows a pivotal scene (SPOILER ALERT!!). You can watch it here.
Peter has been on the road a lot, travelling from one Convention to the next. Here are some memories from his recent appearances.
And finally, two recent black-and-white selfies that Peter shared:

Bradley Stryker
Bradley writes:
“Here’s a 35mm still taken by the talented Ryan Broomberg, our DOP on Momma Bird, a film I wrote and directed in Louisiana, January of 2022. The stunning production design was done by @benjifromwanderlab and @liamfromwanderlab.”

Our friend (and frequent Louis photo supplier) Jackie has an Instagram feed for sharing her culinary creations. Every month she will contribute a recipe you can all try out, knowing that the result will be both nutritious and delicious! Be sure to follow her!
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
“Try my fluffy, moist and easy to make vegan/ gluten free banana bread. It’s so delicious and made with wholesome ingredients. Yumm! Happy baking, friends!”
3-4 very ripe bananas 1 3/4 cups pureed
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup oat or almond milk
½ cup light brown or coconut sugar
1 flax egg or egg replacer
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Dry Ingredients:
1 cup oat flour
2 cups Bob’s Red Mill GF flour blend
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ tsp cinnamon
¾ cup chocolate chips plus more for topping
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Combine 1 tbsp of ground flax seeds or egg replacer with 2.5 tbsp of water and set aside.
- Add the bananas to a blender and puree until no lumps remain. Measure and make sure you have 1 3/4 cup worth.
- Transfer to a bowl and add in all remaining wet ingredients. Whisk together.
- In a separate bowl, measure, whisk and sift in all remaining dry ingredients aside from the chocolate chips. Mix well.
- Gently fold in the chocolate chips.
- Add the batter to a loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with additional chocolate chips.
- Bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. In my oven, a toothpick is usually clean at 50 minutes, but I add a few extra minutes to ensure the center is fully cooked.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
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Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!