Published February 2022.
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Like every month on the 20th we gather here online to check in with Louis Ferreira, his friends and chosen charities. But this is no ordinary day – it’s Louis’ birthday, and the reason why Ferreira Fest is always published on the 20th day of the month. To celebrate the occasion we debut a brand-new column, So Berry Nutritious, a monthly offering of a delicious vegan recipe by our frequent contributor Jackie! We also have lots of friends and charities news, rare screen caps, our exclusive Reading Series, new photos and much more! Grab a plate with Jackie’s fabulous cake and come on in!

The 2022 Birthday Project has been concluded and delivered to Louis, and this year it arrived in plenty of time as we didn’t have to dodge Presidents’ Day!
We collected 628 birthday wishes and raised US $62.80 for Haven Toronto. This means about CDN $80 have been sent to Toronto’s only daytime shelter for elder homeless men where the money will be used to provide much needed clothing.
Here are some pictures of the clothesline all wound up on a reel. The clothesline is over 200 feet long and contains over 1200 tiny little clothespins!

Happy Birthday, Louis!

Ability Online
Ability Online has a brand-new webpage! Check it out!
Pink Shirt Day in Canada began in 2007 when a new student in grade 10 was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. The next day, two of his classmates decided to purchase pink shirts and distributed them to other boys in the school to show their support against bullying. Since then, over 180 countries have participated and shared their support for Pink Shirt Day through donations, social media, and by wearing pink. Click here to donate!
Ability Online has been bully-free since 1990!
For over 30 years, we have provided a supportive and safe online community that fosters positive attitudes, builds self-esteem, and inspires involvement which contributes to emotional health and wellness. Anti-bullying is at our core. We have always maintained a high level of security and member screening that is used to help protect our members and keep our site bully-free. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Join the online community
- Support Ability Gives and help fund-raise for needed equipment
- Give to the general operating fund for Ability Online or click on the logo below!

Haven Toronto
We are so happy to support Haven Toronto with this year’s Birthday Project. While there are numerous ways in which everyone can make a difference by donating to the organization our contribution will be specifically used for urgently needed clothing items.
Here is the 2021 Statement Of Impact.
- A Message From Lauro Monteiro, Executive Director of Haven Toronto
I believe a year ago I wrote that we had never experienced a time in our 88-year history like 2020. We saw record numbers that year in terms of supports, including the most meals we’d ever served.
Well, to quote Yogi Berra, “It’s déjà vu all over again in 2021.”
Following 2020’s record year in the face of a pandemic, instead of just holding down the fort or sitting on our hands, we took steps at Haven Toronto to improve the programs and supports that we provide elder men impacted by poverty, homelessness and isolation.
While helping more clients than ever, serving a record 108,000+ meals, and seeing mental health and addiction supports increase by 380% and 345%, respectively:
- we worked with community partners to provide weekly onsite vaccination clinics that continue to this day,
- we used the launch of ‘Walktober’, a new annual event, to raise awareness of the barriers elder homeless men face when attempting to access vital supports,
- we debuted a ‘Rent Support’ program that helps clients move into permanent housing, and
- we launched a ‘Foot Clinic’, a support critical to the immediate and long-term health and wellbeing of clients.
Going into 2021, we weren’t sure if we had the capacity or infrastructure to exceed 2020’s results. Expenses in 2021 spiked. For example, food costs were up 518%. However, we had the support of the community, of individual donors, foundations and corporations that made it possible for us to move the needle forward. For that we are truly grateful.
Thank you.
Lauro Monteiro
Executive Director
If you missed the Birthday Project you can simply go to Haven Toronto’s Shop & Share site: anything you purchase there goes directly to an elder homeless man in need, and there’s something for every budget, starting at $1!
Of course you can also give to the general operating fund of the organization by clicking on the logo below. Please note that you will be linked to our very own donations page which still bears the former name of the shelter – The Good Neighbours Club. Your donation will still arrive at Haven Toronto.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
The over 63,000 children and youth in care in Canada often grow up in difficult and damaging circumstances. Sometimes this means that being homeless is better than being at home. Compounding this trauma is the sense of isolation that comes from not having the stable support of friends or family that most of us take for granted.
Right now, there are approximately 63,000 Canadian children living in permanent care with foster families, extended family, or in group homes.
Across the country, 235,000 children and youth have been identified as having experienced or being at risk of experiencing abuse and neglect. Sadly, this number is likely much higher as this only reflects the cases reported.
The reasons why children come into care are complex but are never a child’s fault. They can include poverty, addiction, mental health challenges, isolation and lack of a parenting support network, and the legacy of intergenerational trauma.
These kids need our help, because without support, they face incredible barriers to a brighter future. Less than 50% of youth in and from care graduate from high school and youth from care are 200 times more likely than their peers to experience homelessness. Additionally, 82% of kids in care are diagnosed with special needs and nearly all kids in and from care have experienced childhood trauma.
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada provides many desperately needed services to children and youth in foster care, to help them succeed in their transition out of foster care and into adulthood.
You can always read up on the latest news in the online newsletter The Buzz. To make a donation, please click on the logo below – it’s simple and secure, and every penny helps!

Saw IV
The Saw horror series is still going strong, and every so often it makes the headlines again with a new instalment. An article by Joséphine Michèle ranks every single trap in all the Saw movies.
Louis played the character Art Blank, lawyer of the infamous Jigsaw, and the rare character who was caught in two traps. The Saw franchise contains 62 brutal traps. How do each of these highly creative and highly gory Jigsaw tests rank against one another?
The Saw IV Mausoleum Trap, the first trap Art Blank endured, ranked #15 in the analysis. Read the full article here.
Bad Blood
There is much speculation about Season 3 of Bad Blood, one of Louis’ recent series. An article at Otakukart explores some possibilities for the much-anticipated continuation of the saga. While Louis’ character Domenic Cosoleto will definitely not be in it (except perhaps in flashbacks) die-hard fans will want to keep watching anyway.

Jackie shared a cartoon version of Louis and herself for Valentine’s Day!

We have a blast from the past this month – over 600 screen caps of the pilot episode of the TV series Battery Park which premiered on March 23, 2000. The show was a remake of the short-lived series Sugar Hill from 1999. Louis played Detective Ben Nolin in this classic cop sitcom set in New York City.
In the series an ultra-competitive female police captain has her heart set on the mayor’s seat and will stop at nothing to get there – that is, if the ragtag group of detectives she’s working with doesn’t stop her first.
In the pilot episode Ben Nolin investigates the shooting of a mobster and then falls for the mobster’s daughter.
Here is a direct link to the album:

The fourth monthly reading series continues in Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns.
Unlike previous readers, this volume was published as a hardcover book within the Level 3 series of the Mr. Mugs readers. It was originally released in 1968. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age.
You can listen to all the previous book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
Here is this month’s chapter.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Chapter 19: A Sad Story

A Sad Story
One morning Pat and his friends
played in the clubhouse tree.
Pat liked this tree. It was big and green.
“Look at me!” he shouted
“Can you do this?”
Pat liked to hang upside down.
“I can see the sun,” he laughed.
“Sometimes I can see the moon, too.
Maybe some day I’ll see a space station!”
Pat saw pretty things
up in the clubhouse tree.
He saw a spider’s web.
It looked pretty in the sun.

… to be continued next month!
“Come on!” he shouted
“Look what I can do! Look! No hands!”
Then he saw it.
It was away up in the tree.
He jumped down. “Jim! Bill!”
he shouted. “Do you know what I saw up in that tree?”

Alaina Huffman
Alaina shared a photo of her latest look.
Check out her Instagram feed for many more takes of this one and past different looks!

Justin Breault
Justin got beat up again! Here he is, all bloody and messy. It’s all in day’s work for our resident personal trainer and stunt artist!
“I am very thankful to have booked a little stunt role on the most recently aired episode of Peacemaker.”

Greyston Holt
In addition to being a terrific actor Greyston is also a gifted photographer. Here’s a sunset view of Vesuvius in British Columbia.
Check out more great pictures on his Instagram feed.

Mika McKinnon

Mika worked as a science advisor for the recent hit movie Moonfall. She writes:
“I’m still under NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for now beyond acknowledging Moonfall is one of mine, but I have confidence in your ability to speculate how a disaster geophysicist may be helpful when making a movie about the Moon crashing into the Earth.”
Understandably, there has been a lot of interest in the making of the blockbuster. Here are a few publications that interviewed Mika about her contributions to the movie.
From Den of Geek: Could Moonfall Really Happen?
We check in with a real-life disaster researcher to see if Roland Emmerich’s new movie Moonfall is backed up by real science.
From Geekwire: Bad moon falling:
Geophysicist adds her own scientific spin to Moonfall movie. Article by Alan Boyle.
Making Moonfall: Geophysicist Mika McKinnon talks about the fun of annihilating Earth in the fictional disaster film.
Click on the screencap to watch the interview!
Also from
Director Roland Emmerich says he’s finished with the Stargate franchise.
Mika was also a science advisor for Stargate.
From Universe Today: The Science — and Fun — Behind Moonfall
The master of disaster has struck again, and this time our Moon is the ominous villain.
From The Museum of the Moving Image: Surviving Together: Mika McKinnon on Moonfall. Article by Sonia Shechet Epstein.

Troy Mundle
Troy shared a new portrait of himself, done by Kristine Cofsky. Check out her photography feed!
Troy has been working on the Series Peacemaker, along with our friend Justin Breault. Troy can be seen in the episode Monkey Dory where he played a harried worker.

Patrick Gilmore
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Jann on 5 Canadian Screen Awards nominations, including Best Comedy Series, and Best Writing.
Patrick Gilmore (standing, on the right) plays Dave in the popular Canadian comedy series.

Sawyer Ferreira

Sawyer writes:
“Is it winter or something? I’ve been in major denial about it. I pretend to be surprised every time I step outside. Seriously though how is everyone hanging in? I finally got to use the skates I bought two years ago and mentally I’m already planning outfits for spring. Reminder to stay warm and zoooom.”

Eric Banerd
Eric writes:
“One for the books!
RV trip from Scottsdale -> Sedona -> Antelope Canyon -> Grand Canyon -> Las Vegas!”
“A big part of the reason I’ve been able to travel and continue growing my business is from my years and connections within Breakthrough Academy. Part of my trip was the Winter Summit in Phoenix. What an amazing time strategizing and partying with a bunch of legends!“

David Dingess
David shared a beauty shot of New York City after a snowfall.
He’s currently teaching music to elementary school children and loving every second of it!

Jennifer Spence
Jen’s current show Traces Season 2 premiered on Alibi Channel in the UK last week. Congrats, Jen!
We’ll let everyone know when the series becomes available elsewhere.

Rob Munic
Are you a Girl Scout Cookie Monster?
Do you live for the few short weeks every year when girl scouts sell those delicious cookies to raise funds for their organization?
Is your freezer chock-full of Samoas, Thin Mints and Tagalongs?
Rob has a great suggestion for you!
“Every girl deserves a dream. Please get your Thin Mint fix from these warriors.”

Peter Kelamis
Join our voiceover talent Peter Kelamis in the new Angry Birds movie Summer Madness. It premiered on January 28 on Netflix.
Albuquerque Anime has been cancelled! Peter was scheduled to appear at this convention. He writes:
“A very disappointing and sudden cancellation. I was looking forward to meeting you all. Hope to see you when this event is re-scheduled. Take Care guys!”

Bradley Stryker
Bradley has been super busy filming his latest short film Momma Bird. He shares some thoughts and photos:
“Wrapped Momma Bird (a tremendous experience, more on that later). Two days in New Orleans with my beautiful wife.”
The connective tissue moments of what this experience is about, and why all the hard work is worth it. I was humbled by this cast, an all female tour de force led by the incomparable Alexis Samone, Caitlin Stryker and Penelope H. Grover (with a strong side car in Mia King)… They led the rest of the cast with their professionalism and I can say with all honesty, their bravery as they pushed through sub zero temperatures daily. As far as my crew, too many names, you all showed up everyday ready to create; we laughed together; we provided the energy and ambition to set up our storytelling for success; and most importantly, we challenged each other to grow as artists. I can’t thank each and every one of you enough. My love for filmmaking is more alive today than ever before, and you were all part of that.”

We’re so thrilled to introduce a new column in our monthly newsletters. Our friend (and frequent Louis photo supplier) Jackie has started an Instagram feed for sharing her culinary creations. Every month she will contribute a recipe you can all try out, knowing that the result will be both nutritious and delicious!
“Hello friends, thank you for supporting me by visiting my @soberrynutritious page.
My vegan culinary journey began after watching the Forks Over Knives documentary in 2019. I decided to enroll in the FOK ultimate cooking course after learning in detail about the disease-reversing power of a plant-based diet. I decided to take control of my own health and continue my culinary studies by completing the professional plant based certification course in 2020 followed by the Essential Vegan Desserts course in 2021/22. I am thrilled to show you some of my work over the last 3 years.
Thank you to all of my wonderful instructors at Rouxbe Culinary School for their guidance and knowledge. I would highly recommend these amazing courses to anyone who is looking to improve their home cooking skills.
I made these vegan/ gluten free multi-layered mini chocolate cakes with rum buttercream and spun sugar garnish for my final showcase assignment for my recent Essential Vegan desserts course.
Thank you, Fran Costigan @goodcakesfran for your amazing Chocolate Cake to Live For recipe! It’s absolutely delicious and reminds me of those hostess cupcakes I used to love as a kid. Yumm.”
Chocolate Cake to Live For
1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free 1:1 Flour
1/2 cup Dutched cocoa powder
1/4 lightly ground organic sugar
1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp fine sea salt
1/4 cup mild tasting extra-virgin olive oil or organic neutral vegetable oil
3/4 cup+ 2 tablespoons any non-dairy milk. (I used almond milk)
1/2 cup pure maple syrup, grade a dark or amber
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- Preheat the oven to 350°F and position rack in the middle of the oven.
- Lightly oil the sides and bottom of your mini cake pan.
- Whisk, measure and sift gluten free flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large mixing bowl.
- In a separate small bowl, whisk the oil, almond milk, maple syrup, vanilla and apple cider vinegar until blended.
- Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until the batter is smooth. Spoon the batter into mini cake pan and bake for 20 mins at 350°F. Test for doneness with a toothpick (it should be dry or have a few crumbs) and then remove from the oven and let cool for 10 mins before removing and placing mini cakes on a wire rack to cool completely. Place them in the freezer to set while making the buttercream.
Buttercream Frosting
1/2 cup Earth Balance vegan butter
1/2 tsp rum extract or vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups sifted organic powdered sugar
3-4 tbsp full fat coconut milk or almond milk
- Add softened vegan butter to a large mixing bowl and use an electric hand mixer to cream the butter until light and fluffy about 1 minute. Then add either rum or vanilla extract.
- Add sifted powder sugar in 1/2 cup measurements and continue mixing until well combined and fluffy, scraping down the sides as needed.
- Add 1 tbsp at a time of dairy free milk until desired smooth consistency. Store in fridge if not using right away.
Spun Sugar Decorations
1 cup super fine sugar
Prepare a baking sheet with a silicon mat or wax paper. Melt sugar on medium heat in a pot stirring until completely melted into caramel. Allow to cool slightly, then begin to pull your sugar decorations using a spoon. Drizzle the caramel over the baking sheet creating any shape you like. Allow to cool and then carefully remove from mat or paper using a knife.
To assemble:
- Remove mini cakes from the freezer, torte each cake in half using a serrated knife.
- Pipe the buttercream onto the bottom half of the cake and then place top half back on top and pipe more buttercream on top.
- Place your spun sugar designs on top and enjoy! Keep the leftover cakes in the fridge.
Enjoy! If you tried this scrumptious recipe send us a photo and we’ll post it here!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!