Published May 2021
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Welcome! Summer is right around the corner in the northern hemisphere, and as it is the 20th of the month we gather for our usual party where we check in with Louis Ferreira, his friends and chosen charities. We have our exclusive Reading Series and screen caps and lots more to keep you happy. Please visit our COVID-19 Support Page for the latest pandemic developments, and please be sure to sign up for your vaccine as soon as you’re eligible. In the meantime, we can safely gather here, so grab an age-appropriate pineapple cocktail at our virtual bar and come on in!

Ability Online
Did you know?
- 1 in 5 Canadians (6.2 million) aged 15+ have one or more disabilities (CSD 2017)
- Approximately 540 000 youths aged 15 to 24 years has or had one or more disabilities
- More than 1 in 10 youth in Canada have one or more disabilities
- More than 4 in 10 Canadians with disabilities have a severe or a very severe disability
- Mental health-related and learning disabilities are the most common types of disabilities among youth
- More than 8 out of 10 persons with disabilities use aids and/or assistive devices
- 1 in 3 youth are bullied
- 19% of children with activity limitations live in a low-income household
- 40% of parents reported that they don’t know where to look for information
- Last year more than 2000 young adults accessed Ability Online’s mental health module
Ability Online has 7000 registered members of whom 5441 are children, teens or young adults (7-25 years of age). Ability Online has 1,800 teen members (23% of all registered members) with all kinds of disabilities including physical (e.g. cerebral palsy 11% of teen members, spina bifida 2%), cognitive (brain injuries 4%, learning disabilities), developmental (Autism 58% of teen members!), intellectual (PDD NOS) and now emotional (depression, anxiety, ADHD 6% of teen members). Fifteen percent of teen members have a chronic illness such as Cystic Fibrosis or Lupus. Members range in age from 13-18 years. For gender divisions, 47% of the teen members are females and 53% are males. Members come from across Canada from large urban centres and smaller rural communities (anywhere there is access to the Internet).
The greatest barriers to inclusion of children with disabilities are stigma, prejudice, ignorance and lack of training and capacity building (Unicef 2013). We believe the Ability Online monitored and supportive online community is best positioned to tackle these barriers and better connect children and youth with disabilities and their families to networks of personal and professional support.
To join us please visit!
“Because I can”
Welcome to the online community where all we see is your potential!
- Make new friends and build confidence
- Develop new skills as you transition to adulthood
- Learn how to live your best life
Many children with disabilities are not able to receive a COVID vaccination. Since they are safest in the confines of their homes Ability Online is a major lifeline for them, helping them to stay connected to the outside world. Please support this vital service by clicking on the logo below!

Project Limelight
Project Limelight is a non-profit performing arts program in East Vancouver offering residents ages 8 to 15 years old of the Downtown Eastside, Strathcona and Mount Pleasant programming at no cost. Project Limelight provides youth with a safe place to build an artistic community alongside professional actors, directors, dancers, singers, costume designers, filmmakers and musicians. As part of their commitment to the community, nutritious meals and snacks are provided to every child at each workshop and rehearsal.

While current activities are on hold due to COVID-19 plans continue to be made for new classes and productions as soon as it is once again safe to do so. Meanwhile, keep the project going by making a donation – just click on the logo below!

Haven Toronto
Haven Toronto is the city’s only daytime shelter for elder homeless men. This charity is always at the forefront of fights about fair housing rights, elder discrimination and community health.
Now available online at … Click on the thumbnail cover to read it!
In our May / June eMagazine, enjoy reading:
• A ‘Wild’ Idea
• In This Together
• Canine Persuasion
• The Littlest Hobo
• plus new Tales of Toronto & Hurts To Laugh
Wearing wet clothing can cause a fungal infection that affects skin & nails. Exposed to the elements, our clients need rain gear now more than ever.
Please help elder homeless men stay dry & healthy. Shop And Share rain gear in our online store. Anything you purchase there goes directly to an elder homeless man in need!
Of course you can also give to the general operating fund of the organization by clicking on the logo below. Please note that you will be linked to our very own donations page which still bears the former name of the shelter – The Good Neighbours Club. Your donation will still arrive at Haven Toronto.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
Why it’s important to be an ally
Throughout the year, provinces across Canada have days set aside to recognize the contributions of young people who have experienced the child welfare system, as well as the strength and bravery they show in the face of trauma and adversity. Today we are recognizing Ontario Children and Youth in Care Day.
In collaboration with our Young Person’s Advisory Council (YPAC) members, we have co-created a list of suggested Ways to Be an Ally, including actions you can take, research you can do, and how to raise awareness about the issues facing young people who have experienced the child welfare system.
We hope you’ll join us in standing up for kids as they work hard to reach their goals and make positive change and build successful futures for themselves and for others in and from care.
May 15 was International Day of Families, a day named by the United Nations to raise awareness about the social, economic, and demographic issues facing families around the world. There are many kinds of families, all built differently and facing different opportunities and barriers. Families come together in a variety of ways, including through fostering, adoption, and other options such as kinship care. For some children and youth involved in the child welfare system, being placed into the care of extended family or with individuals they have a personal connection with helps them to stay connected with their family members and communities during the time they are unable to live at home.
Help support those children who are in this difficult situation through no fault of their own – click on the logo below to contribute – it’s easy and secure!

Louis and Jackie just received their first COVID vaccination and are looking forward to their second dose in a few weeks.
Be sure to sign up for your shots as soon as they are available to you – it’s the only way we will beat this terrible pandemic! Visit our COVID-19 Support Page for more info!

This month we have 940 screen caps of the 3rd episode of Urban Angel, Postcards from the Past. Louis plays newspaper reporter Victor Torres.
In this episode, Victor sees ghosts from his past as he tracks a kid’s claim of abuse in a group home. Misled, Victor loses his job when he’s arrested in a corner store robbery triggered by the “abused” kid, Wolf. Along the way, he messes up the Tribune’s new publicity campaign and jeopardizes Christina’s career by deflating a story pushed by her boss. Victor prints the truth about Wolf and regains his job, then turns in Wolf to the authorities and saves a younger boy, Jamie, from the street.
Here is a direct link to the album, or click on the image below:

The fourth monthly reading series continues in Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns.
Unlike previous readers, this volume was published as a hardcover book within the Level 3 series of the Mr. Mugs readers. It was originally released in 1968. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age.
You can listen to all the previous book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
Here is this month’s chapter.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Chapter 10: Rockets and Pink Popcorn

“We’ll be home in good time,” said Mr. Mugs.
“How I love my pink rocket!”
Then Mr. Mugs shouted something.
“Pat! Pat! Something’s wrong! Something’s wrong with my rocket!
It’s going down! I can’t make it go up! Help me!”
Pat got frightened. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” he shouted.
Mr. Mugs looked out. “Look, Pat! It’s pink! We’re down on something pink!
Where are we and what is this?”

Out jumped Pat and Mr. Mugs.
They looked around. What a surprise they got!
They saw nothing –
no houses,
no pets or flowers,
no boys or girls,
nothing, nothing, nothing –
nothing but pink!
Pat looked frightened.
But Mr. Mugs said, “I love pink!
It’s pretty here! It’s like pink popcorn!”
… to be continued next month!

Alaina Huffman
Alaina shared scans of an article from Ingenue Magazine featuring her as a model. She writes:
“Before social media when we did photoshoots for magazines!
Photography by Kimberly Metz Studio. Check out the full spread by clicking on the image!

The Affolter Brothers
“Amazing news!! Thanks so much to the WGC Videos for bestowing the WGC Screenwriting Award for Best Short/ Web Series on TRY TO FLY! We are humbled and happy as hell to be mentioned alongside such incredible Canadian writing talent.”

Justin Breault
Louis took Justin out for his birthday a few weeks ago.
Happy birthday, Justin!

Amanda Alexander
Amanda spent this year’s Mother’s Day with her daughters.
She writes:
“This was an amazing night with my girls. I truly am a lucky lucky mom.”

Greyston Holt
“I had the pleasure of shooting with the incredibly talented Alaina Michelle. Thank you for making my dumb face look not so dumb.
Also, thank you Kelly Brown for your guidance in the wardrobe department. If it weren’t for you and Cristina Rosato we all know I would have worn a wrinkled shirt from my closet.”
Suit by Tiger of Sweden.

Troy Mundle
Troy is currently starring in the Star Wars series Bucketheads. He writes:
“May the 4th be with you! Amazing work, team! Feeling so fortunate to be a part of this project!”
Bucketheads – Season 1 is a Star Wars fan project that has been in the making for a long time and the first part of Episode 1 dropped on May 12th, on the Transmute Pictures YouTube channel. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to be among the first to see the full episode! Original trailer music by Samuel Kim.
Troy plays Torin Sereta, one of the storm troopers known as TK-423.
Disclaimer: This is a not-for-profit, unofficial fan film that is not intended for commercial use. Characters are owned by Lucasfilm/ Disney and this fan series is not connected in any way to said companies.

Eric Banerd

Eric participated in a podcast by the Breakthrough Academy, which launched the Contractor Evolution show in Spring 2021. This valuable resource for contractors features how-to guides, and more. Eric owns a home improvement business, Even Better Painting, specializing in interior/ exterior painting in Metro Vancouver, the North Shore, and the Fraser Valley.

Jennifer Spence
Jen is currently filming season 2 of her series Traces in the UK.
Jen is a big animal lover and she’s always happy when she can have dogs around during work days.

Rob Munic
Rob is the show runner for Power Book IV: Force. He writes:
“It takes 1000’s of hours and 1000’s of incredibly dedicated people who show up every day rain, snow, sleet, sub zero or 100 degree days to bring you Power Book IV: Force – All these unsung heroes are the literally glue and fiber that keeps everything rolling. From sound stages to editing suites and offices around the country- the precision that happens daily to pull this together is staggering . Here are just a few BTS images as we assemble this show for all of you. Get ready for an incredible ride and thank you to all and everyone who get down with us every day to make this show a reality.”
Check out his collection of photos of the crew here.

Peter Kelamis
Peter shared some photos of himself as Han Solo at a convention.
A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away…

Bradley Stryker
Bradley’s feature-length movie Land of Smiles (re-titled American Tourist: Nightmare in Thailand) cleaned up at the Maverick Movie Awards, racking up several wins for production!
Congrats to the entire team!
Click on the image to read all about it.

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. And if you find yourself in Vancouver visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
This month Nicole writes:
“The warmer weather is here so it’s easier to start playing with temporary tattoos like henna and Jagua, mainly because more skin is exposed. My daughter Gala is really doing amazing artwork now, she’s been at it since she was a little wee thing. She would offer tattoos to people at the festivals, and who could resist her sweet offer? She’s come a long way and is planning to go into art school to become an animator. I’m very proud of her.”

Lauren Holly was Louis’ colleague and his character’s on-screen love interest in Motive. The following is from an article about Holly’s career that mentions Louis as well!
“After doing many features and guest roles, Holly booked another series regular position on the ABC series Motive. The crime drama follows Kristin Lehman as Detective Angie Flynn of the Vancouver homicide investigative team. Along with her teammates, Louis Ferreira’s Detective Oscar Vega, Brendan Penny’s Detective Brian Lucas, and Holly’s medical examiner Dr. Betty Rogers, the group investigates cases in which the culprit is known, but not the motive for the crime.

The unique premise, in which the murderer is shown in the first few minutes of the episode, brings a fresh point of view to the crime procedural genre, and audiences certainly liked it. The series doesn’t have a clear critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but if the Audience Score of 81% is anything to go by, Motive had a lot of fans. The ABC series aired for four seasons from 2013 to 2016 before getting cancelled by the network.
In Motive, Holly’s character Betty has a close friendship with her coworkers, Angie in particular, and she works hard to find physical evidence that supports Angie’s theories about each case. Betty has a quirky sense of humor and feels very comfortable working with the dead, making her the perfect medical examiner for Motive‘s team of detectives, and she consistently provides key information to solve the case.”

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
- Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
- Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
- Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!