Published December 2016.
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Welcome to the last great party of the year at Ferreira Fest where we celebrate ALL the holidays of the season, our charities, friends and shows of Louis Ferreira! We have tons of news, goodies from recent TV shows, tweets, photos, our exclusive 2nd Reading Series, screen caps, and so much more! Be sure to check out our new Birthday Project and a very special Holiday greeting from Eugene Lipinski and Louis at the very end of this newsletter. On your way there, grab an age-appropriate cocktail and cookies at our virtual bar and come on in!

Ability Online
This month Ability Online, the online forum for disabled children and young adults, is collecting funds for a little girl named Iris who needs a special chair.

Iris is a happy and cheerful girl. She is two years old and has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
Iris is limited in her mobility. She cannot sit by herself yet because of low trunk muscle and tightness in her legs. Iris can only sit with rounded shoulders and a slump.
Iris loves playing with her brother and sister, but to make this easier for her, she needs a special chair to to keep her spine straight.
Click here to support her seat purchase.
Thank you so much.
As you consider making your year-end donations please help out Iris or give to the general Ability Online fund by clicking on the logo below. It’s quick and easy, and donations to charities supported by Ferreira Fest are tax-deductible as permitted by the law.

Project Limelight
Project Limelight is a free performing arts program for kids in the Downtown East Side of Vancouver who would otherwise not have access to a high quality arts education. The latest group of kids has just begun their training – check out photos from the introduction workshop at their Instagram Account.
Meet some of the kids, or watch them participate in the Mannequin Challenge.
Their latest video Paradise has just been released, and you can watch it right here!
The next Tuesday Night Live fundraiser (TNL) is slated for January 24 at the Lux Lounge in Vancouver. Past storytellers have included Louis and several of our interview guests, including Dennis Heaton last month! Scroll down for a photo from the event.
Give those amazing kids a chance and donate today by clicking on the logo below! Every penny helps.

The Good Neighbours’ Club
The Good Neighbours’ Club headquarters now has WiFi access throughout the building!
Here’s proof that there are good people everywhere: GNC posted a tweet about a busker and his genuine generosity. Click on the links to read the story!
Dental Hygiene Clinic Fundraiser
Like us, our clients know that dental care is essential. The cost of oral health care is a significant barrier for our older marginalized clients. A volunteer dental hygienist is leading the charge to set up a dental hygiene clinic at the Club. She can get all the equipment at cost but the amount required is significant. We need $20,000 to help cover the cost of this greatly needed service for our older homeless, under housed and socially isolated men. We know this is a lot to ask for, but the results for our clients’ health and confidence will be immeasurable.
Toronto’s Untold Stories – An Interactive Photo Exhibit
“Please join Aanjalie Collure on December 28 when she presents Toronto’s Untold Stories, a free, interactive photography and story exhibit that shares the stories of some of our city’s most marginalized community members, including some from the GNC.”
Hopefully you’re reading this newsletter in the safety, warmth and comfort of your home. The brutal winters in Toronto are a terrible time for the elderly homeless. Please help the GNC to get those men out of the cold during the day while the shelters are closed. Your donation will go a long way towards keeping them safe. Won’t you please click on the logo below and give what you can at our very own donations page?

The Children’s Aid Foundation
Hope for the Holidays Campaign
Help us raise $110,000! Our kids need your help to have hope and joy this holiday season. Show them you care and that our community is looking out for them.
With your cash donation, Children’s Aid Foundation will provide essential supports for kids and youth like counseling and post-trauma therapies, enrichment opportunities and life skill development like camp, cooking classes, and recreation programs, and education interventions like tutoring and learning disability assessments and accommodations.
Visit our Hope for the Holidays page to make a cash, gift, or tribute donation, or to order holiday cards.
Of course you can donate year-round on our very own donations page by clicking on the logo below:
What will happen to your donation? Watch this short video on how contributions to the Teddy Bear Fund will make a difference!
Check out photos from the Children’s Aid Foundation Gala Teddy Bear Affair held on November 26!
Here’s a nice group shot of current Children’s Aid Foundation participants and staff at the “Pinball” Clemons Foundation Ambassador School Program naming ceremony.
You can always read the latest news in the monthly online newsletter The Buzz.

Louis was greatly saddened by the passing of Florence Henderson:

Listen to the sound clip here:
LF – The Brady Bunch, Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, it was all those shows that were just, those were the shows that, you know, you look at now what shows have become, we’ve lost any sense of family values, or wanting to be good people, and what it means to be like a family. I mean, those shows are awful now in that, what their message is to me, that they were, because really what that was, was about a blended family working together. A divorced couple and they made it work. And she was America’s mom, America’s sweetheart, and who didn’t love Mrs. Brady? She’s one of those classic moms, right? Mrs. Cleaver, Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Cosby, you know, she falls into that, there was Mrs. Keaton, you know, all those moms. Love those moms.

Then just last week Alan Thicke passed away. Louis had worked with him very briefly (and both were in heavily costumed disguise) on The Trial of Red Riding Hood. Alan played the Big Bad Wolf.

Louis shares some thoughts on the late actor:
LF – I just think that he was clearly a good father, and a good dad, playing hockey with his sons. I guess in some ways it’s a good way to go in that he didn’t suffer, but it just seemed like way too soon for such a healthy guy. So that was heartbreaking. I admired him as a father and what he stood for as a father, not only in the show but certainly, in what seems to be from what I’ve heard, in his real life. That’s my respect, that’s where… I was heartbroken to see that his son, just basically was there when his old man passed away. That’s, that sucks. So my thoughts and prayers were with his family, and thinking of them, yeah, so that was that.
Thanks to Casey for the transcripts!

The CBC family drama This Life has concluded its season 2 run, and the last several episodes have garnered a great deal of media attention.
TV-eh? had an interview with showrunner Joseph Kay about episode 207 Joyride
The kind folks at TV-eh? and author A.R. Wilson have kindly given us permission to repost the full text of an interview with Louis here. Please be sure to check out the original as well, as it contains photos and more information as well as a feedback form!
TV-eh? interview with Louis Ferreira
This Life’s Louis Ferreira: “David has something to prove”
November 25, 2016 by A.R. Wilson
Louis Ferreira has been a near-constant presence on our TV and film screens for decades, appearing in everything from Stargate Universe to Breaking Bad to Saw IV , but he doesn’t talk to the press much.
“I usually don’t do a lot of these,” he admits.
That’s a shame, because from the moment the Portuguese-Canadian actor answers his cell phone on a busy Vancouver street—his warm, gravelly voice instantly familiar—he is open and charming, talking easily about spirituality and politics before we get to the crux of our chat: discussing his role as Natalie’s (Torri Higginson) ex-husband David on the CBC family drama, This Life.
David, a deadbeat dad who only resurfaced once he learned his ex-wife had terminal cancer, could have been a thankless role for any actor to take on. But Ferreira says he was eager to play the part.
“I think what David represents is something that I believe in strongly, which is fathers doing right by their children, ultimately,” he explains.
He also says This Life is a hallmark for what Canadian TV is capable of.
“I was actually impressed with what CBC and Canada have done,” he says. “It’s a very well-done show. I was really proud to be part of it, to be honest.”
In an exclusive interview, Ferreira, who also has a recurring role on Space’s Aftermath, tells us more about David’s motivations, his working relationship with Torri Higginson, and wrapping popular CTV series Motive earlier this year.
How did you first become involved with This Life?
Louis Ferreira: I think we had someone on the first season of Motive that knew me and asked about me, I think, through Kristin Lehman and was like, ‘What’s he like?’ and she was like, ‘Nice.’ I think that’s kind of where it started, and then from there the part came to me. And there was just that last episode of the first season, where [the creators of This Life] were like, ‘If it goes, there’s going to be a journey with him.’ Based on what they were telling me about the character, the ex who comes back, I was like, ‘Oooh.’ There are certain things that speak to me personally, and David was one of those stories. I was immediately interested, I was all over it, to be honest.
What were your early impressions of David, who is a character who comes with a lot of baggage?
I never thought of it as a guy with baggage, which is something we all have in all degrees of weight, but there was the opportunity to redeem. I love redemption. I love evolution. I love the idea of people coming to epiphanies in their lives and then changing them. I love the u-turn, and that’s what I saw in David right from the get-go, that this man had had some version of an epiphany and was going to come back and do right by his children because he acknowledged that he’d done wrong by them.
When I spoke with Torri Higginson earlier in the season, she said she was upset when she learned David was coming back into Natalie’s life. I think that’s why Torri and I work together well. We’ll have discussions on set before we roll. It’s kind of a he said, she said, and she’ll state her piece, ‘Well, he did this,’ and I’ll be like, ‘Yes, but she….’ and it becomes almost like a therapy session before we shoot the scene. And we’ve done it several times, and it’s been very helpful, I think, for both of us because we’re able to see and feel each other’s hearts on the situation, and I think it informs the scene sometimes.
So you have a very interactive approach to your scenes together?
Yeah, for sure. I think absolutely we do. And I think we’re both journeymen in the business, and I think there is immediately a respect for that aspect of it, and I think we both sort of immediately connected because she was so rooted in that feeling of what she had going in, that, ‘Why is he coming back?’ and I felt that right away. For me, it was like, not only am I going to come back, but I’m going to prove to you that evolved potential that you saw back in the day that I probably could have been, I now have, in fact, become . . . David’s got something to prove.
Do you think David would have eventually returned on his own if Romy hadn’t called him last season to tell him Natalie was sick?
Yes. I think that the timing with Natalie’s illness, I’d like to imagine that it wasn’t about that, but it was the coincidence of where David got to in his life and how the universe sometimes works in people’s lives, where timing sometimes lines up. Sometimes it’s neither good nor bad, it’s just what it is. I think in this particular case, it was the trigger. I think when he got the phone call from Romy, it was certainly the thing that made him go, ‘OK, that’s a sign and I need to listen to it,’ because he was at that point in his life. So that’s probably what kickstarted it, but certainly going back was something that was on his agenda for quite a while. It’s something that he had to do.
It’s interesting to think about [David’s] younger kids and the older kids in terms of that whole thing of when we’re kids and we fall and it’s like, ‘Oh, no big problem,’ and we get back up. But as we get older, it gets harder and harder. It’s almost the same thing that the youngest of his children is able to be more, perhaps, forgiving, be more open, which is a really beautiful quality. But then as life happens, and egos age and get more jaded, it’s more difficult to do those very things that we did when we were younger, which is to forgive easily and love easier.
I think David has a real soft spot for Romy, because I think he can see with her the hurt that’s inside there, and I don’t think that would make any man—who’s a real man—feel good about himself, and I think that also drives David.
Last week, David’s second wife, Kate, tells him that she won’t move back to Montreal, which means he’ll have to try to be a father to two families in two locations. Is that something he is capable of now?
David, back in the day, was probably under the bad boy category, so I think now he’s probably some version of a reformed bad boy. But now I think he’s gone into a whole other level, as we do when we get older, and hopefully you get a little bit more into a context of spirituality or things that matter more to you. I like what they wrote in the car, I think he said to Kate, ‘The reality is that I’m always going to love the mother of my children. That doesn’t go away. She’s the mother of my children. How could I not?’ That’s a mature statement.
The other thing I liked about it, about [Natalie] being the mother of my children and me having another family, is that also becomes [Kate’s] responsibility, and it should have been from the get-go. When people with kids move into another relationship, it’s absolutely crucial that they understand that their children come first in a certain way, and they are part of it. It’s not just my moral responsibility, it’s the responsibility of the person who wants to share my life with me. It’s also on them, and that’s true partnership in terms of a healthy relationship. So David is now going, ‘OK, this is healthy, and this is not. And I will choose to be healthy or at least try.’
Just a couple of episodes ago, Natalie and David kind of had that one thing that happened, that one-off [where they sleep together], and you just sit there going, ‘Wait a minute, that’s not good.’ That probably shouldn’t have happened. And I loved that fact that it happened and was never mentioned again, and it’s our imperfections that make things interesting. But at the same time, I do believe that, in his heart, David is trying to do and wanting to do right by his children first and his families. And in this particular case, this is a man with two families.
Motive ended its four-year run in August. Were you happy with the way the series wrapped?
We just had the greatest group of people for four years. It was one big family, and we’re all still very, very close. It couldn’t have been a more enjoyable experience. Truly. From top to bottom, it was just one of those things where everything was right.
Do you keep in touch with the cast?
I just saw Kristin two days ago. We went out for coffee, and she’s just onto a new show now, a big show coming out next year, and she’s doing well, and Brendan [Penny]’s doing great, and I just talked to Lauren [Holly] yesterday, so we’re all tight. But beyond the cast, with that crew—it was just one of those things where everything was just easy and right and no egos and just working together. It was one of those rarities, and we’re all grateful for it.
For the full text of the interview (which includes photos) please go to
TV-eh? also had a spoiler-free preview of This Life episode 208 Destruction as Creation
Louis did another interview at The TV Junkies. At the request of the author we’re only reposting a short section of it. Please read the entire interview at The TV Junkies. It’s a great read!
This Life’s Louis Ferreira on David’s Journey to Redemption
by Bridget Liszewski November 27, 2016
TTVJ: It has to be difficult knowing that you’re going to be playing the guy that everyone is supposed to hate. How did you approach David and the character initially?
LF: I never saw that from the get go. Whether you hate him or not, I saw David as a very redemptive character and one that is very close to my heart. David is a man that made mistakes, and is also someone who accepted the fact that he made those mistakes, and rather than continue to stay away from them he knew he wanted to fix that. He had the courage to say ‘my responsibility is to those children,’ so he goes back knowing he’s going to be perceived that way.
I’m a father who went through divorce and got custody of my son so it was very dear to me. The message I wanted to put out there with David is that it’s never too late to do right by your children and be responsible and start that relationship at any point. That’s the journey of David where he realizes he was responsible, but he wants to make right by it. From that perspective, deadbeat dad was an element, but it’s much more the story of a man who is going to right his wrongs.
TTVJ: That’s what I loved about the recent episode where he took the road trip with Kate and we got to see things more from his perspective.
LF: It’s very tough and you could see him trying to navigate and do the right thing. I like when he says to Kate ‘it’s your responsibility too. My obligation to these children is also yours.’ When you marry someone with children that’s part of the package, it’s not us and them. Those children were there even before you, but I know in my personal life when I searched for someone after my divorce that was a huge factor. There was just no other option, I had to do right by my children.

TV-eh? posted an interview with writer Celeste Parr on This Life episode 208 Destruction as Creation. Here’s a short quote from the article – please visit TV-eh? for the whole interview!
David tells Romy he will have to split his time between his two families but won’t abandon her this time. Is he finally ready to step up?
CP: I think a lot of the work for this scene to fly in Episode 208, a lot of that work was done during his road trip with Kate in the previous episode, and seeing him differently with his wife and showing that he isn’t just sort of flitting in and out as he pleases. He actually is a man who is torn. Emotionally, he is torn and he’s in limbo.
His talk about how his feelings of guilt about failing one family, it sort of keeps him outside of things with everyone, and so here he is having these difficult conversations, and a lot of what he’s allowing himself to do is to not throw his hands up in the air and say, ‘I’m a disappointment, so I’m outta here,’ but to accept that he is going to be disappointing to everybody. If he allows himself to be a little disappointing to everybody, he can also step up for everybody, and derive a lot of fulfilment out of that and drop his, ‘Aw shucks, I’m such a disappointment’ thing. At a certain point, if you become too complacent in that—and I think he had become too complacent in that—it’s like he’s performing his guilt to himself. Eventually, he has to stop playing that one note and step up on all fronts.

The TV Junkies posted an interview with writer Rachel Langer about This Life episode 209 Well Fought, My Love. Here is a short excerpt. Please visit The TV Junkies to read the entire article!
TTVJ: Natalie’s children seem to be in very different places at the moment, especially Romy and Emma regarding their feelings on their dad. Is David finally ready to step up and prove Romy is right to believe in him?
RL: David has come a long way from when he first showed up in the series. Just the fact that he was able to manage Romy’s situation in 208 shows David’s desire to be there for his daughter. He wouldn’t have stuck around if he didn’t. The question will be how does that look for him having families in two continents and how is he going to make that happen? It’s good to know he has the desire to be there for her, it’s an interesting question whether or not he’ll be able to follow through on that.

TV-eh? has an interview with showrunner Joseph Kay about the This Life Season 2 finale Choosing Life.

The TV Junkies have a This Life Season 2 wrap up. WARNING: it contains massive spoilers!
Stay tuned for news about Season 3!

Here are the last four episode transcripts of the passages where the Moondog speaks. Moondog showed up in person at the end of last week’s episode, so tonight we will find out what he’s all about! Look for screencaps in Ferreira Fest 85 in January 2017!

AFTERMATH 109: The Barbarous King
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Why is Idaho the place to go this season? Maybe it’s because the spuds have eyes and have been watching us. But then I realized that sounds like foolishness and lies…
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – It’s all just math. It’s all just vibrations. It’s all just wavelengths. And it controls your soul. Music I mean. Soundwaves that play your emotions like the bird blowing his horn.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – You must boogie children, or be ready for rock without roll, blues without the soul. Just elevator music as far as I can tell, going down to hell.
Karen Copeland – Geez. He could lighten up.
Joshua Copeland – I’m just a little run down. We got somewhere we gotta be.
Karen Copeland – Yeah, where is that?
Joshua Copeland – Wherever Moondog is. I love you.

AFTERMATH 110: Hieronymo’s Mad Againe
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Has anyone noticed the moon today? My people round the steeple of the temple of the dog. It’s got me running, flying, santa-fying, praying that those brand new daytime stars are what they seem, and not some nightmare dream of death.
Nurse – See, in places like this the patients try to leave so we have electronic door locks. It’s for their own good.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Ask a statistician and he will tell you Ccrrelation ain’t causation. So avoid conflation and take dictation because today begins the end of it all. The final event that’s sweeping the nation. Hold your souls together cats and kittens and take a panoramic view of this thing that you’ve been waiting for.
Nurse – Negative Nellie.

AFTERMATH 111: Where the Dead Men Lost Their Bones
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – I never thought I’d die by the moon like this. I thought I’d die by a poison kiss. On my way out of town, roof all the way down. But me and you and everyone are over and done, chips off the old block of rock in the sky will rain on down. We got thirty-six hours to get outta town.
But there’s nowhere to go. So love who you love and remove all your doubt. Let your last times roll on, let your madness roll out.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Like sand through the hourglass, my fellow travelers, the first grains of the wounded moon are suckered in by the Earth’s fatal attraction. Meaning time is tied and not quite right. And soon will fall that wicked night. So dig the still and eerie calm of resignation shot through with the million little tales of final desperation.
Dana Copeland – You guys, maybe Bob Black is on.
Brianna Copeland – Don’t you hate him?
Dana Copeland – Yeah, but he seems to know things and, he might know how much of the fragment field is gonna hit us.
Matt Copeland – Yeah, because we all wanna know that.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – With the jazz from Alcatraz, the Moondog, who howls without a home these days, since his old one on the moon blew up. I’m reminding you about that lunar landing, baby, and I’m not talking Wild Buzz Aldrin, either, fine a man and prophet as he is.
I’m talking a totally different trip. Ooh, crowds are hip like those impacts when the loony lunar hardballs come busting down on Earth in two days’ time, my chimes, surprise, surprise, surprise.
Sarah – Two days?
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – But just because we’re gonna die don’t mean our contest was a lie.
Just remember the Moondog Mystery Phrase, and you could go from sinner to winner.
Say it loud and say it proud and you’ll be done: The one is many, but the many are one.
Joshua Copeland – That’s it. That’s it. We have to find him. He understands how to survive. We have to find Bob Black. Everyone pack up, we’re going.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Ain’t no point wishing on them shooting stars lighting up the heavens, pilgrim. Those are the first traces of the hard rain a-coming, down beat from the final event.

AFTERMATH 112: Now That We Talk of Dying
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Well here’s your Moondog weather update. Scattered showers of lunar debris throughout today followed by a heavy downpour of dust. With flaming chunks the size of Nantucket by tomorrow. The long-range forecast? There isn’t one.
Joshua Copeland – This is where Moondog usually starts. If not, we’re stuck. There’s no signal, no detecting.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Moondog’s come to howl again, overseeing all your ends…
Brianna Copeland – There we go.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – I’m the slamma put the rama in the Dalai Lama, and I hope it gets him out of here alive, you crazed Mad Hatters, ’cause making a …
Joshua Copeland – It won’t lock on. It’s not doing anything.
Brianna Copeland – Guys, why’s it doing that?
Joshua Copeland – The signal is not sticking, it’s too weak.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – Just one more sleep, and then the deeps, my peeps. Chunks of Old Luna are coming in already, Eddie, and it only builds from here. The is the last one, the fast one, kids, el Muerte per Todos…
Joshua Copeland – It’s not doing anything.
Dana Copeland – Point it down.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – …So play the deguerro again to a tomb, lest all of us fall…
Joshua Copeland – What? The radio signal’s coming through the atmosphere.
Dana Copeland – I know, but the speaker is louder when you put it lower.
Brianna Copeland – Just try it, just point it down.
Dana Copeland – Here, just give it to me, give it to me.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – …Since last we spoke, my pretty ones, my itty little bitty ones I’ve been everywhere, man. I’ve been everywhere. And even me, that Dog of Moon …
Dana Copeland – See? See it’s stronger.
Joshua Copeland – So weird.
Dana Copeland – I know.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – …I’m only half the story morning glory….
Joshua Copeland – There. Okay. South-Southwest.
Dana Copeland – That way?
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – …I know the future and all. But now I need a brother, sister, mother at my call. Someone who’s adept at the mythic arts, the gods and the Greeks. The stone-cold freaks who tell the tales of witchery and long lost grails. Come find me, holy ones. Black souled ones. And maybe we …
Brianna Copeland – Dad, sounds like a job opening for you.
Dana Copeland – He’s looking for someone who knows the exact stuff you know.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – …So come on down my Black’s Club, and you and the Moondog can chew the fat and get to the marrow of where it’s at. I need me an adept.
Joshua Copeland – Adept. Wait a minute. I remember that.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – And now, to ease your weary brains, a little versification… I saw the sunflower, naked as a jaybird…
Dana Copeland – It’s the real Moondog. He’s back on the air and he’s transmitting through the Tesla tower.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – … naked jackhammer…
Brianna Copeland – Do you know that shit turned itself on.
Dana Copeland – Meaning he can do it remotely. Meaning he can’t be far from here.
Brianna Copeland – So then we look around.
Dana Copeland – That’s a good idea.
Bob ‘Moondog’ Black – … Gorilla in our psyche…
Brianna Copeland – You know that’s the first time you’ve ever said that to me.
Dana Copeland – Hey, I think it totally is.
Thanks to Casey for the transcripts!
This episode also contains a hilarious bio as presented by one of the agents in hot pursuit of Moondog. According to him, Robert ‘Moondog’ Black is a…
Caltech physicist. Drug dealer. Thief. Conga player. Radio host. His early work in black hole theory was outstanding, but his erratic behavior and substance abuse problems made him unfit for tenure. Anyway, Bob Black disappeared in the Mojave Desert in the late ’80s. His wife had him declared dead a few years after that. 21 years later, he reappeared. Hadn’t aged a day. Literally. Not even the best part. A guy named Bob Black had a radio show in Iowa in the ’50s.
Actually, he sounds like a pretty cool guy. Stand by for more in the next Ferreira Fest!

Louis has voiced a character in a recent video game release – Dead Rising 4.
The game was released December 6. Click on the image above to order your copy or to watch some trailers. WARNING: the game is intended for mature audiences ONLY!
Louis voices members of a Private Military Company (PMC).
GAME DETAILS (from the official web site)
It’s the holiday season in Willamette, Colorado and a mysterious outbreak has overrun the Willamette memorial megaplex mall and surrounding town with dangerous and deadly predators. Join Frank West as you explore a vast, open world sandbox filled with dangerous new zombies and a million ways to kill them as you seek to uncover the truth behind the outbreak – or die trying.
Anything and everything is a weapon: Dead Rising 4 delivers a zombie game that’s on a whole new level. Featuring an all-new collection of weapons and vehicles with the freedom for players to craft their own tools of zombie destruction.
Open world sandbox: Players will explore and scavenge the open world sandbox of Willamette, Colorado while facing off against newly zombified enemies and agile zombies that can attack you from above. Test your skills in a zombie survival game that will challenge you at every turn.
Exo suits: Exo suits give players a super-powered weapon with incredible fire power to take on the zombie horde.
Curiously enough the game takes place in a shopping mall – just like Louis’ most well-known zombie movie Dawn of the Dead. Although he has decades of voiceover experience this was the first time Louis has done voice acting for a video game; he’s sharing some of his adventure below.
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF – It was interesting for me, I had never done one before. And, I can tell you that I played a character that had to scream throughout it. So let’s say… the first thing I noticed was that, it was like an eight hour session. I had never spent that much time in a booth, ever, recording sound, so, that was a little overwhelming, but what was fun for me, or not fun really, was that after three hours I literally lost my voice screaming, and then I had to try sort of get through the rest of the five hours with this now raspy sort of voice gone.
So, that was a challenge for me. So it’s challenging, it’s a lot of fun. I love the idea of it. And I love the idea of animation, but it’s certainly dependent, again, like acting, on the characters I do play. So, if I’m playing a screaming character that basically screams, my voice just went out on me really quick.
So I would say it was a hell of a lot of fun, but it became challenging when I no longer sounded like the initial person I started talking as. So that was, that was my experience. I recommend it highly. Everyone should try it.
Though nobody wants to be losing their voice. Because I really, by the end of it, was talking, I mean, I couldn’t even, you know, so… That was on me because I was so excited and I was so into it… Oh, I would say that the key would be to pace yourself. I learned that the hard way. You know what I mean, I was just like, I’m ready to go!
FF – Yeah, eight hours of screaming, that’s a lot of screaming. Yeah, for sure.
LF – Yeah, it’s a lot. And I realize, like I lost my voice several times in the last year or two where I’ve had that character that screamed, like the next day I wake up I can’t even speak, so, you gotta take care of your voice.
Maybe I’m getting older, and maybe it’s a little bit more delicate and perhaps that’s part of it, but it was definitely… I am looking forward to pursuing more animation and more of that kind of stuff because I really enjoy it because you, as an actor, can really have much more fun because you’re allowed to be a lot bigger and embellish, etc. etc. And let’s face it, that’s fun to do, it’s a lot more, feels like a lot more play.
Thanks to Casey for the transcripts!


Louis shared a few holiday photos.
Here’s Santa Louis 2016…

… with Santa Giancarlo…

… and Santa Billie.

This Life has now concluded its Season 2 run on CBC, and there is no word yet on Season 3 or whether Louis will reprise his role as David Crowley. Until we know more here are 257 screencaps of the Season 2 finale Choose Life. Enjoy!
Here is a direct link to the album:

The second monthly reading series is Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
You can listen to the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month’s issue is chapter 7 of Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals.

Affolter Brothers
Counter Act will be screened at the Vancouver Shorts Film Festival on Saturday January 28 at 7pm. Buy your tickets here!
Counter Act ReelWorld artwork:
“Along with winning the audience award for Best Short Film, we got to keep the audience selected Art Battle piece which the ReelWorld Film Festival had going during the closing night gala and awards party. A beautiful depiction of Counter Act from artist Katrina Canedo.”
Soggy Flakes is being funded by StoryHive!
“We’re all humbled and honoured to be given this opportunity. Huge thanks to StoryHive, and everyone who voted, shared and helped support us they the voting process. Follow and like us @soggyflakesfilm on FB, IG and Twitter to stay updated on news, pics and vids throughout the production process.”
Bike-B-Q Episode 1 can now be accessed on YouTube. Check it out!
The short Western The Undertaker is a Crazy 8’s Top 13 Finalist. Stay tuned for more info!
And finally, here are Nathan and Jon at the story edit day at the Crazy 8s Film Festival.

Amanda Alexander
Amanda is thrilled to be working on Altered Carbon, a new series which will air on Netflix next year. Here are two recent photos of her view on set – it’s about to get loud and dangerous there!

Greyston Holt
Greyston has a few new professional credits – check out Greyston’s Page for details!
Photographer Stanislav Yavorskiy, MarVista Entertainment and Brain Power Studio have kindly given us permission to repost a still from Greyston’s recent movie A Puppy for Christmas, in which he plays a young man named Liam.
Logline: After adopting a cute puppy, Noelle’s world is turned upside down when her boyfriend breaks up with her. After accepting an invitation to spend the holidays with a co-worker, she is surrounded by the Christmas cheer of a happy family and soon sparks begin to fly.

© by MarVista Entertainment and Brain Power Studio
Greyston posted a bunch of photos from his recent trip to Germany – he takes some really great photos everywhere he goes, so please check out his Instagram Account!

Mika McKinnon
Mika is currently traveling back and forth between California and Vancouver (hedgehogs are not legal to keep as pets in California). Along with attending several science communications conventions Mika also got two new articles published. Check them out!
- Ashes, art and other surprising things humans have left on the Moon
- An old meteor yields a new surprise

Eugene Lipinski
Eugene has finished filming Season 2 of The Romeo Section and was hanging out with Louis last week. They visited Palm Springs together and had a fantastic time!

Don’t miss Eugene and Louis’ holiday wishes at the very end of the newsletter!

Troy Mundle

Dennis Heaton
Dennis was a featured storyteller at the Project Limelight fundraiser Tuesday Night Live on November 22. He took a selfie with the other storytellers of the night!
Dennis tweeted he had a few new projects in development: One is a cop show. The other is a sprawling sci-fi piece. Can’t wait to hear more about it – stay tuned!

Patrick Gilmore
Along with Jen Spence Patrick will also appear in Season 2 of the web series You Me Her.
His current series Travelers premieres on Netflix December 23. It currently airs on Showcase in Canada.
VENTS Magazine has a great interview with Patrick – check it out here!
Get Acquainted With Travelers’ Patrick Gilmore is another great interview at
Here’s Patrick at the Whistler Film Festival with Christina Sicoli. The two actors starred in the short film Trying which was also screened at the festival.
Patrick also participated in the Laughing Matters Reading Series.
For more on Patrick’s work please visit Patrick’s Page. Yes, there are videos.

FYA – Fulfilling Young Artists
FYA is back in action!
The free program that brought Eric Banerd and Louis Ferreira together in a mentorship system is now accepting applications for its next round. Follow FYA on Twitter at @FyaCanada and get all the application details at the FYA website. Pass the word!

Eric Banerd
Eric’s actually had some time lately to do some fun things! Go Eric!

David Dingess
David and Haley got married the last week of November! Congratulations from everyone at Ferreira Fest!

Jennifer Spence
The filmography on Jen’s Page has been updated with a bunch of new credits and titles for the successful web series You Me Her where she reprises her role of Carmen in Season 2 which, incidentally, premiers on February 14, 2017 – Valentine’s Day!
Catch her on Travelers currently airing on Showcase and coming to Netflix on December 23!

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid is a proud supporter of the LA children’s charity KITS (Kids In The Spotlight) and made herself available as an actor in their latest production. Check out Ingrid’s Page for more of her work!
I’m Not Normal (Short)
– Dr. Taylor

Rob Munic
Our friend Rob has been incredibly busy – we have updated the filmography on Rob’s Page with new credits for Producer, Writer and Director!
Most recently he directed another short film for his charity KITS (Kids In The Spotlight):
I’m Not Normal (Short) 2016
Logline: A teenage boy is tormented by guilt after the death of his sister.

Peter Kelamis
Peter’s first Comedy CD has been released! Titled The Best of Peter Kelamis it is available on iTunes, as well as Google and Spotify. The CD features non-stop laughs from Peter’s established career as a standup comedian. You can watch a few sample video’s of Peter’s routine on Peter’s Page. Check it out – the man is incredibly funny!
Peter’s new show Beyond premieres January 2nd on Freeform. You can also watch a new trailer for the show – Peter appears in it several times!
As one of a handful of people who actually had a good year Peter tweeted on December 15:

Bradley Stryker
Bradley’s scripts for The Dragon Run and Wolf’s Bane made it to the quarterfinals in the Screencraft 2016 Action and Thriller Screenplay Contest from over 800 entries! Congratulations!
A still from Back to One, a new short film in which Bradley has a starring role opposite Blaize Hall.

As always, an infinite amount of thanks goes to our updates manager Alma, who somehow, despite her busy life, still manages to find the coolest news for Ferreira Fest every month. Thanks, Alma!

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. Please visit her website for lots more photos and fascinating facts and information about this ancient artform. And if you find yourself in Vancouver – visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you. For great examples of Nicole’s art visit any of this year’s Ferreira Fest newsletters.
This month Nicole writes:
“Well, this month I want to dedicate my space to my talented daughter and show off her amazing artwork. She is applying to an art focused high school and is competing with hundreds of other grade 7 students. I think she is a wonderful artist. And here is one of her amazing pencil sketches: I hope she wins a spot in the school so she has a better chance to hone her talent. This is drawn by 11 year old Galadriel!”

Happy Birthday to a talented young artist!

The short film Arthur which Louis did in 2014 is now working its way through the festival circuit, and it already won an award at the Best Shorts Competition. Find out more about the short film by Paola Botero in Ferreira Fest 58 and Ferreira Fest 59. Louis gets to play a bad guy – the heroine’s abusive boyfriend Antonio.

First trailer for Stargate producer Brad Wright’s new Netflix time travel series Travelers is now available; it premieres on December 23. The series has almost completed its run of Season 1 on Showtime.
From the press release:
The series stars Eric McCormack in the lead, but the supporting roster is sprinkled with a few familiar faces for Stargate fans, including Teryl Rothery, Louis Ferreira and Patrick Gilmore.
When asked how the filming of a Netflix show show differs from an actor’s perspective from a show made for regular TV Louis has some observations – listen to the sound clip here:
LF – It’s exactly the same as a regular TV show. There’s no difference at all. No, and again, don’t forget, Travelers was in fact airing on Showcase in Canada first, and then now will go to Netflix as a series. I don’t know if it’s different if the show is specifically like for Netflix only.
I have not experienced that. Although that’s not true, the one I did, the Real Detective [episode], but I can tell the shooting is the same, the crews are the same, it’s just you’re on a different [channel], I guess it would be the difference between like, oh, instead of NBC I’m on ABC.
And now Netflix and these other options that they have out there are simply that, other options.
Motive’s Season 4 is now available as streaming video at, so if you never caught it on TV, now’s your chance to watch!

Like every year Ferreira Fest is gearing up for a special birthday surprise for Louis. His birthday is on February 20. All submissions must be received by February 1 to allow for final formatting and shipping.
This time our project is mostly digital, so no need for shipping anything by snail mail. If you prefer to submit your contribution by snail mail, please email Ferreira Fest for the address.
For the instructions please go to the 2017 Birthday Project Page.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next year!
On his recent visit to Los Angeles Eugene Lipinski caught up with his BFF Louis, and they recorded a Holiday wish for all Ferreira Fest visitors. Listen to the sound clip here:
EL – We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday.
LF – Everybody! Love, and every happiness. And peace and joy to all. To you and yours always. Just to a wonderful, fantastic 2017.
EL – And a very good night!