Published July 2014
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It’s Ferreira Fest time! Every month around the 20th we throw a big party here, celebrating the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! We have some exciting news, photos, videos, a tribute to Louis’ colleague Eli Wallach and Food For Thought from Louis, along with a Q&A, our exclusive Reading Series, and so much more! Get your virtual pineapple drink at our free bar and come on in!

Want to meet Louis in person, get some autographs and have your picture taken with him? Now’s your chance! Louis will be at Dragon*Con in Atlanta on Labor Day weekend! Go to the Dragon*Con main page to book your trip! We hope to see many of you there!

The Children’s Aid Foundation‘s current newsletter can be found here: The Buzz
We also have an important announcement about an upcoming event that The Children’s Aid Foundation is taking part in – the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, half-marathon, 5km run/walk on Sunday, October 19th. We are recruiting participants to join our Team HOPE and fundraise to help us reach our $75,000 fundraising goal! If there are any Friends of Louis Ferreira who might be interested in joining, please let us know or send an email directly to as we’d love to have more people join! The information can be found on our website:
As always, please consider making a donation directly to The Children’s Aid Foundation via our very own donations page. Remember, all the money goes in full to CAF, and you will receive a small Louis-related gift from Ferreira Fest for your donation. Your contribution is tax deductible – please consult your tax preparer. Click on the banner below to access the donations page now.

The renovations at the Good Neighbours Club in Toronto are moving along! And there’s other good news as well.
From the GNC Facebook Page:
With a recent donation from The Harold E. Ballard Foundation we took possession of our new van this week. With this van we will now finally be able to increase our elder men’s access to social and recreational activities in the community and much more.
Thank you to everyone at The Harold E. Ballard Foundation for this donation, and the wonderful donation earlier this year, which allowed us to upgrade some of our aging kitchen equipment. We are indeed fortunate and extremely appreciative.
Check out this great van!
Please consider becoming a volunteer at GNC – you may just run into Louis there one day as he visits often! If Toronto is too much of a trip from where you are you can always make a donation instead via our very own GNC donations page. Your gift is also tax-deductible (please check with your tax preparer) and as always Ferreira Fest will send you a small Louis-related gift for your donation. Click on the banner below to help now!

Louis wants to share a very special video clip with you.
This is the commencement speech actor Jim Carrey gave to the 2014 graduating class at Maharishi University.
Watch it, and you will find a great deal of Louis’ own life philosophy in it.
Just to give you a little taste of Jim’s brilliant speech, here are a few excerpts, but please watch the whole speech – it will be well worth your while.
You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are either based in love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it. I’m saying: I’m the proof that you can ask the universe for it.
I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is. My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn’t believe that that was possible for him, so he made a conservative choice instead, he got a “safe” job as an accountant. And when I was twelve years old he was let go from that “safe” job, and our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail at what you don’t want. So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
That peace that we’re after lies somewhere beyond personality. Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory.
As far as I can tell it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass. And when I say life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you – we don’t know if that’s true. I’m just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial, so I can deal with them in the most productive way. You’ll come up with your own style. That’s part of the fun.
Like many of you I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself, until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself.
You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world, and after you walk through those doors today you will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.
Thanks for sharing, Louis!

Not a lot of news for MOTIVE these days. Season 2 is chugging along in the US with new episodes every Wednesday at 10pm on ABC.

Lauren Holly (Dr Betty Rogers) has done a nice interview at TVwise about Season 2 of the show. It is somewhat generic and thus contains no spoilers, so it’s safe to read for those of you who want to avoid knowing what happens before you’ve watched the show.
Read the Lauren Holly Interview.
Here’s a little report on the ratings of the show in June.
And – FINALLY – good news for all our friends in Germany: Season 2 will start airing on September 30 at 8:55 pm on TNT Serie! The long wait is over!

Louis’ latest short film is off to a phenomenal start on the festival circuit!
THROUGH THE PANE won a total of seven Awards of Excellence at the Best Shorts Festival!
Women filmmakers (Pauline Egan)
Lead actor (Louis Ferreira)
Lead actress (Pauline Egan)
Original score (Sam Hulick)
Script/writer (Pauline Egan)
Creativity/originality (Pauline Egan)
Direction (Pauline Egan)
Congratulations, Pauline, Sam and Louis!

Next up: The LA Shorts Festival (which is also linked to the Oscars!).
THROUGH THE PANE will screen on July 30, 2014 at 1pm at the Laemmle NoHo 7 Theatre. Pauline will be there as well! Are you going? Let Casey know!
5240 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Get your tickets here!
Professional photographer Peter Holst, who documented the making of THROUGH THE PANE, has kindly given Ferreira Fest special permission to share photos he took during the filming. Please be sure to visit his website at Peter Holst Photography:
Thank you, Peter and Pauline!

Photo © by Peter Holst Photography/ used with special permission

(From left to right – Rudy Lenz, Andy Hodgson, Brandon Colby Cook and Tomas Wittrup)
Photo © by Peter Holst Photography/ used with special permission
A personal message from Pauline:
Hi all you wonderful people!
I wanted to send you all an update on the progress of our film!
As many of you have probably seen from my Facebook updates, we have been well received by festivals so far.
We took out 7 awards at the Best Shorts contest in California this month and will be making our world premiere at the LA Shorts Fest on 30th July in North Hollywood at Laemmle Theatre. Anyone who happens to be in LA and wants to come please do! Tickets are on the LA shorts fest site $13.
Also, we have been accepted into Montreal World Film Festival which is where we will make our Canadian premiere. It runs between 21 Aug and 1 Sept. We don’t have our screening date for that just yet.
And furthermore I’ve just heard we got selected for the Marbella International Film Festival in Spain! They chose 60 films out of 1000 so you should all feel very proud of your hard work.
I am truly grateful to all of you for helping make this film happen. I could not have done it without any one of you.
We are still waiting to hear on about 20 other festivals we have entered, including VIFF, TIFF, Whistler, Telluride, Hollywood and Sundance. Will keep you updated. We have a twitter now, it’s @ThroughthePane – please follow – and mine is @PaulineEgan. I’ll do my best to keep you all in the loop.
Much love to you all.

Veteran actor Eli Wallach died on June 26. Louis worked with Mr. Wallach on the miniseries Vendetta 2: Bride of Violence in 1992. The miniseries has also been released under the title The New Mafia and A Family Matter.
Here is an official press photo of Louis and Mr. Wallach from Vendetta 2.

Wallach had a prolific career as “one of the greatest ‘character actors’ ever to appear on stage and screen,” notes Turner Classic Movies, acting in over 90 films. Having grown up on the “mean streets” of an Italian American neighborhood, and his versatility as a method actor, Wallach developed the ability to play a wide variety of different roles, although he tried to not get pinned down to any single type of character. “Right now I’m playing an old man,” he said at age 84. But “I’ve been through all the ethnic groups, from Mexican bandits to Italian Mafia heads to Okinawans to half-breeds, and now I’m playing old Jews. Who knows?” (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The news media has covered his passing extensively; you can read homages and obituaries on CNN, Variety, The New York Times, Time, The LA Times and many others.
Find out more about Mr. Wallach’s acting career at IMDb and Wikipedia.
Louis was kind enough to take the time to share some of his personal thoughts and memories of this great man. Thanks, Louis!
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF – I had the privilege of working with Eli Wallach in 1992. One of the things that I felt so grateful for was that at the time I was a young and aspiring actor and I got to work with this sort of veteran who would tell me stories, on a daily basis, of the people that he trained with at the Actors Studio. And that included people such as James Dean and Marlon Brando and Marilyn (Monroe) and Montgomery Clift. All these people that he was in the circle of. And he grew up in that era when acting became an art form, with those kinds of people creating that art form.
And, I’ll never forget, so he would sit down, and he would always say, because he played my grandfather, and he would sit there. For example, one of the stories I remember is him telling me the story of when he went to see the opening night of A Streetcar Named Desire with Marlon Brando.
FF – Oh my god!
LF – And he sat there, and he had the most, as you know, he has that dry Wallach voice.
FF – Right.
LF – He was such a sweet, sweet, beautiful man and he would sit there and go, (in a dry, Wallach voice) “You know, Louis, I was there, and here is the thing about watching Marlon on the screen.” He goes, “If you, if you were behind the eighth row, in the show, you didn’t hear a word that he said. You know what? And do you know what?”
And I’d be like, “What? What?!”
He goes, “It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter.” And then he basically was just saying that, you know, his persona was such a persona that he, it didn’t even matter that Marlon, he was just so riveting and so real and something like you had never seen on stage before.
FF – Yeah.
LF – And you know, Eli Wallach was there for those kind of moments, so many epic performances, so many brilliant movies, such an incredible career, and throughout it talked about his wife and his children and, and all these amazing stories that I would get.
So he really was kind of a, I think I want to say acting mentor because he just inherently was that. Not to me but to I think anyone who got to meet him.
He was just filled with wisdom and stories and truth and experience and… So it was just a privilege when you get these periods in your career when you’re all of a sudden working with an iconic figure in your life you’re only grateful for.
FF – Right.
LF – And he’s one of those people that you’re grateful for, not just to have experienced, but to know him is to know the kind of person you want to be in your life. So I feel, I felt very, so very blessed to be, to have that time that I did with him.
Just a tribute to such an iconic, you know for me it’s like being the kid who grew up on welfare with his mom, that that was one of those milestones of life. I’m working with this iconic man who literally, I mean, I would sit there and just listen to him go on and on.
And I remember another story he told me once, and it’s too long to tell but I’ll never forget the story because it was about his daughter and her first acting gig, or one of her earlier acting gigs. And them going to the middle of Harlem in like some abandoned building and having to walk up six flights of stairs because there was no elevator and sitting in a very, very dark room and then watching the most inappropriate of materials, offensive… Eli and his wife sitting there in like, you know in a shifty house, a seedy little dark theater and it was just, he would go on and on with, so, I mean just to sit there and he would be like, “So we would be…” and this group of people… Dennis Hopper was another one, you know, he just was around those originators, those beginners, I mean, those people who started it all for us as far as the acting movement. And so….
FF – Right.
LF – There’s that time, you know, probably, whatever I was, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, and I was just so taken by more than his professionalism, it was just his kindness. He was just so, like you can be an actor and have no ego and be just a giving, loving person.
FF – Right, yeah.
LF – He was a light. He was definitely a light and will be…. I’m sure it’s one of those things where… but the great thing is he seemed to have had a great, wonderful, long, beautiful life.
FF – Oh yeah.
LF – It doesn’t surprise me. I mean, it doesn’t surprise me at all. He just seems like, he seems like he just, Eli just was like, he kept working. He just worked long into his, I feel definitely into his eighties. I mean, I remember he did this film that I saw, I forget what it was [The Holiday], but where he played a writer next door, and he had to be like mid-eighties, easily, if not older.
FF – Yeah.
LF – I don’t know, do you how old he was?
FF – I think he was in his nineties when he died.
LF – Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah.
FF – I found this wonderful quote of him, I don’t have it right in front of me, but where he said, “I started out playing mobsters and gangsters and then old men and now I play old Jews.” Which is so funny because he’s Jewish. And he thought that, you know, towards the end of his working career he came back to who he actually was.
LF – He came back to who he is! Yeah, yeah, funny.
FF – And so he had just had sort of that gentle humor about him, you know, the self-deprecating humor.
LF – Yeah. Subtle. So kind. Yeah.
FF – What a fantastic man. I mean it was just, I was heartbroken when I saw it but you know like you said, he lived a good, long life. He’d had a really wonderful career and he’d influenced a lot of people. So it’s not like, it’s just sad to lose him but it’s not like there were chances that he’s never had. Or a life not lived.
LF – He lived a beautiful, productive, loving life. And he loved, he loved. You could just sense that this man was filled with love. To give and receive. And he was just open. He was just an open book and that was beautiful.
Thanks to Casey for the transcript!
You can purchase a copy of the Miniseries on
PLEASE NOTE: This DVD will not play on most DVD players sold in the US or Canada [Region 1]. This item requires a region specific or multi-region DVD player and compatible TV. Some laptops are also able to play DVDs from other regions – please consult your owner’s manual.

In honor of Louis’ work with Eli Wallach we have well over a thousand screencaps from their collaboration on Vendetta 2. Here is a direct link to the collection:

This month we have another question from a young friend. Kids, keep those questions coming!
Listen to the sound clip here:
FF – So here’s a question from Zach, who’s fourteen and he’s from Norwalk, Connecticut. And he asks: What kind of music do you like to listen to?
LF – I like all types of music. But lately I’ve been into some World Music. I’m currently listening to some Brazilian Samba, as we speak, like a Jazz Fusion Samba Brazilian sound, so.
I’m off, I’m sort of off the sort of typical radio type music. I like Jazz, I like Reggae, I like old school Funk.
Yeah, I pretty much like everything. Not a big Metal, I’m not a big fan, I like, you know, old rock… I like rock’n’roll, yeah. Lately, World Music. I’m digging the music from other parts of the world and different cultures. I find that interesting, yeah.
But I love music. I think music is a great way to… a great therapy of course.

Thanks for your question, Zach!

This month it’s a David DeLuise special! Thanks for the great photos, David and Louis!
Click on the photos to see the original posts.

Assorted Tweets from around the Twitterverse. Click on the tweets – they have a direct link to the original post if available!

Louis’ former colleague Ming-Na shared this short video from the SGU days on Instagram.
It’s a party!
Good memories of a great show that ended way too soon. Thanks for posting, Ming-Na!
Louis’ BFF David DeLuise posted a video of Louis’ dog Giancarlo . Giancarlo loves watching animals on TV – especially other dogs, as you can see here.
Thanks for sharing, David!

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book:
Here is this month’s chapter. It was recorded on site in LA, thus the sound quality is much better than usual.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Chapter 17: Let the love in
When Munchie gets tired during long walks, I pick him up and carry him for a while. The moment he is in my arms, he rolls onto his back and lets me bear him fully.
Harboring no guilt or unworthiness, he does not protest, “You really don’t need to do this,” or “I will carry you tomorrow.” He just lays there and soaks it in.
Munchie knows he is worth the love he receives, and he accepts it.

Bradley celebrated his birthday on June 29th and then he and Caitlin went on a trip to Iowa and other places in the Midwest. Happy trails, Bradley!
Follow Bradley on Twitter at @BradleyStryker.

This past week the following Twitter conversation happened on Peter Kelamis‘ feed:

Loyal readers will remember that they are referring to Peter’s brief video series about apes reacting to human artefacts.
Watch the two short clips here – they’re just as funny today as they were a few years ago!
You can see Louis cracking up in the audience!
You can hear Louis laughing at Peter’s antics, and you can see him briefly wearing a light brown coat towards the end of the clip.
As always, thanks to Patrick Gilmore for posting these hilarious pieces of thespian prowess!
Peter also had a brand-new convention banner made, which he proudly shared on Twitter. These banners are displayed on the wall behind the actors where they greet fans and sign autographs. We all look forward to seeing Peter in front of this piece!

Jen’s movie Down River is now available on iTunes in Canada! Let’s hope it will come to other markets as well!
For upcoming screenings go to the Down River Screenings & Tickets page.
If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you’re in luck, since the next screening is in your neighborhood!
August 27th – Portland, Oregon’s Northwest Film Center
Jen has posted photos from the Leo Awards on Facebook. You can also find new Getty Images on Jen’s web page right here at The Friends of Louis Ferreira.
Earlier this month Jen was at the Festival Fantazie Con in Prague, in the Czech Republic.

Got any news for Louis fans in your country? Drop us a line at !
Want your own email address? Volunteer to be the correspondent for your country and send in your news once a month – it’s that simple! And all sorts of goodies will come your way in return! We’d love to have someone from Germany and Canada in particular since we have so many visitors from there. Please volunteer!
Our French correspondent Anne is on vacation right now but she still sent an update!
At the moment the Motive DVD box set is not available for sale in France because it’s on backorder. Hopefully it will be back on the shelves soon!
And here is Louis’ French Wikipedia page!

Still no word about Season 2 of MOTIVE but SGU in is still in reruns on AXN Black. Thanks for keeping us informed, Ildi!

Motive Season 2 will start on September 30 at 8:55 pm on TNT Serie! Read all about it here!
Thanks to Sabrina Germanotta for the info!

Great news for our friends Down Under as well! Motive has finally arrived and plays on Wednesdays 10:30pm on Channel 7!
Here’s another portal to access the information. Thanks to Monique Froome for the info!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
Check out our flag counter on bottom of the Home Page – as of publication time we have had visitors from 65 countries in 296 different regions.

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!