Published May 2014
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Is it Spring yet? It certainly is the 20th of April, and Spring or not, it’s time for another big party at Ferreira Fest, the monthly newsletter celebrating the acting career and charity projects of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis). This time we have a Charity site visit, lots of photos from current and past projects, the exclusive Reading Series, and so much more! Get your super-sized pineapple drink at the free bar and come on in!

Motive Season 2 is humming along on Canadian TV, leaving the rest of the world pining away for new episodes and at least once a week considering emigrating to Canada.
Not only do those lucky Canadians get to watch Motive every week, they also have some pretty spectacular scenery up there, as evidenced by this photo which was taken during the shooting of an episode in Squamish, BC.
Our reader Eszter visited Toronto last month and was quite taken by all the giant Motive advertisements at bus stops all over town.
Check it out!

Last month we reported on Carlo Ricci doing a cover shoot for Motive. Since then, Carlo has posted samples of his work from his experiences on set on his website. There’s some stunningly beautiful stuff there, so be sure to visit while it’s still available!
Spoiler pictures for the episode “Bad Blonde” can be found here on Pop Goes The World.
Season 2 of Motive will start airing in the US on ABC next month. The wait will soon be over!
Reports on the new season launch were posted by, TVtango and Check them all out for some nice high-resolution pictures!
CTV Television has posted a slightly spoilerish tweet about Oscar’s and Angie’s relationship in Season 2.
Here is a lovely Season 2 portrait of Oscar and Angie, courtesy of MotiveTV.
TV Guide Canada chose Motive as one of their Primetime Picks. And you can still find great news about Motive’s Season 1!
Here’s a lovely Season 1 cast photo.
Click on the image for a link to a high-resolution version.
Thanks to Agi for finding this gem!
And here’s a real treat for those among us who like to know what the music was that was played during an episode, besides the original compositions. Check out the Motive Season 1 Music Web Page!

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is the country’s leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth in the child welfare system.
We raise and grant funds and develop high-impact programs that are delivered in partnership with 104 child- and youth-serving agencies across the country.
With the support of our donors and partners, we help children and youth involved with the child welfare system access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.
The Buzz is the Children’s Aid Foundation‘s new online magazine and repository for everything fresh and interesting.
Click here for the latest issue of The Buzz.
You can help change lives! You can help make a significant difference in the lives of children, youth, and families involved with the child welfare system by donating today. Click on the logo below – it’s quick and easy.

E-book “A Day In A Homeless Life”
A Day in a Homeless Life uses the stunning black and white photography of Nir Bareket to depict the day to day existence of three older homeless men in Toronto, Canada.
The activities of The Good Neighbour’s Club, a daytime center for older homeless men, provides the backdrop for much of this work. Photographic “interviews” are held with Peter, Ray, and Ernie, who together dispel the myth that there is any single profile of a homeless person. Despite their challenges and the violent blows of fate and circumstance, these three men strive, each in their own way, to be Good Neighbours.
You can purchase and download the e-book at Amazon Canada. Thanks to Alma for the updates!
Visiting The Good Neighbours’ Club
Our long-time reader Eszter recently visited Toronto and was kind enough to set aside some time for a site visit at the Good Neighbours’ Club. Here is her report, complete with pictures!

I spent one week in Toronto and managed to steal an hour away and see the Good Neighbours’ Club on Jarvis Avenue. Lauro Monteiro met me at the entrance and, despite recovering from a broken ankle, showed me around the building. He mentioned meeting Louis and how he just showed up one day to help out. Many had no idea who he was and only learned that he was a well-known actor after he’d left.
The shelter caters to men over 50, who are hit worst by homelessness and for whom it is really difficult to find jobs and put their lives back together.
The Good Neighbours’ Club provides them opportunities during the day. The building, comprised of three small stories, houses a library area with books, newspapers, and computers, which members can use for just browsing or for finding jobs. They have a pool table and a TV set at on another floor. They serve meals throughout the day— for about 200 men a day. It is their policy that members should contribute to meals ($1/meal), but they give them anything else they might need and is in stock at the shelter – clothes, toothbrushes etc. – for free. Members are also helped out by professional and student nurses 5 times a week, which alleviates their access issues with the health care system. Facilities are being improved as government money (however meager it is) and donations come in. They have changed a lot for the better already and additional – major – improvements will happen in May.
At the end of my tour, Lauro introduced me to Dr. Bruno Scorsone, the executive director. He was very sweet, saying Louis was a family friend and what a wonderfully talented actor he is (not that I needed any convincing). He was also very excited about his daughter Caterina Scorsone’s return to Grey’s Anatomy, which I hear will stretch to four episodes for sure. We also talked briefly about my experience at Dragon*Con in 2011 and meeting Louis there.
The one hour I could spend at the shelter was an enlightening experience for me. I am really glad I went, and I appreciate Lauro and Bruno’s hospitality.

The Good Neighbours’ Club does a fantastic job, so if you feel like donating, please do consider them. If you live in Toronto, you could also think about volunteering your time.
Thanks so much for the great report and the photos, Eszter!
Everybody: please report in if you make a site visit to one of Louis’ charities. We’d love to hear all about it!
Please make a donation if you’re able by clicking on the logo below – every penny helps.

Alas, I was unable to get a hold of Louis for this month’s newsletter – he was on vacation at press time and surely he deserved a little peace and quiet. But as it so happened The Morton Report has posted an in-depth interview of Louis discussing Motive and fatherhood, which was going to be our topic of the month anyway. Thanks to The Morton Report for granting us permission to re-post the interview in its entirety here.
Rock Solid: Interview with Motive’s Louis Ferreira
April 05, 2014
By Steve Eramo, Contributor
reposted with permission from The Morton Report.
Please visit the original posting which also includes some Motive photos by CTV/ Bell Media
For the past few years, actor Louis Ferreira has kept busy adding to his already long and impressive list of feature film and TV credits. As Colonel Everett Young on SGU Stargate Universe, he risked his own life countless times in order to save others, while on Breaking Bad, the actor engaged in onscreen banter with series lead Bryan Cranston (which included the memorable “say my name” scene), and playing yet another military officer, Colonel Hall, he stirred up some trouble in Primeval: New World. Currently, Ferreira is helping get criminals off the streets of Vancouver, British Columbia as Police Detective Oscar Vega in the hit CTV police procedural drama Motive. Funnily enough, his role in this series came about as a result of his personal life overlapping with his professional one.
“While I was in Vancouver doing Stargate Universe, my son was living with me and going to school there,” says Ferreira. “When the series ended, we came back down to Los Angeles, and after falling in love with Vancouver and making friends there, my 17-year-old son said to me, ‘Dad, I want to go back to Vancouver and be with my friends.’ Well, I would have been a horrible father if I stopped him from doing what he wanted to do at that point, so I supported him in that. However, when he left home, I went through what I guess would be some version of empty nest syndrome. I was on my own and, no word of a lie, I was really struggling. I thought, ‘Dear God, please get me another job in Vancouver,’ because in my heart of hearts I always wanted to be with my son until he was 20. That was just a goal that I’d set for myself.
Sure enough, the opportunity came up for Motive, and how it came up was that John Lenic, who was one of the producers on SGU, told me about this show he was working on called Motive and the character of Oscar Vega. So I went in for an audition, everything went well, they liked me and I was on the list, but they weren’t quite sure if I was the right vibe or the right fit. I eventually had a callback to do a test read with the three actresses who were trying out for the lead of the show, including Kristin Lehman. On that day, there was a mix-up and Kristin was given the wrong [audition] sides by mistake. Of course, she got a little panicky, like any of us would, and I said to John, ‘Put me in a room with her and we’ll go through the material together. When we’re ready, we’ll do it together.’
I had never met Kristin before, but after going through the material with her, I said, ‘If there was a camera in that corner right now, they [the producers] would see that this is the correct pairing for the particular dynamic of this show.’ Here was Kristin playing a strong female character who works from the gut, and I’m playing her sort of calm, rock-steady presence. It was weird, because that’s not really me, but in this case it worked. It was almost a play on the typical gender reversal, where my character was in touch with the side of himself that is calming. So that’s how I read the scenes with Kristin and played Oscar as this man who is standing behind and supporting the Angie Flynn character. The interesting thing is that during the initial audition process, the show was far more character-driven, but it then became a procedural piece, which sort of stunned us. However, because Kristin and I focused on and expounded on that dynamic between our two characters, it stuck, and people felt it. I think that’s why amidst Motive’s procedural element, there’s still that solid relationship or bond between Kristin’s and my character.
After I did that read-through with Kristin, I heard that she had been cast, which didn’t surprise me at all, but there was no news for me regarding Oscar. I figured it was dead for me, especially when they began seeing other actors for the role. So I went off to Toronto to do a guest spot on [the TV series] Rookie Blue, and out of the blue, no pun intended, I received a phone call that they wanted me for Motive, which was literally starting production the next week.”
In the Motive season one opener, “Creeping Tom,” Vancouver police Detectives Angie Flynn and Oscar Vega investigate the murder of a popular high school teacher. This episode also introduces rookie detective Brian Lucas (Brendan Penny) as well as the team’s boss, Staff Sergeant Boyd Bloom (Roger Cross), and lead medical examiner Dr. Betty Rogers (Lauren Holly). Audiences are also immediately made aware of the fact that this is not your typical police procedural, in that both the killer and victim are identified to viewers only in the opening teaser. Flynn and her fellow detectives must then connect all the dots and discover what brought the perpetrator and the victim together. A veteran when it comes to working as a series regular, Ferreira felt right at home from his first day on the Motive set.
“Not only did I realize how lucky I was to be working, but also that I was working with Kristin,” recalls the actor. “She’s just a dream to work with, as are the entire cast and crew, but her and I work together just about every day, and the partnership as well as friendship we have is incredible and defies all the sort of stereotypical stuff that doesn’t exist on this set. Kristin is such a humble, caring, giving and down-to-earth human being and all about the work. I have so much respect for her. As for the crew, a lot of them are from Stargate, so I immediately felt comfortable with this TV family.
With my character of Oscar Vega, the biggest challenge for me was the adjustment of going, as I spoke of before, from a character-driven piece and a dramedy in the nature of Moonlighting or Castle, to more of a procedural-type story. Beyond that, the core aspect of Vega that I wanted to really explore was that aspect of when you arrive at a place in your life where you operate from a place of simplicity and no longer have anything to prove. You realize life is short and you’ve been humbled and appreciate every day. It’s not about trying to entertain and make anyone particularly like you. It starts with liking yourself and then understanding that because of that, you can be comfortable in any situation that you happen to be in.
There is a book called The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom written by don Miguel Ruiz, and the four agreements are: be impeccable with your work, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. I think of this book as my ‘bible,’ and I shared it with the Motive writers because it’s very important for me to have a sense of me, Louis, in the roles I play, including Oscar Vega. I’m very heated, very passionate and can be extreme, but this is a character who’s a very grounded, centered, calm and loving presence in someone’s life. Oscar comes from money and was supposed to be a lawyer, but he went against his family. Before becoming a detective, he went into the priesthood, so there’s this very spiritual aspect to him that he still explores. After all, we’re all works in progress, right?
So for me, trusting that simplicity in my performance was not an easy thing. Ten or 15 years ago, if I saw someone playing Oscar Vega like that I would have been like, ‘That guy is doing nothing. How can he be an actor?’ So taking that simplistic journey is a vulnerable thing to do, but I continue to embrace that challenge and, again, we definitely had to make a huge adjustment going from what we thought was going to be one type of TV show to a different type of show. My job, though, is to take what the show’s creators give me and turn in the best performance possible. Honestly, I have to say that those in charge of Motive have executed it so well on many levels. This [second] season, Warren Christie has joined us [his character of Sergeant Mark Cross replaces a newly-promoted Boyd Bloom as team leader], and he is a beautiful human being in every way. His character and Angie Flynn had a relationship in the past, something that Oscar quickly picks up on, and the minute that Mark Cross steps on screen, there is this ripple effect to the character dynamics that pre-existed and that is fun to watch.”
Despite having performed in a variety of genres, from comedy to drama, Motive is Ferreira’s first real stab at doing a procedural show, and he is enjoying the opportunity to stretch his acting muscles in such a direction. “I’ve always been keen to explore and do different things. I mean, I pray that I can do a musical before I end this career of mine,” he says. “I like having a checklist or wish list of the different things I’ve done as an actor, and whatever is still left on that list are things I hope to eventually cross off.
Motive is one of those things that I have crossed off, having not done anything like it before, and I’m so fortunate to have such an opportunity. Again, I have such admiration for Kristin Lehman. I just feel like we’re a good team, and that comes from us as actors as well as our characters sharing a friendship and mutual respect. Kristin and I have sort of had these parallel careers, and we’ve come together at a time in our lives when we both wanted to be in Vancouver for the same reasons. So there’s been no downside here whatsoever. We’re all proud of the show we’re making and we just want it to continue in a direction that feels like growth,” enthuses Ferreira.
Motive currently airs Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m. EST/PST on Canada’s CTV Network.
Thanks again to the kind folks at The Morton Report for allowing us to re-post the entire interview!

Last month Louis spent some time with his daughter Sawyer. The photos below are from various outings during her visit. Thanks for sharing, Louis and Sawyer!

Photo by L. Ferreira
Louis’ son Aidan sent him a YouTube video and he asked me to share it here. It comes with a hankie warning for the sentimental and tender-hearted ones among us. The message is simple: Being rich is not about how much you have but how much you give.
You can watch it right here!
On behalf of Louis and Aidan: please consider donating to our two charities today. It’s simple – just click on the organization logos.
Remember, your donations are tax-deductible!

We have another question for Louis from a young reader.
Listen to the sound clip here:
FF – And, there’s a question from Peter, who’s ten, and he’s from Manchester, in the UK. He says, “I really like Colonel Young from Stargate Universe. You are a good boss. Do you like playing the boss?”
LF – Well, I am impressed that you, young man, watch Stargate Universe and like it. Yeah, it’s always fun to play the boss. So, my advice to you would be to become the boss. Because it’s fun.


Thanks for sharing, Connor!

Captured by MotiveTV



Follow our wonderfully witty contributors on Twitter! As you can see their contributions speak for themselves. Thanks for tweeting, everybody!
Lauren Holly, Kristin Lehman, Nora Nemes, Motive TV, Louis Ferreira …and of course Ferreira Fest!

Through The Pane
Lucinda Bruce has posted this awesome photo from the Through The Pane filming. Click on the image to go to the original post. Thanks so much Lucinda – this one’s a keeper!
Follow Lucinda on Twitter.
Read more about Through The Pane in Ferreira Fest 48.

Photographer Peter Holst has kindly granted us permission to post this photo he took of the Through The Pane shoot.
Please join me in thanking Peter for his generosity, and be sure to visit his website at
Here Louis, Pauline and the production staff are checking out the dailies of the Through The Pane shoot.
Louis is right in the center.

Some of you might be familiar with the AMC movie series Story Notes that displays comments, trivia and interesting fringe information at the bottom of the screen throughout the movie.
Louis’ 2007 movie Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg and Michael Peña has played in its extended version on the AMC Story Notes series several times before, but earlier this month they had an edited version of the comments which now includes a snippet for Louis the first time he appears in the movie, about 40 minutes in.
Louis plays the tough-as-nails FBI director Howard Purnell, and in his first appearance his character is none too pleased that the search for the Shooter, who was last seen plunging into the Delaware river in a car, is coming up empty.
Diver: I got a Crown Vic, black, government plates…
Purnell: Dead guy in the front seat?
Diver: (shakes head)
Purnell: I want the banks of this river lined for thirty miles five minutes ago!

During this scene the caption reads:
That’s Louis Ferreira from “Stargate Universe” and AMC’s “Breaking Bad”.
Check your local listings for the next time the movie airs on AMC. Shooter is a regular on various channels but AMC is the only one to display comments throughout.
Here is an older photo of Louis having a great time with his co-star from the movie, Michael Peña.

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book:
Here is this month’s chapter, #14.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Choose your relationships
When Munchie trusts someone, he is fully present with them.
When he doesn’t like someone, he steers clear of them.
He doesn’t stay with people who hurt him.
He has no concept that he has to be with anyone. He does not suffer to pay off karma from past lives. He does not wrestle with codependency issues.
He is loyal to his friends and lets everyone else go their way.

This month we have a rather obscure treat for you! Here are 429 screencaps of Louis’ character Monty Pickett on the short-lived series Three, where he guest starred in the episode “Buyer Beware” (season 1 episode 7) and others.
Three is a drama television series which aired on The WB from February 2, 1998 to March 23, 1998. Thanks to Louis for making a video of his scene in the episode available!
Three on Wikipedia
The plot of the show was centered around three thieves, who all participated in crimes that brought no legitimate suffering to others. They were captured by a secret agency that forced them to use their abilities on the agency’s behalf to combat criminals who were a threat against the American way of life, under threat of going to prison themselves.
Three on IMDb
Three young criminals; a jewel thief, a con artist, and a computer hacker, are told by an anonymous man that “they” – the organization that he works for, have in their possession, full dossiers on each of them. And if the authorities should ever get these dossiers, they will probably be in prison for the rest of their lives. So in exchange for making sure that that doesn’t happen, they have to work for “them”, the organization, whose goal is “to protect the status quo”. So, they are sent out to solve baffling or unsolved crimes, or to go after criminals, who have been on the loose too long. Written by <>
In this episode (“Buyer Beware“) the three main characters attempt to do business with the shady arms dealer Mr. Pickett, who apparently likes to work in empty stadiums with fireworks projections in the background. He also wears colorful suits and drives a vintage car, and he has at least two (slow moving) body guards. The episode centers around the acquisition of a MIRACL, a super-secret weapon still in the prototype stage that Pickett wants to get his hands on.
Edward Atterton as Jonathan Vance
Julie Bowen as Amanda Webb
Bumper Robinson as Marcus Miller
Louis Ferreira as Monty Pickett
Here is a direct link:

Jen Spence
Jen reports that Down River will be screening at the Newport Beach Film Festival on April 27th and 29th! She will keep us posted of any others – be sure to visit often in case the movie goes on to other US markets and elsewhere.

Ingrid Rogers
A few readers have pointed out this great video of Ingrid discussing her acting career.
Click on the embedded video to watch it!
Thanks to everyone who sent in the link!

Bradley Stryker
Bradley can soon be seen in a new short film. We’ll keep you posted on any developments and screenings. The movie is called Rudolph vs. Reese and it is currently in post-production. Bradley plays Landon Mullaney.
Rudolph Vs. Reese synopsis (from casting call): A short dark comedy about Landon Mullaney, an ambitious lawyer working at a prestigious law firm, who takes on the case that could make or break his career. He’s defending ReeseCorp, a sleigh company, from a lawsuit The North Pole has issued in the wake of a sleigh crash. As legal proceedings with Santa Claus transpire, secrets arise that threaten Landon’s reputation.
Check out the Facebook page!
And here are two images of Bradley in the movie. Click on the pictures to learn more!

News from Hungary
Only one piece of news this month: season two of Stargate Universe is on TV, and it’s on AXN this time. There’s a new episode every weekday at 6 PM. The other channel, AXN Black is still showing season one episodes.
“Still no Motive in Hungary, but I’ve found another series-oriented site, so now I’m keeping my eyes on two different websites. Hopefully I will know very early if they finally decide to show it on Hungarian TV.
And look what else I’ve found! You can order The Big Slice on dvd! Apparently it was even dubbed in Hungarian 🙂 I’ll see if I can find or make a short video of it with the Hungarian voices for the next issue. You can order it from Líra és Lant’s site.”
Thanks for the report, Ildi! We’re all curious as to what Louis’ Hungarian voice sounds like.

News from France
Anne reports that no Louis-movies or TV series are currently airing in France. Hang in there, folks, there’s bound to be more goodness on the way for you!

News from Austria
Motive started airing in Austria on April 16, 2014 at 9:10pm on the channel puls4. Thanks to Sabrina for posting the good news on Twitter!

Top Cops
One would think that IMDb is all-knowing when it comes to filmographies. In truth, they are always a work in progress, not only because working actors add new work to the top of their stack every so often, but also because sometimes old roles surface, often from before the prevalence of the internet.
One such event just happened with Louis’ filmography – earlier this week a credit for the show Top Cops showed up, for an episode in which our man undoubtedly played a juvenile delinquent, as he so often did in those days.
Check out Louis’ filmography either here on The Friends of Louis Ferreira or on IMDb.
More information about the show Top Cops can be found on Wikipedia. has a more detailed episode breakdown.
If anybody still has a video copy of this episode please contact so I can do screencaps for everyone to enjoy. Thanks!
The TV series Letters to God which Louis hosted has yet to appear on IMDb.
Louis on TV
On the Links Page you will find permanent hot links to various TV listings websites so you can keep up with when Louis is on TV. While there are several good search engines out there, perhaps you want to check out LocateTV, which sends you an email once a week with every listing that has Louis in it that airs in your area. It’s easy to use and couldn’t be more convenient.
Louis Smilies
And finally, staff member Casey shares this picture of her hamster Stella, posing with Tigger and Louis. It does not get any cuter than that!
Photo by Casey. Used with permission.

Check out our flag counter – at press time we had visitors from 47 different countries on all continents except Antarctica (we’re working on that one).

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
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Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!