Ferreira Fest 051

Published March 2014
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

It’s the 20th day of the month and this means another huge party at Ferreira Fest, where we celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis) with news, photos, Q&As, sound clips and reports! This month we have an exclusive interview with Louis’ Stargate Universe colleague Jennifer Spence, so come on in, grab a free virtual pineapple drink at the open bar and join us for a plethora of smiles and good times!


Louis received his birthday package a few days after the big day, since he was out of town. As you can see in the photo below he was ecstatic about the many lovely cards and letters and chocolate bars from all over the world. It was a great Saturday morning surprise!

If you missed this year’s party, don’t worry, we’ll have other projects where you can participate. And of course you can send a card or letter any time – please see the CONTACT page for details.


Season 2 of MOTIVE started airing in Canada on March 6. The main cast has changed its lineup, as you can see in the new cast photo:

And thanks to MotiveTV for sharing the Season 2 gem below:

Angie Flynn and Oscar Vega continue to do what they do so well: tracking down killers and discovering their Motive. Here is our fabulous detective team:

Please note that any of the articles or interviews listed below may contain spoilers – from mild to serious – for Season 2, so follow the links at your own discretion.

CTV has posted a press release for Season 2. MOTIVE viewership for the first episode was up compared to the Season 1 finale, according to a Bellmedia press release.

Spoilers for episode 2-02 can be found at digitaljournal.com. Episode 2-02, guest starring Jennifer Beals, pulled in a record 1.3 million viewers in Canada – read the report on Newswire here!

Here is the new CTV Motive website header for Season 2:

New cast member Warren Christie has the following praise for Louis: “Louis is really brilliant and actually a funny, goofy guy and very sweet. He’s very different from the characters he plays–even Vega,” he says. “He’s put a lot of work into creating a strong, silent partner who’s a great balance to Angie. It’s been great to get to work with him. I’m a big fan of his work.”

Read the whole interview by The TeleVixen!

Warren shares some great insights into his character and his relationship with the other characters, particularly Flynn and Vega, in a nice interview with The Morton Report. There is also a new high-resolution photo of the show’s male characters. Click on the image below to check it out.

Here are two interviews with Louis’ co-star Kristin Lehman: one with the Huffington Post and one with the Vancouver Sun. Both mention Louis.
Lauren Holly who plays Dr. Betty Rogers was interviewed by the Toronto Star and also mentions Louis.
CTV posted a nice article about changes and new challenges in Season 2 for Brendan Penny’s character Det. Brian Lucas.

Here are a few articles about Season 2, one by the National Post, one by The Manila Standard,  one by The Loop (warning: this one contains colossal spoilers for episode 2-01!).

Carlo Ricci has posted a picture from an editorial at Vanmag.com – if you live in the Vancouver area, be sure to pick one up. Thanks, Carlo!
For our Canadian friends there are some extra perks!

There is now an online Motive Game which lets you follow the clues along with Flynn and Vega. (This feature will only work in Canada!)

And you can play the Motive Game here. (This feature will only work in Canada!)

If you don’t live in Canada, here is what an issue of the game looks like: you compare two very similar photos for clues. Thanks to CTV for giving us a tiny glimpse of what the rest of the world is missing!

Alas, the game itself is geo-fenced, so unless you live in Canada you’re out of luck… The same is true for this Motive Behind-the-Scenes interview. (This feature will only work in Canada!)

And the lucky residents of Germany can now order their own DVD copy of Season 1! Click on the image for the link to the post (okay, you can actually order the DVD from anywhere in the world, but you need to get it from this website, and needless to say the shipping costs will be a little higher).

You can order the DVD set here.

You can also watch Season 1 on iTunes.

Staff member Alma discovered these two gems from Season 1. Thanks Alma!

Photo by ABC/ Kharen Hill
Photo by ABC/ Kharen Hill


“Pushover”, Motive Season 1 Episode 3

In honor of MOTIVE’s season 2 start on March 6 we have 659 screencaps of another season 1 episode for you – episode 3 “Pushover”.

Here is a direct link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SXYU1JO0y0lLACBplvVBui5a8NKDysn6?usp=drive_link


News from The Good Neighbours Club

The Annual General Meeting of The Good Neighbours’ Club will take place on Thursday, March 27, 2014, at 3:00pm, Ryerson University in the Alumni Lounge at the Mattamy Athletic Centre (formerly Maple Leaf Gardens) on 50 Carlton Street. Registration will commence at 2:30pm to permit commencement of the meeting at 3:00pm.
The Keynote speaker will be Sheldon Levy, President and Vice Chancellor of Ryerson University, a respected postsecondary leader and analytical visionary for the past forty years.

Please support GNC’s vital mission to help homeless seniors – it’s simple! Just click on the banner below and make your donation online. Every penny helps!

News from The Children’s Aid Foundation

The Children’s Aid Foundation‘s Corsage Project hosts the annual Boutique Ball, a program that provides young girls and boys facing financial difficulties with formal attire so that they can attend their proms. If you’d like to volunteer or make a donation, go here. Watch a brief video about the Corsage Project on its Facebook Page.

The Children’s Aid Foundation has also posted a new video of one of their many success stories. You can watch it right here:

You can donate to the Children’s Aid Foundation right here online – simply click on the banner below.

Thank you so much for your support of two of Louis’ favorite causes!

Did you realize that if you live in the USA donations to both charities are tax-deductible? Please be sure to mention it to your tax preparer!


We continue with our mini-series of kids’ questions for Louis. Today it’s Sarah’s turn. This Q&A was recorded last month (February 2014).

Listen to the sound clip here:

FF – Then we have a question from Sarah, who is fifteen. And she’s from Atlanta. And she wants to know: “What TV shows do you like to watch?”

LF – Sarah. I’m not a big, I don’t watch a lot of TV. I’ve recently enjoyed Veep with Julia Louis-Dreyfus on HBO. That’s her name, right? Yeah, that’s the right name.

FF – Yep.

LF – Yeah, Veep, I’ve enjoyed Veep. But other than that I love, like right now, I’m watching the Olympics, I’m an Olympic junkie, love the Olympics. And I love shows like American Idol and I love The Voice and I look forward to catching up on the shows up here that people are saying are great. I just haven’t really had the time yet, but, so…

And I also love, I mean, I love the shows that I grew up with. Going back to like stuff like Happy Days and Gilligan’s Island. Beverly Hillbillies, and Cheers and The Cosby Show and Family Ties, and Saturday morning cartoons, you know. I don’t watch a lot of TV generally.


Ferreira Fest staff members Casey and Bea met up with Jennifer Spence at Dragon*Con 2013.

Jennifer worked with Louis on Stargate Universe and was delighted to talk about her experience on the show as well as her career and current projects.

The interview can be found on Jennifer Spence’s Page here at louisferreira.org.


Our transcriptionist Casey was able to catch the showing of Jennifer Spence’s movie Down River in San Jose last week and has kindly provided the following report as well as some pictures. Thanks, Casey!

A Brief Synopsis
What happens when you lose your guide before you’ve found your way? For three young artists, they must learn to face personal fears and obstacles after they unexpectedly lose a mentor. Inspired by Babz Chula, a friend and frequent co-star of writer-director Ben Ratner, Down River tells the story of Pearl, a free-spirited woman living in Vancouver’s storied “The Manhattan” housing co-op. Pearl (Helen Shaver) acts as a mentor for three women struggling through their lives and careers: an in-demand but insecure actress, a gifted rock singer on the brink of self-destruction, and a dynamic artist hiding behind a paint stained hoodie. As they find their confidence through Pearl, they must then deal with her unexpected death. Ratner’s homage to Chula comes after her long battle with cancer, and is part celebration of Vancouver’s community of independent artists. As a result, Down River is an emotionally stirring story of mentorship, friendship and letting go.

On March 8th, I had the privilege of seeing Down River at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose, CA.

Jennifer Spence, as Aki, was absolutely brilliant.

I give Down River a grade of – Fantastic!

Down River is a captivating story about flawed dreamers, floundering souls and the beauty of unconditional love. It’s the first movie in a very long time that actually forced me to bring out the Kleenex. It made me cry, it gave me hope, and it made me believe in my own dreams again. My life is more enriched for having seen it—there aren’t very many 93 minutes of my life about which I can say that.

If you have the opportunity, do yourself a favor and go see Down River.

But be warned—Pearl, Aki, Fawn and Harper will remain in your hearts and your thoughts for a very long time. And when the final credits roll, you might experience, as I did, that same bittersweet feeling as when your fingers turn the last page of a favorite novel.

Down River is a work of fiction, but the essence of the character Pearl is based on a woman named Babz Chula who encouraged and supported writer/director Ben Ratner, and many other artists in Vancouver. Ben Ratner wrote Down River in honor of her memory.

And that’s the beauty and gift of Down River.

Through Down River, Ben Ratner shares Babz Chula with all the dreamers out there who will never get to meet her.

In the movie, there is a table in Pearl’s apartment where she and the three women sit. That table is the table that belonged to Babz Chula and around which Ben Ratner and many others once sat with Babz.

Down River gives us a chance to sit at that table and realize that even we flawed dreamers can be loved just the way we are. And even when we fall, we can dare to hope and dream and believe in ourselves again.

Watch the trailer for the movie right here:

Check out the official Down River website.

Here is the Facebook page that was created for the event in San Jose.

And here’s the Facebook page for the Toronto opening on March 21.

Here is the Official Down River Facebook Page.
Cinequest has provided a summary of the movie.

Here is a review from popcornandvodka.com.

And another great review on o.canada.com.

Cineplex, which is showing the movie in Vancouver, has lots more details and a nice summary as well.

Jen has posted a picture of the movie being advertised in Vancouver on her Twitter page. Click on the picture to see her post!


Louis shares this photo of himself and his daughter Sawyer during the 12th annual CampDaDa.
Louis has some fun with a giant Marilyn Monroe sculpture in Palm Springs, California!
Lauren Holly shared this beautiful picture of herself and Louis. Thanks, Lauren!
Here’s a hilarious picture of Flynn and Vega, just chilling. MotiveTV wants you to come up with a caption for the photo. Click on the image to go to the Twitter post and participate!
MotiveTV shared this great picture of Flynn and Vega. Brendan Penny claims they were taking selfies. Click on the picture to see the original post! Thanks, MotiveTV!
MotiveTV also shared this great behind-the-scenes photo of Louis and Kristin going over their lines before a take.
And this little gem could be found on the infamous Lego Wall at the Yotel in New York.


Lauren Holly tweeted some love on March 13, 2014
MotiveTV tweeted a quote from episode 2 “They Made Me A Criminal”.
MotiveTV also agrees with Lauren Holly about the suits.
Louis re-tweeted a quote from CTV from episode 2 “They Made Me A Criminal”.
MotiveTV is savvy in all matters sartorial, agreeing with Brendan Penny.
MotiveTV tweeted a quote from episode 2 “They Made Me A Criminal”.
Brendan Penny agrees with a tweet on March 13, 2014.


Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at alancohen.com.

Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book:

Here is this month’s chapter. Louis actually did two different versions of it!

Listen to the sound clip of the first one here:

Chapter 13: Get off the leash occasionally

During walks when we get away from the road I let Munchie off his leash. As soon as he feels free, he dashes off into the bushes, where he sniffs to his heart’s content and lifts his leg more often than a ballet dancer. He loves to be liberated.

Sure, we have responsibilities, and it’s important to take care of them.

But it’s also important to cut loose when we can and let our spirit be as free as the wind.

We were born without a leash and we leave this world without a leash. While we’re here we need to give our soul room to breathe.

And here is the second version: Louis Ferreira does Jimmy Stewart!

Listen to the sound clip here:


Pauline Egan reports that her short film Through The Pane, in which Louis co-stars, is almost complete. Composers Sam Hulick and Ian Green have joined the post-production team to score the piano music that will accompany this silent movie.

Check out the Q&A with Louis in Ferreira Fest 48!

More about the production can be found on the Through The Pane Facebook page.

You can watch a promo for the movie here at IndieGoGo.

Read a Q and A with Louis about Through The Pane in Ferreira Fest 48.

Screen cap from the Through The Pane promo


Rob Munic

Rob’s new series Gang Related will premiere on FOX on May 20th (we’ll be sure to post a reminder in Ferreira Fest 53 that day!). Gang Related has the following description:
Every villain has a noble cause, and every hero has a dark side.

Rob will send us a lot more info for next month’s  Ferreira Fest, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, check out the various websites of the series for more info.

Official Web Page

Ingrid Rogers

Ingrid’s latest project Amnesia (Who Are You?) is nearing completion.

Amnesia (Who Are You?) is a faux documentary that follows David Kerry, a man who appears to have lost his memory after a beating. However, as the documentary filmmaker takes David back through his life, meeting his family, friends and well-hidden past, the story evolves from student film to an explosive drama. Amnesia (Who Are You?) carefully reverses interviewer and subject in a uniquely crafted reality-based filmmaking style.

Watch the trailer for Amnesia (Who Are You?):

Peter Kelamis

Peter has been working on a new project as well! It’s called No Men Beyond This Point.
No Men Beyond This Point is an alternate history, mock documentary set in a world where women have become asexual and men are no longer being born. Patrick Gilmore, another friend of Louis, is also in it.

Check it out on Facebook and on Twitter.

Bradley Stryker

Bradley has finished principal photography on the feature film Thai-Sanity, where he also played the role of the character Dale. Soon afterwards he and Caitlin traveled to Australia. He posted a number of awesome pictures on his Instagram page – please check them out!
Thanks to Alma for sleuthing out all the updates!


Some time ago of the largest image depositories on the internet, Getty Images, decided to make a large amount of its inventory available for non-profit internet use as embeds. Sadly, this is no longer the case and all images have been reverted to pay-only. There are some true gems of Louis available and if you don’t mind small pictures and are handy with making screen shots, you can still find a treasure trove of goodies here. You can also find them by going to Getty Images and using their search function. Just type in “Louis Ferreira” and/ or “Justin Louis”. Be sure to select the “Entertainment” tab or else you’ll get a bunch of football photos!


Our correspondent Ildi reports that Season 1 of Stargate Universe is airing on AXN Black in Hungary every Thursday and Friday night.

Louis Ferreira Fans Worldwide

We now have readers in 40 countries all over the world! Here is what our flag counter looked like on March 20th.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:

Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.

Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.

Contact  or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!

We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!

Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact  first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.

We hope to see you all next month!