Louis reads an excerpt from a favorite book every month; the individual chapters are featured in the Ferreira Fest newsletters.
The First Reading Series (2013 – 2016) is of the book Are you as happy as your dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen kindly gave us permission to record and share his book online.
For fans young and old we have several of the Mr. Mugs Readers. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for a very long time. Learn more about the Mr. Mugs book series here and watch two dramatic readings by Louis Ferreira at the links below.
The Fourth Reading Series started in August 2020 and is ongoing.
Links to the full texts and recordings:
The 1st Reading Series
Are you as happy as your dog? by Alan Cohen
The 2nd Reading Series
Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor
The 3rd Reading Series
Mr. Mugs – Peek In Please and Mr. Mugs – Take A Peek by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor
The 4th Reading Series (ongoing)
Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! – Part 1 by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns
Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! – Part 2 by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns
Mr. Mugs by Martha Kambeitz and Carol Roth – A movie of the book, narrated by Louis Ferreira
Meet Mr. Mugs by Clement Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor – A movie of the book, narrated by Louis Ferreira
Elmer The Safety Elephant – A collection of memories, photos, songs, pamphlets, book covers, memorabilia and historical documents