Published August 2019.
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Once again the 20th of the month has arrived, and we’re throwing our usual party at Ferreira Fest, where we check in with Louis Ferreira, his friends and chosen charities. We have lots of shows news, screencaps and video clips, and we conclude the third Reading Series, but no worries – a new one will start soon! So grab a refreshing age-appropriate pineapple cocktail at our virtual bar and come on in!

Ability Online
Ability Online‘s big annual fundraiser is coming up!
TORONTO, Ontario – Whisky Tasting 2.0
When: October 3, 2019 – 6 p.m.
Where: The Caledonian, 856 College Street
Cost: $150 per person
Please join us to sample some of the world’s best Scotch whiskies paired with traditional Scottish fare. There will also be a live auction of some high-end, exotic whiskies. So come join the party and experience Scotland’s best, one wee dram at a time.
Buy tickets here!
coming soon at a new location!
VANCOUVER, British Columbia – Wine and Whisky
When: October 29, 2019 – 6 p.m.
Where: Brix and Mortar, 1138 Homer Street
Details to follow!
Ability Gives is still raising funds for Lamitta – read more about her needs in Ferreira Fest 115!
If you can’t make it to the Whisky Tasting event you can simply make a donation online to help disabled youth have a safe online environment in which to interact and make friends. Click on the logo below – it’s easy and secure.

Project Limelight
Project Limelight‘s annual fundraiser Off To The Races was a huge success! Check out this great video of the event.
If you didn’t make it to the racetrack you can still make a contribution and support a free, high quality performing arts education for underprivileged children in Vancouver. Just click on the logo below and follow the simple process.

Haven Toronto
Haven Toronto is the area’s only daytime drop-in center for elder homeless men. Toronto is a city of extremes – while the winters are brutally cold, summers can be insufferably hot, so having somewhere safe to go during the day is a lifesaver for the homeless. Read this summer’s newsletter for all the latest news and information.
Going Back To School shopping?
Give your old backpack new life by donating it.
An elder man who is homeless often carries everything they own everywhere they go. You can drop off your donation any day between 9 and 4.
If you’re the kind of person who would rather donate specific items directly benefiting the homeless but you live too far away, use Haven Toronto’s Shop & Share site. Anything there goes directly to an elder man in need, and there’s something for every budget, from $1 to $1000. Of course you can also give to the general operating fund of the organization by clicking on the logo below. Please note that you will be linked to our very own donations page which still bears the former name of the shelter – The Good Neighbours Club. Your donation will still arrive at Haven Toronto.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
Here is a message from The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada‘s Young People’s Advisory Council:
This year, the Foundation surpassed the $60 million target for the Stand Up for Kids national campaign for child welfare. In the past five years, the campaign has reached more than 113,000 children and youth, providing access to invaluable resources and support. Each of these young people are able to lean on the Foundation’s support to define and pursue their own measures of success. The achievement of the $60 million campaign goal signifies the Foundation’s bright future and the numerous opportunities that are on the horizon.
We are thrilled to see this momentum, and are uplifted by the fact that our opinions are informing positive change for children and youth across Canada. It is a privilege to hear the stories of our peers’ resilience through our roles as advisors and ambassadors.
These stories underscore the fact that there is still much to be done. You have inspired us to pay it forward and share the responsibility of supporting our country’s most vulnerable kids. Together, we can continue to strengthen and inspire countless more.
Having allies along the way has helped us become more confident in our ability to succeed. We are truly grateful to count you as a champion of the Foundation’s work.
You can always read the latest news in the online newsletter The Buzz.
Please consider making a donation to the vital work of the organization for Canada’s youth in care by clicking on the logo below.

Deep Cover, Louis’ episode of Tales, finally aired on July 23! You can watch a 2 minute scene with Louis online at BET here, and scroll down for screen caps from the episode!
Here is a video documentary about The Making of DEEP COVER, featuring several interviews with our friend Robert Munic, as well as several glimpses of Louis filming the episode. Watch it right here or on YouTube!

Nerds And Beyond has posted a family tree of the Cosoletos from Season 2 of Bad Blood, featuring Louis as Domenic Cosoleto and our friend Franco Lo Presti who played Louis’ son Luca in the series.
Here’s the official Season 2 trailer for Bad Blood – it contains several snippets with Louis in them. Watch it right here!

The 4th and final season of The Man In The High Castle will premier on November 15, as announced at San Diego Comic Con last month.
Louis plays the character of Brad Bellows.
Stay tuned for more news!

We have 399 screencaps from Louis’ role in Deep Cover, episode 204 of the BET series Tales, directed by none other than our friend Rob Munic!
Based on Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg’s Deep Cover (this song is for grown-ups only – kids go here instead).
– This episode explores the underbelly of colliding family members as they go to war over Atlanta’s drug game. No one is to be trusted and honor among thieves is the only code to live by.
Louis plays a chain-smoking double-crossing crook named Cole.
Please note: the screencaps contain massive spoilers for the episode so please watch the show before you look at the collection!
Here is a direct link to the album (or click on the cap below):

Louis is making the audition rounds again – let’s hope lots of good projects will be coming his way and we’ll see a lot of him on TV!

Franco Lo Presti
Franco has posted several new music pieces on his Instagram feed (playing a ukulele!) – be sure to check them out!

Alaina Huffman
Alaina attended San Diego Comic Con last month and Silicon Valley Comic Con last week. Follow Alaina on Twitter to stay updated on her upcoming con appearances!
Lookin’ fab at SDCC!!

Mika McKinnon
Mika will be at Dragon Con in Atlanta on Labor Day weekend! Here is her schedule:

From Mika’s Con bio:
Mika McKinnon is a sci-fi scientist, disaster researcher, geophysicist, journalist, and irrepressibly enthusiastic about doom. Currently, she gleefully interjects truth for far stranger fiction for projects still within the veil of not-yet-aired secrecy and is a science communicator with work on BBC, New Scientist, io9, Gizmodo, Ars Technica, and others.
There’s a new interview with Mika by Karla Lant about her work as a freelance scientist – check it out!
Popular Volcanics has posted a new podcast and audio interview with Mika called Shake, Rattle and Explode (August 02, 2019 Season 1 Episode 2):
We chat with Mika McKinnon about her path into geosciences, hazards posed by earthquakes and what you should do about them, what puppies might have to do with earthquake aftershocks and why you shouldn’t lick molten lava.
3M has posted a new Science Podcast featuring Mika (Episode 6: Shaping the Future through Science); you can listen to it or read the transcript!
If we can predict the future, can we change it? Disaster researchers like Mika McKinnon can. Her research helps predict natural disasters and minimize potential damage. Join us for a fascinating discussion about science, science fiction, and the next frontier of human advancement.
Mika has published a new article on Astronauts will bake cookies in space to see how they cook in zero gravity
What happens when cookies are baked in space? Will they puff into fluffballs, or be dense fudgy spheres? Will they have crispy caramelized edges, or gooey middles? Will a lack of gravity allow us to one day make a space soufflé that never collapses?

Troy Mundle
Troy snagged a Best Actor nomination at Film Quest Fest for his role in Exhibit Man – congrats, Troy, and way to go for the whole team!
Troy participated in the giant immersive theatre experience Deep Into Darkness which took place last week in Vancouver.
Logline: Dive into the mind of Edgar Allan Poe as he desperately searches for his lost love in this tragic dream within a dream. While exploring the 20+ rooms, 3-floors, and countless tales, you will unravel the mystery of his chaotic descent into madness.

Dennis Heaton
Broadway World has posted an interview with Patric Caird, composer for Dennis’ current series The Order, his former series Ghost Wars, and the show Ed Edd & Eddy (which features our friend Peter Kelamis’ voice).
Congratulations to the entire The Order team, as they went to camera on Season 2 on August 6!

Sawyer Ferreira
Sawyer’s Improv Troupe Main Branch Improv has an Instagram Feed and a Facebook Page – check them out for great photos and hilarious quotes!

Eric Banerd
Eric is keeping busy running his painting business EB Painting in the Vancouver area. Need something painted to perfection? Check out Eric’s fabulous work! Here are two recent examples.

Jennifer Spence
Jen is currently filming her new series Traces in the UK. Here she is with some colleagues during a break. Anybody remember The Teletubbies?

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid and Rob just celebrated their 14th anniversary! Congrats!
“Year 14! Wow it seems like just yesterday when you and our boys met in Whole Foods at the salad bar. What a ride it’s been! Thanks for being my partner, lover and friend. You make every day better. Happy Anniversary!”

Rob Munic
Rob directed the episode Deep Cover of Tales that featured Louis as the crooked federal agent Cole. Scroll up to the Tales section to watch a few interview snippets with Rob about the episode!
Rob posted a lovely collage of him and Ingrid. He writes:
“Admittedly I am horrible at math. And not in one of those, “Oh Gosh, I just suck at math” kind of ways. I mean, I suck at math to the point where my high school math teacher said to me just days before (my almost not happening) graduation, “congrats, you worked really hard these four years, I think you’re ready for 8th grade algebra.”
So there you have it. I am however a genius when it comes to stringing numbers together… peep this number 6,205. Those are the days in my 17 years since I met Ingrid in Whole Foods. 5,110 – those are the number of days since we said “I got your back!” At our margarita and hora dancing wedding 14 years ago. I can break it all down to hours, seconds, nanoseconds… I can get all quantum physics and shit up in here too… but the bottom line, the common denominator in all this is ONE. I am ONE lucky son of a bitch to call this ONE my wife. We gonna ride this one ‘til the wheels fall off. Happy anniversary to the Bonnie of my Clyde. Baby, Let’s ride.”

Peter Kelamis
Peter will be at Kelowna Comic Con in Aug 24-25, 2019! Peter can currently be seen in Season 3 of the series Glow which is now available on Netflix. So Peter took a picture of the TV screen with his phone. It was worth a try!
On August 15 Peter announced that he has officially joined the Marvel Universe, voicing “Dark Carnage” in Absolute Carnage: Breakout. Watch it right here!

Bradley Stryker
Bradley also participated in Deep Into Darkness in Vancouver last week. Here he is in the immersive Edgar Allan Poe experience.

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. Please visit her website for lots more photos and fascinating facts and information about this ancient artform. And if you find yourself in Vancouver – visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
This month Nicole writes:
“Summer is all about festivals and flowers. So here is a dandelion done at one of our local festivals…”

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member! Want your own email address at Contribute – it’s that easy.
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules. We hope to see you all next month!