Published November 2017.
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All content copyright © 2017.
Just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday here’s our monthly party at Ferreira Fest where we celebrate the acting careers and current projects of Louis Ferreira, his friends and chosen charities. We have a cornucopia of goodies for you – Food For Thought, lots of sound clips, new photos, screencaps, a new interview with Eugene Lipinski, a set report from Karyn Mott, our exclusive Reading Series, and a special Thanksgiving message. So grab an age-appropriate pineapple cocktail and a chunk of pumpkin pie at our virtual Thanksgiving buffet and come on in!

Ability Online
The Happily Ever Laughter fundraising event was a huge success!
Watch an adorable thank you video from a young Ability Online ambassador here!
Ability Gives – Alex
Ability Gives is a fundraising part of Ability Online that seeks to supply disabled children with special clothing, equipment and technology that will enrich their lives but due to high cost are not available to their caregivers. The current child in need is 12 year old Alex who has severe spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. All of his muscles are affected either by high tone or low tone.

Alex’ parents write:
All of Alex’s limbs have very high tone and his trunk has low tone. He needs to use a wheelchair for mobility and relies on us for all activities of daily living. When winter arrives, we struggle with putting coats on Alex due to the tightness of his arms. We have gone through several coats every season because they all ultimately rip at the arms and become unusable.
We discovered the Koolway Sports coats and found out how truly life-changing they are. The way they are designed makes it possible to put on a coat with dignity, no pain and no ripped clothing. Unfortunately the price of these coats puts them outside of our reach. We simply cannot afford a Koolway coat for Alex but desperately need one. We are also asking for the Koolway boots for Alex as we have not been able to find an option that fits over his ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) to keep his feet warm in the winter.
Please help Alex with a donation. Winters in Canada are cold, so a warm coat is a basic necessity for this child. Click here to keep Alex warm!
Of course you can donate to Ability Online anytime, and ensure that children with disabilities continue to have a safe, monitored online community where they can communicate with each other. Just click on the logo below – it’s quick and easy.

Project Limelight
Check the Tuesday Night Live Facebook Page for the next fundraising event!
In the meantime, you can donate to Project Limelight whenever you want by clicking on the logo below. Every penny helps to give Vancouver inner-city kids a high quality free performing arts education!

Haven Toronto
Winter has arrived in the North, and it’s tough for the people living on the streets. Haven Toronto is a daytime shelter for elder homeless men in Toronto, as well as a tireless advocate for affordable housing and solving the homelessness crisis.
The big fundraiser Hurts to Laugh events are coming up on December 3rd, 7th, & 21st.
Hurts To Laugh kicks off December 3rd with the return of ‘Improv Haven’ starring NOTORIOUS. The night of improv features an appearance by clients of Haven Toronto. “I’m excited to raise some money for a worthy cause,” says Mat Mailandt of NOTORIOUS. “But equally important, Haven Toronto clients are going to get the chance to get on stage.”
Since early October, the cast of NOTORIOUS has been hosting improv workshops for elder homeless men at Haven Toronto, 170 Jarvis Street in Toronto. Taking what they have learned, the men of Haven Toronto will perform as a troupe at ‘Improv Haven’, some returning to the Comedy Bar spotlight following a successful debut this past March.
Night two of Hurts To Laugh is ‘A Stand-Up Cause’, a presentation of Jay Michaels from ‘The Rush with Ryan and Jay’ on NEWSTALK 1010, December 7th at 9:30pm.
‘A Stand-Up Cause’ features comedian, writer and producer, Daryn Jones of Rick Mercer Report and MTV Live. Daryn will be joined by Tim Steeves (The Mercer Report), Aisha Brown (The Beaverton, Just For Laughs), Chris Locke (Just For Laughs, Laugh Sabbath), Arthur Simeon (Just For Laughs, The Debaters, HBO) and Sandra Battaglini (CBC, NBC).
Hurts To Laugh concludes on December 21st at 7pm with the holiday hit, ‘Silent Night’. Brother and half-sister act, Alec and Maura Merc mime classic Christmas carols. Fans are welcome to join in if they don’t know the words.
To help the homeless, it helps to have a sense of humour. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Proceeds support Haven Toronto, a drop-in centre for elder homeless, marginally housed and socially isolated men age 50+.
The Fortunate 500
The Fortunate 500 is a network of successful business and community leaders, each of whom recognize that they are fortunate for their success and they accept a role in assisting those less fortunate. Read more about it here!
Read the November issue of the Haven Toronto newsletter here, and peruse several news articles on their website.

Need holiday gifts for those who have it all?
Check out! When you purchase items here, they get donated to the homeless and you get a tax receipt.
Clothing, personal care or food and services – you can make a real and immediate difference by purchasing supplies there – no need to ship them: they go straight to a homeless person in need. You can do all your holiday shopping right there and know every single item will be appreciated and used or worn.
Of course you can also donate money to go wherever it’s needed most by clicking on the link below (please note that our very own donations page still has the former name of the organization, The Good Neighbours’ Club; it is the correct address and all proceeds go to Haven Toronto). It’s quick, easy and secure.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
Upcoming Events:
November 25th – Teddy Bear Affair
The Children’s Aid Foundation Gala Teddy Bear Affair is widely recognized as one of Toronto’s most highly anticipated black-tie galas. Revenue generated from the event is used to support the most pressing needs of vulnerable children in our community. The Online Auction is now open!
Holiday Giving Drive
This season, help fulfill the year-round wish list of kids who need someone to believe in them. Instead of giving material goods, make a cash donation to provide support for needs like:
- Counselling – to address devastating effects of past trauma
- Education – to improve educational outcomes and help increase earning potential
- Housing – to provide housing needs for youth “aging out” of care at 18
- Enrichment Activities – to build self-identity, social well-being and healthy development
- Keep up with everything in the online newsletter The Buzz right here.
You can make a donation year-round at our very own donations page! The holidays are always a good time to help those that are less fortunate – especially kids! Click on the logo below to make a difference!

Adult readers only please!
Like many of us, Louis has been deeply affected by the many shocking reports of sexual assault. Sadly, the problem is all too common in any situation where people are in a power position over others and consequently abuse it.
Louis wants to share a blog post by his old friend Tony Nappo (Louis worked with him in Boozecan and Saw IV). Tony lays it out simply and in no uncertain terms. Please remember that this entire discussion is meant for adult readers. Our younger readers should skip this one.
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF – But more now than ever I feel very compelled to, especially in my journey as, you know we’ve got ten years of evidence of me trying to be this better version of a man and myself as I watch all of these men being taken down. it’s only been because I’ve witnessed this on just about on every show that I’ve been on and it was interesting for me to just be observing and going, every set I go to, it’s pretty crazy. That’s why I wanted you to find that thing that Tony wrote.
Well, I think it’s a good year for men to go, oh, I’m guilty of these things because, let’s face it, some of the ones we’re all guilty of, but it’s time for you to be more conscious of this now moving forward.
And then I think it’s also a good template because there’s definitely a clear line where it crosses over into assault territory and that’s where you’ve got to watch yourself.
The pyramid graphic template he mentions is reproduced below. For more information on consent please visit the following website: 11th Principle.
Here is Tony Nappo’s excellent post. You can read more on Tony’s blog Nappoholics Anonymous.
It’s a very hard time for a lot of people right now. A time of anger. A time of judgment. A time for demanding justice that is long overdue. As we all know, there have been many recent revelations about some people—heroes to many—who have created a lot of brilliant work over the years. These people have been able to keep their skeletons hidden for years or even decades. But the day of reckoning has arrived.
I have spoken to many victims recently regarding their stories, and what they have told me, in every single case, is that they want their offenders to be stopped and punished. The system, it would seem, before now has protected the offenders and not the victims, the James Toback case being an obvious local example. What happened there was literally criminal—a director masturbating in front of actors on set, and, in one case we know of, actually ejaculating ON an actor in rehearsal. Why wasn’t he stopped? There were seventy-two written complaints to the union about his behaviour.
I spoke to one woman who took her complaint about another man to ACTRA, our union, and they arranged a settlement with her where they suggested an (unwritten) apology by the man who harassed her in exchange for her silence about the incident. This is a union that likes to send out press releases with things like #silentnomore and #zerotolerance. And, not only is the offender in this case a repeat offender (I have been told firsthand about him by more than a couple of other women), but he works very closely with the leaders and members of ACTRA on a regular basis, and ACTRA fully knows about the complaints. It’s great that ACTRA is offering counselling and roundtable talks in safe places, but offenders need to be stopped; repeat offenders even more so. Still, at the end of the day, the union is not responsible for the actions of the guilty. They are just part of a bigger system that has enabled them and miserably failed the victims.
The stones that are being virtually cast right now are primarily being cast at those who have abused their power, which, to a large degree, has been afforded to them by simply being born male and by their status as celebrities, to whatever degree. These stones are being thrown in such great numbers and with such velocity because of the decades of frustration victims have felt, without justice, even though, as it has been said many times now, “everyone has always known.”
The abuse of power is doubled in most cases after the initial offence by the threat hanging over the head of any victim who dares report such an offence, whether it be stated outright or implied. The perpetrators and/or their teams have spent time hiding their offences through anything from denial/dismissal/discrediting to outright threats or bullying. So the victims are being victimized twice. The second time, by attempting to turn them into “offenders” themselves for threatening to endanger or end the career of any given celebrity by simply telling the truth.
Here is my point. I see the current purge and cleanse movement as a new line being drawn—whether intentionally or not—which has always been implied but never clearly defined. One that says basic human decency supersedes talent. One that says you can’t do whatever the fuck you want to whomever you choose just because you are famous or well-connected. One that says—and this, I believe, is key—WE gave you celebrity status and all of the power that accompanies it, but we also retain the power to take it back, any fucking time we choose to. And THAT is something to be celebrated, that shift in the balance of power. We are taking back OUR power and owning it and using it for the greater good.
I don’t think it is any coincidence that this is all happening while Trump makes a mockery of the most powerful office in the free world, daily. A time when denying rights to women, Muslims, African-Americans and -Canadians, Indigenous Peoples, and the LGBTQ community is no longer even news. A time when people stateside have the right to carry automatic weapons and there are weekly mass murders.
These occurrences of harassment we are reading about hourly and casting stones at are, ultimately, not about sex, although I think that is an element that many people are responding to in many of the comments I have read. The offences are all about power in a time when people in North America are frustrated by a social and political climate that makes us all feel so powerless.
The one power we are discovering that we do have, collectively, is the power to rescind the privilege that we have awarded, by demanding a higher standard of conduct. And that this is happening now gives me faith that change can happen. It is, in fact, already happening. I believe that this change will be a real and lasting one. This is just the beginning. I believe that it will continue to happen in other areas of society besides entertainment, as the masses collectively reassess and seek to redefine what is and is not an acceptable way to treat any human being in 2017, because it is long past the time now for this abuse of power to end. At the absolute least, it’s time to stop covering it up and enabling it.
If you’d like to join the discussion please consider leaving a post in our Forum.

Louis’ recent guest appearance on the S.W.A.T. reboot pilot episode pushed him back into the IMDb Top 5000 on Nov 6, 2017 for three weeks. Check it out!

Louis recently did another short film with his BFF Eugene Lipinski, called The Great Lakusta. Eugene has more info and he also did a short interview with Ferreira Fest about it – check his rubric below.
You can also look forward to seeing Louis in three other series:
- Travelers
- The X Files
- Arrow
Want to know when they air so you can catch them on TV? Follow us on Twitter at @FerreiraFest for up-to-date air times and a heads-up on when to watch!

Louis completed a photo shoot last week with Andrew Gerard Henderson, who is a photographer, musician and magician. You may have seen his work in the series Criss Angel – Mind Freak. Here are two results from the session that Andrew posted on the weekend.
Andrew writes:
What an honour to take a portrait for actor Louis Ferreira today. He is so humble and down to earth… I did magic for him and he was like a kid… after we had sushi and laughed.
And here’s Louis’ take on the session:
FF – Who took those pictures, Louis?
LF – It’s a guy named Andrew Gerard, used to be on Mindfreak, the Criss Angel show. He was his hypnotist. He did magic today for the first time, and Oh My God, like my mind is so freaked out by what I saw. So, he is phenomenal, a sweetheart, and I just adore this guy. He would be more, I’m sure, I mean, he’s just a magical, literally a magical man. I just adore him.
It was a big thing for me to do. Like for me to trust, I’m going in and I said, I don’t want makeup, I don’t want to do my hair and I just want to look real, authentic, and I don’t want any tricks. And, but you know, and he said, “You know what’s amazing about that? Everyone that comes in with your age, their whole thing is, they’re in their fifties but they are still living, and want to believe they’re still, they’re not, and therefore they try to act and feel like they’re still much younger. It doesn’t work.” And he goes, “What I love about these is that you just didn’t do any of that from the get go.” He’s like, “You know who you are.” And I was like, cool! I love it!
Stay tuned for more!

Louis is sharing two more photos this months, featuring two of his good friends – the Cassini brothers!
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF: That’s John Cassini. John Cassini is a local Vancouver actor/ teacher, been around thirty years like myself. You know, like a Vancouver royalty, if you will, he’s just part of the whole thing, he just got into the Union as well. He’s a teacher, he’s a good man. The man with the ball cap is Frank Cassini. So they’re the famous Cassini brothers from Vancouver.

This month we have 138 screencaps from the new S.W.A.T. pilot episode where Louis played the lead character’s mentor William ‘Buck’ Spivey. Buck shoots an innocent man during a wild pursuit and is discharged from the force as a consequence. Read a detailed recap of the episode here.
Incidentally, the episode also stars Daniel Moncada who played one of the Cartel Twins in Breaking Bad.
Here is also a direct link to the album:

The second monthly reading series is Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
You can listen to the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month we have chapter 18 of Mr. Mugs – Meet My Pals.

Karyn Mott
Karyn writes:
This is the AWESOME and very talented Heidi (on the right)! She played my stunt double for Nurse Betty on Season two of Dirk Gently Holistic Detective Agency on Netflix. We had a couple of hours before heading on set to film, so we had a lot of fun getting to know each other and doing some impromptu photoshoots with each other. We shared a ton of laughter and then we got to work together as one, to build my death scene moment by moment. The job of a stunt double always blows my mind, the way they can just let go of their body and just be.
This past month I had a wonderful opportunity to work on a MOW [Movie of the Week] entitled Heaven directed by Paul Shapiro. The movie is based on the books by V.C. Andrews and follows the story of Heaven Casteel: an intelligent and gifted young woman (played by Annalise Basso) one of five dirt-poor children living in a mountain shack struggling to survive. Heaven endures neglect and abuse, only to discover a dark secret that changes everything she thought she knew about her family. Tragedies tear her world apart and now Heaven must forge her own way in the cruel, unknown world.

So many wonderful things and moments about working on this project. It was one of those crazy auditions were I went in for a Director/ Producer session for a different role and then got a call a day later from my agent saying that I was on hold for a role in the movie but it wasn’t the one I had auditioned for. I felt a lot of excitement and also wonder, I didn’t at that time know what the role was and so I was in this weird yet excited limbo. The thing about MOW’s is that there is usually very little time in between casting and the beginning of filming so I was also wondering how I would prepare for this role… without knowing what the role was.
I knew filming was set to begin the Tuesday after [Canadian] Thanksgiving and I ended up finding out that I had been cast on the Friday. I was going to play Logan’s Mother: the love interest of Heaven’s mother. My first thought was “Yeah, a first mom role, this is going to be a lot of fun, I then also had a moment where I wondered… Am I old enough for this role? I know I look young and my child Logan was at last 16 years of age. But if I have learned anything about working in this industry, it’s that self doubt has no place in my work. If I look young then maybe in my story I had him young… This worked well with themes in the movie itself.

Having no idea yet about who was playing my son I went about a beautiful weekend of Discovery. Reading the script over and over again to receive from it any information I could about our family and our history. By the Monday of the long weekend I was feeling confident in the work I had done and also willing to get in there and throw it all away. To be flexible to what the director might want.
Showing up on the first day was such an experience. Never before have I had the chance to be on a set on the first day. There was so much going on and it felt wonderful and indescribable to be among this kind of energy, a mixture of focused and chaotic.
I ended up meeting so many talented and genuine people during my time on set. From making friends with the head of transport and getting to sit in the van with him while they figured out heating and discussing airplanes and all sorts of passions unrelated to film, to the wonderful women of hair and make-up who took my character work and transposed it into my hair and make-up. Seriously I can honestly say that every set I have been on the people I have met and worked and played with have been absolutely amazing and this was true of this project, too.

But what I really want to share about this experience: the real treat and the biggest thing I took away from this time on set (and I always find a gold nugget to take away with me each time I work) was watching these young actors be so vulnerable and open with their work. It was inspiring to watch their emotional availability carry through scene after scene. I filmed three scenes in the movie and all of them gifted me the opportunity to work with and watch these teenagers work. Their willingness to be so open in turn allowed me to be open and vulnerable.
There were moments that happened that were so genuine and unplanned that it was a bit of a thrill to just follow the moments as they came. I was blessed to build relationships on and off set with these amazing young performers but the true gift of this movie was learning to let go of fears and expectations and just to allow myself to be vulnerable and in the moment. It was learning about “gifts” of the scene and to just let go and let it move me.
Sometimes it takes working with young performers I guess to really have it hit home and it was an experience that I will carry with me always.
Thanks to Karyn for the lovely report and fascinating insight into the world of the Movie of the Week and for sharing her photos of her recent gigs!

The Affolter Brothers
Please make sure you follow Foreshadow Films and the Affolter Brothers on Twitter and Instagram so you can keep up with their many projects!
The Undertaker’s Son will screen at the Whistler Film Festival on December 1st at 4:30pm! Louis stars in this short film as the undertaker Johnathan Redding.

Greyston Holt
Greyston has successfully escaped the winter blues and is living it up on a beach in Hawaii right now. Of course, he made a contribution to the Holiday Season entertainment business!
Greyston is in a brand new Christmas movie called A Very Country Christmas!
Logline: “Jeannette Williams is a busy parent, trying to make the best life for her and her daughter. With no time to follow current celebrity gossip, Jeannette is unaware when a country superstar retreats to her small town to escape the intrusive paparazzi. A chance meeting between the two have them both letting down their guard and opening their hearts to the possibility of romance.”

Mika McKinnon
Mika is a prolific science writer, and along with her numerous daily tweets she also contributed articles to several publications. Indulge your inner geek and check out these great essays!
- Cosmic Rays have revealed a new chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid
- A swarm of shoebox satellites in the sky will predict the next natural disaster
- Tracking the first interstellar asteroid to its home star
- Black holes that shred stars burp out cosmic rays and neutrinos

Eugene Lipinski
Eugene writes:
Louie and I were in a silent black and white Charlie Chaplin style movie called The Great Lakusta… written and directed by Lease Bertram.
Eugene was kind enough to chat with Ferreira Fest about his latest adventure:
FF – Hi Eugene, it’s so good to talk to you again.
EL – Nice to talk to you as well, Bea.
FF – We’re going to talk a little bit about your latest project that you got to do together with Louis. And it is called The Great Lakusta.
EL – Yeah.
FF – So, without spoiling the plot, could you tell us what the movie is about?
EL – Yeah. So, it’s a black and white short movie. Silent. Sort of made in exactly the same classic fashion as a Lloyd George or Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton. So, it’s classic. It’s about a down and out sort of guy who, in spite himself, has a bit of luck, maybe he meets a girl, and walks off into the sunset happily ever after. So that’s basically the story.
And like old fashioned classic black and white short films are usually narrated with piano music, but Lease Bertram, who’s the director of The Great Lakusta, and also the writer, he’s going to have the soundtracks be done in the style of Django Reinhardt.
FF – That’s really cool. That’s going to be great!
EL – Yes, yes it’s really cool. Yeah, and I’m the Great Lakusta.
FF – You are the Great Lakusta?
EL – Yeah. I am. And then Louis plays my boss, and he’s really good. And they all love him. And actually Lease said to me, “Oh yeah, Louis’ got the best close-up in the movie.”
FF – Well, okay! That’s awesome!
EL – Yeah.
FF – How did you get involved with the project? Did you know the filmmakers beforehand?
EL – Yeah, because we all go to this café here in Vancouver called the Cardero Bottega, it’s on Cardero street. And so, what actually ended up happening is, we filmed virtually all of it in and around just our little area. Like, so we used Cardero Bottega, and we used a little shop, and we turned it into like a liquor store. And then we did all like drawings outside on the street.
FF – That’s nice.
EL – Yeah.
FF – So, it’s a real local thing, then. And a hangout that you’re all very familiar with.
EL – Yes.
FF – Oh, that’s wonderful. I love that idea. So, being able to work with your BFF Louis must have been quite a treat. I know you guys like working together. Do you have any special memories about the experience of filming? Something funny that happened, maybe, or something that was really memorable about it.
EL – Well, yeah. Working with Louis is always fun. But he plays, you know, usually he’s the cool kind of, ‘Oh, I’m Louis Ferreira.’ But in this one he played an irate, kind of crazy, building site boss. Sort of like a bully. And so, it was really fun. Oh yeah, the great thing was, the owner of the café is also a stonemason and he was filming up in West Vancouver and the view was all over the Burrard inlet. So like it was a view that you couldn’t pay for. It was worth like millions of dollars, right.

FF – Oh my gosh.
EL – And so, Louis and I were up there with this beautiful scenery at the base of us, and he was yelling and screaming and throwing stuff at me. Chasing me. Just like, he went crazy. He was just, he was insane. And it was really fun to watch, you know, because it was so different. Like, I think when we’re allowed to contribute, artistically, actors, they change. You sort of blossom. And you fly.
FF – Yes.
EL – You know, most of the stuff, like the commercial stuff we do, they pretty well have an idea, they have a pretty strong idea of what they want to do before anyone even comes.
So, you know, there’s not a lot you can contribute. Basically, just: hit your lines. Say your words. Don’t bump into the furniture. Go home.
FF – Right. It’s all very designed. But it’s always nice when you can have some artistic input.
EL – Exactly.
FF – Thanks so much, Eugene! That’s awesome!
EL – Oh, thank you Bea, thank you so much for taking an interest in it!
Thanks to Casey for the transcript!
Please stay tuned for much more info on the movie!
In other news, Eugene secured his ticket to Mars! His name will be on board NASA’s InSight mission, due to launch next year. Congrats, Eugene!

Troy Mundle

Dennis Heaton
Dennis is keeping busy with his current series Ghost Wars, for which he is the Executive Producer and sometimes-writer. The series airs on SyFy and is available Online and On Demand.
Dennis co-wrote the episode Whistle Past the Graveyard.
And here are 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Ghost Wars!
Dennis discusses his favorite horror movie in this interview.
And read about Dennis & Coffee: a love/ hate relationship.

Patrick Gilmore
Season 2 of the series Travelers will be coming to Netflix on December 26, 2017. Spread the word! – Season 2 currently airs on Mondays on Showcase in Canada.
You can watch a video clip here. Keep up with the action until Louis’ episodes air!

Alex Appel
Alex is featured in the new photo collection IN THE TUB Volume 2. Here’s lots more info!
● IN THE TUB Twitter/IG: @cinematicpix
● FCancer Twitter/IG: @letsfcancer
● Official IN THE TUB Website:
● FCancer Website:
In the Tub and FCancer have partnered to create a one of a kind breast cancer campaign.
Some women experience the loss of one or both of their breasts and they believe nothing or reconstruction are their only choices. This campaign provides another option, healing with ink; helping breast cancer survivors adjust to life after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Through art, FCancer and In the Tub will bring a community together and empower people to reclaim their bodies.
·The profits of In the Tub volume 2 will go to:
o Education around early detection of breast cancer.
o Increasing women’s awareness of getting and treating breast cancer.
o Increase options for women before, during and post mastectomy.
o Empower women with choices after mastectomy.
o Enable more tattoo artists to work with women after mastectomy
o petition to get health insurance to cover tattoos post mastectomy or other cancer treatment.
About the FCancer Partnership:
· FCancer is a tax-exempt 501(c) 3 registered charity co-founded by Yael Cohen Braun and Julie Greenbaum.
· FCancer is dedicated to the prevention (Prevent), early detection (Detect) and psychosocial support (Unite) of cancer.
· Billions of dollars have been spent on research and treatment of cancer, while funding for prevention, early detection and psychosocial support has been neglected. Because of this fact, FCancer does NOT do research.
· With wit, edge and humor, FCancer is improving health outcomes through education, community-based programs, digital media, psychosocial support and events.

Alex has proudly lent her support for this unique fundraising campaign to help women with breast cancer. The photos in the book were taken by TJ Scott. Scott has been behind the lens as director of numerous television series, including XENA and Spartacus. After his mother’s fourth round with breast cancer found its way to her bones and lungs, T.J. decided to wage his own war on cancer the only way he knew how – by raising funds.
He donated his unwavering artistic eyes, and all of the actors, musicians and celebrities donated their time to this title created strictly to raise funds for breast cancer research. Each person was photographed in his/her own unique manner in a tub. 100% of the profits will be donated to charity.
Since the photo contains nudity we’re just showing a cropped version. People over the age of 18 can view the full photo here.

Sawyer Ferreira
Sawyer shared a photo from her trip to Ecuador this past summer:

Eric Banerd
Eric has been traveling in Europe. To see a bunch of awesome photos of his trip please visit his Instagram page.

David Dingess
David is conducting this year’s Bibb County Honor Choir Holiday Concert at the Highland Hills Baptist Church (1370 Briarcliff Rd, Macon, Georgia 31211).
David writes:
“Come and see what 50 students have been working tirelessly to perform for you since August! 11 Holiday songs of all shapes and sizes. This concert is completely free and these kids deserve a full house!”

Jennifer Spence
Jen can be seen in Season 2 of Travelers where she plays Grace Day. Our friend Patrick Gilmore is also starring again.
Watch a video clip and view a still from Travelers.
Jen’s series You Me Her has wrapped production on Season 3! Congrats to the whole cast and crew!
Dog Bite: The Movie – Indiegogo campaign
Jen has been cast in a new movie!
A scared dog attacks Jen, a hyper-ambitious career woman, leaving her with an unsightly gash across her face. Jen hides away in a child-like fort, determined to start a “new life”. But in the process, she pushes everyone away. Her dysfunctional family and anxious boyfriend try to coax her back out into the world. But the only person who can get Jen to go outside is Jen.

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid posted an early headshot:

Rob Munic
Rob posted a photo of himself… when he was a leeeeetle bit younger…
Rob landed another big one: his series Cordelia was sold to FOX for production.
From Written/executive produced by Robert Munic, Cordelia is a modern re-telling of the King Lear story set to the backdrop of a strong Cuban family and the three sisters running the scene in Miami. Told through the eyes of the one daughter who truly loved her father, Cordelia delves into a world of secrets, lies and complex family bonds that are constantly tested but ultimately never broken.

Peter Kelamis
Peter’s movie Killing Gunther (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger) is in theaters now!
You can watch Peter as the creepy Yellow Jacket in Beyond, Season 2. Watch a short video clip with his character getting a not so warm welcome!

Bradley Stryker
Bradley writes:
1. DAMNATION just started airing, I did 6 episodes.
2. Land of Smiles was just nominated for 8 Oniros Film Awards: Best Feature Film, Best Horror/Drama, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Editing.
It’s won 29 Awards thus far, we are certainly very humbled by the support.
Here’s Bradley at a Damnation night shoot. The series airs Tuesdays at 10pm on USA.

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. Please visit her website for lots more photos and fascinating facts and information about this ancient artform. And if you find yourself in Vancouver – visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
This month Nicole writes:
“Twin trees with branches and roots entwined symbolize the union of the two people who made the baby inside this lovely belly. The butterfly is about transformation. I love this design.”

Here’s Louis with a special message for all those who are celebrating Thanksgiving this week.
LF – Hello my Americano brothers and sisters. This is Louis Ferreira, just wishing everyone a happy, happy, happy Thanksgiving. Much love to you and yours. Happy gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble *SQUAK*!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Posting is easy and hassle-free, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!