Published April 2016.
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Welcome everybody – it’s the 20th of April and time for another fabulous party here at Ferreira Fest, where we celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira, his charities and the activities of his friends! We have a ton of goodies for you this month, so grab an age-appropriate pineapple drink at our virtual bar and come on in!

Ability Online
Ability Online’s Spring 2016 Newsletter is now online! Check it out at the official website.
Our charity will have an exhibit at the Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference at the International Plaza Hotel May 3rd-4th. Find out more in the newsletter, and if you happen to be in the Toronto area in two weeks, why not stop by at the conference and say hi?
Upcoming event: June 23rd – 19 Annual Axion Golf Tournament
“As always, we are looking for people who want to golf, dine, help with Sponsorship or donate raffle prizes. Contact for details.”
Find a friend, be a friend at Ability Online and follow them on Twitter at @Ability_Online.
Please consider making a donation – it’s simple and safe. Just click on the logo below and follow the instructions!

Project Limelight
The kids and mentors at Project Limelight are busy rehearsing for their upcoming show which will open in June.
Check out their Instagram page for lots of rehearsal and workshop photos!
Follow them on Twitter at @ProjLimelight for some great photos of the script reading.
Then watch the latest Video Diary of their rehearsal process!
The next Tuesday Night Live fundraiser will be on April 26th. Stay tuned for information on the storytellers, and check for updates at TNL VanCity.
Meanwhile, if you’d like to help disadvantaged inner-city kids have a meaningful performing arts education please click on the logo below and donate what you can!

The Good Neighbours’ Club
The Good Neighbours’ Club was featured in The Star for their “Give Smart” series.
Member of Provincial Parliament Randy Pettapiece, an elected member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada for Perth-Wellington visited GNC:
“We were privileged to have been visited today by MPP Randy Pettapiece , Perth-Wellington and opposition critic for social services. Below is his Facebook post following his visit. Mr. Pettapiece toured the building and asked us to share our work and the unique challenges faced by elder men who find themselves homeless later in life, and the many who struggle to survive in the depths of poverty. Thank you for your interest in our men, our work and for sharing with other Ontarians.”
The ongoing renovations at GNC headquarters sometimes yield surprising results:
“An interesting find as we continue the renovations in the basement. A hidden fireplace in the front portion of what would have been the original house; built circa 1870. Curious why they would have had a fireplace in the basement? Seems unusual for that era. On a positive note, that means the ED’s office has a fireplace in behind his office wall. The little door at the side is for the ashes from the fireplace directly above. It would be nice to have a fire during meetings in the winter. Some have suggested keeping it and restoring it so the men can dine by the fire!”
The GNC Annual General Meeting will be on May 26th at 5pm at 17 Elm Street, Toronto.
Keep up with GNC, now on LinkedIn! Learn more about our charity at our GNC Page.
Elder Homelessness is an ongoing problem. Help GNC make a difference in the lives of elder homeless men in downtown Toronto by clicking on the logo below and making a donation. It’s quick and easy!

The Children’s Aid Foundation
Upcoming Events:
May 14th – Children and Youth In Care Day
Our contact at CAFDN writes:
“May 14th is a special day for us as it marks Child and Youth in Care Day. We host our Five14 Talks – influenced by Tedx, where we bring together like-minded individuals to share innovative ideas and inspiring stories that explore change. This year’s Five14 Talks will be held on Friday, May 13th (hopefully a lucky day!). More details are available here: Calendar of Events and Five14.”
For more info on the Five14 speakers click here.
You can always keep up with The Children’s Aid Foundation by subscribing to their monthly newsletter The Buzz. Read it here!
If you know any kids in foster care you know how complicated life can be for them. Please click on the logo below and donate – every penny helps!

Louis filmed the short movie Counter Act a few months ago – it has now been added on IMDb and on his Filmography Page.
The movie was the winner of the 2015 Hot Shot Shorts Contest. The four Affolter brothers Nathan, Jon, Heath and Thomas wrote and produced the film together. Check out their Facebook Page and their Official Web Page! There are several former colleagues from the Motive and Stargate Universe cast involved – stand by for an interview with the Affolter Brothers in Ferreira Fest 77 next month!
Thomas Affolter writes:
“The fictional diner setting is called “Harden’s Luncheonette” or simply “Harden’s” and Louis’ character name is Jimmy. The other character names are Alice (Teal Fiddler), Ray (J. Alex Brinson), and Mary (Naika Toussaint). It is set in the year 1960 in a small town in the U.S. South. It is written, produced, and directed by all four of us brothers, Heath Affolter, Jon Affolter, Nathan Affolter, and Thomas Affolter.”

Many thanks to the Affolter Bros for allowing us to share this photo and for providing it on very short notice!
Meanwhile, Louis tells us a little bit more about the movie and its story. Listen to the sound clip here:
LF – The Affolters are four brothers, and they entered a contest, a short film festival, and they were the winners, and then they got their film produced. Great guys. And the four of them run an animation company out of Vancouver as well.
They wrote this great little piece on the Civil Rights movement in the Sixties. You know, about the sit-ins, the counter sit-ins, that took place all over the south.
And it was a story of a diner that my character, Jimmy, runs and a young black couple come and want to sit down at the counter and then mayhem ensues. And it’s a reflection of what was happening and how that was part of the Civil Rights movement and what it actually represented, and historically what it did for people, the chaos that [ensued]. It’s sad that people’s skin color… – that restaurants were not serving human beings because of the color of their skin. It’s pretty, pretty crazy.
I admire these guys, I think they’re a group of guys who are very conscious of things and want to tell stories that mean something, and they operate very effectively together and I was very proud of them, to watch them organize, and how two are on the floor directing while the other two are on the camera there, they’re a good team. It’s not every day you meet four brothers who work together.
So that’s what I can tell you about it right now. They’re going to have it done, I think end of May/June is when they’re going to screen it.
Transcript by Casey.

Season 4 is now airing on CTV in Canada!
If you’re lucky enough to live in Canada you’ve enjoyed the first few episodes of the show’s final season. There have been plenty of news articles, and most of them make mention of why the show was cancelled before the new season had even begun to air – nobody seems to have an answer to the mystery.
Check out a selection of them at the following links:
There were countless others but they generally just quoted the official CTV press release.

Season 3 is now airing on USA Network in the US!
It’s taken a long time but the US is finally getting to see legit episodes of Motive‘s Season 3! The show airs every Friday at 10/9c – be sure to check your local listings.
There has been a lot of press about the pickup, and you can watch full episodes on the USA Network website. There you will also find a great primer on the series: Everything you need to know to jump into Motive Season 3.
Read some nice write-ups about Season 3 by clicking on the links below.


This month we have 907 screencaps of last week’s new Season 3 MOTIVE episode Oblivion, where we see the beginning of a season-long personal arc for Oscar Vega. Enjoy!
Here is also a direct link to the album:

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book:
You can listen to all the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month’s reading is chapter 38 of the First Reading Series Are You As Happy As Your Dog?

Justin Breault
Here’s Justin (bottom right) with friends at a recent fundraiser which looks like it was a blast!
You can watch a video of Innocence Lost Foundation founder, Keita Fazineh, offering his well wishes on the run Justin and his dad will complete in the UK on his upcoming trip. Donations to Innocence Lost can be made at The Innocence Lost Foundation. Proceeds will benefit young people whose childhoods were destroyed by fighting in wars they knew very little about. Please help if you can!
For more information on Justin’s fundraising efforts and an exclusive interview with photos please visit Justin Breault’s Page!

Amanda Alexander
Amanda is currently working on Travelers, a new series by former Stargate Universe producer Brad Wright which will air on Netflix. Stay tuned for news about a special guest star!
Here is a photo Amanda shared of a traffic jam caused by the filming of the Pilot episode. She writes:
“Episodes 102/103 start tomorrow. If they are anything like 101 it will be a wildly awesome ride.”

Greyston Holt
Greyston will be at DreamsCon Europe June 2nd-4th, 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Wingman Magazine did a great interview with Greyston – read it here.
The series Bitten has now sadly concluded its successful run, but we’re sure to see Greyston again very soon!

Mika McKinnon
Mika has a new headshot! The photographer is Dorien Gunnels.
Mika will be at GateCon TH16 September 8th-12th in Vancouver, Canada.
“Ask Stargate’s Scientist! How much real science is embedded in our favorite shows? Come ask Mika McKinnon, Stargate’s science consultant, about where the physics ends and the fiction begins at The Homecoming in September. She will be attending the convention on the Sunday and will have a table set up in the foyer where you can go and chat with her before or after getting your autographs in the main ballroom (Mika will be happy to sign autos too of course).”
Mika will also participate in the Stargate Enchantment Cruise by LashCon Cruises October 7-9th, 2016, departing the Port of Miami and cruising to Nassau and Coco Cay, Bahamas.
She writes:
“Do you like Stargate? How about cruises? I’m excited to announce that I’ll be joining this Stargate cruise into the Bahamas this fall! Want to come with us? List my name in the “How did you hear about us?” section (it’ll be there soon; you’ll need to wait a few days to register!) for a discount. Join us as we travel across the sea and the universe on the Stargate Enchantment Cruise. Wine and dine with the celebrities, hear exclusive interviews, experience rare chances to ask questions and get personal answers from the stars themselves, all while at sea! Luxury, style, music, and ports of call all while experiencing the joys of the best Stargate Convention ever!”

Eugene Lipinski
Eugene was a guest star on Motive‘s April 12th episode “The Score” – if you live in Canada you were lucky to see it, anywhere else in the world we’ll have to wait a little longer. However, it’s always worth the wait to see BFFs Eugene and Louis together on screen!

Troy Mundle
Troy is working on a new project titled “Resurgence”. He writes:
“I’ve been cast in a leading role alongside Derrick deVilliers in a short action film entitled Resurgence playing the part of Pierrick, a now disgruntled and broken private detective who was once one of the city’s top police detectives. Pierrick receives information regarding his daughter’s disappearance by Frank (Derrick deVilliers) and the whereabouts of the main suspect in her abduction. Pierrick embarks on a mission of revenge to find answers to his daughter’s murder.”
Here’s Troy in action, and a cast member gets to have sand for breakfast!
Troy’s web series Single and Dating in Vancouver (SADinVan) gets a nice write-up at WebVeeGuide. Read more about Troy’s projects on his website.

Dennis Heaton
Dennis has been live tweeting the new Motive season as it airs on CTV in Canada.
Read more about his Secret Horror Movie Episode, and a fantastic Showrunner Voice Cameo!
Be sure to follow Dennis on Twitter at @DennisHeaton2 for cool insider information. Since Dennis was the showrunner for Motive for three seasons it does not get any more “inside” that his tweets!

Patrick Gilmore
Patrick’s movie “No Men Beyond This Point” will screen at VanCity Theater April 21st.
If you’re in the area, get your tickets here.
For those of you living on the other side of the planet, never fear: you will soon be able to watch it as well! It will become available on iTunes April 26, and it goes on sale everywhere else July 12.
Patrick will also appear in the new series “Travelers” – read more about it here.
Patrick also did a radio interview recently – you can listen to it here! Find the show entitled
Live From Railtown with Terry David Mulligan – Patrick Gilmore (April 15, 2016) in the side bar, click and enjoy!
For additional thrills, Patrick shares his first and latest head shot…
(proceed with caution!)

Eric Banerd
Eric’s friend Jordan Connor did a new head shot of him. Check out this awesome portrait!

You can watch two Live videos from TWR’s Sugar Night Club performance here (sadly, you can’t see Eric but the music is awesome!).
Then listen to an acoustic rendition of “A Monday in May” Live in the Zone Control Room!

David Dingess
All the singles from David’s new album “Witchcraft You Can Dance To” are now available on his Bandcamp Page!
David writes: “RSGTheatre’s R&J (the web series) won an award for best music at NYC Web Fest 2015! I got a cool trophy!”
Congrats, David!

Jennifer Spence
Jen has two new IMDb listings:
UnREAL (TV Series)
Logline: A behind-the-scenes look at the chaos surrounding the production of a dating competition program.
Frequency (TV Movie) – Susie Cairone
Logline: A police detective in 2016 discovers that she is able to speak via a ham radio with her estranged father, Frank Sullivan, a detective who died in 1996 and the two must work together to change the history of tragic events to come while also getting the chance to heal their complicated relationship.
Here’s Jen with Aleks Paunovic and Ben Ratner wrapping the short film Ganjy.
Jen’s new series “You Me Her” premiered at SXSW in Austin, TX.
The show airs on DirectTV’s Audience Channel on Thursday nights.

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid and Rob were at the Lycee International Student Film Festival:
“My co-judges at the first ever International Student Film Festival held last night at the Lycee International. What an incredible group of giving loving film makers to work with..the work of the twelve film makers we judged were each amazing. So blessed to be a part…”

Rob Munic
New episodes of Empire have resumed! The series airs Wednesday on Fox. Full episodes are also available to view online.
Kids in the Spotlight
Rob will be directing one of their short films again. KitS is requesting donations to support their efforts. You can help produce these films. Donate on the Facebook page!
Rob shares photos from the research for his upcoming MGM/NASCAR movie:
“View from the office today with Michael Cobian riding shotgun. Research at 200mph!”
– Cobian was a producer on Dancing Still.

Peter Kelamis
Peter has a new IMDb listing:
Open Season: Scared Silly
Serge (voice)
Logline: Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.
He also listed his first directing job:
Castaway Eh (Short) (2004)
Peter is currently working on a new gig – he can’t share further details yet but he absolutely loves it. Check his Twitter posts for frequent updates!
Upcoming Con Appearances:
EverFree Northwest
May 13th-15th in Seattle, WA

Bradley Stryker
Land of Smiles keeps winning awards – the latest one was at the Accolade Global Film Competition, where it was the winner of the Award of Merit. Congrats Bradley and Team!
Fangoria has posted a review and teaser video for the movie. Check it out!

Healing Body Art
Vancouver Henna Artist Nicole Pilich has a very special project to share this month. She writes:
“So this time I have attached a birthday cake which I decorated with white chocolate. I came to the birthday to do henna designs for the 12 year old and her friends, and when I arrived I was asked to also decorate the cake! That was fun, and spontaneous. It isn’t easy holding a bag full of piping hot chocolate! But I managed!“

Please check out Nicole’s website at, and if you find yourself in Vancouver please visit her store and maybe get a temporary henna tattoo of your own!

Dawn of the Dead
There is a fun collection of commentaries about the zombie flick Dawn of the Dead (which features Louis as one of the first to be zombified). Many DVD releases include commentaries by the cast and crew that you can’t get anywhere else, thus enticing audiences to purchase the DVD.
Wikipedia Updates

Here are the Wikipedia viewing stats for Louis’ page from late March. You can clearly see when Season 4 of Motive began airing in Canada!
And it’s taken a ridiculously long time, but Louis’ birth date has finally been updated! The process for changing a living person’s data is quite involved, but it’s all done now.
20 Moves
It’s hard to find anything about the Rubik’s Cube documentary 20 Moves that Louis did a few years ago, but a short review has finally surfaced. You can read it here.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and a weekly Louis photo!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Posting is easy and hassle-free, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member! Want your own email address at Contribute – it’s that easy.
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!