Published July 2015.
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Summer is in full swing and in the Northern Hemisphere we’re staying cool at Ferreira Fest 67 while celebrating Louis Ferreira‘s acting career and charity projects and the recent adventures of his friends! We have a lot of stuff again this month, from a new charity to photos to an exclusive interview with MOTIVE Executive Producer Dennis Heaton, our Reading Series and exciting Friends news! Come on in, grab a pineapple drink of your choice at our virtual bar and settle in for some good times!

Introducing Ability Online
This month we welcome Ability Online as our newest charity. Visit our Ability Online Page to find out more!
Louis has just signed on with Ability Online to be their first Cyberdad. Find out why and how he got involved!
Please take a moment to visit our new Ability Online Page, and then go to their official website to sign up and join Louis and participate in a way that fits conveniently into your schedule. You can also go straight to their donations page and make a contribution by clicking on the logo below. We have also added a direct link to the donations page on the Home Page.

The Children’s Aid Foundation
It’s a Newzapalooza!
The Toronto Star’s Jim Rankin chats about Newzapalooza, a battle of the bands fundraiser event for The Children’s Aid Foundation. Check it out here!
Click here to read the most recent CAF newsletter The Buzz for a wealth of information about this great organization. To make a donation please click on the logo below. Every penny helps disadvantaged kids lead a better life!

The Good Neighbours Club
The Good Neighbours Club is accepting applications for the following position – Manager, Development and Community Engagement. Interested? Click here.
New Fact Sheets have been posted to GNC’s website. Read them for a quick overview of what the club does and some demographics of its members.
“Every week on Tuesday afternoons, the men get together on the 2nd floor and have a musical jam session. Occasionally, they even break out into Karaoke. Already today the staff on the main floor were serenaded by an amazingly talented member playing us some tunes on his accordion. Felt like I was in Italia again.”
– Lauro Monteiro on GNC’s Facebook page.
If you can’t sing your way out of a brown paper bag and your musical talent is equivalent to that of a medium-sized rock you can make a donation instead and keep the good folks at GNC jammin’ on Tuesday afternoons! Click on the logo below and follow the easy and secure link.

Project Limelight
The entire performance of East Side Story is now available for viewing online, so if you were unable to squeeze in a trip to Vancouver you can now watch it right here!

Our junior member Vicky loves East Side Story and highly recommends it! So if you have any young people in your lives, watch the show together with them!
The Project Limelight kids participated in RUSH Vancouver‘s urban scavenger hunt benefiting The BC Lung Association. Check out their fun photos here, here and here!
Co-Founder Maureen Webb was honored with the Women in Film & Television Vancouver Spotlight Award. Maureen is also the casting director for MOTIVE. Congratulations, Maureen!
Tuesday Night Live (TNL) is an ongoing storytelling series, at The Lux Lounge which brings actors, producers, directors, agents and writers together in an intimate setting for the common purpose of sharing our experiences through stories, and raising awareness for Project Limelight Society. Come and listen to a story (approximately 10 minutes) then ask a few questions to our storytellers. The event is free, but we have a suggested donation of $5. Guests can enjoy appetizers, meals and drinks from the delicious kitchen at The Lux Lounge throughout the evening. We start at 7pm and finish by 8:30. Karaoke after! The next session is on July 28th!
Can’t make it to Vancouver because you live on the other side of the planet? Never fear. You can participate by making a donation. Just click on the logo and follow the instructions – it’s easy and safe.

The Prince George Citizen has a wrap-up of the 2015 Leo Awards, and Louis as well as MOTIVE gets a mention.
The MOTIVE production team will return to work soon and get ready to start filming Season 4! Until then everyone is busy preparing or working on other projects. Or, as in the case of Showrunner Dennis Heaton, joining The Friends of Louis Ferreira with the awesome interview up next!

Dennis Heaton is an Executive Producer and writer for Louis’ current show MOTIVE. He kindly agreed to an interview with Ferreira Fest this month.
Read and listen to the interview and an introduction from Louis on Dennis Heaton’s Page!

Louis and his colleague Lauren Holly shared a few photos over the past month!
Here’s Billie the bulldog who knows how to relax in style (photo shared by Louis)

In honor of our friend Dennis Heaton we have 831 caps of Motive‘s Season 3 Episode 1 this month. “6 Months Later” was written by Dennis, and it sets up the story arc of the entire season.
Here is a direct link to the album:

This month we have a question from Chris in Valdosta, Georgia:
Are you doing Camp Dada with your daughter this summer? I really enjoyed her interview. She seems like such a great young lady. You must be so proud of her!
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF – “Awww, well thank you, what a great question! Yes, we just finished our fourteenth summer together. It’s a little different because I always, up until year twelve, I had both kids. And even last year I had Aidan a little bit of the time, so the transition’s happened where Camp Dada ends up being me and my daughter.
But what I in fact did this year was, of course, I shortened my usual period of time in half so that she now is going to Africa on a Me To We excursion, where I believe the next chapter of her life awaits her.
It’s like this with birds in the nest, and you’re like, “Okay, you can fly, you’re ready.”
It breaks your heart as a parent. Because even at the airport today, the other parents were looking at me, and Sawyer was like, “Dad! You’re losing it!” I just kept hugging her and she’s like, “But the other parents are laughing.” But in a very sweet way, because I was just being me.
But I was just sitting there going, wow, it’s an amazing thing. And I say this in the best way, what a gift, when you feel that kind of love, or that kind of power, that kind of emotion. Some people are afraid of it, because they think it’s weak.
It’s that whole thing: vulnerability is our power.
The fact that I could be so moved by just saying good-bye and have that kind of emotional reaction, to me it’s such a powerful testament to our human nature that I know that the only thing that matters at the end of the day is our love for ourselves and our love for each other.
Nothing else, at the end of the day, nothing will ever match that feeling.
And I am so grateful, grateful, grateful that through acting, I’ve been able to do the Camp Dada the years that I’ve done. And I’m just beyond blessed. And I know that with all my heart.
But, yes, Camp Dada will be a very difficult thing to say good-bye to.
Every time I say Camp Dada, they go, “Camp Data? D A T A?”
I go, “No, no, no. Dad with an A.”
“What do you mean, like Da Da?”
I say, “Yeah, like you’re two years old. Dada. Like that, D A D A.”
I have to always explain it. And they always give me a look… they must think it’s a camp for children, I don’t know what they think, but it’s always funny, the reaction.”
Thanks to Casey for the transcript! Got a question for Louis? Send an email!

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book.
You can listen to all the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month’s reading is chapter 29 of the First Reading Series Are You As Happy As Your Dog?

Our friend Jade just lost her beloved little dog Bébé on July 3. She kindly gave her permission to share her email here:
“I lost my beloved Bébé early this morning. Her lung collapsed. I took her to the vet. She survived the surgery, but perished a few hours later. I have been crying non stop. I’ve been told it’s just a dog. But she was my baby. It is a horrible, deep sadness.”
Here are two photos of little Bébé.
If you’ve lost a dear pet please share your photos with us. Send an email or use our Guestbook.

Bradley Stryker
Bradley Stryker‘s script for “Silent Hero” was a semi-finalist in Script Pipeline’s 2015 Screenwriting Contest. Congratulations!
He also celebrated his birthday on June 29th by watching “Kinky Boots” on Broadway with Caitlin.

Peter Kelamis
Meet Peter Kelamis in person! You can catch up with Peter at Creation Entertainment’s Official Stargate SG-1/ Atlantis/ Universe 2015 Convention in Chicago, Illinois on August 14-16, 2015, at The Westin O’Hare Hotel, or on Labor Day weekend at Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia. Peter gives great hugs!
Peter has just shot the pilot for a new TV show. He can’t mention the title but you can read about his adventures here and here.
And recently he voiced the character Randall from Monsters University for Disney Infinity. Looks like the project hasn’t even been officially announced yet. Congrats, Peter!
Peter poses with the Grey Goose poster horse.
Painted hooves? Check. Top Hat? Check. Manly pose? Check.

Rob Munic
Rob is on Twitter! Follow him at @PTPMunic!
We’ve updated Rob’s Production credits for Murder In The First which still airs Monday nights on TNT. Catch missed episodes right here.
Here’s Rob Munic looking all badass while working as a guest DJ at 88.5 KCSN in Los Angeles.
Is there anything this guy can’t do?
Rob is a writer, producer and actor. Check out his page here at The Friends of Louis Ferreira!
Rob’s current show Empire (he is writing for the series) has been nominated for the Teen Choice Breakout TV Show award. You can vote by clicking on and following this link.
You can watch all of Empire’s Season 1 episodes here. Season 2 starts on September 23 on FOX.
Rob did a push-up battle with Empire showrunner Ilene Chaiken. Click on the image to watch the video!
Rob went to a Tales From the Toilet Screening Party – here he is with the creator of the series Brian Rousso.
Watch the trailer for this hilarious series and read more about it at Funny Or Die!

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid can currently be seen as Holly in a recurring role on the TNT show Murder in the First. Her next episode will air on August 3rd. Check your local listings!
High praise for Ingrid’s work can be found on Twitter here, here and here. Be sure to watch her in Bruja Blanca in two weeks!

Jennifer Spence
Jennifer and her latest short film The Adept won the following Accolade Global Film Competition awards: Direction, Original Score (The Adept), Leading Actor (Adam Greydon Reid as Ben), Leading Actress (Jennifer Spence as Maddy)
The Adept also won the Best Shorts Competition’s Award of Excellence – Special Mention.
Congratulations, Jennifer!!

David Dingess
David announced that he is the new music teacher at Alexander II Magnet School in Macon, Georgia.
Yo kids – you’ll have the best teacher ever! Check out all the cool stuff he’s done on David’s Page here at The Friends of Louis Ferreira!

Eric Banerd
Eric will be in episode 1.7 of The Man in the High Castle. You can watch the trailer here!
One of his bands, The Wild Romantics, has been playing up a storm this summer! Check out their Instagram page! They’ll be playing next on July 25th at Rock of the Woods Music Festival in Cowichan Valley, BC. Be sure to visit Eric’s Page for much more info about this talented young artist!

Patrick Gilmore
Patrick shared a few photos of himself, and they’re about as different in style as can be.
Call it The Four Faces of Patrick Gilmore.
Click on the images to see the original posts.
… but don’t mess with him now! (Photo by AaronRTS)

Flag Counter
As of press time we have had visitors from 104 countries and 545 different regions.
Welcome all new visitors! We’re so glad you found us!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Posting is easy and hassle-free, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!