The 2025 Birthday Project is still going!
We have gathered 1100 birthday wishes for Louis so far this year! With our sponsorship of $.10 for every wish this adds up to exactly $110 (about CDN $156) which has been donated to Haven Toronto on Louis’ birthday. Thanks to Cindy for sponsoring the project again and to everyone who participated!
You may still send in more birthday wishes but since the fundraiser has been concluded please send your donation directly to Haven Toronto or any of our other charities (Ability Online or Children’s Aid Foundation).
This year’s project was a cornucopia of good wishes.
“In classical antiquity, the cornucopia (from Latin cornu ‘horn’ and copia ‘abundance’), also called the horn of plenty, was a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, or nuts.
Baskets or panniers of this form were traditionally used in western Asia and Europe to hold and carry newly harvested food products. The horn-shaped basket would be worn on the back or slung around the torso, leaving the harvester’s hands free for picking.”
(adapted from Wikipedia)
Here are some photos:

You can download a pdf or a jpg with the actual sizes and colors here on our Google Drive.
There are multiple ways you can participate:
- Send your birthday wish via email. If you want a specific leaf, please tell us which one. We will print your wish on the leaf for you.
- You can print out the sheet, write your wishes on the leaves, scan them back in and email them.
- You can transfer your wishes to the leaves electronically, using photoshop or other image editing programs, and then email the file to Ferreira Fest.
- You can print the sheet, write your wishes on the leaves, cut them out and then snail-mail them to Ferreira Fest. Please send an email for a mailing address. The actual size of the leaves does not matter, just make sure your writing is legible.
- You can find some ACTUAL leaves, press and dry them, and write your wishes on them, then snail-mail them to Ferreira Fest. Please send an email for a mailing address.

Here is Louis with some of his birthday projects from the last few years…