Published October 2020.
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Election Day in the US is only two weeks away! Be sure to VOTE!
Whether your vote has been cast early or it’s in the mail – you can now enjoy a brand new Ferreira Fest, knowing you’ve done your civic duty! We check in with our charities, Louis reads another chapter in our 4th Exclusive Reading Series, we have lots of friends news and a few blasts from the past, a Canadian Thanksgiving photo from Louis and screen caps from the series finale of The Man In The High Castle. And we have the first episode (a two-parter) of the first major series Louis has ever carried – Urban Angel! Watch it below, and wear your voter sticker proudly, and after you watch a short video with a speech by actor Sacha Baron Cohen (highly recommended by Louis himself!) please join us for age-appropriate pineapple cocktails at our virtual bar! Everyone is welcome here, so come on in!

Ability Online
Ability Online is a safe, bully-free, monitored online platform for kids and young adults with disabilities.
Following the story in The Brock News, Virginia Galt covered the importance of virtual placements for students to gain professional experience before they graduate. We are proud to have been doing this for the past 5 years (Pre-COVID) and we are now working with 7 Colleges and Universities to provide students from a variety of health-related disciplines to obtain a unique experiential learning opportunity. Read the article here.
The new web site at MyAbility is coming along and sections are going online as they are ready. Sign up and join to be an ally!Ability Gives, the equipment fundraising arm of Ability Online is still sponsoring Kaden. Read more about this great little boy here and donate if you can.
Of course you can always give to the general operating fund by simply clicking on the logo below. In these days of staying home, quarantine and isolation, having a safe online environment is absolutely essential for children with disabilities!

Project Limelight
The mission of Project Limelight is to create an environment that will allow youth to develop a strong sense of self and to unleash their imagination. The program provides a nurturing community that supports their development through participation in the performing arts. Project Limelight gives young people a sense of confidence, self-assurance and creative freedom that will be carried forward outside of the initiative and into their school and home life.
It’s easy to forget about the performing arts while so many organizations have to enforce a hiatus due to COVID-19’s social distancing requirements. Rest assured that Project Limelight will be back as soon as possible with more amazing performances, due to free professional mentorship which would otherwise be unattainable for many underprivileged inner-city kids. Please click on the logo below to donate!

Haven Toronto
Haven Toronto is the only daytime shelter dedicated to elder homeless men. While serving this marginalized population, Haven Toronto is also a tireless advocate for affordable and fair housing, elder rights and poverty remediation.
One small act can make one big difference in a day, in a life.
We created The Power of 1, a FREE eBook, to encourage others to make a difference. The Power Of 1 is about changing your world and, in the process and for the better, changing the world for those around you. It’s about achievable change, beginning inside oneself and building outward. Think of it as GIGO 2.0; Good In, Good Out.
From free to priceless, inside the book The Power Of 1 are 101 ways that you can make a real difference in your life and the lives of others. Read The Power Of 1 now!

Haven Toronto provides three wholesome, nutritious meals for their clients every day. For just $1 you can sponsor one meal for an elder homeless man. Food insecurity is one of the stark consequences of homelessness, and all of these men have gone without food – sometimes for days.
You can purchase individual meals, or sponsor meals for one person for a set number of days, or sponsor one entire meal for everyone – there is something for every budget! Check out Haven Toronto’s Shop & Share site, where everything you buy goes directly to an elder homeless man in need!
Of course you can also give to the general operating fund of the organization by clicking on the logo below. Please note that you will be linked to our very own donations page which still bears the former name of the shelter – The Good Neighbours Club. Your donation will still arrive at Haven Toronto.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada has publishes it latest Annual Impact Report. You can read it here.
Looking ahead, you can also peruse the Five Year Strategic Plan.
News about the COVID-19 Response Program:
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, in a year full of uncertainty, job insecurity, financial strain, and isolation, we have been able to help youth transitioning out of care as well as child- and youth-serving agencies across Canada as they respond to the urgent and changing needs of vulnerable children, youth, and families who have experienced the child welfare system and are struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada team was able to quickly pivot our efforts in order to support young people during this uncertain time. The first phase of our COVID-19 Response Program was focused on supporting Former Youth in Care, and we were able to reach over 1,900 of young people in a short time.
The second phase of our Response Program sees us continuing to support youth and now includes providing support for children and their families. You can donate directly to the COVID-19 Response Program by clicking here.
You can always read the latest news online at The Buzz.
Please support the children and youth in Canada’s foster care program. These young people experience trauma in their daily life due to no fault of their own. Every penny helps! Click on the logo below to contribute. It’s easy and secure.

After 30 years Louis’ first major series Urban Angel is finally available again!
Based on the memoirs of Canadian journalist Victor Malarek, Urban Angel chronicles the journey of a streetwise ex-con who gets a job writing a column for the fictional Montreal Tribune. During the course of his work, he fights society’s dysfunctions and a spectrum of crime situations. This iconic series produced by Montreal’s prolific Telescene Film Group starring Louis Ferreira (credited as Justin Louis) and featuring many important talents aired on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and later, in the United States on CBS Late Night from 1990-93.
The Canadian Encore Plus channel has managed to obtain permission to post the entire series – two seasons – on YouTube.
Watch the first episode’s two parts right here, and please visit and subscribe to the Encore Plus YouTube channel and let them know how much you appreciate their project! With a (free) subscription you get notices whenever a new episode is posted.
Louis is doing short introductions to both episodes so be sure to watch the whole thing.
Urban Angel – Season 1 Episode 1
Logline – New Kid on the Block
Victor pursues a vicious pimp, Le Copain, through the Montreal underworld. When a friend of Victor poses as a hooker to set up Le Copain for a photo, Victor learns that the pimp might actually be a cop.
Urban Angel – Season 1 Episode 2
Logline – Taking Care of Business
Victor discovers that a vicious pimp, Le Copain, is a former cop.

Former Stargate Universe mover and shaker Joseph Mallozzi a.k.a. Baron Destructo has been rummaging in his Behind The Scenes photos of the TV series. Here are a few that feature Louis, and in our FRIENDS section below you will find more of our interview guests who were also in the SGU cast (Behind-the-scenes photos courtesy of Joe Mallozzi). Click on the images for the original posts and credits.

Louis and Jackie wish everyone a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving (which was celebrated on October 11).

This month we have 84 screencaps from the final episode (Fire from the Gods) of the hit series The Man In The High Castle. Louis joined the series in Season 4, playing resistance leader Brad Bellows.
In this episode the resistance succeeds in their part of overthrowing the Nazi regime in their timeline, and Brad and his fellow freedom fighters discover the big secret the evil rulers have been hiding. Click on the screencap below to view the entire album. Here is a direct link as well:


The fourth monthly reading series continues in Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns.
Unlike previous readers, this volume was published as a hardcover book within the Level 3 series of the Mr. Mugs readers. It was originally released in 1968. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers. Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age.
You can listen to all the previous book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
This month Louis reads Chapter 3 of Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away!

Franco Lo Presti
Franco’s recent movie From the Vine is now available online:
Movie Synopsis:
Mark Gentile, an attorney and automotive company executive, travels to Italy after a major humiliation in business. He returns to the tiny village of Acerenza, visiting the vineyard where he grew up and finds it in a state of disrepair. Mark gets an idea to bring the overgrown property back to life and start producing wine again. Mark convinces various denizens of Acerenza, each with their own comedic personality, to aid him in this seemingly impractical effort, promising everyone a share in the business if it is successful. Concerned about his sudden and lengthy trip, Mark is joined by his wife Marina, and his twenty-something daughter, Laura, who’s purpose is lost. But when Mark gets a serious offer to run another company, he abruptly packs up and heads home, leaving his daughter to run the winery, something she never planned to do as a career. Laura is furious with Mark, but then learns that his choice will ultimately benefit the vineyard and bring true prosperity to Acerenza.
Watch the trailer here:

Alaina Huffman
Alaina’s new book The Daily Affirmations Handbook is now available for $12 on her website! Here is an excerpt – one of the beautiful thoughts in this book:
Affirmation ~I surrender ~ finding balance in the fight and rest phases of life is a daily practice for me. For me the phases of surrender are “awareness, acceptance, gratitude, and peace” awareness for me is a combination of reading and practicing applying that knowledge to my life, acceptance is allowing myself to show up fully without judgment, gratitude looks like journaling daily, taking pause to appreciate all situations I find myself in without judgement and peace comes naturally thru this process and is set by a daily meditation/mindful practice. How do you find surrender?

The Affolter Brothers
The Affolter Brothers have been busy with their newest project Try To Fly!
“Our latest short film Try To Fly will be released this winter, and we just can’t wait to share this labour of love with y’all! Stay tuned, friends!
We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce our film’s acceptance to the Academy Award-qualifying Edmonton Film Festival! Big thanks to the fine folks in Edmonton and our amazing cast and crew!”

Amanda Alexander
Amanda shared a photo of her bed buddy Calvin.. Calvin is diabetic and has a lot of health issues. If you love dogs and would like to help, please visit Amanda’s GoFundMe Page for Calvin!

Mika McKinnon
Mika participated in a TEDxBinghamton presentation last month! Read all about it on her Twitter Feed!
Mika was also quoted in a very interesting article about the future of movie going by Jordan Cruchiola. Read it here.
Are you in the US and need weekend plans? The first episode of Phantom Signals: Curse of the Lost Cosmonaut aired last week and is available for free on the Science Channel. Mika says: “I’m in the last third geeking out about skyquakes and gesturing wildly with my hands.”

Troy Mundle
Troy had a blast working over the weekend with the amazing cast and crew of Bucketheads. The Star Wars Fan Film Series is getting a lot of attention in the Vancouver area, and Season 1 was featured on Global News! It took 70 cast and crew members to make this happen. Watch the clip here – it includes some amazing Behind The Scenes footage courtesy of Joel Law.

Patrick Gilmore
Patrick’s latest series JANN is now airing its second season. Read more about it here.
Here’s Patrick’s basic look as Dave in the series. A “basic look” is a guideline for the make up and hair artists as well as the costume designer.
Patrick writes:
“On October 8 I wrapped a li’l residency on Family Law. So many thanks to the cast and crew for allowing me to come play. A highlight was Victor Garber; he embodies the word gentleman and I could talk with him for days. Stay tuned for air dates!”
Joe Mallozzi shared a Behind The Scenes photo of Patrick as Dale Volker on the set of Stargate Universe.
Did you know Patrick appeared in Battlestar Galactica? Here he is as bartender Rafferty in Season 4 episodes 16 and 17.

Alex Appel
Great news about Alex’ new movie Modern Persuasion!
Samuel Goldwyn Films buys Alicia Witt romantic comedy Modern Persuasion
Myriad Pictures announced on Wednesday (September 30) that Samuel Goldwyn Films has acquired US rights to rom-com Modern Persuasion starring Alicia Witt.
Alex Appel and Jonathan Lisecki directed the Jane Austen adaptation from Tangerine Entertainment and Tortyfly Pictures, based on a screenplay by Lisecki and Barbara Radecki.
Congrats to Alex and the whole team!
Here’s a synopsis of the movie:
A modern telling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion: Wren Cosgrove is a happy, single, and self-confessed workaholic who, after rising to the top of the corporate ladder, finds herself coming home every night to her cat. When her firm is hired by Owen Jasper, “the man who got away,” long-lost feelings are stirred, giving Wren a second chance at true love.

Eric Banerd
Our friend Eric is running a very successful painting business in the Vancouver area – Even Better Painting. Check out their great Instagram feed! Need a house painting job in Greater Vancouver? Give Eric a call!
We finished our exterior church project in Vancouver! We painted over 120 windows, 6 Doors, 2 metal stair cases, hundreds feet of fascia, thousands of square feet of cedar shingle siding and did stucco repairs and touch-ups around the building.

Yes, we take on small projects! Here is a fence and entry way railings / stairs we stained and re-painted. We can get these jobs done fast and efficiently and they make a huge difference in the way you can feel about your home.

Peter Kelamis
Joe Mallozzi also shared a few Behind The Scenes photos of Peter as Adam Brody in Stargate Universe. Thanks for all the goodies this month, Joe! And of course Peter posted a few as well.
On September 28 Peter posted:
“Very grateful to be on Set working today. Have a great week everyone…“
This month it’s Peter’s turn to do a Public Service Announcement wearing a face mask.
It takes a special talent to look this debonair while sporting a piece of PPE…
While there are absolutely no downsides to wearing a face mask during a global pandemic Peter experienced some trouble with his phone’s facial recognition feature.
Click on the image for the story!

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her healing creations with Ferreira Fest.
This month Nicole writes:
“We just had our Canadian thanksgiving so since we weren’t able to be visiting family or friends because of Covid-19, I thought it would be nice to bake some pies and bring pieces to all my loved ones.”
“Here is a photo of our two Apple pies and one Shepard pie. I also made two pumpkin pies but never took a photo of them.”

“The weekend afterwards we went to the pumpkin patch and collected pumpkins, and my daughter found the biggest one!”

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!