Published August 2020.
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Summer is slowly coming to a close, and like on every 20th of the month we have our big virtual party at Ferreira Fest! While you should limit your social activities in real life, always wear a mask and stay at least six feet apart, you are safe on our website! We check in with Charities and Friends, and we start a brand-new exclusive Reading Series – our fourth one to date. Welcome to the Mr. Mugs book “Rockets Away!”, which Louis will read to us page by page! Come on in, grab an age-appropriate pineapple drink and settle in for the goodies and a new adventure!

Ability Online
Although the 2020 fundraising golf tournament has been cancelled for 2020, Ability Online is still in need of support. Activity on the site has increased 495% since the start of this pandemic with 9 times the number of active users. The increased demand is an indication of the online presence that has been created by this situation.
Why Ability Online, and Why Now? – A digital response to COVID-19
Social distancing is a choice. We choose to self isolate to protect those we care about. But for many, social isolation is a year round reality. For youth and young adults with disabilities, it can be extremely difficult to find safe and accessible places to meet friends, to hang out, to BE SOCIAL, even when there aren’t additional extreme health risks at play.
That’s where Ability Online comes in. Since 1990, Ability Online has been offering a free, secure, online environment that lets youth & young adults of ALL abilities…be themselves. Sharing experiences, joking around, or even just listening when someone’s had a bad day are all ways that we show each other that WE’RE NOT ALONE. We never are.
Since then, we’ve expanded to provide support and resources not only for youth and young adults, but for their families, their friends, and education and health professionals. We encourage ALL families to join the site, not only to access a supportive community, but also to take advantage of the games, message areas and fun ideas that we’ve compiled to give everyone the virtual hug we all need right now.
Stay safe, stay home, and wash your hands!
Click here to donate specifically to our COVID-19 Campaign.
As a small charity with big heart, we need help to replace funding lost by our inability to run any fundraising events, and to be able to respond to the increased demand for our online program during the COVID-19 crisis.
We are more relevant than ever for socially isolated youth with disabilities. Until we launch our new website, we have ramped up our content to support families at home – free access to an expanded online library of books and videos for preschoolers through to young adults; we have created virtual field trips, craft ideas and fun with food. All designed to keep families busy, and kids happy while they are isolated at home. And this has been done with just one staff member, and a dedicated group of students doing their placement (virtually) with Ability Online.
Help support kids with disabilities in these especially difficult times by clicking on the logo below – making a donation is quick and easy!

Project Limelight
The mission of Project Limelight Society is to create an environment that will allow youth to develop a strong sense of self and to unleash their imagination. The program provides a nurturing community that supports their development through participation in the performing arts. Project Limelight gives young people a sense of confidence, self-assurance and creative freedom that will be carried forward outside of the initiative and into their school and home life.
In addition to providing inner-city youth with a free high-quality performing arts education, Project Limelight also provides nutritious meals. Please help support their mission and the re-start of activities, as soon as circumstances allow. Click the logo below to donate.

Haven Toronto
Haven Toronto is the only daytime shelter for elder homeless men in the Toronto area.
We improve the quality of life for elder men impacted by poverty and homelessness.
But we cannot do it alone.You can make a difference. Please Shop & Share.
Here’s how it works:
- Shop for items to share with those less fortunate.
- We’ll distribute those items to homeless men.
- You receive a tax receipt.
Of course you can also give to the general operating fund of the organization by clicking on the logo below. Please note that you will be linked to our very own donations page which still bears the former name of the shelter – The Good Neighbours Club. Your donation will still arrive at Haven Toronto.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
Upcoming events for the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada:
- STAND UP FOR KIDS NIGHT: An evening to honor resiliency and achievements, impact, and commitment.
Wednesday September 9, 2020
Stand Up for Kids Night honors the incredible achievements of the bright and deserving young people we support along with the extraordinary Canadians that have made an indelible mark on the child welfare landscape through the annual Lynn Factor Stand Up for Kids National Award.
During the night we also take the opportunity to recognize the commitment of our generous donors and volunteers and celebrate the impact we are making as a community of allies for children and youth in child welfare.
Our Young People’s Advisory Council (YPAC) comes together throughout the year to share their lived and professional expertise, wisdom, and experiences in order to help guide the Foundation on how to best serve Canada’s young people involved in child welfare.
This year, a few of our YPAC members will be stepping down after serving their full term on the Council. Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the last few years!

Are you or do you know a former youth in care who is looking for opportunities to be an advocate for children and youth in and from care? We are currently recruiting new members for the 2020-2021 Young People’s Advisory Council! You can learn more about YPAC and becoming an ambassador here!
You can always read the latest news in the online newsletter The Buzz. To make a donation to support the vital programs of the Children’s Aid Foundation click on the logo below.

This month we have a lovely art photo our friend Justin Breault shared, when he was spending the day with Louis at Third Beach Stanley Park in Vancouver.
Thanks, Justin!

This month we have 80 caps from Louis’ second episode of The Man In The High Castle, episode 405 Mauvaise Foi where he plays Brad Bellows, the chain-smoking leader of a Resistance group. The series aired on Amazon. Our friend Peter Kelamis also appeared later in that season. Here is a direct link to the album:


The fourth monthly reading series continues in Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! by Martha Kambeitz and Denise Burns.
Unlike previous readers, this volume was published as a hardcover book within the Level 3 series of the Mr. Mugs readers. It was originally released in 1968. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers. Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age.
You can listen to all the previous book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
We begin with chapter 1 of Mr. Mugs – Rockets Away! this month!

Franco Lo Presti
Franco just finished filming a new movie called Letters to Satan Claus which will air on Syfy at Christmas 2020. You can catch Franco in the official trailer here!
Franco writes about it:
“So, I just wrapped on this new TV film that will be airing on SYFY come later this year. It’s a Hallmark-esque Christmas horror-comedy called Letters to Satan Claus. The writer is Michael Zara and it was directed by the fantastic Emma Sutherland. Overall, it was a really fun shoot. We started filming pre-COVID, had to shut down in the midst of it and we just recently picked it back up a few weeks ago and finished this week. I’d say it was a big success with all the safety precautions and protocols. The producers are Blue Ice Pictures. Here’s a pic I took with the lead, played by Karen Knox. We got photobombed by our wonderful props guy Mike!”

Alaina Huffman
Alaina is currently starring as tough rebel Nikki in The 100 on the CW. Her character is in a fair bit of trouble in this recent screenshot!

Karyn Mott
Karyn has posted a bunch of funny audition tape clips and outtakes on her Instagram feed – check them out!
For a new role Karyn just had her first COVID-safe costume fitting. Social distancing and face masks are the new norm everywhere!

Justin Breault
Justin (center, front row) shared a photo from several years ago, when he was a cop with the Fredericton police department…

Amanda Alexander
Amanda’s GoFundMe campaign for her dog Calvin is still active. Please visit his page to find out more!

Mika McKinnon
Amir Ali interviewed Mika for the Lynda Steele Show on
“The impact COVID-19 has had on seismic activity: this is some truly fascinating science. Seismometers at seismic stations all around the world have been a lot more quiet.
What does this mean? Amir Ali spoke to Geophysicist Mika McKinnon to find out.”
Listen to the interview here!
The topic is certainly popular right now! On August 7, SETILive streamed a conversation with Mika:
“New research recently published in Science Magazine tracked the global quieting of human-related seismic noise due to the COVID-19 shutdowns.”
Check it out here!

Eugene Lipinski
Eugene writes:
“The movie I made in London a couple of years ago is now on Netflix Canada. It’s on Netflix USA but anyway just in case you don’t have the info it’s called The Informer…
I start work on July 23 on a movie called 92.
Eugene xo”
The Informer is a 2019 British crime thriller film directed by Andrea Di Stefano and written by Matt Cook, based on the novel Three Seconds by Roslund/Hellström. It stars Joel Kinnaman as the title character, alongside Rosamund Pike, Common, Ana de Armas, and Clive Owen. The film was released on 30 August 2019 in the United Kingdom by Warner Bros., and is scheduled to receive a limited release on 31 July 2020 in the United States by Aviron Pictures.
92 is also a thriller: “9 Countries. 60 minutes. One mission for all mankind.“

Troy Mundle
Troy writes:
“What do you do when the world goes upside down? CREATE!
Since the world shut down in March, we’ve been creating a unique experience, that’s a first of its own. A filmed, LIVE PERFORMED, LIVE EDITED rendition of the award winning play “Cock” by Mike Bartlett.
The story centers around 4 characters and coincidentally scripted to have no set and no props… very appropriate for the times we live in. With a three camera set up, the viewer gets to experience every moment and nuance, as they would in a traditional theatre but virtually and from the safety of their home.“
Audiences were able to watch the performance for free on August 15 and 16 with the option to “tip” or donate.
All proceeds will be donated to the Black Lives Matter Vancouver Chapter and victims of the Beirut explosion.
More information can be found here.
Directed by: Caitlin Stryker and Carmel Amit
Starring: Troy Mundle, Nathan Witte, Lee Tomaschefski and John Prowse.

Patrick Gilmore
Patrick shared a photo by his photographer friend @aaronrts that was done at the Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.
Aaron has done a large number of character shots of Patrick, and they are always such a treat. Click on the image to see the full size version!

Sawyer Ferreira
Sawyer posted a lovely black and white self-portrait…

Eric Banerd
Eric is keeping super-busy with his company EB Painting. Check out two recent projects below – click on the images for more shots and contact info!

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid’s latest short film Team Marilyn will screen at Outfest LA, which offers both online and drive-in viewing formats this year! Congrats to the whole team!
Ingrid has recorded a Call To Action video on behalf of the Television Academy/ Emmys, advocating for allowing women of color to show all their shades. Let’s keep the conversation going and affect lasting change!
Click on the screenshot to watch the short video, and read the transcript below.
“There is a surging, and hopefully unstoppable, effort to bring about diversity, inclusion, social justice and equality in this country.
Hi, I’m Ingrid Rogers and I’ve been a working actress for twenty-eight years. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this conversation.
Here is my call to action:
Executives, studio heads, advertisers, casting directors, directors, decision makers in all areas of this industry.
Create the space and opportunities for women of color, particularly black women, to embody dimensional, complex roles.
Yes, the landscape is changing, but there is more to be done.
Don’t just check a box and satisfy a quota. Allow black women to step into leading roles.
There are some stories that need to be told through the eyes of a specific race or gender. But the majority can afford to have more people of color, and I am advocating for black women. We aren’t just angry, authoritative or desexualized. We are funny and nerdy and fragile and strong and smart and sexy. We are whole beings yearning for opportunities to express in dynamic ways.
Television and film is an incredibly powerful tool. For better or worse it sets the example and influences the attitudes and actions of our world. If you have a voice, use it to hire talented people of color behind, and in front of, the camera.
Call out stereotypes. Have the courage and the conversations to create the changes you believe in. Actors paint emotions and life from a rich palette. Allow women of color to show all our shades!”
Thanks to Casey for the transcript!

Rob Munic
Rob writes:
“NEWSFLASH: I am in love with my best friend. It’s been 15 years since we said “I do”. 18 since I dropped, “Nice to meet you.” Every day I wake up and I think – does everyone feel this lucky in love? And if they don’t, I genuinely wish it upon them because it’s exceptionally fucking dope. She makes me smile every day. Makes me love. Makes the best version. I know I’m playing above the rim and punching above my weight class – but Momma, that’s where the fun is. In Hebrew, 18 is Chai, the sign of life… and mine has been infinitely better every day since walking into Whole Foods and walking out with vegan ice cream and Ingrid Rogers. – Happy Anniversary to my RIDE OR DIE.”

Peter Kelamis
Peter hosted Night 1 of this year’s Virtual Leo Awards. Here’s a screen cap!

You can watch the entire event right here:

Bradley Stryker
Bradley is filming episode 3 of the Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries Ships In The Night in Victoria. Stay tuned for more details!

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. And if you find yourself in Vancouver visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
This month Nicole writes about her recent vacation in place of henna art:
“When you come up to British Columbia you have to visit this island. There are many farm stands all over on every road, selling fresh produce, flowers and baked goods. They are on the honor system and trust that people will leave the correct money in their box. The ocean is crisp and clean and cool but refreshing. For a longer lingering swim you can go to one of the several lakes and dive into the warm smooth fresh water. Salt Spring Island is a gem!”

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!