Published May 2018.
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All content copyright © 2018.
Spring is here and turning to summer already, and it’s time for another Ferreira Fest, where we check in with Louis Ferreira, his charities and his friends! We have the launch of a new Forum, news and updates, screencaps and our exclusive Reading Series, plus a very special report by our friend Karyn Mott, so grab a freshly made pineapple cocktail at our virtual bar and come on in!

Our Ferreira Fest Discussion Forum service is being discontinued by our web host due to the ongoing server phase-out. But never fear – our new Forum is already up and running, so please check it out and drop a bookmark there!
Logins or memberships are not required to read posts but if you were a Forum member before you know there are no downsides to signing up. Your email will not end up on junk mail lists!
Over the next several months our entire website will also move to the new server; as you can imagine with some 120 pages this is a huge undertaking. Our content will remain the same but you may notice a new layout and better functionality when the new site goes online.
All the Forum links on the entire website have been changed over to the new Forum, so no matter which link you click on you should be able to get to the new Forum easily.
Please stop by the Forum soon and say hi!

Ability Online
Join Ability Online June 21st 2018 for the 21st Golf Tournament hosted by Axion Insurance at the Sleepy Hollow Golf and Country Club in Stouffville. It is an event not to be missed, and an important fundraiser!
With your support we are able to help young people with all kinds of (dis)abilities go from capable to unstoppable!
Ability Gives
This month’s child is Adam. Read on to learn more about him.
Adam is a non-verbal 12 year old boy with Autism. It is really difficult to keep him motivated and occupied when he is not at school.

Adam seeks movement and is motivated by movement-based activities: those are seen to promote self-regulation and functional gross motor skills.
It is challenging for Adam to participate in physical activities because of difficulties with motor planning, a delayed acquisition of higher level of coordination skills related to the immaturity of body awareness, core stability and loco-motor skills (e.g. hopping, skipping). Occupational Therapy recommended movement opportunities of long duration and big intensity.
An adapted bike will support gross motor coordination (pedaling, steering, motor planning, getting on/off, spatial awareness of navigation) as well as provide movement input. Riding an adapted bike is an age appropriate activity that can also help Adam to learn community safety while increasing his activity level. It will also facilitate social inclusion, interaction (greeting, requesting).
And most of all he enjoys riding it and it keeps him occupied for long period of time and physically active!
We hope to raise $1100 for a single rider trike with saddle seat so that Adam can ride safely, and build so many beneficial skills. Click here to contribute.
Thank you so much for your support.
To make a donation to the general fund of this worthwhile organization please click on the logo below. It’s quick and easy!

Project Limelight
As we wait for news about the next Project Limelight production here is a short film they made a few years ago, starring some awesomely talented kids and our very own Main Man!
Watch it here!
To make a donation to Project Limelight please click on the logo below so inner-city Vancouver kids can get a free high-quality performing arts education!

Haven Toronto
Haven Toronto is a daytime drop-in shelter for elder homeless men in Toronto, as well as an advocate for fair housing. The following is an excerpt from their website.
Sporting programs provide vulnerable and at risk people with a place to go to which is not only physically safe from conflict around them, but also emotionally safe. The programs can also provide a welcome relief from daily struggle.
For people who have been displaced, who become disaffected or simply disengaged from their community, belonging to an ongoing sporting program or team can be a lifeline, especially during times of chaos where routine and stability are desperately needed yet hard to find.
When sports programs are structured, the results build cohesion and promote social inclusion for the participants of the programs as well as the wider community.
Team sport in its very name aims to promote participation. When sport is understood and applied in this way, social inclusion amongst the disadvantaged populations is a natural outcome as well as an easily measurable unit of success.
Clients and staff from Haven Toronto team up today (April 30, 2018) for opening day of the 2018 season of recreation softball at Moss Park.
Sign up for the monthly Haven Toronto newsletter. Click on the cover photo for the May 2018 edition.
The e-magazine is chock-full of great articles, thought-provoking essays and hard-hitting photography. This issue includes discussion of team sports, a photo essay with song lyrics, facts and statistics and other news.
It is both inspirational and a good reminder of how fortunate most of us really are.
One of the easiest ways to make an impact is to order something on the Shop & Share site: like in any online store you can chose from a variety of necessities for everyday life – but everything you purchase here goes directly to a homeless person in need so you know exactly what you are giving. Plus there are items for even the smallest paycheck!
To make a general donation please click on the logo below which will take you to our very own donations page for The Good Neighbours Club, the former name of the shelter.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is Canada’s leading charity dedicated to improving the lives children and youth growing up in the child welfare system.
Upcoming fundraiser events:
Monday, May 28, 2018 at Glen Abbey Golf Club, Oakville
Each year 144 influential women from Canada’s top corporations participate in the annual Women’s Golf Classic to indulge in a unique day of golf, pampering, camaraderie and networking. After an amazing round of golf that include on-course samplings and lunch, golfers then move to the clubhouse for pampering spa services, networking, cocktails, an exquisitely-prepared dinner, as well as a fantastic array of silent auction treasures.
Tuesday, June 19 – Thursday, June 21 – Eagles Nest Golf Club
The annual Joe Carter Classic charity golf tournament pairs avid golfers with top name celebrities from the worlds of sport and entertainment. Proceeds from the event go towards supporting the education and development of Canadian youth through the Joe Carter Scholarship Fund and the Joe Carter Family Support Fund.
Since 2010, the Joe Carter Classic has raised and pledged $2,500,000 to benefit Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada and other children’s causes.
Keep up with the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada and sign up for the newsletter here.
You can also read the online magazine The Buzz, which is the Children’s Aid Foundation’s online magazine and repository for everything fresh and interesting.
Please consider supporting children in foster care and click on the logo below to make a donation!

Louis received a Leo Award nomination for Best Performance by a Male/ Short Drama for his role as Johnathan Redding in the Affolter Brothers’ film The Undertaker’s Son. In total, the film received 9 Leo nominations.
Congratulations, Louis and the Affolters!
The short film also stars our friend Karyn Mott – scroll down to read her report about her current project!
The Undertaker’s Son is being screened at the Rainier Independent Film Festival this weekend – be sure to catch it if you’re in the area! You can also watch Soggy Flakes while you’re there. Get tickets here.

Recently, Louis vacationed on beautiful Salt Spring Island (also the home of our friend Greyston Holt) with his family. He wanted to share some of the gorgeous views of the area.

This month we have 376 screencaps from This Life, Season 1 Episode 10 Should Have Known Better. Louis plays David K. Crowley. He is the main character Natalie’s ex-husband, a self-assured academic, and driven to earn a place back at the Lawson table after his estrangement, having divorced Natalie (and quickly re-married) ten years ago. David returns to Montreal in the face of Natalie’s illness, knowing that the futures of the children he barely knows hang in the balance, seeking redemption for his past mistakes.
Here is a direct link to the album:

The third monthly reading series is Mr. Mugs – Peek In Please by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
You can listen to the book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
This month’s issue is chapter 5 of Mr. Mugs – Peek In Please.

Alaina Huffman
Alaina was able to spend Mothers’ Day with her family and four generations of remarkable women!
Alaina is at the Starfury: Crossroads convention in Birmingham UK this weekend. So if you find yourself in the neighborhood (and royal weddings aren’t your thing), mosey on over for a chance to meet her!

Karyn Mott
Hello and Happy May to all you beautiful, wonderful people!!!! Hope you are enjoying the first glimpses of summer across this beautiful continent and world of ours!!!!
Lil’ Ginge here, also known as Karyn Mott. So grateful to have the opportunity to let you all know what I am currently up to!
Next week I start work on a CBC/ Sundance Miniseries called Unspeakable. I am beyond grateful to be part of this project and I can’t wait until next month when I can give you all an update on the filming process.
Here is what the show is all about:
“The show is created by Robert C. Cooper (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Stargate SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate Universe) and based on first-person experience and non-fiction books, Bad Blood by Vic Parsons and The Gift of Death by Andre Picard, Unspeakable chronicles the emergence of HIV and Hepatitis C in Canada in the early 1980s and the tragedy that resulted after thousands of people were infected by tainted blood. One of the largest medical disasters in Canadian history, the blood scandal triggered a federal inquiry and precedent-setting lawsuit resulting in billions of dollars in compensation to victims.

In the early 1980’s, AIDS emerged and quickly became an epidemic. Those responsible for public safety failed. Thousands died. A second virus, hepatitis, infected tens of thousands more. People were kept in the dark, afraid to speak out. Ignorance, arrogance, politics and economics all lead to betrayal, to cover-up, to scandal. Told from the perspective of two families caught in a tragedy that gripped a nation, doctors, nurses and the corporations and bureaucracy responsible. The series follows the incredible, decades-long saga as people struggled to survive, change the system, and battle for compensation for those who desperately needed it.
Unspeakable is based on emotionally charged personal accounts as well as Andre Picard’s Gift of Death: Confronting Canada’s Tainted Blood Tragedy, Vic Parson’s Bad Blood: The Tragedy of the Canadian Tainted Blood Scandal and the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Canadian Blood Tragedy lead by Justice Horace Krever.
It began as a disease that was nobody’s fault and became a catastrophe. A federal inquiry led to finger pointing and sweeping changes to the blood system. Billions of dollars in reparations were paid. Criminal charges were laid. The repercussions are still being felt today. The worst part is that it was largely preventable. We cannot forget.”

I can’t give anything else away but I think I would love to share with you the pre-audition process. In School you learn all about verbing, inflection and intention… while these are valuable tools I think a lot of us forget that acting is about being real, it is about creating real life drama or comedy.
So here is what I do: in life when I am talking to someone I am not doing all those things that I learned in school. I know who I am, I know where I am, I know who I am talking to and our relationship, I know the problem, I know what I want, I know what may or may not be stopping me from getting it (and in film and TV there is always something that works against it), I know why I should get what I want (justify)and I know how I plan to get it (the distance I am willing to go, the stand I am willing to take). These are simple questions, as actors we want to behave like a real person, and so in order to do that I need to approach my work in that fashion as well. But it’s easy to get lost in text work.
It’s the common sense and logic I would use in real life that is most valuable to bring to script work. I found doing this work made a huge difference and required a lot less “work”. These answers are short, plain and direct.
So instead of spending ample amount of time on my script, I simply get real, I answer these questions honestly, as a normal human being would, I have an open dialogue with a good friend of mine, who is also an actor and I make some strong connections.
I was then able to go into this audition with all of this information in my body and mind and truly listen and respond to the other character.
It made the reality of the situation real to me and the connection and emotions were real. I wasn’t standing there thinking about my script work, at what I had practiced, or how I had delivered the lines before or “i need to make sure I can cry” etc. It became a fluid and dynamic process.
I walked out of there feeling like I had gone on a roller coaster ride… which I think is what we do in real conversations. It was powerful, enlightening and connected.
I know it’s easy for me to get lost in my actor psychobabble and forget that I am just being a human being.
I booked the role and now I am enjoying the process of preparing for this show much differently than I have prepared other films before.
That is my experience thus far in the process… oh, and getting to go into wardrobe this past Friday! Late 80’s/ early 90’s fashion here I come!
I am continually in gratitude for the profession I am in. Not a day goes by that I don’t work hard so I can play hard. For me this journey has been about preparation, dedication, commitment, patience, love and luck.
I can’t wait until the next audition when I can share with you all the ins and outs of the filming process.
You can follow me on Instagram @karynmott and on Twitter @karynmott
Thanks for checking in and I’m sending love to you all!
Thanks for the awesome report, Karyn!!

The Affolter Brothers
The Affolter Brothers received a total of 11 Leo Award nominations! Congrats, guys!!
Two of the Leo Award nominations went to the stop-motion feature Soggy Flakes.
Here’s Leon the Liger hangin’ with his cousin Leo. The family resemblance is uncanny!

Amanda Alexander
Amanda is currently working as the script supervisor for the 3rd season of Travelers.
Louis has a recurring guest star role on the series as Rick Hall.

Greyston Holt
What should you do if you wake up with a serious case of bedhead?
Join Greyston for an intense jamming session, natch. Click on the photo for a link to the video, turn up the volume and rock out!

Mika McKinnon
Mika is in the middle of moving – again – yet she still somehow finds time to pursue her passion of science communications. Here are some recent articles and interviews you should check out!
- Infuriating Fog and Exhilarating Geophysics: Behind the Scenes of NASA’s InSight Launch to Mars
- Q: How did engineers ensure Mars InSight’s terrifyingly sensitive seismometer will still work after the extremes of launch, cruise, & landing? A: Testing. So. Much. Testing. Learn more in Mika’s article for Gizmodo!
- This Is the Coolest Engineering in This Year’s Met Gala Gowns
- Mika debunks Kilauea eruption panic-mongers in a NatGeo interview

Eugene Lipinski
On April 10 the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) screened the 1994 movie Boozecan, starring both Eugene Lipinski and Louis during an event honoring actor and director Nicholas Campbell.
From the TIFF website:
Iconic actor Nicholas Campbell — who has appeared in a dizzying range of seminal Canadian television series (Da Vinci’s Inquest, Street Legal, Orphan Black) and films (including Naked Lunch, New Waterford Girl, and Goon) — made his directorial debut with this sorely underappreciated drama about an underworld bar owner (Justin Louis, a.k.a. Louis Ferreira) whose plans to go straight are complicated by an obsessive cop (Eugene Lipinski) and a burgeoning romance. Featuring a who’s who of the country’s top talent (including Kenneth Welsh, Tony Nappo, Leslie Hope, Jan Rubes, Russell Peters, and even Ronnie Hawkins), plus Campbell’s frequent collaborator David Cronenberg in a small part, Boozecan offers an indelible glimpse of Toronto night life at its seediest and most compelling.
Here’s a screencap of Eugene in Boozecan.

Troy Mundle
Big congrats to a very talented Blake Matthew for his Leo Awards nomination for Best Musical Score on La Buena as well as all the other nominees! See you at the Leos!
From the La Buena website:
Robert Pratt was a devoted family man and aspiring copywriter until tragic events sent his life spiraling out of control. He now finds himself on the streets and addicted to drugs. In a chance encounter he meets Jerry, a First Nations homeless man, who takes Robert under his wing and helps him survive on the streets. Even though the two’s friendship grows, will it be enough to help Robert overcome his inner demons?

Dennis Heaton
Dennis was elected the new WGC (Writers’ Guild of Canada) president! Congratulations, Dennis!
Dennis will stay on Twitter for his personal work and thoughts, but for WGC business related tweets please follow @WGCPrez.
Sadly, Dennis’ last series Ghost Wars has been cancelled, but Dennis will get no rest as he’s already up to his eyeballs in his new series The Order.
And here is Dennis (center) with the 2017 Bell Media Prime Time TV group.

It’s Jack Morton’s freshman year in college when he discovers “The Order”, an intriguing secret society filled with sorcery and monsters and in the middle of an underground battle between the magical dark arts and werewolves.

Patrick Gilmore
New episodes of You Me Her are airing currently. Visit Patrick’s Instagram feed for photos, screencaps and video clips.
Patrick is currently filming Season 3 of Travelers where he is reprising his role as David Mailer. Stay tuned for info on the premiere!

Eric Banerd
You may remember that Eric owns a socially responsible painting company. Check out their great website and learn more about them! And if you live in the Vancouver area and you need a painting job done, please contact Eric and say that Ferreira Fest sent you!

Jennifer Spence
Jen received a Leo Award nomination for Best Supporting Performance by a Female/ Dramatic Series for her work in the Travelers episode Traveler 0027. Congrats, Jen!
Jen’s series You Me Her Season 3 is set to air outside of North America on June 1st on Netflix.
The short film The Adept is now available online, and you can watch it right here!

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid is a very popular interview subject these days for her role as LaTonya Edgar in the Amazon series Bosch.
- Interview with
- Interview with Fox LA
- Interview with Pop Culturalist
- Interview with Flickering Myth
Read up and enjoy!

Rob Munic
Rob’s recent series Ice is currently airing on DirectTV.
Rob spent Mothers Day with Ingrid and Ajna: “Fam in the can(yon)”

Peter Kelamis
Peter received two Leo Awards nominations – one for Best Supporting Performance by a Male/ Dramatic Series for his work as Yellow Jacket on the series Beyond, and one for Best Voice Performance/ Animation Program or Series for his vocal work on Chuck’s Choice. Read more about it here. Congrats, Peter!
That’s already way cool, but Peter will also be hosting the Leo Awards! Wouldn’t it be awesome if he got to give an award to himself?

Bradley Stryker
Bradley’s feature-length thriller Land of Smiles is now available on iTunes… in German!
“It’s pretty dope, when you find a movie you shot on iTunes. Guys, I can tell you, you sound really funny in German.”

Chesapeake Shores has started shooting Season 3. Bradley is reprising his role as John Rawl, playing in the Trace Riley Band.

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. Please visit her website for lots more photos and fascinating facts and information about this ancient artform.
And if you find yourself in Vancouver – visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
This month Nicole writes:
“Teenagers love henna and I am often invited to birthday parties. This was a Bollywood themed birthday so it really got everyone into the spirit.
Henna designs can be small or large, it depends on how much time I get for the group. Usually I go for two hours, that seems to be enough for a party of ten to twenty party goers.”

A New Louis!
Unless you live under a rock (and probably even then) you will have heard that the newest member of the British royal family is little Prince Louis! Read more about the new kid on the monarchy block here.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit our brand-new Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member! Want your own email address at Contribute – it’s that easy.
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!