Published March 2018.
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All content copyright © 2018.
Right on time for the first day of Spring we have our monthly party at Ferreira Fest, where we check in with Louis Ferreira, his friends and his chosen charities. We are wrapping up this year’s Birthday Project and celebrate with updates, screencaps, our exclusive Reading Series and lots more, so grab a pineapple smoothie at our virtual bar and come on in!

Louis celebrated his birthday on February 20th with a group of friends…

The Friends of Louis Ferreira sent around 650 hand-made origami paper cranes – each one inscribed with a good wish – strung together in a garland over 30 feet long!
Here’s Louis with his wealth of good wish paper cranes, posing with two famous characters…

And this is where the paper cranes currently reside – as a lovely colorful trim around the living room windows!

Thanks to everybody who participated in this year’s Birthday Project! The 2019 Birthday Project will be announced on December 20, so stay tuned!

Ability Online
Ability Online is featuring a new and very timely article on their website dealing with disabilities resulting from concussions. The discussion is currently getting a lot of attention due to many former and current football players exhibiting brain damage symptoms. Check it out and learn more about it!
Ability Online’s blog has a new entry for Don’t Dis my Ability by Gwyneth West. Read it here.
Ability Gives is still featuring last month’s child Stella, so if you haven’t had a chance to contribute please go now and help out!
You can always donate directly to Ability Online and help maintain a safe online environment for kids with special needs. Click on the logo below to show your support.

Project Limelight
The vision for Project Limelight is to create a community of support for kids as they pursue their passion and their education. With your support, Project Limelight will be able to offer participants opportunities including internships and scholarships to continue their studies. Support Project Limelight today and help give kids the chance to shine.
Upcoming Tuesday Night Live fundraisers will be announced on the TNL Facebook Page. There is nothing currently scheduled but keep an eye on it as they sometimes come up very quickly!
Meanwhile, please send a donation – it’s easy and secure. Click on the logo below to get started.

Haven Toronto
In celebration of International Women’s Day, Haven Toronto unveiled a commemorative stamp to honor May Birchard, founder of The Good Neighbors’ Club, now called Haven Toronto. The stamp is available online only at Shop Haven Toronto. Proceeds support programs and services in support of elder men impacted by poverty, homelessness and social isolation.

Haven Toronto’s Annual Report is now available online. Read it here and learn all about the important work the organization has been doing.
Help them ease the hardships older homeless men face every day in the Toronto area and beyond by purchasing items at Shop Haven Toronto or by making a donation by clicking on the logo below.

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is an important advocate for children in foster care. Right now, there are approximately 67,000 Canadian children living in permanent care with foster families, extended family, or in group homes. 235,000 children and youth have experienced or are at risk of experiencing abuse and neglect. Sadly, this number is likely much higher as this only reflects the cases reported.
The reasons why children come into care are complex, but are never a child’s fault. They can include poverty, addiction, mental health challenges, isolation and lack of a parenting support network, and the legacy of intergenerational trauma.
These kids need our help. Because without support, they face incredible odds to a brighter future; less than 50 per cent graduate high school, and are 200 times more likely than their peers to experience homelessness; 82% of kids in care are diagnosed with special needs and nearly all have experienced childhood trauma.
Read the online newsletter The Buzz for all the latest events, campaigns and activities, and please make a contribution at our very own donations website – it’s a short and easy process. Start by clicking on the logo below.

Michele asked: “Just wondering if you ever do any stage work…”
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF: I haven’t done stage work in forever, but I love it. It’s been a while, to be honest, but who knows? You never know. Who knows what fate awaits!
Got a question for Louis? Email !

Here is a lovely preview of Louis’ third S.W.A.T. episode where he reprises his role as William ‘Buck’ Spivey. Louis is mentioned as part of the storyline.
You can watch Louis’ three episodes for free online on the CBS S.W.A.T. website – episode 1 (Pilot), episode 4 (Radical) and episode 14 (Ghosts).

The Great Lakusta
Lease Bertram, director of The Great Lakusta, writes:
“The project is now complete. We are in the process of putting together a Festival Submission Package and will begin submitting in the coming weeks. “
Louis co-stars in the short film alongside his friend Eugene Lipinski who plays the title role.

This month we have 208 screencaps of Louis’ third S.W.A.T. episode (Season 1, episode 14 Ghosts). Louis plays the main character’s former team leader and mentor:
Hondo’s team must track down a serial killer who escaped justice by faking his own death. Hondo worries about Buck’s mental health as he deals with depression in the aftermath of his firing.
Here is a direct link to the album:

The third monthly reading series is Mr. Mugs – Peek In Please by Martha Kambeitz, Denise Burns and Josephine Proctor.
Louis credits the Mr. Mugs books series with helping him to learn English at a very young age. The Mr. Mugs books have been out of print for many years but occasionally you can find them on eBay, Amazon Marketplace or various other antique book dealers.
You can listen to the book readings under the Reading Series Tab.
This month’s issue is chapter 3 of Mr. Mugs – Peek In Please.


Karyn Mott
Want to see Karyn juggling at an audition? Click on the cap below!

The Affolter Brothers
There’s a new interview with the Affolter Brothers at the Canadian Animation Blog. The brothers also made an appearance at the Canadian Screen Awards, and they just did their first Wedding Video Production!
The Undertaker’s Son, featuring both Louis and our friend Karyn Mott, was playing at the Omaha Film Festival 2018 in the short film block #7 on Saturday, March. 10 at 11:30am.
Here is the official poster, plus a bonus photo of the wardrobe professionals putting on their finishing touches before the cameras roll.
The Affolters also shared another Behind The Scenes photo of the filming of Counter Act – Louis can be seen sitting at the counter…

Justin Breault
Last month we helped Justin celebrate getting his Personal Trainer license. Here he is, doin’ his thing.
Justin writes:
“Looking to improve your health and fitness? Contact me at !”
So if you are looking for an awesome personal trainer in the Vancouver area, check out Justin’s FaceBook page and sign up for the best workout of your life!

Amanda Alexander
Amanda reports that she’ll be back on the job as script supervisor for Season 3 of Travelers. Work starts again on March 26!

Greyston Holt
Greyston’s been jamming on his guitar again – you can watch two awesome videos on his Instagram feed. Click on the screencaps for a direct link to watch! – Prepare to have your ears blown off…

Mika McKinnon
It’s taken a couple of years but Mika finally found a photo from her Stargate Universe days where she’s hanging out with David Hewlett, David Blue and Louis. Ta-daaa!
Mika was the science advisor on both Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. The mathematical formulas on the walls actually make sense in the context of the episode, keeping things real and respectful to science.

Troy Mundle
Troy’s latest film LaBuena has a trailer – watch it on IMDb! And here are Troy and Duane E Howard in a screenshot from La Buena.
Check out the official poster! As you can see our friend Bradley is also in the movie!

Troy writes:
“Hey peeps! Here’s our first official movie poster release! Amazing graphic design by Gustavo Chams and superb photography by Patrick Shaw. Thank you for putting this together boys! Featured are the absolutely delightful and brilliant Aliyah O’Brien (Who just landed a lead role on an ABC series!! – CONGRATS ALIYAH!!!!), the adorable and talented Olivia Hazuki-Abreo and some random dude we found in the alley.”
And finally, check out a short featurette about Bucketheads, the Star Wars tribute movie that features Troy as a storm trooper!

Dennis Heaton
Ghost Wars has been available on Netflix since March 2!
Check out an interesting article about the show on TV-eh?
News from the 2017/18 Bell Media Prime Time TV Program Showcase:
“The 2017/18 residents (…) worked with and learned from award-winning writer/producer (and a CFC alumnus!) Dennis Heaton as this year’s Executive Producer in Residence.”

Patrick Gilmore
Season 3 of Travelers will air exclusively on Netflix; filming starts March 26 – next week! Patrick will reprise his role as David Mailer.
Patrick will also appear in Season 3 of You Me Her – watch recaps of previous episodes here!

Jennifer Spence
Season 3 of You Me Her premieres March 20th on Audience Network, and Jen is of course in it again, reprising her role as Carmen!

Ingrid Rogers
Season 4 of Bosch premieres April 13th on Amazon. Ingrid will appear in several episodes.
Watch a preview here.
Ingrid has a beautiful new head shot – no make up, “flaws and all”…

Rob Munic
Rob’s show Ice Season 2 premieres March 28th on Audience Network (available through DirecTV).
And if you need a laugh today, check out Rob’s recent dog videos on his Instagram feed!

Peter Kelamis
Peter did a new interview with Popternative – watch it right here!
Peter has also been live-tweeting during Beyond episode airings. Check it out!

Bradley Stryker
Bradley can be seen in Troy Mundle’s upcoming movie La Buena – scroll back up to Troy’s rubric for photos and a poster!

Every month Vancouver artist Nicole Pilich shares one of her henna creations with Ferreira Fest. Please visit her website for lots more photos and fascinating facts and information about this ancient artform. And if you find yourself in Vancouver – visit her studio and treat yourself to some Healing Body Art made just for you.
This month Nicole writes:
“I’m not the only henna artist in this house, my lovely daughter Gala is as well. Ever since she was a little toddler she loved to draw and here she is working her magic! So if I’m too busy you may consider a junior henna artist. :)”

We know Eugene Lipinski isn’t the only space nerd amongst The Friends of Louis Ferreira! If you got a kick out of sending your name to Mars on the Mars InSight mission which will launch in May, here’s another deep space ticket you can get for free: a ticket to the sun!
Send your name to our local star on the Parker Solar Probe – click here and follow the simple instructions so you can print your very own ticket to the sun!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Posting is easy and hassle-free, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member! Want your own email address at Contribute – it’s that easy.
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!