Published November 2015.
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In our hearts and thoughts…

Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As temperatures go down in the northern hemisphere we invite everyone in for Ferreira Fest 71 where we celebrate the acting career and the charities of Louis Ferreira and his friends. Every 20th of the month people from all over the world gather here in friendship and to enjoy the great company. We have an incredible interview with Greyston Holt, lots of filming news, our exclusive Reading Series, a special Thanksgiving message from Louis at the very end, and so much more! Grab some hot pineapple cider at our virtual bar and come on in!

Ability Online
Ability Online held their Making History Event at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto -check out many photos on their social media sites.
“We used the dinosaur theme to help make our fund raiser special.”
From left to right: Executive Director Michelle McClure and Celebrity Guests Colin Mochrie and Deb McGrath

Have you joined Ability Online yet? If not, watch this video and learn more about this wonderful cause that helps disabled children. November is Learning Disability Awareness Month – find out more!
Please help support Ability Online! Click on the logo below to make a quick, easy and secure contribution. Or donate to Ability Gives which uses every penny you give to purchase equipment for disabled children.

Project Limelight
Louis’ short film The Review which he filmed with Project Limelight in January is now available for public view, and you can watch it right here on Ferreira Fest.
Here’s a quick introduction from Louis:
“Project Limelight was something started by Maureen Webb who is a casting director here in Vancouver. And when she approached me I was more than happy to do it because I love what she’s doing with those kids, in that neighborhood, to begin with. It’s such a great cause and to have someone who’s… she’s done very well for herself out here, it’s a way of her giving back and I think I share that in common with her.
And it was a thrill to work on it just because the kids were so into it and they were so amazing, and these are young, talented people and, just encouraging young people to pursue their dreams, like being an artist, when they’re really young.
I had a great time, on every level, just because the kids were so excited about it, so it was infectious. So I was just happy to be a part of it.”
And here’s the movie!
This movie is Vickie-approved!

Donalda Weaver writes:
“Project Limelight is about to start a 6 – 8 week mini-program. This short program will concentrate on those who love to sing and make music. The participants will have the opportunity to learn various techniques including looping, a specialty of our Music Director, Chersea. The mini-program will culminate in a music video featuring a song the participants will help write and record. Our next full 4-month program will start in February and finish with our production on June 12th, 2016. (The video of our last show, EAST SIDE STORY, can be found on our website.)”
The next TNL (Tuesday Night Live) will be on November 24th at 7pm at Lux Lounge. It’s their first ever Holiday Edition. Storytellers include Andrew Airlie who currently stars in The Romeo Section, with Eugene Lipinski and Louis Ferreira.
Learn more about this wonderful organization on their official website.
Donations to Project Limelight are easy to make online – just click on the logo below and go directly to the donations page!

The Good Neighbours Club
The Good Neighbours Club was featured in Global News Toronto‘s “Make A Difference” segment.
Five of the men were interviewed for a Toronto Star article on voting.
Dinner For Sam is scheduled for January 6th.
“Salvatore “SAM” was a paranoid schizophrenic who passed away at the age of 28 on Christmas Day 2000. To not have his death be in vain we started this annual dinner. Generous people have contributed to making this the success it is. A lot of the club members ask about the SAM Dinner and anxiously wait for us to come with good food, entertainment and gifts.“
The Members’ Holiday Luncheon is scheduled for December 16th.
“We will host a full turkey lunch for the members followed by a festive gathering and the giving of presents to the men.“
Remembering Veterans
“This photo is proudly displayed on our main floor and is from the cover of Ken Bell’s book The Way We Were.
The World War II veteran in the picture, Jim Moreland, was also a long-standing member of the club.
We honour and remember Jim and all men and women who have served in our military.” #LestWeForget

As temperatures plummet our homeless brothers and sisters face a difficult time. Please help them make it through the harsh winter by supporting The Good Neighbours Club which provides a safe place for elderly homeless men during the day while the shelters are closed. Click on the logo below to donate – every penny helps.

The Children’s Aid Foundation
The Children’s Aid Foundation has a large number of events coming up, so if you find yourself in the Toronto area, bring some holiday cheer to foster kids who may not have much to celebrate.
November 28th – 29th: Annual Teddy Bear Affair
December 2nd – 18th: Drop-Off dates for Fill The Sleigh
December 13th: Holiday Season Celebration
The Hope for the Holidays Campaign – you can purchase Hope for the Holidays Greeting Cards here.
Read about the Gifts of Hope Event.
The monthly newsletter The Buzz has pictures and articles from all of last month’s events. The same pics are on their social media sites. There’s quite a bit, so be sure to check it out!
And finally – November is Adoption Awareness Month!
Whether you have an adopted or fostered child in your life or grew up in a white picket fence environment, please remember the kids who need your support, and the Children’s Aid Foundation which works very hard to give those children a good start in life. Click on the logo below to go to our very own donations webpage – giving is secure and easy there!

Louis has filmed several episode of The Romeo Section, where he plays the recurring role of Fred Foy. So far he has appeared in episode 4 “Fragrant Harbour” and episode 5 “Five Spies“.
He will also appear in episodes 7 and 8, where Fred Foy suddenly gets very interesting. For those of you unable to watch, here are a few screencaps of the first two episodes. We’ll have more for you in the near future.
Louis was delighted to be working with his BFF Eugene Lipinski again, while Eugene also guest starred in an episode of Motive.

Our friend and MOTIVE showrunner Dennis Heaton shared a photo from an exciting day of filming at a rollerderby.
Although Louis did not win at the UBCP/ ACTRA Awards, his nomination got a good bit of press. Here’s one from
And below is a little Twitter snippet proving that there’s never a dull day while shooting Motive:
Although Louis did not win at the UBCP/ ACTRA Awards, his nomination got a good bit of press. Here’s one from
And here’s a little Twitter snippet proving that there’s never a dull day while shooting Motive:

Ferreira Fest managed to catch up with Greyston Holt at Dragon Con this year! Having worked on three different shows with Louis he was high on our list of future guests, and he graciously agreed to do an interview with us.
Please visit Greyston’s Page for the interview and an introduction by Louis!

In honor of Louis’ collaboration with Greyston Holt in Season 1 of Durham County we have 844 screencaps from episode 2 of the series: “The Lady of the Lake“.
Here is a direct link to the album:

Louis hangs out with Lauren Holly and others at Casting Workbook.
Happy Sunday from 11-08-2015

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book.
You can listen to all the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month’s reading is chapter 33 of the First Reading Series Are You As Happy As Your Dog?

Mika McKinnon
As you have gleaned from her interview Mika’s last month has been a whirlwind of adventures, travels, sharks, volcanoes and conferences.
Mika also does “Elementary” recaps – read them here and here and stay tuned for more!

Eugene Lipinski

Eugene can be seen on The Romeo Section every Wednesday night on CBC at 9pm. You can watch full episodes on the Official Website – if you reside in Canada. The rest of us have to wait until the DVDs come out…
He tweeted about Louis’ appearance on the show; Louis has been in two episodes so far.
And when he’s not busy filming The Romeo Section, Eugene likes to take selfies…

Troy Mundle
Troy writes: “I’ve just been cast in an upcoming short entitled ‘Dogs‘ directed by Marco Bossow. ‘Dogs‘ takes place in Bosnia during the early 1990’s. More info posted soon.”
News from the Ghost Unit set: Troy shared this great behind-the-scenes photo with Louis looking all badass while swinging his pal Rusty Pipe. Troy is the one sitting in the foreground, obviously waiting to get whacked, but still looking like he’s having lots of fun!
Troy writes: “More good news! I’ve just been cast in an upcoming short entitled ‘Runts‘ directed by Martin Calvo. More info posted soon.”
Season 2 filming of Single and Dating in Vancouver has begun! Until we can watch it, here is a Season 1 Behind the Scenes video for you to enjoy!
From the Facebook Page:
“Thank you to the Friends of Louis Ferreira for their support. Little do they know, our first cameo of the season might be JUST want they ordered.”
Yes, Troy, we WILL be watching!

Patrick Gilmore
There’s an awesome new photo of Patrick by photographer Aaron Smedley. Don’t mess with this guy!

Dennis Heaton
Dennis is on the cover of Canadian Screenwriter‘s Fall 2015 issue. The magazine is published by the Writers Guild of Canada. We will have the entire article for you when it becomes publicly available, so stay tuned!
Meanwhile, Dennis has been flying through his work on Season 4 of Motive!

Eric Banerd
Eric has started principal photography on his new short film. He posted a casting call for extras on Facebook.
Eric’s band The Wild Romantics
have been filming a new video…
Their touring van broke down before a show… again…
but they were still able to make it to their gig!

Jennifer Spence
Jen has new IMDb listings!
Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce (TV Series) (2015) … Editor
– Rule No. 23: Never Lie to the Kids
Logline: Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who is secretly hiding her separation from her husband as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40s in Los Angeles.
Jen’s short film The Adept got a great review from the Seattle Shorts Film Festival!

Rob Munic
Rob’s newest show Empire is a smashing success; it airs on Wednesdays at 9/8c. You can watch full episodes here.
Rob wrote Empire‘s 6th episode of Season 2 (A High Hope for a Low Heaven.) It aired November 4th. There’s a full analysis of the episode here.
Rob and his wife Ingrid have been very active with KITS (Kids in the Spotlight) – Movies By Kids, For Kids.Here they are at their recent awards ceremony.
Rob writes:
“Creativity cures. Yesterday, Salli Richardson Whitfield, Ingrid Rogers, Tamesha Scott, Mo McRae, Tige Charity, Inny Clemons and I were fortunate to be a part of what I can honestly say was the most rewarding creative endeavor of my career.
Right now there are 30,000 (that’s not a typo) kids living in the Los Angeles foster system. 30,000! Most of these kids go through their days, no voice, no outlet, invisible. Tige and Tami give these kids that outlet to be artists — And the moment you see the results on their faces — It makes you realize just how crucial it is not to disregard these beautiful souls as lost but as emerging creative forces. As the holiday season approaches and we all consider what gifts we should give each other… What sweater, bottle of wine, muffin basket, etc… What if we considered giving the gift of love. Kids in the Spotlight, Inc. needs support to continue to survive and give these kids a forum in which they can be seen and heard. Please help if you can. Much love, all love – Munic.”

Peter Kelamis
Peter directed an ad for the Doritos “Crash the Superbowl” contest. There are two versions, and they are both absolutely hilarious! Watch them here and here, and VOTE for Peter’s ad!

Bradley Stryker
Bradley is a dad!!
Beckett Shiloh Stryker was born October 25, 2015 (21 in, 9.7 lbs.)
Congratulations, Bradley and Caitlin!

This Life
Louis has a recurring guest starring role in the CBC series This Life, starting with episode 10 which will air in a month. Stay tuned for more info and screencaps!
Comet TV
New channel Comet TV will be airing episodes of all three Stargate series as of October 31st. We’ll let you know when it finally rolls around to Stargate Universe!
It’s not yet available in all markets, though. There’s a channel finder at the bottom of the page, so you can check on your area.
Special Thanks
Many thanks to Casey for doing all the transcripts in every Ferreira Fest!
And special thanks to Nicole Pilich for allowing us to use her beautiful henna painting in honor of the victims of the Paris attacks and their families. Please visit her website, and if you’re in the Vancouver area, check out her body art services.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And here is a personal Happy Thanksgiving message from Louis!

Happy gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, my American friends!
A Happy Thanksgiving, mhm… gobble, gobble!”
And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Posting is easy and hassle-free, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!