Published October 2015.
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Another 20th of the month rolls around and with it another great party at Ferreira Fest! We have an absolutely fantastic interview with Mika McKinnon, as well as photos, screen caps, news and updates. So grab your favorite pineapple-themed cocktail at our virtual bar and come on in as we celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira and the endeavors of his friends!

Ability Online
Ability Gives handed out 149 grants; this means $300,000 worth of equipment to make the lives of disabled kids easier. You can designate your donations to go specifically to equipment purchases – your money will directly benefit a child who desperately needs some highly specialized means to get around.
Ability Online‘s Making History Event is happening on Wednesday November 11th, 2015 at The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Read more about it on their website, their Twitter feed and the Events Page! Catch a Sneak Peek of some Dinosaur Egg Prizes that will be available at the event – from Dyson to Godiva with much more to come!
If you have a special needs child in your life who could use a bunch of online buddies please send them to – they’re having a membership drive right now and lots of kids and young adults from all over the world are waiting to connect with your kid!
#bestcyberdad – Louis is now online at, chatting away with members and mentors. As the organization’s first Cyber Dad he’s breaking new ground every day!

And of course you can make a general donation anytime – just click on the logo below to get started!

Project Limelight
The latest Tuesday Night Live event featured none other than Bradley Stryker, one of our first friends!
The next Project Limelight TNL fundraiser will be October 27th at 7pm at Lux Lounge. The Storytellers will soon be announced here.
In the meantime you can purchase a virtual ticket by simply making a donation – just click on the logo below – your money will go towards training young Vancouverites in the performing arts. Many of them are at-risk youth, so your pennies can literally save lives!

The Good Neighbours’ Club
GNC has posted new pictures of their facilities and their members at the Club on their website. Check out the marvelous opportunities the club offers to elder homeless men!
They held their Annual Hockey Night on October 7th.
The club opened in the evening so the men could watch the game
together and enjoy pizza, pop, and chips.
Housing Services (from the GNC Facebook Page)
“Did you know that our one part-time housing worker has in less than 8 months secured housing for 20 of our men? That’s almost 11% of all the new men joining GNC thus far in 2015. Additionally, with the aid of other staff and volunteers we have enabled our older and senior men to live safely in apartments of their own or in a boarding home environment and prevented evictions by landlords. We also work tirelessly with community partners to obtain and maintain housing that allows our elder men to live with dignity and independence.”
Winter Coats Needed
“With the onset of the cooler weather, the members of The Good Neighbours’ Club are in need of good quality used winter coats. Please ask your friends, neighbours and relatives if they have some older winter coats they would like to donate. Our members would be very appreciative. Thanks very much for your consideration of this request.”
As the colder seasons arrive in the Northern hemisphere please think about those less fortunate than you who don’t have a warm place to sleep tonight. Click on the logo below – every donation helps, no matter how small.

The Children’s Aid Foundation
“On behalf of the Children’s Aid Foundation and the 20,352 children and youth we helped last year, thank you for your continued and valued support. You are making a lasting and profound difference in the lives of Canada’s most vulnerable youth.”
CAFDN reminds us that October is Child Abuse Prevention Month. You, too, can help!
Here is a new video about young Adults leaving the Foster Care system as they’re transitioning into adulthood – one of the most difficult times of disadvantaged youth.
Vulnerable young people transitioning out of foster care have a difficult time finding secure safe and affordable housing. The Children’s Aid Foundation wants to give them the coaching support they desperately need in order to achieve stability and success in life.

Upcoming Events
November 28th – 29th Annual Teddy Bear Affair
For much more info please check out the monthly newsletter The Buzz. And then click on the logo below to help a kid who’s had a rough life and needs an extra hand to succeed. Sometimes it’s a simple as money for a new learning aid. You can make it happen!

MOTIVE has started with principal photography for Season 4! Read more at Broadcaster Magazine.
The official Bell Media press release contains a honkin’ big spoiler about Oscar Vega’s role in the new season, so please proceed with caution! Of course if spoilers is what you live for, go right ahead and read the CTV press release as well. And if you live in the US you probably want to read it because until the show is released on DVD in another country you won’t get a chance to watch it anyway… You have been warned, though.
Lauren Holly has time on her hands as she commutes between Toronto and Vancouver, so she likes to make Flipagram movies.
Here’s one that includes a few shots of Oscar Vega and Betty Rogers who, as we learned in the Season 3 cliffhanger, have gotten very close.

Sometimes it takes just weeks to line up an interview with one of Louis’ friends, and sometimes it takes years of scheduling and coordination. We’re so happy that we finally managed to connect with Mika McKinnon, science consultant on Stargate Universe and a good friend of Louis.
Read and listen to the interview and an introduction by Louis on Mika’s Page.

Troy Mundle shares a still from Ghost Unit!


To honor Mika McKinnon’s love of the Great Outdoors we have 263 screencaps of the Star Trek Voyager episode “Once Upon A Time“, where Louis played – you guessed it – a talking tree named Trevis.
Here is a direct link to the album:

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book.
You can listen to all the book readings on the Reading Series Page.
This month’s reading is chapter 32 of the First Reading Series Are You As Happy As Your Dog?

Eugene Lipinski
Eugene’s new series The Romeo Section premiered last week on CBC.
You can read two reviews of the pilot at TV-eh and The Globe and Mail.
Louis and Eugene watched with a bunch of friends and they all loved it! Here’s to hoping that other networks will pick up the show soon!
And more good news: Eugene will be on an episode of MOTIVE with Louis this season!

Troy Mundle
Troy Mundle has a new IMDb listing:
The Bridge
Logline – When Molly Allen finds out that The Bridge, a beloved bookstore back in her hometown of Franklin, TN, is in jeopardy along with the bookstore’s owner, she returns to help, only to come face to face with her old flame.
Troy writes on his website:
“Over the last couple of days I’ve had the opportunity to work on a new Hallmark Christmas movie slated for release just in time for the upcoming Holidays this December. I was ecstatic to work on a Christmas production as I’ve wanted to do so for quite some time. Under the direction of Mike Rohl (IMDB), The Bridge, is a two-part MOW adaptation of Karen Kingsbury’s best selling novel of the same name. More details to follow.” – Read more here.
The movie will air on The Hallmark Channel.

And here are some new stills from the filming of Ghost Unit:

the set of Ghost Unit

SADinVAN‘s Season 2 Crowd Funding Campaign has begun! Want to be in on the fun and dating mayhem? Become a supporter!

Dennis Heaton
Production on Season 4 of Motive has begun. Check out Dennis’ Twitter Feed for frequent posts about the goings-on during filming.
Script supervisor Amanda Alexander took this photo of Dennis making a set of blue headphones look good.
PlaybackOnline has an interview with Dennis. Please note you have to be a subscriber to read it.
Dennis’ Wikipedia Page is now fully finished, with notability established. Check it out!

Patrick Gilmore
Patrick Gilmore‘s movie No Men Beyond This Point was acquired by Samuel Goldwyn Films with a 2016 release date. Congratulations, Team! There is a podcast interview with Director Mark Sawers (the section about No Men Beyond This Point starts at 35:12). And The Westender has a review of the movie here. There’s a nice wrap-up of the movie at VIFF here.
No Men Beyond This Point played for sold-out crowds at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and the 2015 Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF).
The mockumentary now moves on to the Napa Valley Film Festival (NVFF) where it will screen November 12th – 14th.
Purchase tickets and get more info here.
Here’s Patrick being interviewed about his part in No Men Beyond This Point at TIFF:
Question: “How did you prepare for the role?”
Patrick: “I holed myself up with many women.”
(Yep. That happened.)
There’s a great review of “Even Lambs Have Teeth“, one of Patrick’s latest projects, at

Eric Banerd
Eric Banerd‘s band The Wild Romantics have launched their official website. There’s lots of good stuff like upcoming show dates, videos, and a blog.
Their debut EP “She Could Tell” has been released. It’s available on iTunes, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Here’s a review!
You can rock out with the band and Greg Drummond on Friday October 23rd at The Fox Cabaret in Vancouver. Tickets are available on their website.
And here is Eric (on the left) chilling with his bandmates in front of Bestie’s Restaurant!

Jennifer Spence
Jen‘s latest movie The Adept is an official selection at the First Glance Film Festival and will screen on October 24th at 4pm in the Franklin Theater.
The Adept is also a Seattle Shorts Film Festival Official Selection where it will be screened November 14th at 1pm in the SIFF Film Center.

Ingrid Rogers
Rob Munic made a sweet post about Ingrid and “Dancing Still” on Twitter:
Haven’t watched Dancing Still in a while? Click on the Tweet for the link to the movie. Enjoy!

Rob Munic
Rob‘s new series Empire is killing it in the ratings; according to it is the “highest-rated entertainment program on broadcast TV”. Check your local listings for air times and dates on FOX.
Rob writes on his Facebook Page:
“Several months ago I was very fortunate to be asked to make a one day movie written and starring a group of wildly talented kids living in the foster system in Los Angeles. The final product along with the other films will be unveiled at a festival on November 7th. Tickets are limited. Here is the information.“

Peter Kelamis
Peter will appear at the Decade of Warmth Gala on October 23rd in New Westminster BC. Get your tickets here to support this worthy cause!
Peter went to the Emmy Awards this year. Check out Peter’s photos on his Twitter feed. And of course he couldn’t resist doing his “Monkey” impression at the red carpet. Watch it here!
Peter met up with Patrick Gilmore at VIFF. Despite the grim looks they really are BFFs!!

Bradley Stryker
Bradley was a featured storyteller at Project Limelight‘s Tuesday Night Live fundraising event last month.
His feature film “Land of Smiles” now has an official poster – find out more on the official website!

The Ferreira Building, Honakaa, Hawaii
Deb S shares this great photo!
“There were lots of Portuguese folks that moved to the islands during the early sugar days. I’m sure that the builder of the building was one of them. The ukulele was originally a Portuguese instrument. Ukulele means jumping flea in Hawaiian.”
Gene S.

New Music by Sam Hulick
Composer Sam Hulick who wrote and performed the music for Through The Pane has just released a new set of tracks on the album “Otherworldly“. You can listen to samples and purchase the tracks at Amazon, iTunes or Bandcamp. If you liked the movie “The Martian” you will love these Mars-inspired pieces which are a brilliant showcase for what a gifted composer can accomplish with advanced synthesizers. Give it a listen!
Flag Counter
Our Flag Counter says we have had visitors from 582 different cities and regions in 105 countries. Welcome to all our new friends – we’re so glad you found us! Leave a message in our guestbook and introduce yourselves – we love hearing from you!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
1. Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Posting is easy and hassle-free, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
2. Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
3. Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!