Published August 2014
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It’s the 20th of August, and Dragon Con is only a week away! Meanwhile (or if you can’t make it), we have a ton of goodies for you in this month’s Ferreira Fest newsletter – photos, reports, our exclusive Reading Series, your questions answered, and more Food For Thought from Louis Ferreira. Grab a refreshing pineapple drink at the bar and come on in!

Want to meet Louis in person, get some autographs and have your picture taken with him? Now’s your chance! Louis will be at Dragon*Con in Atlanta on Labor Day weekend! Go to the Dragon*Con main page to plan your trip! We hope to see many of you there!

Here are more details for Dragon*Con newbies:
Please be sure to read the convention policies.
Tickets are $130. You will receive a badge which you have to wear at all times. You can bring your own lanyard or purchase one there. In a pinch a shoelace will do; the badge also has a clip. Plan on a couple of hours to pick up your badge (see map here) – with around 60,000 people at the con the waiting time in line can be quite long! You can also purchase badges for only one specific day, or for 2 or 3 days. Check the Dragon*Con store for what you need. You will receive a big program book when you pick up your badge, but things change literally by the minute, so a phone with the Dragon*Con app is very useful! You can follow them on Facebook or Twitter or other social media as well. The Daily Dragon will be your lifeline! And here is the first complete con schedule!
Jump on hotel rooms while you can! At this point all the official hotels and most of the overflow hotels are booked, but sometimes they release a few more rooms due to cancellations. Try Expedia or similar online reservation sites. I’ve set up a thread at the Forum where you can look for roommates. If you haven’t signed up for the Forum – it’s quick and easy and nobody will send you spam!
The public transportation system MARTA gets you around Atlanta very well, and the con also runs shuttle buses around downtown. But if you have to lodge further out, just get a rental car, drive in and park somewhere. I usually leave my car in the Georgia Pacific parking structure on Courtland Ave/ Ellis Street/ J.W. Dobbs Avenue, which is $12 per day (the $5 weekend rate does not apply during the con). If you share a room with others you can split the parking fee or take turns. There are cheaper places to park but they usually fill up before the con. At the GP you can also park overnight as long as you fill out this form and check in with security, which is in the adjacent building.
If you’re flying, remember that Delta has a special Dragon*Con rate. You can take MARTA from the airport to downtown or book a rental car – Dragon*Con has worked out special rates with several companies! Lots more transportation info can be found here.
Bring good walking shoes; unlike most big cons this one is not in one large convention center; you’ll be trekking between several hotels all day. A good portion of your time will be spent waiting in line, so bring a six-pack of patience with you! Bring a map or a phone with a map-app. In Atlanta every other street seems to be called Peachtree-something-or-other; it can get confusing. Most downtown streets are one-way streets – walking is truly your best option. Bring a water bottle and some snacks; restaurants are usually crowded and lines can be long. Also recommended are sunscreen (if your line is outdoors) and an umbrella or rain poncho (when it rains it pours in Atlanta!). The con has excellent disability accommodations.
Louis will be attending various panels – they are usually Question-and-Answer type events where you can ask questions of one or more guests that are on the stage. He will also be signing autographs at a table in the large Walk Of Fame ballroom with hundreds of other celebrities. Ferreira Fest will be at his table so come say hi! We will be running a fundraiser for our two charities, so here’s an easy way to contribute. You can purchase official photos for Louis to sign or you can bring your own materials. There will be a fee for autographs. You may also want to have your picture taken with him by a professional photographer (be sure to read the photographer FAQ), or right there at his table (also for a fee). A portion of all those fees will go towards our charities! Bring cash if possible, it will really speed things up.
UPDATE 8-22-2014 10pm
Here is a map of Louis’ location in the Walk of Fame:

The Walk of Fame is open during the following dates and times:
Friday: 1:00 pm–7:00 pm
Saturday/Sunday: 10:00 am–7:00 pm
Monday: 10:00 am–5:00 pm
This is a good place to start. Whenever possible, Louis will be at his table. We will have a sign there, indicating when we’ll be back from a panel or photo op or a meal.
According to the official Con Pocket Program schedule, Louis will appear on the following panels:
Friday August 29, 4 PM – Supergate II – Destiny Calls!
Our cadre of Stargate: Universe guests offerthoughts on serving on the Destiny and being a
part of the Stargate family. D. Blue, L. Ferreira, O. Grauer; Fri 4:00 pm; Augusta Ballroom [Westin]
Saturday August 30, 2:30 PM – Supergate III – Is there a ZPM in the house?
Our visitors from the Pegasus galaxy (and a few others) share their favorite on- and off-screen
moments with fans. P. Williams, D. Nykl, J. Flanigan, L. Ferreira, C. Campbell, A. Cruz; Sat
2:30 pm; Peachtree Ballroom [Westin]
Sunday August 31, 2:30 PM – Supergate IV: Beyond the Gate
Guests share some of their current work and career directions now that their time with
Stargate has passed. P. Williams, J. Flanigan, D. Blue, L. Ferreira, O. Grauer, A. Cruz; Sun 2:30
pm; Centennial Ballroom II–III [Hyatt Regency]
Monday September 1, 10 AM – “The 6th Annual Hangover Panel”
With another Dragon Con nearly in the can, SG guests share their newest memories from
attending fan conventions. P. Williams, J. Flanigan, D. Blue, L. Ferreira, O. Grauer, C.
Campbell, A. Cruz; Mon 10:00 am; Peachtree Ballroom [Westin]
Louis is really looking forward to meeting all of you!
Don’t hesitate to ask if you need more info!

The July newsletter for CAF “The Buzz” can be found here.
We will have brochures and stickers for CAF at Louis’ autograph table on the Dragon Con Walk Of Fame, so please stop by, make a donation, and walk away with an exclusive Friends of Louis Ferreira pencil!
Check out some upcoming events for September!
1st-30th – Charitable Coin Box Program at Halifax Stanfield Airport
10th – 15th Annual Recognition Night
11th – Hudson’s Bay Giving Day at Yorkdale
As always, you can make a direct contribution to The Children’s Aid Foundation by clicking on the banner below.

The good folks at The Good Neighbours Club have also provided a stack of materials to share with you at Dragon Con, and with every donation to GNC you will receive the coveted limited edition Friends of Louis Ferreira pencil! So please stop by at Louis’ table on the Walk Of Fame in the Marriott Hotel, say hi and make the world a better place for homeless seniors.
If you can’t make it to Dragon Con, please consider making a donation directly to GNC. Click on the banner below to contribute now!

Like many of us Louis was saddened by Robin Williams‘ untimely death.

Here are some of Louis’ thoughts, in memory of Robin Williams.
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF: We should talk about Robin Williams ‘cause I’m still devastated. When the world loses its happiest person I think it’s indicative of bigger issues that we have, with medication and with addictions and disease – it’s heartbreaking to me. Absolutely heartbreaking. I could probably not think of someone who was such a versatile, well-rounded, loving spirit, where he just gave gave gave gave, and in doing so lost himself. It’s just tragic.
I don’t know anyone who didn’t love Robin Williams. Some movie that he did touched somebody at some point in their lives. For me it was Dead Poets Society; I remember watching that film and thinking that was one of the most amazing movies, and the “Captain, My Captain”, and that whole thing, and who he was as a teacher. And I remember going that that was the kind of teacher that stopped existing. I had that with Greg Allen. And you do that in your life. I know so many people who said: I wanted that guy to be my dad.
So I’ve always related to him on so many levels, and he’s also someone who’s always inspired me and the people of San Francisco, where he lived. Everyone seemed to have a connection with him. Nobody ever said anything negative about him, he was just the most inspiring, awe-inspiring, loving – he had all that, and yet… I just read a quote from someone that said “Sadly, he was his own worst enemy” or “He had his demons” or “He was a tortured soul”. I don’t think there‘s really any words. Someone was taken from us at a time when he shouldn’t have been. And we don’t know the details and we don’t know the insides, but it’s just one of those tragic losses for the world.
And I know that I’m heartbroken. In that moment I think collectively we could feel – everybody was just heartbroken. It didn’t make sense to a lot of us.
I loved Robin Williams. We all loved Robin Williams. We’re all going to miss Robin Williams. Let’s remember the love we had for Robin Williams. That right there is easiest and simplest said, because that’s the truth. We loved him. He’s gone. I’m going to continue to remember the love that I had for him and how much love he gave out. That’s what he was. He was love, pouring out.
He’ll keep us laughing and smiling for years and years and decades and civilizations to come. That’s the power of Robin Williams. That was his gift. So let’s remember that.

In memory of this talented and kind man, Louis wanted to share this video of Robin Williams meeting Koko the gorilla.

Season 2 of MOTIVE is about to wrap up on ABC in the US.
Oh noes!! What will you do on Wednesday evenings when it’s over?
Please make sure we get to see Season 3 next year by submitting a request directly the ABC Programming Department. It’s easy! Go to the Feedback Page and select “ABC Programming Feedback” from the drop-down menu. Then fill out the required fields and ask nicely for Season 3. The more requests, the better our chances!
Nora Nemes posted a photo of MOTIVE being advertised on Times Square in New York City.
on Times Square. Check it out!
Thanks for the great memento, Nora!

Ever wonder why Oscar Vega has a beard? This article about facial hair provides some intriguing answers that fit his character perfectly.

Ferreira Fest staff member Casey was fortunate to attend the Through The Pane screening at the LA Shorts Festival on July 30 in Los Angeles. Here is her spoiler-free report.
On July 30th I had the privilege of joining Pauline Egan and Louis Ferreira for the world premiere of Pauline’s short film Through The Pane at the L.A. Shorts Festival in Los Angeles. Through The Pane is Pauline’s writing, producing and directorial debut. And what a stunning debut it is!
For me, it was like an amuse bouche at a fine restaurant – an exquisite work of art that packs a rich and flavorful wallop in a small and elegant package. A black and white silent film that is 15 minutes short and 100% fantastic, Through The Pane grabbed me from the beginning and held me captive until the end. I was disappointed when it was over, even though I knew the length and the story had been just right for each other.
Pauline and Louis shared a delightful chemistry and even without spoken dialogue and face to face interactions their love and pain were palpable. They drew me in and made me care very deeply for both of them in those short 15 minutes.
Sam Hulick’s music was the perfect accompaniment. A subtle flavor that was pleasant and distinct but never overpowering, it hovered in the background and enhanced the beauty of Annabelle and Lewis’ emotional connection.
As I sat and enjoyed the beautiful story of Annabelle and Lewis, eager to see how it would end, but also not wanting it to end, I completely forgot that I was watching a silent film.
All by itself, Through The Pane was a delicacy to savor. But like an amuse bouche it was much more than that. It was a tantalizing sample of Pauline’s artistic and “culinary” genius that left me wanting more. And told me that what is to come will be well worth the wait.
I can’t wait to see what Pauline does next!
If you have the opportunity to see Through The Pane, I highly recommend it, even if you (gasp, horror!) are not a Louis fan. I feel so blessed to have been able to join Louis and Pauline for this special occasion. I can’t help but feel that I’ve been privy to the first of what will one day be a profligate writer/director/producer’s many films.
But whether or not that is the case, I had the privilege of joining Louis and Pauline and their friends and family to watch the world premiere of Through The Pane. That, in and of itself, is an honor.
Thank you, Pauline and Louis!
Thanks for the report, Casey!
Here are some great photos from the event. Thanks to everyone who contributed one!
On the same day the soundtrack for Through The Pane was made available to the public, so even if you won’t get an opportunity to see the movie at a festival, you can still listen to the music and download it for your continued enjoyment.
Please visit Sam Hulick’s website for more info and for other samples of his work!
Unsurprisingly, the soundtrack for Through The Pane won a well-deserved silver medal at the Global Music Awards (GMA). Congratulations, Sam!

Like last month, Through The Pane photographer Peter Holst was kind enough again to share two of his production photos which were taken during the filming of the movie.
Please be sure to visit Peter’s webpage!

Next up: The Montreal Film Festival.
Through The Pane will be screened on August 23 at 6:50pm and August 24 at 12noon at the Cinéma Quartier Latin 13. Check out the full program here (the second section has all movies sorted alphabetically and is easier to navigate).
If you’re in the neighborhood, please be sure to go see it and report in!
And finally, we have an announcement for Through The Pane at Australians in Film.

We have another question from a young reader this month.
Listen to the sound clip here:
FF – I also have a question from Yamato from Kyoto in Japan…
LF – Wow!
FF – …who asks: Have you ever been to Japan and do you like to travel?
LF – I have never been to Japan. I would love to go to Japan. I have recently made the decision to start traveling much more than I have in the past. So that’s a good question. I’m all about to travel, yeah.
FF – So maybe Japan.
LF – This year’s my first time, yeah.
FF – Yeah.
LF – I just went to Hawaii this year. I did a cruise. These are things that I’ve not really done in my life so… I always knew that after I’d raised my son, and he turned 21 that it was going to be a little bit of… that Dad would get some time to travel. And that’s definitely a goal.
Japan would be a great place to go to. Also my favorite food, so…
Thanks for your question, Yamato!
Keep those questions coming, kids!

Since MOTIVE’s Season 2 has almost completed its run in the US we have screencaps of last week’s episode 211 “A Bullet For Joey“.
Here is a direct link to the album:

Recently Louis spent a weekend with friends at David DeLuise’s cabin, and David was kind enough to share a moment of friendship on Instagram.
Thanks, David!
Click on the picture to see the original post.

Louis’ BFF David DeLuise posted a video clip of him playing golf Happy Gilmore-style.
Happy Gilmore is a movie character, a hockey player who discovers a knack for golf and a style of his own. Thanks for the laughs, David – you hit the nail on the head here!

Thanks, Louis, Jen and MotiveABC, for the goodies! Click on the tweets to go to the original posts.
Note: AMC is currently running a Breaking Bad Binge on Sunday nights. Check your local listings for the season 5 episodes “Buyout“, “Say My Name” and “Buried“, in which Louis appears as Declan. Don’t miss it this time around!

Every month Louis reads a chapter from one of his favorite books, Are You as Happy as Your Dog? by Alan Cohen. Mr. Cohen has kindly granted his permission for us to post Louis’ book reading clips here. Please join me in thanking him and be sure to visit his website at
Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book:
Here is this month’s chapter. It was recorded on site in LA, thus the sound quality is much better than usual.
Listen to the sound clip here:
Chapter 18: Give your heart to someone
Munchie loves to be a lover. He doesn’t withhold love from others, for he knows that he would lose it himself.
You need to love someone as much as you need someone to love you.
People in nursing homes, prisons, and rehabilitation centers become healthy more quickly if they have a pet to take care of.
Care for a person, plant or animal, and sadness will disappear.
Just as it is impossible to whistle and chew crackers at the same time, you cannot give love and be depressed.

Jen attended the Creation Entertainment Con last weekend in Chicago. We’ll have more photos in next month’s Ferreira Fest!
Here’s one with Jen lovin’ on a balloon likeness of Dr. Lisa Park.
A new interview with Jen can be found at WARNING: it contains Continuum spoilers (for anyone who hasn’t seen the latest season). Jen also mentions a new movie on Syfy which should air around December. No name or other details yet.
Jen’s movie Down River now has 4 stars on Shaw’s Video on Demand. Alas, no word on when the movie will be available to audiences outside of Canada.
Upcoming screenings:
August 21st – Vancouver Film Critics Circle at The Vancouver Public Library
August 27th – Portland Oregon at The Northwest Film Center

Peter also tweeted a picture of himself as he was driving to a callback appointment.

Peter did some voice work for My Little Pony. His wiki shows it’s for the 5th season of the TV series (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.)

Gang Related had its season finale last Thursday. Here are two articles about the finale and its ratings: (WARNING: contains mild spoilers)
An article with Gang Related’s executive producer Scott Rosenbaum about the finale and the show’s future (Warning: contains spoilers!) can be found here at

Rob wrote two episodes for the show: Perros and La Luz Verde.

Our correspondent Ildi reports:
“Saw IV will be on TV on August 22nd at 10 PM, on Film Mania. Stargate Universe is on AXN Black, and also on AXN. They remade their website though, and it’s not working as it should. I could only get the usual snapshot of AXN’s schedule, the other one’s from a different site, but it should still be accurate.”

Flag Counter Update
Our website hit a unique milestone on August 8th: on this day we completed our collection of US states and territories with visitors. The last hold-out came from Washington DC. As of press time we have had visitors from 72 countries and 340 different regions.
Here is our flag map as of August 20, 2014:

We’ve found a lot of new friends in Central and South America! Welcome, everybody!
Bem-vindos! Bienvenido!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!