Ferreira Fest 047

Published November 2013
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

Once again it’s the 20th of the month – the day we always celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! We have a ton of photos and screencaps, a transcript, our exclusive Reading Series and lots of goodies about Motive and Breaking Bad.

As always there are free pineapple drinks at the bar, so come on in!


As we head into the festive season with Thanksgiving next week please consider our two official charities in your annual giving: the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada and The Good Neighbours’ Club in Toronto. I keep hearing we’re in for a very harsh winter. At Ferreira Fest we celebrate community and the spirit of giving back to those in need. Please help – every penny makes a difference.

Click on the banners to go directly to the secure donations pages!


We now have a collection of official character pages for roles Louis has portrayed over the years. Check them out on the INFO LINKS page. Know of any others? Please drop a line at .


Let’s start off with a funny tweet by Lauren Holly, about one of the deep conversations apparently going on while on the MOTIVE set. Thanks for the smiles, Lauren! Follow Lauren Holly at @LaurenHolly.

Don’t know what they’re talking about? Listen to the song here.

Our French sister site reports that MOTIVE is also currently airing in Switzerland on the French channel RTS. It airs on Friday nights at 9:05pm with two episodes back to back.

The French website 13eme Rue (13th Street) reports that Oscar was supposed to study at  prestigious Harvard University but soon discovered that  joining the police would have a greater impact on society.
There is also a brief filmography for Louis. In France the series is also known under the title “MOTIVE, the motive for the crime“. Anne says: “If you like police series, you’ll love MOTIVE, too.”

The French voice for Oscar Vega was given to actor Marc Saez. He has already dubbed Louis’ voice in the series Durham County, whereas Stargate Universe and Missing were voiced by a different actor. Here’s Marc Saez, Oscar Vega’s French Voice, from The Official Marc Saez Web Site.

The 2nd season is expected to be released in France in 2014 with 13 episodes as well.

The French reviews for the series are very positive.

Thanks for the great updates and report, Anne!

And here’s more news about MOTIVE airing in Hungary for all of our friends over there: Apparently VIASAT3 has not yet begun airing the series due to some legal snags. We will keep you posted on further developments.

Ildi from Hungary writes: “Motive disappeared from Viasat, they didn’t even broadcast the first episode. I wrote and asked them what’s going on, but so far they haven’t bothered to reply. I find it unlikely that it won’t be broadcast sooner or later though, as I’ve seen the preview, and they clearly already dubbed it (it was in Hungarian), so buying it and not putting it on the menu, so to speak, seems like a waste.” Thanks so much, Ildi! We look forward to good news, hopefully soon!

And finally, script supervisor Amanda Alexander shared a photo of a MOTIVE night shoot on Twitter.

Thanks for sharing, Amanda!

Please follow Amanda at @AmandaAlexander.


Here is an interesting BREAKING BAD tidbit – the original casting ad for the character of Declan. You will see immediately how Louis was a perfect fit for the role. Congrats again to the BREAKING BAD casting directors for seeing what we see, and to Louis for nailing the audition and landing this fantastic role.

The haggling over BREAKING BAD memorabilia is in full swing, and every once in a while you discover a truly interesting gem. Here is a vinyl sticker that was up for bid on eBay. It shows the entire cast of the series as cartoon characters. You can spot Declan right away!

Where’s Declan?

There he is!

Ready for your closeup, Declan?

How many other characters were you able to identify?

In honor of the memory of the series and the many good things it has done for Louis’ career we have a transcript of the iconic “Say My Name” scene this month. Scroll down to read it below.


Our researcher Agi reports that STARGATE UNIVERSE has finally made it to Hungarian TV. It started on October 30 and is shown on AXN. There is a schedule for the show at the bottom of this web page.

And here is the homepage for the series.

It is still listed as Stargate Universe, which is odd as the previous shows were translated as Csillagkapu, so it would really be Csillagkapu Univerzum.

Thanks for the great news, Agi!


(click on the image or image caption to see the original Twitter post if it’s still available)

Sunday afternoon walk
photo by Louis Ferreira
with Billie and Charlie
photo by Louis Ferreira
MOTIVE shoot
photo by Adam Greydon Reid
with Alaina Huffman
photo by Louis Ferreira
with Alaina Huffman
photo by Alaina Huffman
with Kristin Lehman
photo shared by Louis Ferreira
with Patrick Gilmore
photo by Louis Ferreira
Four for Lauren Holly; photo shared by Lauren Holly (from left to right: Louis, Mark, David and Mathias)
foggy Vancouver morning
photo by Louis Ferreira 


Peter Kelamis

Our busy friend Peter Kelamis took some time out to go trick-or-treating with his little lady. He posted a photo on Twitter which was just too cute not to share!

It’s Klam Solo with Princess Leia-Ari!

As most of you know Peter has a huge career as a voiceover actor. Here he is at work.
Thanks for posting the picture, Trevor!

He may not look like Yoda, but he sure sounds like him!

Bradley Stryker

And our friend Bradley Stryker has just finished principal photography on his first feature film in Thailand. That’s a wrap!


This month Louis reads chapter 9 of one of his favorite books, “Are you as happy as your dog?” by Alan Cohen. Please join me in thanking Mr. Cohen for kindly allowing us to record this reading series and sharing it with everyone here at Ferreira Fest. Please be sure to visit his website at alancohen.com.

Click on the thumbnail of the book cover to purchase a copy of the book.

Listen to the sound clip here:

Chapter 9: Take care of yourself

Munchie’s tail was run over by a car he was chasing. To heal, he laid down on his mat and rested. Whenever I passed his little nook, there was the Munchster, lying quietly with his snout on his paws, allowing nature to do its part.

After a few days he was back in action, barking, tinkling on the garage floor, and charging the house in hopes of getting a biscuit.

I thought about what some of us humans might do if we were injured. We might just keep chasing cars, work harder or blame someone and waste time complaining. Munchie let all of that go in favor of his natural wisdom. He was smart enough to rest when he needed to, and loved himself enough to do it.


Continuing with our screen caps series for Louis’ role on PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD here are stills from his second episode, “The Sound of Thunder, Part 1“.

As usual, here is a direct link. There are 241 images altogether, so be sure to visit the actual site: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b9B0TL41EA7-nmDPZSc0rS2Ums1CI31K?usp=drive_link


Breaking Bad: Say My Name

All screencaps are from the screencaps collection here at The Friends of Louis Ferreira.
Transcript by Casey.

[Mike drives Jesse and Walt to meet with Declan and his men in the desert.]

Jesse – There. That’s them.

[Mike parks the car.]

Mike – (sighs) Your play Walter. You’re on your own.

[Walt, Mike and Jesse get out and approach Declan.]

Declan – Looks like you’re about a thousand gallons light here Mike. (small laugh) Where’s the juice?

Walt – The methylamine isn’t coming.

Declan – (tilts his head to look at Mike) Why is that? (Looks back at Walt) And who the hell are you?

Walt – I’m the man who’s keeping it.

Declan – (Points at Walt and turns to Mike) What the hell is this? We had an agreement, right? We got our deal, so where’s the tank, Mike?

Walt – Mike doesn’t know where it is. Only I do. You’re dealing with me now, not him.

Declan – Why don’t you just cut to what it is you want, or what you think is gonna happen here, all right? ‘Cause we’re – we’re gonna get what we came for.

Walt – That thousand gallons of methylamine is worth more in my hands than it is in yours. Or anyone else’s for that matter. But, I need distribution.

Declan – (smiles and chuckles) Distribution?

Walt – That’s right. So if you agree to give up your cook and sell my product instead, I’ll give you thirty-five percent of the take.

Declan – (laughs) Thirty-five percent?! Wow, are you kidding me? Thirty-five… Mike, please tell me this is a joke. You know how far we had to stick our necks out to get our hands on this cash? And why the hell would we want you? You realize we have our own operation, right?

Walt – I know all about your operation. You see, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth that’s seventy percent pure, if you’re lucky. What I produce is ninety-nine point one percent pure.

Declan – So?

Walt – So, it’s grade school T-ball vs. the New York Yankees. Yours is… just some tepid off-brand generic cola. What I’m making is Classic Coke!

Declan – All right (he turns to his men). Okay, so, um, if we just waste you… right here, right now and leave you in the desert then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There’s only us.

Walt – Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca Cola?

[Declan laughs. His men look to make a move but Declan stops them with a raised hand. Walt tosses a bag of meth at Declan’s feet. Declan stares at it.]

Walt – My partner tells me that your crew switched to a P2P cook because of our success. You dye your meth with food coloring to make it look like mine. You already ape my product at every turn. But now you have the opportunity to sell it yourself.

Declan – I need you to listen to me. We’re not gonna give up this deal to be your errand boys, do you understand? For what? To watch a bunch of junkies get a better high?

Walt – A better high means customers pay more. A higher purity means a greater yield. That’s one hundred thirty million dollars of profit that isn’t being pissed away by some substandard cook. Now, you listen to me. You’ve got the greatest meth cook in Amer-, no, the two greatest meth cooks in America right here. And with our skills, you’ll earn more from that thirty five percent than you ever would on your own.

Declan – Yeah. So you say. I’m just wondering why we’re so lucky? Why cut us in?

Walt – Mike is retiring from our crew. So his share of the partnership is available if you can handle his end – distribution. And if you give him five million dollars of the fifteen million that you brought today. Just think of it as a finder’s fee for bringing us together. We have forty pounds of product ready to ship. Ready to go. Are you ready?

[Declan picks up the bag of blue meth.]

Declan – (small laugh) Who the hell are ya?

Walt – You know. You all know exactly who I am. Say my name.

Declan – Do what? I don’t… I don’t have a damn clue who the hell you are.

Walt – Yeah, you do. I’m the cook. I’m the man who killed Gus Fring.

Declan – Bullshit. Cartel got Fring.

Walt – You sure?

[Declan studies Walt, then looks to Mike. Mike shakes his head.]

Walt – That’s right. Now, say my name.

Declan – You’re Heisenberg.

Walt – You’re goddamn right.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!

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We hope to see you all next month!