Ferreira Fest 041

Published May 2013
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

Today’s the day! Every 20th of the month we throw a big party in support of the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! We have lots of MOTIVE and ROOKIE BLUE stuff, pictures, tons of screen caps, news articles, videos, interviews, Twitter gems, comments from the man himself and another issue of the reading series. Grab your favorite free pineapple drink at the bar and come on in!


The long wait for the US is finally over, and there’s quite a bit of confusion on when MOTIVE premiers on ABC. So let’s set the record straight! The first episode of season one “Creeping Tom” airs tonight (Monday May 20, 2013) at 10pm, right after “Dancing With The Stars“.

The second episode of season 1 “Crimes of Passion” will air on Thursday May 23, 2013 at 9pm, right before the season premiere of ROOKIE BLUE, which – guess what – guest stars our Louis! Will audiences get whiplash (“Didn’t I just see this guy on the last show?“) or will they not even realize that both of these very different parts are played by the same actor, who can be a veritable chameleon? We’ll see!

Either way, all other MOTIVE episodes will air on Thursday nights at 9pm from hereon out.

Please be sure to check your local listings to make sure you get the right time if you’re anywhere other than in the Eastern or Pacific time zone.

We’ve got a lot of material to cover, so let’s start with ABC’s MOTIVE web page.
Like most TV show web pages it features episode and airtime information, character bios, photos, interviews, news articles, social media and video links.

Here is a screen cap of the Oscar Vega character page.

The Motive Wiki also has a character page for Oscar, but there doesn’t seem to be much on it any more.

There are a good number of promos available on the ABC MOTIVE site; most of them are a variation of these:

You can also subscribe to the ABC MOTIVE Twitter Feed or go to ABC’s MOTIVE Facebook page. And don’t forget the Canadian MOTIVE Facebook page!

Here are two news articles detailing the show:
MSN Entertainment Canada
TV Guide

More links will be added as they become available, so stay tuned. There will also be a slew of reviews, so brace yourself for some major diversity of opinion!

Whether critics like the show or not, it’s been pretty successful so far: over a million viewers per episode in Canada (trust me, that’s a LOT!), pickup by ABC before the series had even started airing in Canada, and just last week the series was picked up by the UK Universal Channel. Read the announcements here:
The Hollywood News
TBI Vision
Broadcast Now
And here is a screen cap of the UK Universal Channel‘s MOTIVE page:

The series will air on Thursdays at 9pm, beginning June 13, 2013 in the UK.

Please comment in the guestbook if you know of any other markets where the show will air!

Here is a lovely interview of MOTIVE star Kristin Lehman with the Huffington Post, in which she talks about her character’s relationship with her partner Oscar Vega. For more on Louis’ take on their dynamic, be sure to check out his comments below!


For those of you who do not have access to either CTV or ABC, here are almost 900 screen caps from the MOTIVE premiere episode “Creeping Tom“. Here is a direct link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Vyy15WnC7ZWAx0S16243XkakxhJ_aOkM?usp=drive_link


Louis was kind enough to share some of his thoughts about the relationship of Angie Flynn and Oscar Vega in MOTIVE, and what it’s like to be the man behind the woman.

Listen to the sound clip here:

FF – Every part you do, every job that you do, really, teaches you something about yourself and who you are, and who you are not.

LF – It really is, it really does.

FF – It’s a sum of all the parts, really.

LF – It really is and this is what’s so funny and interesting about Vega for me is because, ironically, this is something about the fact that my whole, part of my big, why it’s worked… you’ve seen most of the episodes now, too, haven’t you?

FF – Yeah.

LF – Is that he has a certain amount of, it’s what I talk about, my need for serving. I don’t know if you remember, we’ve been talking about this for a while.

FF – Yeah.

LF – I feel a need to serve. He serves her. This is very much part of what I’ve put in Vega. The spiritual, a spiritual part of me that’s been in here for a while. But just from the perspective of being like… it’s being able to happily put yourself second in a way that’s not, it doesn’t demean… you know what I mean? There’s nothing no attachment to ego and that’s something that’s very interesting about Vega to me.

FF – Right.

LF – And I think that’s why, one, the dynamics work. Is that this is not the typical, “Oh, he’s got the hots for her, or, they should, why aren’t they dating…” You know, it’s not… there’s none of that. It’s two people who respect each other and where they are in their lives.

FF – Right.

LF – And don’t get in each other’s way, that way.

FF – Yeah, I never got that impression from them, too, and I find that so refreshing. Because a lot of times…

FF – Exactly!

FF – … that unresolved sexual tension thing is so played up between… when you have a man and a woman working together, that there’s always that conclusion, oh, something’s going to happen. And I never got that. And I also wasn’t missing it.

LF – No, no! And I think it’s, there’s something great about it, too. And there’s almost… that’s definitely, it was a choice for me on my part as well, to almost have an asexual character. And in that sense of just like being, you know what I mean, with that mentality.

FF – Yeah.

LF – So, I think that that’s very much one of the reasons why Vega and Flynn jive. There’s a real respect for the journey.

FF – Right. It’s the person rather than the gender that matters to them.

LF – Of course, and we know that.

FF – They’re friends, but there’s not, none of that UST sort of looming overhead. Like there is in so many other shows.

LF – In every show! Well, and it’s one of the things, too, that I think the show is different enough, with the concept is different, the transitions are brilliant, the look of it is slightly different, the relationship between me and her is very different. It’s almost like she’s the dude and he’s kind of like this solid guy, you know.

FF – Yeah.

LF – Behind the dude, behind her. And so, all of those things are enough, just have enough of a different nuance, that I think that that’s why the show is being responded to as well.


This is a first for Louis: two new shows back to back on the same day!

Louis’ first episode on the show, “Surprises“, airs right after MOTIVE on Thursday May 23 at 10pm on ABC (please check your local listings). His second episode, “The Kids Are Not Alright“, airs on July 11. Louis plays detective Jacob Blackstone. For a Q&A about his character on ROOKIE BLUE, please check out Ferreira Fest 40.

Meanwhile, Agi found two nice caps from the show on The Examiner.com. The second one is a bit blurry as the camera focus is on the other two characters.

A Rookie Blue fan sent in this synopsis of the episode “Surprises” which was posted on GlobalTV.com. And the titles and air dates of the rest of the season can be found here. Thanks so much for sharing!

After six months working undercover in a border town infiltrating a meth pipeline that leads straight to downtown Toronto, Nick – then Andy – go missing, causing the undercover operation to go sideways. Meanwhile, a random arrest at 15 Division puts Swarek and the other officers in the middle of a messy, violent drug squad investigation – the same investigation that’s being fueled by Andy and Nick’s undercover intelligence. Once the dust has settled from the aftermath of the bust, Andy steps back inside 15 Division for the first time in six months. Reunited with her friends and home at last, Andy realizes life has carried on without her at the station. This season, Andy will have to figure out how she’s going to adapt to these new changes while continuing to do the job she loves.

And super sleuth Agi found the Twitter photo by Enuka Okuma of when she and Louis went to a karaoke bar last summer during the shooting of his Rookie Blue episodes, which he mentioned in the Q&A in Ferreira Fest 40. Click on the thumbnail to see her post!

Got any other Louis tidbits from Rookie Blue to share? Please comment in the guest book or email Ferreira Fest!


Oddly enough this prematurely cancelled show still keeps winning awards (the same happened with Stargate Universe). After Mike Banas won a Canadian Cinema Editors’ Award for the episode “Don’t Say Goodbye” (see Ferreira Fest 40), now showrunner Martin Gero has won the WGC (Writers Guild of Canada) Screenwriting Award in the TV Drama category. Congratulations, Martin! The show may have been cancelled but its legacy will endure, and many experts understand its true significance.

Eszter reports that The LA Complex is currently airing on the Hungarian MTV Channel on the following dates and times:

Monday (May 20.) 20:15
Wednesday (May 22.) 20:15
Saturday (May 25.) 12:40
Saturday (May 25.) 17:05
Sunday (May 26.) 14:30
Sunday (May 26.) 20:25
Monday (May 27.) 20:15
Wednesday (May 29.) 20:15
Saturday (June 1.) 12:40
Saturday (June 1.) 17:05
Sunday (June 2.) 12:15
Sunday (June 2.) 13:05
Sunday (June 2.) 14:00
Sunday (June 2.) 14:55
Sunday (June 2.) 15:45
Sunday (June 2.) 16:45
Sunday (June 2.) 20:25



According to the new Syfy web page for PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD the series starts airing on Syfy on Saturday June 8 at 10pm Eastern/ Pacific. Please be sure to check your local listings. Louis guest stars in episodes 11, 12 and 13, so it will be a while before we get to see him on the show.

Here is a short synopsis from the Syfy page – as you can see it may be advantageous to watch from the beginning, so you can better understand how Louis’ character, Colonel Henderson Hall, fits into the whole picture.

Primeval: New World follows the story of a Canadian team that discovers dangerous predators emerging onto the streets of Vancouver through anomalies in time.

Evan Cross, visionary inventor, heads up a team including predator control expert Dylan Weir, security specialist Mac Rendell, and physics prodigy Toby Nance. Ange Finch, Evan’s oldest friend and business partner, keeps Cross Phonetics afloat while Evan and his Special Projects Group track escapee dinosaurs. The team gets a little help from the over-eager Lieutenant Ken Leeds, head of the government’s decommissioned department for investigating alien life and other mysteries — including Anomalies.

The team quickly gains expertise in the prehistoric creatures they hunt, the weapons they need to handle them, and the nature of the Anomalies themselves. They face danger side by side, and come to rely on each other for not only survival, but friendship as well. Primeval: New World premieres on Saturday, June 8th at 10/9c.


While Louis is by no means a constant presence on Twitter he does post occasionally, and every so often his friends share photos of him (click on the thumbnails to go to the original posts if they’re still available).

Here’s a photo of Louis celebrating his Portuguese heritage. And in conjunction with that, Louis was inducted into the Portuguese Hall of Fame. Congratulations, Louis!

Louis also posted a picture of himself and Charlie Chaplin.

Sort of…

And a surprise visit to his stand-in and friend Troy Mundle resulted in what undoubtedly must have been the best “pick-up line” ever!

Follow Louis on Twitter at @TheLuigi_F, and while you’re at it, follow Ferreira Fest at @FerreiraFest as well!


Agi found several new Mazda commercials with updated tags: a tag is the short piece of information at the end, for example a special pricing promotion, that gets added on as needed. Want to know more about how such a commercial is recorded? Check out Ferreira Fest 30.


We continue this month with the third installment of one of Louis’ favorite books, “Are you as happy as your dog?” by Alan Cohen. Please join me in thanking Mr. Cohen for giving his permission for Louis to read his book to us so it can be posted here on Ferreira Fest. Want to purchase a copy of the book for yourself? Click on the thumbnail for a link.

Listen to the sound clip here:

Seize The Day

Munchie regularly shows up at my front door asking to come in and play with me. Depending on what I am doing and how muddy his feet are, sometimes I let him in. The moment I open the door, he charges in. He doesn’t give me a moment to change my mind. He knows what he wants, asks for it, and seizes his opportunity the moment it is offered. Munchie is a master of
Carpe Diem.

– Have you learned anything from your own pets’ happiness? If so, please comment in the guest book or Forum and share!  🙂


Louis has decided on some charity projects for Ferreira Fest. We are now in the process of setting up our communication and contribution system. Please stay tuned for more information. Soon you will be able to make donations to a very worthy cause and make Louis (and yourself!) happy at the same time. Once we got all of it organized our new web domain louisferreira.org will also become active – look for announcements this summer (or winter, if you’re in the Southern hemisphere of our fair planet). Meanwhile, if you have appropriate skills in charitable fundraising and administration and would like to help, please contact Ferreira Fest. It’s all pro bono, but the rewards will be huge.


DVD: SGU Season One – Episode Twelve “Divided” part 1 Commentary with Director William Waring, actors Louis Ferreira,  Elyse Levesque, Julia Benson  and script coordinator Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. Transcript by Casey.

Note: Commentaries are recorded while the actors, directors and producers watch the episode and provide their insight into its filming. There are often multiple conversations taking place at the same time as well as the episode soundtrack playing the background. We will attempt to piece those conversations together to decrease reader confusion. At times, the commentators get caught up watching an episode and fail to discuss which will be noted as [episode soundtrack]. We will note scene progression by first sentence using the GateWorld transcript of the episode for tracking purposes.

Listen to the sound file here:

[Episode opening scenes, a variety of recap shots from the earlier episodes.]

JB – Hi!

LF – Hello! Hellooooooo! We’re back!

EL & JB – (laugh)

JB – We are back!

EL – Just when you thought you got rid of us… this is the voice of Elyse Levesque.

LF – Louis Ferreira.

JB – And Julia Benson.          

JB & EL – (laugh)

LF – Hi!

EL – Julia’s waving at you!

LF – (laughs) Yes, she’s …

JB – Sometimes I feel like I don’t know how to say my own name… muuulia…

EL – I know.

LF – Because it’s new. But the Benson part.

JB – The Benson is new.

EL – It’s throwing you off a little bit.

JB – Yeah.

LF– (whispers) She got married.

EL – Ahhh.

JB – Yes!

LF – Yay.

EL – Not this one!

JB – There you are!

[Recap scene of Young returning through gate after leaving Rush on planet.]

LF – To a beautiful man.

JB – I do have a beautiful man.

EL – So this was a really fun episode directed by Félix (Félix Enríquez Alcalá), who we had a blast working with.

JB – Yes!

EL – He was a character. He had really great energy. He would always play music. He’d get us dancing.

LF – He loved his music, which was cool.

EL – He loved his music!

[Scene: DESTINY’S CORRIDOR. Chloe walks along dimly lit corridor.]

LF – This is a great… now we’ve… this opening I thought was fantastic. I love how he edited this and the whole thing.

EL – Yeah. It was fun doing it. We kind of did it in increments.

JB – Yeah, it’s one of my favorite scenes.

LF – Yeah. Another great tune (You Won’t Know by Brand New).

EL – We even… Andy Mikita shot some of it too.

LF – Oh, he did?

EL – Yeah, when we were doing Space.

LF – Cool.

[Episode soundtrack plays.]

[Scene: DESTINY’S CORRIDORS. Chloe turns the corner and sees a bright light.]

EL – This was like a blinding light of death. It was so hot, too, and I had to walk right up to it with my eyes closed. We had to shoot it differently. Like I was walking blind once I got close to it, because it was so bright.

JB – Look at how great that looks though.

LF – It’s a beautiful shot.

JB – Yeah.

[Scene: Chloe peers through window in door, sees herself on the other side. The second Chloe looks up at a bright light and begins to lift off the ground.]

EL – I was like on a gurney thing for that and they just pulled me back.

[Episode soundtrack plays.]

[Scene: Chloe plummets into water tank. She looks through glass in tank and sees her mother standing at the far end of a room.]

EL – It’s my mummy!

LF – Now, did you shoot this during… it was… because that’s the set from Space, right?

EL – I shot this stuff when… yeah, I shot this with Andy.

LF – So you shot… so you pre-shot it?

EL – Yeah.

JB – This stuff is all Andy’s.

EL – Andy did all the stuff in the tank, yeah.

[Scene: Chloe in tank. An alien walks forward and glares into the tank at her.]

LF – Oh ugh!

JB – Love it!

LF – Those are the same guys who did District 9, were the guys who did our aliens, by the way. Which I think was… because I just, I finally saw District 9, and it was phenomenal! Did you see it?

EL – I haven’t seen it yet.

LF – Oh, it was great! Those guys are amazing!

[Scene: CHLOE’S QUARTERS. Chloe wakes from nightmare. Scott comforts her. SCOTT: Maybe you should talk to TJ.]

EL – We actually ended up shooting this scene way before we were supposed to shoot it because Félix was so fast that we finished all of our scenes early in the day. So they pulled this one up from a few days. I was panicking. Slightly.

LBW – I remember I came down for this scene I think.

EL – I was panicking slightly…

LF – Just because you were…

EL – Just because of the nude. I had to be fully nude.

LF – Oh, so it wasn’t about the lines that you were panicking?

EL – No! No, no! It was the mental…

(all laugh)

LF – I normally panic about I’m not ready to do it because I don’t know my… you’re just… it’s the naked factor.

EL – It’s the mental prep!

LF – Yeah, I understand. Sure.

EL – I was like, oh god, what? I just ate lunch. You want me to be naked?

JB – (laughs)

LF – Oh, right.

JB & EL – (laugh)

EL – I just had two helpings of dessert! Come on!

[Scene: DESTINY’S MESS. Chloe sits across from Rush. RUSH: Same dream?]

EL – And this scene as well, we also pulled up I think. See, you can see the dessert!

EL & JB – (laugh)

JB – No, you cannot!

LF – Oh, you know what, you’re soooooo ridiculous!

EL – I look pregnant!

LF – You know people, girls, would want to slap you if you say things like that. You know what I mean?

JB – You’re so tiny!

EL – No, I know! I know. I just get bloated. I get bloated. What can I say?

JB – (laughs) Unbelievable!

LF – (sighs) You? Oh my gosh! Must be an age thing. Julia, us… we don’t call it bloating, we call it…

EL – Curves?

LF – Nice! We call it…

JB – What do we call it?

LF – Curvaceous!

JB – Full figured?

LF – Full figured. You know?

EL – Voluptuous?

JB – Voluptuous is the kind thing.

LF – Voluptuous.

EL & LF – Yes!

LF – Or if you’re a guy, the pudgy pot!

EL – We got off to a bit of a rocky start there!

LF – So I say, you like my pudgy pot?! Baby?! That’s what I…

[Scene: YOUNG’S QUARTERS. Rush walks in.]

LF – I really liked Félix. I thought he was, as far as… they brought in a new director. And he came from, he had done some of the Battlestars (Battlestar Galactica), I believe. I just thought he had a real specific type of way of directing and approaching things that… I think, it was like, it’s neat when you do a series and you’re an actor because after a while you start getting tired. And a lot of shows, when you have, like, a series… you really count on your guest stars to sort of like inspire and motivate.

EL – Yeah.  Mmmhm.

LF – And you take a lot of the energy. But because it’s really us on the ship always, that…it has to come from a different source. And I found Félix’s energy to be really infectious.

JB – Absolutely.

LF – And I think everyone got really excited about working with this director who approached things very differently.

EL – One thing that he did, too, which I loved, was he wanted you to know, like, all of your lines.

LF – Because he’d block-shoot.

EL – Because when he planned scenes, he blocked scenes. And you wouldn’t cut between scenes that would actually take place at different moments if it all took place in the same area, with the same characters, etc. 

JB – Yeah.

LF – Yeah.

EL – He would shoot it all consecutively.

LF – There’s several of those in this episode.

EL – Yeah.

LF – I mean, we ran a nine minute scene together.

EL – Yeah.

LF – Which ended up being like, you know, twelve scenes over the whole thing.

EL – Yep. And it’s great that way. Because then you’re just, you’re going, you’re not thinking and… it’s just off and happening. It’s real. And it feels real.

LF – It’s fun. It feels… it’s like theater a little bit. Like theater. It’s kind of fun that way. And so we would set up, we would take like two, three, and a half, four hours without a shot sometimes. And I think people were going, “Oh my god, he’s yet to shoot anything!”

EL – Yeah.

LF – Because he was rehearsing the actual eight and a half, nine minute thing. But once he got all the lighting cues and the… and everything ready, and when he did shoot, it went by (snaps his fingers) so fast. And he caught his, you know, caught up his day like…

[Scene: YOUNG’S QUARTERS. Rush and Young finish conversing as ship drops out of FTL. Young watches as Rush turns and strolls out of room.]

EL – Bobby C. Bobby C.

LF – I can’t wait! He’s back in a week! Wonder if his accent got any thicker!

JB – (laughs)

EL – Yeah!

LF – That’ll be really bad! (laughs) For all of us!

EL – I know!

[Episode soundtrack plays.]

[Scene: CORRIDOR OUTSIDE MESS. Greer speaks with Young. GREER: As far as I’m concerned, we were better off without him. Just want you to know that…]

LF – I think we were both in the…

JB – Well, it’s very well lit. That’s very cool.

LF – Right. That’s really cool.

EL – Mmmhm. You guys got great profiles. Very stoic.

JB – It’s super cool.

LF – (deep voice) I don’t know, I think I have… I have a roman nose.

EL – Although you have something sticking out there… oh, it’s your walkie (antenna), sorry.

LF – Oh my gosh!!

JB – (laughs)

EL – I thought it would be… never mind.

JB – You’re adorable!

LF – Jesus! Got to find you someone! (laughs)

EL – (laughs)

JB – This is fun.

[Scene: CORRIDORS. Scott walks with Young, stops as he sees Chloe and Rush talking intently a little distance down a side corridor.]

EL – Bobby was so… Bobby was…

LF – Oh, look, you didn’t have any dessert! (laughs)

EL – Yeah, that was the first shot of the day!

[Scene: SHUTTLE. Young is in the pilot’s seat and activates the controls.]

LF – This is the sequence I spoke of. We shot all these scenes in the shuttle as one.

EL – As one. Yeah.

[Episode soundtrack plays.]

[Scene: ANCIENT RESEARCH LAB. Rush tells Wray to get her people in position. Wray nods, leaves.]

LF – Tsk-tsk-tsk. (giggles)

EL – Tsk-tsk.

JB – She’s gone to the dark side!

[Scene: Shuttle lifts off, heading for the underside of Destiny.]

EL – I think our shuttle’s kind of cute.

LF – It’s a cute shuttle?

EL – It’s a cute shuttle.

LF – Nice!

JB – (laughs) As far as shuttles go!

EL – As far as shuttles go. It’s quite cute.

… continued next month in Ferreira Fest 42!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:

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Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.

Contact  or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!

We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!

Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact  first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.

We hope to see you all next month!