Ferreira Fest 040

Published April 2013
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

Hey everybody, it’s April 20th! And this means we throw our monthly party here at Ferreira Fest to celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! We’ve got pictures, vids and trailers for upcoming shows, some Q&A and another installment of the reading series. Grab your favorite pineapple drink at the bar and come on in!

Only another month and then we’ll get our fill of Louis on US TV! His new series MOTIVE starts airing on ABC on May 20, right after Dancing with the Stars, with another episode on May 23 as a lead-in for ROOKIE BLUE, where he guest-stars! Two brand-new episodes back to back! As always, please check your local listings for exact air times. The dates have already changed once so be on the lookout for other adjustments.


The eight-part MOTIVE web-miniseries was launched on March 28 with much fanfare – read the press release here.

Although Louis is officially not in it he somehow manages to make a cameo appearance.

Hopefully the web series will be available in the US as well once the show premieres on ABC, and then we can find out all about the mystery of Oscar Vega wearing boxing gloves!

Here is an interview with MOTIVE’s Kristin Lehman on the Canadian talk show The Hour. You can catch a few glimpses of Louis in the show excerpts.

You can also find nice photos from the episodes on the official MOTIVE Photo Page. Latest ones up are from episode 8.


ROOKIE BLUE, where Louis guest stars in Season 4 episodes 1 and 4, premieres on May 23. Read the official ABC press release here.

The episode titles for this season can be found here on SpoilerTV.

There’s lots more info on the Rookie Blue Facebook Page as well Thanks to the Rookie Blue fans for all the info and links!


According to a tweet by PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD the series is slated to begin airing in the US on Syfy on June 8th. Please check your local listings. You can expect more publicity for the series in the next several weeks.

ADDED ON APRIL 21: The series currently airs on Tuesday nights on Syfy France.

Wormhole Riders has posted a screen cap of Louis with co-star Miranda Frigon. Click on the picture for a link to the page – then scroll down.


While the series was unfortunately cancelled after its second season it’s still making headlines!

Director Martin Gero reports that Mike Banas, C.C.E. was nominated in the category of Best Editing in Long Form Television Series for his stellar work on The L.A. Complex, Episode 213: “Don’t Say Goodbye” in the Canadian Cinema Editors 2013 Awards. Congratulations to Mark! Louis guest stars in the episode, so let’s keep our fingers crossed.

The series will premiere this year in many other countries all over the globe. Check out the LA Complex Wikipedia page and scroll down to “International Broadcasts”. And please visit the new L.A. Complex Page on Muchmusic.com.


Louis has posted some photos of Billie the Bulldog over the last month.

Singing the blues…

photo by L. Ferreira

… all better now!

photo by L. Ferreira

And here are two photos by Louis’ BFF David Deluise. Thanks for sharing, David!

Billie Holiday
Louis and David


Since Kimmy’s computer has been plagued by various malfunctions over the past month we do not have the usual high-quality screencaps. But never fear – we still have lots for you to look at! This time they’re just of a lesser quality, and at some point in the future they will be updated to nice big pictures. So without much further ado here are caps of the episode “Star Crossed” from Season Five of the series The Outer Limits. This particular episode – along with a few others – was sadly never released on DVD. It is available online on IMDb and other online players. Thanks for putting in all this work for us, Kimmy, and we all look forward to many more caps from you!

Caps for “Star Crossed” can be found here.


Annette Funicello

If you follow the news you probably heard that Annette Funicello has passed away after a long battle with multiple sclerosis. Many of us grew up with Annette as an icon of the Disney Mouseketeers and those fun teenager beach movies. Louis played the young version of her singing partner Frankie Avalon in the TV film biography “The Annette Funicello Story: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes“.

You can purchase a copy of the movie at The Videobeat. Click on the thumbnail for a link.

Future Horrors?

Louis answered the following question on Twitter.


This month Louis reads chapter two of one of his favorite books. Thanks again to Mr. Cohen who kindly allowed us to do this series and post it online.

If you’d like to purchase your own copy of the book, click on the thumbnail for a link.

Listen to the sound file here:

Chapter 2: Be here now

Munchie (or insert pet’s name there) is fully present, whatever he is doing. He has no sense of the past or future. You will not find Munchie at a local bar nursing a beer over lost love. He has no lost love. He loves whatever is before him.


Canadian Gothic

Listen to the sound file here:

Q: The “Canadian Gothic” picture on Twitter was hilarious! How did it come about?

LF – I just thought of it. It was actually, first of all, I remembered the American Gothic painting and obviously… but I had done, on Hidden Hills, one of our billboards was me and Paula Marshall, she was holding a briefcase and a cup of Starbucks coffee and I had the barbecue tongs.

FF – Yeah.

LF – And so, I just thought of it and thought that it would be fun for me and Kristin to do it together. Just, because, and then I thought of the Canadian angle, which is kind of fun.

North American Gothic: An Evolution (Of Sorts)

American Gothic

Grant DeVolson Wood,1930.

Californian Gothic

Hidden Hills, 2002.

Canadian Gothic

Motive, 2013.

Back to Back Shows

Listen to the sound file here:

LF – Well, you know, it’s kind of cool, I mean…it’ll be interesting, I’ve never had, as an actor, this happen where I’m going to be… because we premiere after Dancing With The Stars.

FF – Right.

LF – And then three days later we now premiere in our regular time slot which is, I think, Thursdays at 9:00.

FF – Yeah.

LF – And we are Rookie Blue’s lead in.

FF – Yeah, it’s pretty hilarious.

LF – It’s interesting. So I’m gonna be, I guess, be in back to back shows. That’s a first for me in my life, I’m sure.

FF – I mean, what exposure too! I mean, people will go like, “Oh, didn’t I just see that guy on the last show?” You know?

LF – Or will they? Then you know you’re really good, but I think it’ll be like… I don’t know. I don’t know, I mean I doubt I’ll see it but it would be, it’s definitely kind of a cool thing.

Rookie Blue: Jacob Blackstone

Listen to the sound file here:

Q: Are Rookie Blue fans going to like Detective Blackstone?

LF – Um…

FF – Which might translate into, well, is he a nice guy or is he a total jerk or something?

LF – Mmmmm… no. It’s definitely one of those roles where… you hopefully…. not love to hate, he’s not quite there. But he’s definitely flawed and he’s definitely human in the way that we are. With our faults.

So will they like him? You know, I think it’s irrelevant as far as,  I think it’s, boy, that’s always an objective question. What one person might like the other person may not. So, I don’t know. I think he’s… I’m trying to figure out how I felt about him… he’s definitely strong-willed. He’s very opinionated. He operates at a higher energy than a lot of the characters I’ve played, in some ways. Yeah, he’s kind of a no-nonsense straight shooter.

But, yeah, I don’t know. I don’t ever play a character and wondering whether he’s going to be liked or not. You just sort of play the human being. And it just becomes what it is, you know?

FF – Right.

LF – So, in the context of the show, and put together, and relationships and all that, we’ll see. It’s an interesting arc, I’ll tell you this… it’ll be a mis-lead off the top. Like, when you first meet him, I don’t think you’ll like him much. I’ll just leave it at that.

FF – But things will develop and we’ll see where that takes us then.

LF – Mmhmm.

Rookie Blue: Specific Case

Listen to the sound file here:

Q: What brings Detective Blackstone to the Fifteenth Division (which is the Rookie Blue Division of course)? Is he brought in for a specific case or is he just a new detective at the Division? Now, I remember you…

LF – No, a specific case.

FF – Specific case. Yes. Okay.

LF – Mmhm.

FF – And their paths cross and then they end up working on the specific case now, okay.

The Rookie Blue Cast

Listen to the sound file here:

Q: We have heard really nice things about the cast and crew of Rookie Blue from other guest actors who have worked on the show. So, the question is, can you tell us about your experience on set? Or do you have any funny stories to share? Were there any cast members in particular that you got along with really well, that you hit it off with or something?

LF – Great group altogether. For me it was… every time I go shoot in Toronto it’s like going home. It was great because I hadn’t been… I hadn’t worked in Toronto for a while. It was great to see a lot of the crew faces that I recognized over the many, many years.

FF – Oh, really?!

LF – Oh, yeah. I mean, it hits me. I go, I don’t know when this happened, but I’ve been in this business for twenty-eight years I think. Somewhere like that. And I’m like, how’d that happen? And there’s people there that I’m like “Hey, we worked together twenty-plus years ago!” And I’m just like, my goodness! So that’s always a treat, going home to Toronto.
And then, it’s a well-oiled machine. With a fantastic cast. I got along pretty much with everyone. I actually invited Ben…

FF – Ben. Mmhmm. Ben Bass.

LF – Ben Bass came to visit me on my farm. And we had a great day and I took him out… we had a country day, a day in the country. And that was a lot of fun. A boys’ day, that was fun.

FF – Great.

LF – And I just, not long ago, I was hanging out with Enuka (Okuma).

FF – Okay.

LF – She’s on the cast and we sang karaoke. She actually tweeted that. That we were at a karaoke bar together.

FF – Oh, okay.

LF – And the whole group is great. And I particularly enjoyed working with David Wellington. And actually his brother (Peter Wellington) directed me in L.A. Complex, and then he directed the second episode I did of Rookie Blue. They’re two brothers in Toronto that have been around forever like myself, but we’ve actually never crossed paths and worked together.

FF – Uh huh.

LF – And I am a big fan of both of those guys and would love to work with them anytime again because I really enjoyed their spirits and their minds and their sort of work ethic and how professional they are. But how, beyond professional, they’re great people who make it easy and comfortable to be on the set, which in my opinion is the key. It’s not brain surgery.

FF – Right.

LF – So they were just the kinds of people that I was just like, ah, man, they’re just, they were terrific.

FF – Yeah.

LF – So I honestly had a great time all around. I mean, I really, top to bottom, enjoyed everyone there. And the entire cast, the entire crew, and of course, being in my home city.

Rookie Blue: Lyriq Bent

Listen to the sound file here:

LF – You know, I’m also good friends with Lyric, I mean, Lyriq Bent I’ve known, him, he’s been around forever and I worked with him a long time ago. We did the Saw movie together…

FF – Yeah, he was in Saw IV. Yeah. I remember.

LF – Mmhmm. Yeah, so, you know. Um, as Lyriq would say, “Put an egg on it”. I know exactly what it means, but it’s an expression he’s trying to make happen.

FF – Okay.

LF – I don’t think it’ll ever happen, but he loves to say, “Put an egg on it!” You know what I mean?

FF – Yeah.

LF – (mimicking Lyriq) “You know what I mean, Louis, you know what I’m saying, what I’m talking about this?” I’m like, yeah, and he’s like, “Put an egg on it.” So, I’m just shouting out his expression.

FF – So, and it means whatever you want it to mean at that point.

LF – You know, it has a meaning. It definitely has like, you know what I mean? When you put an egg on it, it’s done. I’m seeing it’s over, you know what I mean? And it’s a wrap.

Rookie Blue Return

Listen to the sound file here:

Q: Is there a possibility for Detective Blackstone to return for Season Five?
LF – I don’t, I can’t, yeah, I can’t answer. I don’t… yeah.

FF – Yeah. So, I’m guessing that translates into, does he die at the end? (laughs)

LF – Oh!! Yeah, I can’t give any away.

FF – Yeah, you can’t say that, I realize that …

A quick note about the Q&As:

Louis might take a break from the Q&As over the summer. Please feel free to continue posting your questions – we just don’t know when he’ll get around to answering them. Thanks for your patience!


DVD: SGU Season One – Episode Ten “Justice” part 3 Commentary with Director William Waring, actors Louis Ferreira, Brian J Smith, Elyse Levesque and Jamil Walker Smith, and script coordinator Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. Transcript by Casey. A very special thank you goes to Anisio S. who provided invaluable help with the Portuguese snippets in this transcript.

Note: Commentaries are recorded while the actors, directors and producers watch the episode and provide their insight into its filming. There are often multiple conversations taking place at the same time as well as the episode soundtrack playing the background. We will attempt to piece those conversations together to decrease reader confusion. At times, the commentators get caught up watching an episode and fail to discuss which will be noted as [episode soundtrack]. We will note scene progression by first sentence using the GateWorld transcript of the episode for tracking purposes.

Listen to the sound file here:

WW – Oh, this was fun.

BJS – Oh yeah. I remember this scene.

[Scene: Young, Rush and Wray step out of Chair room, Young confronts Rush. RUSH: Anyone who had access to that room was under strict orders not to sit in that Chair. YOUNG: You knew. etc]

[Scene: Wray: It was under my authority, so ultimately it’s my responsibility. YOUNG: I know.]

EL – (laughs) I like that.

JWS – Waring on the keys.

LF – (laughs)

EL – Just in case you were wondering where that piano music was coming from. It’s (Will) in the corner, just playing his piano.

WW – Amadeus.

[Scene: Scott takes Eli to Eli’s quarters. SCOTT: You’ve got those things running day and night all over the danged ship…]

LF – I love that you say danged.

JWS – Yeah, I just noticed that.

LF – That’s the best, that’s the second time he’s done it.

EL – Such a Texan.

JWS – That’s the Texan in him.

LF – Yeah!

BJS – Dang!

JWS – Dang ship!

EL – Dang!

LF – Dang ship, (with Texan twang) dang stuff!

JWS – At conventions people are gonna wear the “you are here” shirts.

EL – People are dressing up like that for Halloween!

JWS – Really? Have you seen it online?

LF – Like what?

EL – Yeah! I saw it on Twitter, people were tweeting about it. It’s a Halloween costume, you can like get online. David’s costume, you can get it online.

LF – Really? Wow. That’s wild.

WW – You can get it online?

EL – Yeah. Isn’t that funny?

JWS – That is wild.

[Scene: Wray in her quarters, looks down at her hands, which shake slightly, then looks at her reflection in mirror.]

BJS – I love all that self-doubt with Wray. It’d be so easy just to play her as just a, you know.

WW – So cold.

BJS – Yeah.

JWS – Eva… Tevo…


JWS – They’re coming. They’re coming.

EL – Shhh, Jamil.

LF – We’re never going to be asked to do this again! I’ve done it once and I’m soberer the second time.

EL – He won’t ever ask you two together.

LF – It’s your first time, you’re cut off. You’re cut off. What is this process called again?

JWS – We’re done.

LF – We’re done. It’s a wrap!

[Scene: Wray opens door to leave her quarters. Greer stands just outside.]

BJS – I love this scene right here. It’s scary.

LF – Oh, I love this scene.

EL – Oh yeah, you (JWS) scared me in this scene.

JWS – No, I’m being very polite, being very polite.

LF – Very military.

JWS – Being a gentleman. I like her (Wray), she doesn’t like me. You can tell. Look at that. See?

EL – Yeah, that’s totally what I’m getting.

JWS  – She’s scary, (Wray) she scares Greer.

[Scene: Wray walks past Greer and down hall.]

WW – Well the veneer cracks here a little bit. Just a little.

JWS – (in a deep, hushed voice) Because I’ll be right behind you.

BJS – But the lighting and everything in there is just…

LF – Awesome!

WW – It’s nice that the ship’s dark, it’s dark, it’s claustrophobic.

JWS – Yeah, Will, you directed this one and Pain. There’s a conflict with Wray and… Your episodes have been that, you know? The conflict with Wray?

EL – You, yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

WW – With you? Yeah, because this ties to the…

JWS – This one and the next one.

[Scene: Wray has put Volker in charge. Volker looks around nervously. James waits for instructions, then, fed up, heads through gate.]

(background noise)

LF – Oh, sorry. My bad. (laughs). No feet up on the coffee table. Did I mention we were at my place?

JWS – We’re at Louis Ferreira’s house, and when we’re done with the commentary, they’re going to play Rock Band.

BJS – Yeah.

LF – We’re at my house so I put my feet up and that was that loud noise. I apologize for that.

JWS – I’m more of a John Madden fan, but they don’t have Madden.

LF – We’ve wrapped 20 episodes two days ago. And this is awesome.

JWS – And tomorrow, I go to…

LF – Will, now that the show’s over, you can tell us who your favorite is. We have the director here, just put him on the spot. Let’s ask Will like ten questions. We each get to ask him a directorial question.

BJS – (laughs)

JWS – Who’s your favorite?

EL – Yeah, exactly!

LF – Like inside the director’s studio with Will Waring, ladies and gentlemen. First question, do you write?

JWS – If you could be one character, who would you be, Will?

BJS – Oh, seriously?

LF – That’s a good one.

JWS – Yeah.

BJS – Are we really asking?

JWS – Uh huh.

LF – Well, we have Will here, we’re just pretending. This is an incredible…

WW – I didn’t know we were going to do this.

BJS – This was not in Will’s contract.

EL – This is a part of the deal, coming here tonight.

JWS – If you could have a beer with the character?

WW – If I could have a what?

JWS – A beer with the character.

LF – And what kind of beer would it be?


WW – We’re having one right now.

(more laughter)

JWS – Great answer! All of us!

LF – With all of us! We all win. That’s a sleeve on the ground by the way. Sleeveless.

EL – You’re sitting on my cord Jamil.

JWS – Oh, sorry.

[Scene: Rocky, barren world. Team trudges away from the stargate.]

WW – Oh, here we go.

BJS – Yeah, this is awesome.

LF – This is… that’s great looking.

WW – Look at that Gate they put back there, cool.

EL – That’s the planet I got the legendary scar on.

LF – Oh yeah, you hadn’t seen it.

BJS – You hadn’t seen it, that was new?

WW – No, I haven’t seen the viz effects.

BJS – Wait until you see the last shot. Oh! It’s such a great…

JWS – This is perfect.

EL – Great.

[Scene: Planet. Caine looks for a fairly flat area and sits down.]

WW – There’s Tygh. (Runyan)

LF – I know, I know. I know.

EL – Mmm? What, what, what?

LF – Shoes.

JWS – I like the look (Caine). The white shirt collar. And the Army shirt over it.

LF – Hey! Julia! (Benson)

JWS – That’s Vanessa James. Julia. Benson.

EL – Julia Benson, ladies and gentlemen.

LF – Change of name.

JWS – She was married, sorry fellas. Just got married.

EL – Hearts just broke all over the world.

LF – Yeah! Jamil! Now, you don’t want that stuff getting out about you, do you?

JWS – Naw, man.

EL – You married, man?

LF – Oh, the irony.

WW – This is looking good.

JWS – Nah, it’s personal stuff.

LF – I just kidding. I just kidding.

JWS – I’m single, but I want to be married one day.

WW – That’s sleek.

BJS – That looks good, right?

LF – For those of you interested, my…


[Scene: Brody in the Gate Room radios Rush to tell him about Chair.]

LF – Peter (Kelamis) is an unbelievable impersonator and a great comic.

BJS – Ah, great! Yeah.

LF – For those of you who… he’s an unbelievable comedian.

(noise in background)

LF – You leaving? Jamil, you out?

JWS – I need to get a… (cab)

EL – Really?

LF – It’s almost done. We’re like 5 minutes away from the rest of the show.

JWS – I have to at least call a cab.

EL – It’s so close, Jamil.

LF – We’re almost done.

JWS – I know, but I’m going to call the cab now and have them come. Jamil Smith is still packing tonight, ladies and gentlemen. Moving stuff. Some things will be stored at here, at Louis Ferreira’s house.

LF – That’s right. I’m holding some of your stuff.

[Scene: Kino footage of Spencer’s last minutes. Spencer raises the gun to his head.]

LF – Remember? Remember you wanted to know what happened? Here’s a scene.

EL – Here you go.

JWS – This was a great scene. I was here the day that he shot it.

LF – Yeah, this is a great scene.

JWS – No, were you there? How the gun, got in your room!

LF – Never mind that!


JWS – Explain that, to explain the whole episode, just listen to us.

LF – Even better. It’s good that way. It’s funny.

JWS – Yeah, you guys are ganging up on me right there, dude.

LF – And we played.

EL – I miss Josh (Blacker), he was fun.

LF – He was such… Did you know he was like a lawyer?

EL – I know. I know, it’s amazing.

JWS – And you know he’s South African.

LF – Yeah, he’s is amazing.

WW – He’s a lawyer?

JWS – He’s African.

EL – He’s a lawyer. This is his side job, his hobby.

LF – That’s his side job. Lawyer/ actor.

WW – Really?

LF – Actually, it lends itself to it, I suppose.

[Scene: After watching Spencer’s kino footage, Wray suggests recalling the team from planet. RUSH: No, no, we can’t do that. In over a dozen planets we haven’t had a single indication of advanced technology up until now.]

JWS – Oh, I remember this episode. You knock him out!

WW – Now you’re just giving it up.

EL – There you go, you just keep wrecking everything for everybody, Jamil. It’s okay, I still love you anyway.

JWS – If you’re watching commentary, you’ve already watched the episode.

[Scene: Young and Rush on planet.]

JWS – Would you guys need a filter over the lens?

LF – Will, you were saying you would use this set to shoot an episode that was like six down the road, right?

WW – Yeah, we had to pick up in Lost. That’s where Brian and Chloe and Eli get back to the spaceship.

LF – That’s right.

WW – And we had to shoot those scenes before our day. But they weren’t written yet because the episode hadn’t been written.
EL – (laughs) Hadn’t been written. I remember, I was so confused, I showed up and I had a completely different wardrobe and I was like “What?”

[Scene: Planet. Rush scrambles up to the ship to examine the hatch.]

LF – What was really neat about this particular location. One of the things that happens is… there was like all the trees.

WW – There, yeah, we’ve got one bowl behind us that’s tree-less. And the rest of it, like you say, it’s surrounded with trees. So we had, they had to take them out with viz effects.

LF – Viz effects on this kind of show, and it’s for me like a first time, they’re so, like, unbelievable to me. Just what they’re able to do.

EL – Oh! Amazing! So good!

WW – Now this was a practical piece of space ship, quotation marks, made out of plywood and Styrofoam. And James Robbins did a beautiful job.

BJS – Yeah!

EL – Yeah!

LF – Yeah, it’s unreal.

WW – Just standing under that is was very cool. But of course, you go to the top of it, it was just Styrofoam.

LF – I remember this day it was really hot and it was muggy, remember?

WW – Yeah. I remember I was getting heat stroke.

LF – We could not stop, yeah, I was sweating and we constantly had to be like…

WW – It’s just actually a gravel dump.

[Scene: Planet. Young and Rush alone. YOUNG: I know it was you.]

WW – We were really lucky with the weather in this one.

BJS – Oh, can you imagine if it rained?

EL – It would have been a mud bath.

LF – Ugh!

WW – It would have been horrible. We were there scouting in the rain. And literally your feet sunk in eight inches. Into the stuff. I love this.

LF – Movie!

[Scene: Young confronts Rush. RUSH: You resigned your position as S.G. leader because you didn’t wanna make the hard decisions…]

EL – It’s just, I love this.

BJS – Yeah. It’s so. You can’t.

JWS – It’s just so intense when you watch the episode.

EL – The two of you, together. It’s just such… like a master class, man.

LF – (laughs) I’m feeling very uncomfortable.

EL – Seriously, it is, though. You guys are great together.

[Scene: Young punches Rush.]

LF – Chapada!! In Portuguese, chapada means slap.

EL – (laughs) You don’t even see it coming though. But I love it!

LF – I slap your face. Chapada!

JWS – Shopata!

LF – (laughs)

WW – That’s good. Not even a flinch in the eyes, boom!

EL – Yeah, boom! Like, you do not see it coming! I thought it was going to be like a little wimpy fight, but you guys really go for it. You slam him into the ground!

BJS – I love this right here.

WW – Slam yeah!

BJS – Because that’s what fights look like, man!

WW – That’s what we wanted. The fight had to be rough and tumble.

JWS – Was that you?

LF – Yeah.

EL – So, you guys did all of this? You and Bobby? Like, no stunt doubles?

WW – They just fought.

EL – Wow.

[Scene: Young head butts Rush.]

LF – (laughs) Se dan, baby! Se dan!

JWS – I love it!

EL – Wait, that blood, is that real, like, that’s all real?

BJS – Oh, shut up. Could’ve fooled me!

EL – You always get the hero shot, Louis.

LF – Is that a hero shot?

EL – You’re such a hero, yeah!

LF – The unlikable hero?

EL – No, you’re very likeable.

(noise in background)

LF – Jamil, you out?

[Scene: Gate Room, waiting for Rush and Young to come back before ship goes into FTL.]

WW – See, not everybody makes it back every episode.

BJS – Exactly.

EL – Exactly. It doesn’t all wrap up in nicely with a bow.

LBW – I think, Robert Cooper’s, one of his favorite parts of the show is this moment, you know, all bets are off.

BJS – Yeah.

[Scene: Gate Room. Young walks through Gate, alone. WRAY: Where’s Rush? YOUNG: He didn’t make it.]

WW – You’re so right, Louis, by just walking straight out in this. Remember when you were doing this?

LF – Yeah, I remember that we were talking about how to come in and not, just, yeah. I think he was embarrassed and wanted to get out of there.

[Scene: Infirmary. T.J. treats the wound on Young’s face.]

WW – That’s some good makeup.

BJS – Really good makeup. Yeah, because your face looks swollen.

JWS – I like this stuff because it’s like, is he a hero for what he did? Or is Colonel Young now a villain.

EL – Yeah, you’re not sure.

JWS – You know what I mean? Because he potentially, he killed a man. You know? And that’s that interesting thing about… A lot of people were too, too… you see both sides of characters on this show.

LF – Hero and the villain. We all are.

JWS – Yeah.

BJS – But it’s interesting, too, because Young says, you know, do the ends justify the means? He says that to Rush. And in this scene, it’s like, wow, does it really, really justify what he achieved?

LF – The room has an awesome look.

[Scene: Infirmary. Young asks Eli to delete the Kino footage from the hard drive. Eli pauses, Eli: OK. YOUNG: Anything else? ELI: No.]

JWS – Look at you.

LF – I remember him making me feel really uncomfortable, as if I had disappointed him personally.

WW – Really?

LF – And that was that whole thing with, yeah, when he was like with Eli, there was that moment, just like, wow. That was a bit of a trip.

[Scene: Planet. Rush begins to stir.]

EL – I love the way this ends.

BJS – That is so cool.

JWS – Will, is there a filter on the lens? How does it look like dusk?

EL – Was it actually dark?

LF – No, it was dusk.

WW – It was getting dusky. We’d spent so long shooting the scenes for Lost.

(everybody laughs)

EL – Sorry about that.

LF – It worked out!

[Scene: Planet. Rush wakes, looks up: nightfall.]

BJS – This is my favorite shot of the episode, right here. It’s so cool.

JWS – That is a great shot.

EL – Yeah! And the sky? Oh!

LF – That’s sweet.

BJS – I love it. Look at that.

[End credits]

(Everybody cheers)

And that’s it for this episode! We’ll start a new one next month. Thanks to Casey for the transcript!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!

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We hope to see you all next month!