Ferreira Fest 038

Published February 2013
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

Welcome to this month’s Ferreira Fest! As always on the 20th of each month we throw a big party here to celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis), and this month it’s a very special occasion: it’s Louis’ birthday today! So come on in, grab a free pineapple drink at the bar and enjoy all the latest news, tweets, videos, photos, screencaps and exclusive interviews about his new series MOTIVE, and much much more!


Louis joined Twitter on February 16. You can follow him at @TheLuigi_F . And while you’re at it, please follow @FerreiraFest as well!

Here’s how it all started (timeline goes from bottom to top – latest tweets on top/ continued on the right, bottom to top):

To the right are all of Louis’ Tweets so far (as of February 19, 2013), for those of you who are not on Twitter.

And here is a picture Louis tweeted of himself and Patrick Gilmore, ostensibly watching MOTIVE…

And another picture Louis posted of himself, his MOTIVE co-star Kristin Lehman and Amanda Tapping, after shooting a MOTIVE episode where Amanda guest-starred.


Louis’ three episodes on Primeval: New World have now all aired in Canada. In the US we are still waiting for the series to begin airing on SyFy. Please understand that the following articles may contain spoilers so proceed at your own risk!

It also seems advised to not wait until Louis’ episodes to start watching the show. In order to understand Colonel Henderson Hall’s storyline, you should probably watch the show from the beginning, once it airs.

Check out the Primeval: New World Web Site

Colonel Henderson Hall character page at Crimsontear

Louis guest stars on Primeval: New World at The Province

Review: The Inquisition at The Disgruntled Individual
Review: The Inquisition at Crimsontear
Review: The Sound of Thunder (p.1) at Crimsontear
Review: The Sound of Thunder (p.2) at Crimsontear


(from Rookie Blue Info)
S4 finished production on Friday, January 25th and will air these 13 episodes this summer, most likely late May/ June and all other countries between this fall and early 2014.

Season 4 episode titles known so far:
401 Surprises
402 Homecoming
403 Different Not Better
404 The Kids Are Not Alright
405 Poison Pill
406 TBA
407 TBA
408 TBA
409 What I Lost
410 You Are Here
411 TBA
412 Under Fire
413 You Can See the Stars

If S4 premieres in late May, then there will definitely be a 2 week hiatus for NBA Finals coverage nationally (meaning all ABC stations) and GlobalTV will air other programming during those 2 weeks, since they air alongside ABC in simulcast. If S4 premieres in late June, it won’t be affected by NBA Finals coverage, since it will have already aired. Later in the season, there will be local pre-emptions for preseason football in some US cities, but not nationally on the network. (Thanks to Rookie Blue Info!)

Also, be sure to visit the ROOKIE BLUE Facebook page! (Thanks to Nina for the link!)

Louis is playing Detective Jacob Blackstone in episodes 1 and 4 or 5.


Louis is still doing voice-overs for Mazda commercials. His latest is for the Mazda CX9, which is markedly different in style from previous commercials. Watch it here and then listen to what Louis had to say about it. Thanks to Casey for the transcript!

Full length commercial:

15 second version commercial:


FF – The Mazda commercials? Are you still doing those?

LF – Yes.

FF – Because I saw a new one, the CX9? The 2013 version?

LF – Yeah.

FF – Yes. So that must have been a new one because I looked up the other commercials and there was one in 2011 and now there’s a 2013 that’s animated.

LF – That’s mine. That’s me. I use a different tone.

FF – I meant to ask you about that because you sound very different in that and, like, friendlier, in a way. More like family-friendly, is what came to my mind. Like this is more family…

LF – It’s a family-friendly car. My pitch was that every car kind of had a different kind of tonality. They love that kind of like, you know, deeper, kind of raspier thing that I do. And then I said, let me try… and they loved, they loved that new tone as well. So, depending on the car we change it up. And I love that they let me do both, which is great.

FF – Yeah. Because that really surprised me.

LF – I love the animated one. I like the animated one a lot.

FF – And there is a short version, there’s like a 15 second, a 13 second clip of that and then there’s the longer version, too, and I just caught it on TV as I was watching on, I think, National Geographic? Yes, I was watching that, and all of a sudden the commercial came on. It’s like, wait a second! That sounds like Louis!

LF – Yeah!

FF – Yeah, it’s really great that they still let you experiment with the voice and, really, I thought it was very fitting for this tone and the style of the commercial and the animation that they did with that.

LF – Yes, I thought it turned out great!

FF – Yeah, that was a great one!


Patrick Gilmore has posted a hilarious photo of himself and Louis, impersonating the classic “Tragedy and Comedy” masks. Thanks, Patrick!

The Lauren Holly Army (not to be confused with Lauren Holly!) posted a production photo of Louis on Motive on Twitter. Thanks, peeps!

Lauren Holly, Louis’ co-star on MOTIVE, shared a photo of Louis watching Motive with two of her sons on Twitter.

Lauren also posted a funny photo of Louis during a break in filming MOTIVE. Thanks, Lauren!

Kristin Lehman posted a hilarious photo of herself and Louis entitled “Canadian Gothic” (which is the best ripoff of the old “American Gothic” ever!)

And Fiona Forbes posted a picture of herself and Louis after his interview on Rush TV. Scroll down for a transcript of the interview. Thanks, Fiona!

There are more MOTIVE photos posted on tumblr. Thanks for sharing, Michael!


A year ago we had Louis’ former high school drama teacher Greg Allen here at Ferreira Fest. While Louis was living in Greg’s basement during his early career he landed the part of Craig Nordham in the horror movie “Hello Mary Lou – Prom Night 2“. So we thought it only fitting that on the anniversary of Greg’s visit we should have screen caps of this movie today, on Louis’ birthday! Kimmy has made almost 700 caps of the movie. You can look at all the pictures here. Thank you so much, Kimmy – what a great blast from the past!


Agi found a video of an interview with actor/ playwright Tony Nardi where he talks about the development of his performance of Two Letters. You may want to visit that link first so you have an idea what Tony is talking about. Louis was an audience member for the performance and a brief interview with him occurs at about 6:30 into the video in part 1. Louis also makes a brief encore appearance in part 2, towards the end of the video.

Agi found another real gem – two short clips from the 1996 series “Local Heroes” in which Louis played the role of Mert.

And here is an old agency photo of Louis as Mert from our personal collection. Enjoy!


Autograph collecting is big business, and while many of us quietly gloat over a signature of a celebrity, some folks celebrate their successes at autograph sites online. Here’s one lucky guy who really has reasons to party, since he asked for an autograph of Patrick Gilmore and got a bonus one from Louis as well! Check out the story and pictures here.

Jen Spence (Lisa Park on Stargate Universe, now starring on Continuum) tweeted a picture of 3rd Assistant Director Chad Fitz, and what Louis had to say about him.

And here is a series of Tweets from Patrick Gilmore. A few weeks ago he and Louis were spending the evening together with friends, and someone must have been a bit morose, because the gathering devolved into a “Sad Songs” festival. Here is the hilarious rundown of the winners (read from the bottom up):


Louis’ new series premiered on CTV on February 3, 2013 with much fanfare. Airing right after the Super Bowl MOTIVE racked up an impressive 1.23 million viewers in Canada, and 1.4 million over the whole week. The series is currently slated to air in the US on ABC starting in July 2013. Stay tuned for more info. Meanwhile, visit the Official Motive Page often for updates, photos, interviews and more! There will also be an original web series soon. Like the full episodes and other videos it will most likely only be available to Canadian visitors.

Here is a big collection of links to various MOTIVE announcements, reviews and recaps, which should keep you busy for quite a while! Thanks to Agi who sent in most of these links.

Oscar Vega character page on the Motive Site
5 things you need to know about Motive (sadly, no mention of Louis)
Production Photos of MOTIVE

ABC picks up Motive at The Official Motive Web Site
ABC picks up Motive at Bellmedia
ABC picks up Motive at TVbythe numbers
ABC picks up Motive at TVseriesfinale
ABC picks up Motive at Indiewire.com
ABC picks up Motive at Hollywoodreporter
ABC picks up Motive at EverythingNCIS

Motive premiere on CTV at Rabbit Ears
Motive premiere on CTV at Yahoo!News Canada
Motive premiere on CTV at thestar.com
Motive premiere on CTV (2) at the star.com
Motive premiere on CTV at The Chronicle Herald
Motive premiere on CTV at Foreverdyingbrightly.com
Motive premiere on CTV at Winnipeg Free Press
Motive premiere on CTV at The Province
Motive premiere on CTV at Ottawa Citizen
Motive premiere on CTV at Canada.com
Motive premiere on CTV at National Post

Motive ratings at CTVMedia
Motive ratings for episode 3 at TV, eh?

Motive review at The Vancouver Sun
Motive review on TVfeedsmyfamily (lots of Louis in this one)

Motive promo on YouTube (no Louis):

The Motive Facebook Page

Interview with Lauren Holly at Times Colonist
Interview with Kristin Lehman at The Morton Report


Lucky for us, RushTV has done a short interview with Louis about Motive, and Casey has kindly done a fabulous transcript of the interview.
(Sorry – the video link is no longer available – but at least you have the transcript below!)

With Louis Ferreira, Fiona Forbes, Bianca Solterbeck

BS – Hey everybody, welcome back to The Rush! Well, 1.23 million viewers tuned in to the post-Superbowl premiere of the new crime series Motive. The new series is shot right here in Vancouver, and stars Kristin Lehman and Louis Ferreira.

FF – And we got the chance to see the first episode, but if you missed it, the first episode is actually going to re-air on Saturday, February the 9th at 8:00 on CTV. And then, starting February 10th, Motive moves to Sunday at 9:00. So catch up on the first episode, make sure that you see it, and then tune in on Sunday. And, we were lucky enough to catch up with one of the stars, Louis Ferreira, last week, so here he is.

FF – How are you?

LF – Hi! How are you? I’m happy because I have Chewy.

FF – Now we have to explain why Chewy’s here.

LF – Because it’s your dog, and dogs are fantastic, and this is the cutest thing ever! Please! Take a close-up on the face.

FF – He’s adorable! And you have three dogs?

LF – I do! But this little creature is fantastic! (laughs) Look at the face!

FF – It is pretty cute!

LF – His hair is amazing! Oh no, no…

FF – Louis, we have to talk about Motive, but first, I saw this drop on my doorstep this week. You guys on the cover of WE Magazine, which is fantastic. With Save BC Film. It is in all the news these days, what are your thoughts as an actor? The movement, and what’s going on?

LF – Well, I think there’s kind of a bottom line which is, if we level the playing field, then I think we get back to being what it is we, hopefully, want to remain, which is Hollywood North. I think the impact is clearly happening, because of what’s not happening. And hopefully we get to that place again. Because I know it’s certainly impacting and affecting a lot of people, so.

FF – Yeah, and it’s hard to see it leave the city for sure.

LF – It is, you know. And, I think it’s hopefully… I know there was a big rally where like 4,000 people showed up. And everyone’s really sort of doing what they can to make this happen, hopefully it does.

BS – Everyone’s really come together, yeah.

LF – Yeah, which is great, really that seems to be the theme of it all so that’s always fantastic.

FF – It’s because we’re all not working, let’s all get…

LF – Yeah! No!

FF – No, the sad part is, everyone’s available.

LF – Well, and there’s just so many stories. I mean, between, you know, in all the different areas and the impact that this has across the board, I mean these are people feeding their families, taking care… I’ve known, and I know people for example where… my one friend lived in Alberta and left for this exact reason. When they did this it impacted the province and place where it just dried up. And he moved here. Because this is where the work was.
I knew when I was an actor in Toronto I always came to this Hollywood North part of town because it was like there was always so much happening here, so…

FF – So much.

LF – So much.

FF – I miss it.

LF – And that’s exciting! And, that’s, I mean I think people want to be here, they want to work here, so that’s certainly I think, all our hopes.

BS – And of course, your new show, Motive. You shot here.

LF – Yes.

BS – In Vancouver. If you watch it actually, Vancouverites, you’ll see a lot of familiar landmarks. And BC Place.

LF – Oh, yeah, and I love that, I mean, I think.

BS – Olympic Village.

LF – Canadian show. Vancouver is our city and we’re proudly showing it. And that’s really kind of exciting about it. Because we know we’ve always done these sort of generic metro-town thing which kind of… you cannot deny that it is Vancouver.

FF – Okay, we have to talk about the first episode of Motive because I was just really upset and I can say it because they give it away in the first minute of the show. You guys killed off a New Kid On The Block. Joey.

BS – Joey McIntyre.

LF – (laughs) Yeah.

FF –  Our favorite.

BS – Yeah, and he sings, too.

LF – Every young girl’s favorite.

FF – Yeah.

LF – I have a thirteen year old girl. So my life, right now, I can tell you probably everything about One Direction. As a matter of fact, I think it’s Harry’s (Harry Styles) birthday today!

BS – Is it?

FF – Happy birthday!

LF – Sawyer! Sawyer! It’s Harry’s birthday! This is from Daddy to you, Happy Birthday, Harry. She showed me yesterday, I was skyping with her and she’s in Toronto, she literally baked cupcakes for Harry.

FF and BS – Ooooh!

LF – Her room looks like she’s a Harry stalker. Not just Harry, like the entire gang.

BS – Harry poster? Kids still do that?

LF – It’s crazy, like I got the five stand-up dudes. They’re all in the room.

FF – They are?

LF – Yeah!

FF – That’s creepy. Okay.

LF – It’s creepy.

FF – Can you do me a little New Kids On The Block, though? You know the songs.

LF – No, no, no. I had a moment with Joey McIntyre. Because I, I remember, I mean, it was New Kids On The Block! Who didn’t hum along? Guy or girl, it transcended.

FF – I just, come on… (hums) “Please don’t go girl…”

LF – And so, there he was, the victim, and in my head, I’m thinking, I’m like, am I going to sing that out loud? But it went through the head. I literally was watching him then and in the moment and I’m just, whatever and I’m like (sings) “Please don’t go” and I’m like, oh my, that’s coming because of the whole association with him so…

FF – So, if you’re ever wondering what’s going through an actor’s mind during a scene…

LF – With Joey McIntyre specifically.

FF – It’s “Please Don’t Go Girl”!

LF – You will sing the hits of The New Kids On The Block, man.

FF – Okay, well let’s throw in a scene of Motive right now, here it is.

(With Detective Oscar Vega and Detective Angie Flynn)

Vega – So, the Creeper. Does that mean anything to you?

Flynn – Yeah, a killer who wants a name, always a bad sign. Where’s the victim?

Vega – Upstairs. High school teacher named Glenn Martin. Blunt force head injuries, his wife found him next to their bed.

Flynn – Where was she?

Vega – Sleeping in the spare room, or so she says.

Flynn – What? It happens.

Vega – Yeah, it happens, you know the stats.

Flynn – Numbers can lie.

Vega – So can people. Angie? Angie, no, no, no, I wouldn’t touch that. The dog inhibiting access to the body. Won’t budge, not even for the wife, so…

Flynn – Hey, guys, we got a murder scene going cold and a killer running loose.

Vega – A big dog, Angie.

Flynn – That’s all right. I got a way with animals.

Vega – Thought you had a way with men.

Flynn – Well, the same principles apply, you just gotta take control.

Vega – Good luck.

Flynn – Sit!


BS – Another dog!

LF – You’re the cutest thing, you are. Who’s the cutest puppy?

FF – Now Louis?

LF – Who’s the cutest Chewy?

FF – Motive has already been picked up by ABC, which is fantastic, congratulations.

LF – We just found out like two days ago, that’s exciting. And it’s great.

FF – Yeah, it is great.

LF – Yeah.

FF – It is fantastic. And we also have to talk about the other show that is one of my favorite shows, Breaking Bad. I was watching season 5 and the scene is in the desert and in walks Louis Ferreira.

LF – Hey, the Luigi!

FF – Tell us about the character that you play.

LF – It was cool, because I was here, working. And it was one of those things where they’re like there’s auditions for, and it’s a Breaking Bad episode. So I threw myself on tape here, and then when I got it I was like, what?!  Because, you know, it’s one of those shows. It’s one of those shows that you just want to be a part of.

FF – It’s one of the biggest shows right now.

LF – Yeah, and…

BS – And he’s one of the biggest actors, right? He just won a SAG award, after four nominations?

LF – He did! And it was exciting because they actually, I got a call saying, they used the clip with you and him! And that was like, I was just like, really?

FF – That’s nice work!

LF – Yeah, it was nice. It was nice.

FF – What was it like, stepping onto a set like that? Breaking Bad? Of course, you’ve done everything. You’re one of those actors that has done everything. But stepping onto a set with a cast like that, it is one of the biggest hits right now, do you even get intimidated?

LF – I do. And then, I do in the best sense of it because I think it’s those kinds of things that is a challenge to rise to. And that’s what sort of, you know, that kind of… because like playing tennis with the better player, you know? Those kinds of things? So, you’re immediately in great company. And man! Those guys are good at what they do. And so, I remember actually the first day I shot a scene with Jonathan Banks as my first thing. I was feeling really off. And I was like, am I nervous? What’s going on? I don’t think I’m nervous. But my throat felt like it was seizing up and I was just kind of going, what’s up? And then they came to me and said, you realize it’s, when did you get in? I was like, last night. They said, oh, altitude.

BS – Oh, altitude sickness! Oh.

LF – Yeah, I completely was like, dizzy, spinning.

FF – Because, where do they shoot again? It’s in New Mexico?

LF – Albuquerque. Yeah, yeah, and we were out there in the middle of the desert and it was like, hot and it was just crazy. But, that’s what it was.

FF – And in your mind you’re going (sings) “Please Don’t Go Girl…”

LF – No, different, no different song.

FF – Oh, different?

LF – Different song.

FF – Louis, thank you so much for joining us! You can check out Motive. Do not miss it. You can catch up on the first episode if you did miss it because you gotta check it out on CTV. It airs Sundays at 9:00.

LF – Thank you so much.

FF – Thank you.

LF – No Mike.

FF – No. Mike, oh we didn’t…

LF – Yeah, we didn’t, no, no Mike. Nice, nice move Mike. You know you tell me come to the show! Come to the show. I do the show… and Bianca, you’re great.

BS – I showed up.

LF – No, no… thank you Mike!

BS – (laughs)

FF – Yeah…

LF – You know what I mean?! Know what I mean? This is actually a nice deal for Luigi!

BS – Right. Afterwards we’ll talk much more about Valentine’s Day.

FF – We certainly…

LF – Yeah, no, no, I just need some more time.

BS – We’ll bond.

LF – It’s a journey, so.

FF – We’ll bond. We’ll bond on the break. We’ll be back with more on The Rush right after this, stay tuned.

LF – Thank you.

FF – Thank you.

MOTIVE: A Q&A with Louis Ferreira

The following interviews were made over the course of several days as Louis called in whenever he had a few minutes.

About Oscar Vega

Q: Tell us more about the character you play in your own words: What do you like most about him? How is he similar or different from yourself?

Listen to the sound clip here:

LF – Oscar Vega is, well he’s completely different than me in that he comes from a very privileged background. And what I try to do, and always try to humanize my characters is, figure out a way… He came from wealth, but kind of went against what the family wanted him to do, hopes of him being a lawyer or a doctor, he chose to actually go into something… he chose to seek out spirituality, but that was not before exploring religion.

    So at one point he was interested in being a priest. And then realized, while he was searching that, that that didn’t kind of make sense in the big picture. And then chose spirituality as a bigger picture type thing. And in doing so really rejected a lot of his own personal background, people perhaps have come from wealth, and perhaps deal with entitlement, and perhaps deal with the sort of, the kind of typical things that wealthy people sometimes just, perhaps, take for granted.

    So he sort of tried to humble himself. And is still a work in progress that way. Because what he’s trying to do is figure out the balance of it all. There’s nothing wrong with being, or coming from wealth. He’s trying to figure out how it applies to his own personal journey. And I think as a cop, what he’s trying to do is figure out the balance of it all. I think at one point, that being a detective made a lot more sense in it might be into… I always like to explore the idea of people, sort of getting to a point in their career where they’re asking the bigger questions. I kind of did that with Young, and I think with Vega there’s a similar aspect in that sense. In that he’s really trying to figure out what his life is about in the bigger sense.

    Now, one of the other things, too, is that, one of the things I loved about the role was that the relationship between him and Angie is not your conventional relationship. In that, as you know, I play a lot of times, I’ll play a lot of the alpha males. Vega is very much sort of the grounded, calm to her storm. The relationship is one based out of mutual respect. There’s no real, like, sexual spark as much as there is a relationship that’s based on a friendship and, sort of, when you work with someone and you get to know them and you have such a lot of respect for each other as partners.

    So there’s something very beautiful in me exploring that feminine side of a masculine character. And she sort of is the masculine to his feminine. Which I think is very interesting and unconventional.

FF – Right, right. I don’t know if you had a chance to read that little review that I sent you from the interview that Kristin Lehman did? And she said some very similar things about her character and how her character relates to your character. So that’s really interesting.

LF – Yeah, no, I absolutely adore Kristin Lehman in every sense of the word. I adore this entire cast, this entire crew. It really is one of those, like… the blessings! You sort of just go, wow, the universe really gave me a gift when I… You know, because I really chose to do this project more, first and foremost, because it allowed me to be with my son in Vancouver.

FF – Right.

LF – And so, for it to be becoming the show that it’s kind of becoming, in that it’s got a sort of interesting spin, the way it’s executed, is just a blessing. And I feel very grateful to just be here working, and especially with the people that I’m working with. It’s fantastic!

FF – Right! That’s great! How long does it take to shoot one episode? You guys go longer than a week, right?

LF – Well, seven days. So that’s five, you know, yeah we do seven days total, per episode. But sometimes I think, sort of, people have second unit days which will take on an extra day.

FF – And so you’re done with this, you just started on the last episode, episode 13, right?

LF – That’s right. We are finished shooting February 21st.

FF – Okay, so that’s the day after your birthday. You can have a working birthday.

LF – Yay!

FF – Yeah!

LF – We were gonna have, we were gonna finish on my birthday. But actually something happened where we had to re-shoot.

Oscar Vega is unique

Q: What makes Oscar Vega unique?

Listen to the sound clip here:

LF – Well, he operates from a different place. Like I’ve been talking about. You know I think I’ve played detectives with the way we see a lot of detectives played, a lot of them are hotheaded, they’re passionate, they’re from the gut. This guy’s opposite. Angie’s kind of that, and he’s kind of the calm to her storm. So, it’s a very sort of interesting thing for me to play sort of this grounded character who sort of, is the voice of reason. So, Vega is for me, and it’s also interesting because he comes from money, he rejected the money. He comes from a certain type. He’s a lot of different archetypes, but yet the opposite. So he comes from privilege but hates those who act it. He, and you know, his look is one of impeccable from the neck down, from the top half, from the face up, beard and long, shaggy hair. That’s almost like a rebellion against everything he grew up with.

FF – Right.

LF – He’s Portuguese/ Latino but doesn’t have any of the sort of typical, macho, misogynistic sort of, you know, kind of, gender stereotypes.

FF – Right.

LF – And so, I like all that sort of contrast. And conflict. And possible difference in Vega from most of the other characters I’ve played. I think I’ve always played them sort of heated, or you know, and it makes sense, very sort of blue… sort of my, and this is a good way of saying it, it’s my first white collar detective, in a sense. But yet, he does understand that, the blue collar aspect of it. Which is something that it helps to… that helps him to do his job better. And he’s found a niche in how he can do that.

Oscar Vega and the Team

Q – What personal experience or background do you draw from to make the character come to life?

Listen to the sound clip here:

LF – Well, again, I think I touched on this before. I think one of the interesting things… this show’s kind of been a pleasant surprise on a lot of levels, because I took it for personal reasons, very much, to sort of be with my son. Which sounds like a strange thing as an artist to do but there’s something, being honest about it because I believe the universe sort of answered a prayer that was about a bigger picture for me.

FF – Right.

LF – And what’s been kind of beautiful is that, and I think I’ve touched on this before about the idea of like, I used to feel like, true artistry for me was running away from myself. And hiding in characters and creating other characters. There’s something to be said about now, with twenty-eight years of experience, to be able to sort of actually embrace my story. For all of its sides, not just good but like the bad and all the sides that we all have. And to be able to be okay with that. And I think that’s sort of Vega’s strength is that he’s in fact so comfortable in his own skin that his vulnerability is in fact his power. And I feel that that’s a personal journey that I’ve kind of come to realize myself, personally. So, I’m just exploring more of that and this character’s been kind… which is neat because when I initially auditioned for the show, it was kind of, I thought, as very much sort of a Moonlighting.

FF – Yeah.

LF – And Kristin and I hit it off in a sort of, a little comedic banter. And the show has very little elements of that, but it quickly backed off this thing and it became a procedural, but what we saw happen was in fact that that initial audition where we had that banter kind of became the foundation for the relationship. Was very much a working relationship. And it’s interesting for me, too. The other thing, it’s just about being male/ female, and not having necessarily anything but a respectful relationship with your co-worker.

FF – Right.

LF – Just a true friendship. Which, you know, every show explores – well, why aren’t these two together? And I think that is interesting. But I think it’s also interesting that they have no… both of them don’t even, can’t possibly see the other person in that way, because of where they are in their own personal lives. I can relate to that on many levels.

FF – Right.

LF – I know that was a long answer, but, sorry!

FF – No, no! It’s a perfect answer. And it sort of also reflects a little bit of what Kristin said in her interview when she was talking about Oscar and the true friendship between them, and I find that interesting. I mean, you both see that exactly the same way. And I guess that’s one of the signs of why this relationship works. Because you both see it the same way.

LF – Yeah, and I think also too, I think we have an incredible amount of personal respect for one another. Her reasons for wanting to be in Vancouver are about family. And she’s got a four year old. And I have such great respect for that. I mean, she is someone, obviously, who would do incredibly well if she was in the States. And both of us would probably be in positions of doing a lot more stuff in certain terms of like career-wise, but, you know, I have great respect for people who follow their intuition as far as, this is the place that I want to raise my child, and this is the place where I want to be. As far as, and this is their home city. You know, it doesn’t mean…we love L.A. and I love the States on so many levels as well, but there is something about, you know, being able, for her I know calling this place home is a big deal for her. So I have great respect for her on many levels. And I think that that’s mutual.

FF – Yeah, that sounds great.

LF – Yeah. Except for when I fart. She doesn’t like that when I do that on set.

FF – Did you bring the fart machine with you on this show like you did in Stargate? I meant to ask you that.

LF – Uh, no fart machine needed. Depends on the food really. (laughs)

FF – (laughs) You always have that one with you. In person.

LF – Yeah. That one’s always with me. So yeah. But, she makes it almost more fun than the fart machine because if I have farted, it’s not like I farted a lot, but I have tooted and when I toot it gets… and ironically she’s got some story about farts growing up in her family, were called Looies.

FF – Oh, you’re kidding! That’s hilarious!

LF – Yeah. When she let me know that, I mean, it just sort of, I mean, I guess it was like, you know, hey, the gloves are off. You know, so, ooops, I looied. And, you know, it’s been fun because the reaction is so fantastic from her. She’s very, very funny. Kristin Lehman is my, I just absolutely adore her on every level. And this is what this show’s become, this little thing that in the beginning was really sort of like, I’m struggling with what’s the show about and some of the writing, and this and that, but beyond that was this great group of people that I was working with. And this wonderful, you know these wonderful co-stars and, me included, that we were, as a cast, and that we were working together and that sort of took its own life on and we’re just so blessed to have this group. I mean, I want to come back to this group just because of the group.

FF – Right.

LF – At the end of the day, you know, this is sort of like, you’re spending this much time on the set, we have a very magical family right now. And it just feels… these last four episodes, since we’ve come back from Christmas break, it’s just been one, it just seems, just everyone really being… we’re grateful, and we’re just so happy to be together. And there’s like… that’s rare. I know how rare that is. And that’s, you know, just beautiful on every level. And so, again, I just feel, I’m counting my blessings and really just enjoying it. And along the way, I think they’ve been able to sort of create the style of a show that has its own unique kind of look. Now, whether it catches on or not is whatever. I still am very impressed with what they’ve been able to do with, how they’ve executed the actual show itself, the regional aspect of it has been very impressive.

FF – Right! I can’t wait to see it! I’ve heard just so many interesting things about it. The looks and even the camera angles and the lighting on it. And, of course, you know, that’s my big thing. So I’m really looking forward to seeing it and finding how it’s different from other shows. And what these guys did to make it just a unique show. That’s cool.

LF – Yeah, it’s very cool.

Motive guest stars

Listen to the sound clip here:

LF – Our show is really kind of… it’s a wonderful show to do, for the guest stars. It’s a lot of fun stuff for them to do. And we are the detectives in real time trying to solve the case, you know what I mean? So. A lot of the character and the stuff like that happens in those story lines, which is great. And we’ve been able to get some great people doing guest work. And it’s been really nice for me to sort of re-acquaint myself with Canadian talent which is always super impressive, so that’s pretty cool.

FF – Right. Well, and both Peter Kelamis and Patrick Gilmore. Yeah!

LF – And Patrick Gilmore! Yeah!

FF – So that’s excellent. So we see a couple familiar faces that I’m looking forward to seeing. That’s awesome!

LF – Yes, yes, yes!

Felipe vs Oscar

Q: How do Felipe, your character in “Touch”, and Oscar compare?

Listen to the sound clip here:

LF – Felipe was very different. Felipe was very endearing and Felipe was very passionate. Felipe wore his heart on his sleeve. Vega – not so much. Vega’s very sort of a, he’s more like, Vega reminded me a little bit more of Young-ish, in a way.

In that he has this very… he’s very strong-valued, and he’s very ethical in his own way. He’s not as judgmental as Young perhaps was in any way, but he certainly doesn’t apologize for who he is.

But he’s nowhere near the sort of endearing bleeding heart that, you know, Felipe was just the sort of, you know, I just love, I want love, and believe in love, and love, love, love!


DVD: SGU Season One – Episode Ten “Justice” part 1 Commentary with Director William Waring, actors Louis Ferreira, Brian J Smith, Elyse Levesque and Jamil Walker Smith, and script coordinator Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. Transcript by Casey.

Note: Commentaries are recorded while the actors, directors and producers watch the episode and provide their insight into its filming. There are often multiple conversations taking place at the same time as well as the episode soundtrack playing the background. We will attempt to piece those conversations together to decrease reader confusion. At times, the commentators get caught up watching an episode and fail to discuss which will be noted as [episode soundtrack]. We will note scene progression by first sentence using the GateWorld transcript of the episode for tracking purposes.

Listen to the sound clip here:

[Episode opening scenes, a variety of recap shots from the earlier episodes.]

BJS – Recap!

JWS – I love the intro.

BJS – Oh, yes, we have to introduce ourselves.

LF – That’s right. We’re actually… we’ve wrapped the season, and we’re at my house, Louis Ferreira’s, watching an episode called Justice.

BJS – Directed by…

JWS – None other than…

WW – Me, Will Waring, sitting here. (laughs)

JWS – Will Waring is in the building (laughs) Yeah!

BJS – He is in the house!

LF – Special guest of honor ladies and gentlemen! That is a thrill!

JWS – Yeah! Special guest of honor!

WW – We have to go around and everybody introduce everybody.

JWS – I know, start with you, Brian.

BJS – All right, hi, I’m Brian J. Smith. (heavy emphasis on the J)

EL and JWS – Ooooh! (cat calls)

JWS – Oooooh! What’s the J, ladies, What’s the J?!

EL – What’s the J?!

JWS – It’s a mystery!

BJS – It’s a mystery!

EL – It’s a mystery!

(all laugh)

WW – Okay, and I’m Will, and we have…

LF – I am Louis Ferreira! (Deep, silly voice, with several middle names)

JWS – I am Jamil Walker Smith.

EL – Et je m’apelle Elyse Marie Levesque.

JWS – Oooh!

EL – It’s getting hot in here.

LF – Oooh. That is an awesome German!

WW – And here we are watching Justice.

JWS – Here we are.

EL – It was Chinese, actually.

[Scene: DESTINY’S MESS: Franklin, Brody and Eli watching Greer taste the purple potato.]

WW – And they were shooting this, a sweet potato?

JWS – Yes.

LF – This is a good… I’ve seen this scene and I love it.

JWS – The sweet potato was actually good. And it tastes like, the color that it is. It tastes like something purple.

EL – It tastes purple? It looks like Play-doh, like that purple Play-doh,

WW – But it was actually pretty good.

JWS – Yeah, it was good.

BJS – I don’t agree.

JWS – (laughs) You didn’t like it.

BJS – I didn’t like it.

EL – I haven’t tried it. I haven’t.

BJS – I had it once and ugh.

JWS – Will tried it, right?

WW – Yep. Oh, totally. Remember, the first take you did you put so much in you couldn’t talk.

JWS – (laughs) yeah.

LF – (laughs) That sounds like Jamil. Sounds like Jamil.

[Scene: Greer steps back from the bench. GREER: Everybody try it! Dig in!]

JWS  – There’s Peter Kelamis in this scene and Jeffrey (Bowyer-Chapman) and Mark. Mark Burgess.

WW – Mark, yeah.

[Scene: Franklin, Brody and Eli each grab a piece and put it into their mouths.]

BJS – Oh, one of my favorite little moments (chuckles): Mark’s reaction.

[Scene: Franklin rubbing his tongue with a handkerchief, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.]

(everybody laughs)

LF – This is great!

BJS – He’s like scraping it off his teeth. Watch.

[Scene: Franklin and the others continue to try to get rid of the taste. GREER: Who’s on K.P. duty?]

WW – It’s funny!

BJS – (laughs) It kills me.

[Scene: Greer takes out his radio.]

BJS – All right, it’s about to get serious.

[Scene: GREER: Sergeant Spencer, you have K.P. duty and you are late.]

WW – Look, your voice just drops.

JWS – Yeah, look at that! That’s right!

LF – That’s right! That is military!

JWS – That’s military.

[Scene: Hallway. Greer storming towards Spencer’s quarters.]

JWS – There goes our hall. It’s many halls.

BJS – Will, I have a question, actually.

WW – Uh huh?

BJS – Do you specify these little snap zooms? Or is that kind of like a random thing? Like, does that just spontaneously happen?

WW – No, the camera guys, I mean both Foxy (Greg Fox) and Ryan (Ryan Purcell) are really good at picking out little moments to zoom in. And after we watch a take sometimes I’ll go – “Hey, try a little zoom on this one.” Or, this realization, just try a little bit of that. But usually it’s something all on their own.

BJS – Because it seems so spontaneous. It never seems like…

WW – And it should always feel like they’re just making the decision on the spot. He said something interesting or did something interesting, I want to see that.

BJS – Right.

WW – I want to see what’s going on in his eyes.

[Scene: Young in his quarters with Wray, Greer in Spencer’s quarters. Greer radios Young. GREER: He did not show up for duty. YOUNG: Greer, what is it?]

WW – Poor Spencer. It’s good makeup. (Bullet wound to Spencer’s head)

BJS – Yeah. I felt that bullet hole.

[GREER: He’s dead. Greer drops his radio to his side.]

JWS – Woa, look at that! (the way Greer lowers his radio to his side)

LF – Nice! I love when Greer! Hey, Will…

EL – You (JWS) have a nice profile.

LF – You (WW) haven’t seen this episode? This is the first time you’re actually watching it is on the commentary.

WW – Yeah, I’ve seen my cut and the producer’s cut but I haven’t seen it with music and visual effects.

BJS – That’s pretty cool!

EL – Wow!

LF – Watching it for the first time!

WW – So, if I get very quiet at times it’s because I’m just taking it in.

LF – (laughs) You’re just like taking it in!

BJS – That’s cool.

[Scene: Spencer’s Quarters, Young turns to T.J., we see T.J. from the space between Young’s arm and his body.]

LF – Look at that, that’s a great shot. That’s a cool shot.

EL – I love these, like, incomplete shots where you can just see snippets of people.

BJS – Yeah.

[Scene: WRAY: And no one heard the shot?]

JWS – I remember shooting this.

LF – This was the scene, this was my favorite scene! (LF and JWS laugh) This was the scene, this was the scene where we blocked it. We took the time to block it. They lit it. (JWS giggling in background as Louis tells this story) Jamil came back, they called “action” and half way through the scene they called “cut” because Jamil decided he didn’t like his mark.

(everybody laughs)

JWS – I was unpleased about it.

(lots of laughter!)

LF – That was great! Where’s Jamil? What? (mimicking Jamil) Oh, I don’t like it over there.

EL – Oh, that’s funny.

LF – That was funny.

[Scene: GREER: Whoever did this took the weapon with them. Greer looks at Wray, Wray, stunned, looks at Young.]

WW – I love the looks between you guys.

JWS – Awkward.


[Scene: Control room. Young, Eli, Scott and Rush. ELI: It-it’s unbelievable. RUSH: Is it?]

WW – What do you guys think of this room? The Apple Core room? I love it.

JWS – What’s it called?

EL – It’s great.

LF – Yeah, I love that Apple Core.

JWS – Apple Core?

WW – Apple Core.

LF – Yeah, that… that… you’re (Jamil) not there a lot.

BJS – Do you find that it’s hard to shoot in there?

WW – You could say the walls are all, like, every angle’s the same, but I love this room.

BJS – Yeah.

LF – What do you love about it?

WW – I don’t know, just the fact that it’s really easy to get cool blockings in it. The way you guys are positioned around and you’ve got so many neat angles.

EL – And there’s the consoles all in the different areas of the room.

JWS – Is it because it’s circular, you think?

BJS – I love the little, the apple core itself.

LF – Yeah, I love that.

EL – I like all the steam coming off of it.

JWS – Why am I never in this room?

LF – Because you’re, you’re better other places on the ship.

(everybody laughs)

JWS – I’m part of the outer core room! I’m good, I’m good in the gateroom.

LF – It’s when you say “Mr. Decision Maker”.

WW – This is a fun scene.

[Scene: Gateroom: the entire crew is gathered.]

EL – I love these scenes. Where you (Louis) just talk and I just get to stand there.

[Scene: Young positions himself on the steps to address the crew.]

JWS – Yeah! These are good!

LF – Oh, these are my favorite.

EL – These are the best!

JWS – It’s like when you see theater. Like, you got to just chill, and like watch.

LF – Nothing I like more than seeing those monologues written for the Colonel.

EL – Whoo! No lines today, it’s all Louis. Good day in the office!

LF – What I love is that I take all the time to learn the crazy dialogue and it’s usually only for about (laughs) I should just read it, it would be a lot easier.

EL – Yeah.


JWS – What’s it like, though…

LF – And I mean that in a great way. That would be very helpful.

[Scene: YOUNG: Mr. Brody, Lieutenant James and Doctor Park were together playing cards in the mess at the time of the murder.]

BJS – It does feel like theater, these big scenes, though.

EL – Mmhm.

JWS – Yeah, what does it feel like acting?

LF – I love that guy in the back, with the, the bald guy, he looks like he’s right out of the Blue Man Group.

JWS – Do you look at everybody when you’re up there? Do you look at everybody?

LF – I try to make eye contact with different people every time. Yeah.

JWS – These scenes take forever to shoot because you have to get coverage of everyone.

LF – There’s just so many people in it. Well, that’s the thing, it’s like…

BJS – This was up on a platform.

WW – We have to build a platform so the camera guys can get up the sides but it’s still hand held.

LF – That’s right.

BJS – Yeah but there was like, Ryan, up on scaffolding by the stairs there.

WW – I like the mad dog looks you (JWS) were sharing with Ming.

JWS – With Ming?

LF – Oh, yeah.

[Scene: FRANKLIN: You are not searching my room without me there. SCOTT: Anybody who wants to be there when their room is being searched can come along when their name is called.]

LF – I think Franklin’s great. (laughs) I love Franklin.

JWS – I like Franklin.

WW – He’s a hoot.

EL – I know.

LF – He does a great job, Mark.

JWS – He’s funny.

[Scene: view of entire gathered crew.]

LF – Look! Blue Man Group! See him?

EL – Well, I don’t know! Where is he?

LF – (laughs) When you find him you’ll see him. It’s so weird. He’s one of our background guys, he’s a great guy.

EL – Is he in back?

[Scene: SCOTT points to Franklin and Dr. Fisher. SCOTT: You two, follow me. Scott steps down and leads them out.]

LF – I love like Scott is not, (laughs) he’s just a little in over his head every time he gets into a situation.

JWS – Yeah.

BJS – Yeah.

LF – The flustered thing.

[Scene: Wray watches Greer depart.]

WW – Ming don’t trust you!

BJS – Uh uh.

LF – She don’t trust nobody.

JWS – I don’t trust her either.

EL – Yeah, she doesn’t trust anybody.

[Scene: Scott hits the wall panel outside of Franklin’s quarters and the doors slide open.]

LF – I love the sounds of the ship. Like throughout. Like the hum of the ship while we’re flying. The noise that the Stargate makes.

JWS – The door makes.

LF – All that, all those like that steel-on-metal sound that they have.

EL – Yeah, all those.

JWS – Do they remove frames? The doors look like they open and close, well, faster, when we’re watching.

WW – No, no.

LF – That’s interesting.

EL – What’s that?

JWS – (snapping his fingers) I was thinking that they may even remove a couple frames to make ‘em move faster, but they don’t.

EL – No, I don’t think so.

WW – No because if you had the handheld cameras you’d notice it. Because the whole shot would jump. If the shot was locked, you could do it.

JWS – Ahh!

LF – They just tell the guy behind, who’s opening and closing doors, “Faster!”

WW – Because we were supposed to do that in Pain when the doors blew open, when you were going to shoot Rush. But we didn’t. Because they were fast enough.

JWS – Oh.

WW – But otherwise, no, they’re just natural time.

[Scene: Wray’s Quarters. Scott searches, Wray suggests they should look at Greer as a suspect.]

EL – You guys shot this scene separately didn’t you? Like a while after, right?

BJS – Half of this scene. The last half of this scene, we did second unit.

EL – Yeah. I remember you guys were shooting it when we were doing Divided.

BJS – They wanted a different version of this speech right here.  Remember?

WW – That doesn’t ring a bell.

[Scene: Camille’s quarters. SCOTT: I’m just saying, he’s (Greer) one of the few people we can eliminate as a suspect.]

WW – Was that it?

[Scene: Wray does not look convinced by Scott’s argument.]

BJS – (laughs)

EL – Yeah, I’m pretty sure you were.

BJS – Because we shot it and when we went back, it was a second unit thing.

EL – Yeah, I remember you guys doing that.

[Scene: CONTROL INTERFACE ROOM. Rush alone. YOUNG: (via radio) Have they checked your quarters? Steam billows over Rush from apple core.]

LF – I love that!

EL – See, that looks awesome!

LF – That’s unbelievable, yeah. It’s great.

WW – That was super light lit.

JWS – It’s fumes, too.

BJS – Especially on HD.

LF – As we speak, Mr. Carlyle’s on a plane back to Scotland.

Everybody – Awww!

EL – Bobby!

BJS – Bobby!

LF – Safe flight my buddy.

EL – We miss you Bobby!

(To be continued in Ferreira Fest 39/ March 2013)

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