Published August 2012
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All newsletters up to Ferreira Fest 44 (including this one) used an off-site image storage system that is now unfortunately defunct.
This means that most photos in these newsletters have been lost.
Whenever possible, photos have been added afterwards.
Once again it’s the 20th of the month, and that means it’s time for Ferreira Fest, the monthly celebration of the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! We have interview snippets, screen caps, transcripts and more, so grab a pineapple drink at the open bar and come on in – everyone is welcome! And don’t miss Louis on “Breaking Bad” this week and next week!

Louis was on Breaking Bad last night!!! It came as a total surprise, since originally he was supposed to be in two episodes late in the season. Now it looks like those two episodes are the third- and second-to-last, respectively, of the first half of Season 5, not the end of the season. Apologies if you missed the episode – and luckily there will be reruns and another one next week! We’ve uploaded a few quick screencaps. Louis plays a rival meth dealer. The episode is “Buyout“, and next week’s is “Say my name”. Louis was in the short preview for it. There are sneak peek vids on the Breaking Bad website but no information about guest artists, and no photos or clips of Louis (yet). We will update Ferreira Fest as we find out more. Meanwhile, mark your calendars for Sunday August 26 10pm on AMC – as always, check your local listings! If you caught the episode and/ or are planning to record the next one and can make screencaps, please let us know and we’ll will make a special post here on Ferreira Fest.
Please note: reruns of Louis’ episode “Buyout” are scheduled for this week on AMC so program your DVRs and DVD recorders (please check your local listings for exact air times):
Thursday August 23 1am
Thursday August 23 4:34am
Airtimes for the next episode “Say My Name” are as follows (again, please check your local listings!):
Sunday August 26 10pm
Sunday August 26 11:34pm
Monday August 27 1:38am
Thursday August 30 1am
Thursday August 30 4:34am
And a bonus screencap to whet your appetite!

From the “Dancing Still” Facebook page:
“We are so thrilled to announce that “Dancing Still” has been accepted into the prestigious, Academy-qualifying, LA Shorts Film Festival… Sept 6-13!!! Screening date-time-place to follow…”
Congratulations, Ingrid, Rob, Louis and Jeff! It’s a well-deserved honor, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that the movie does well!
Dancing Still is set to screen on September 7 at 5:30pm. If anyone’s in LA during that time, please attend and report back to Ferreira Fest!

Next up, for all you Twitter-heads out there, here is an assignment: Agi found the following conversation on Twitter. Your mission – should you chose to accept it (and you will! Right?) – is to track down the lady who went to summer camp with Louis and obtain the picture she’s talking about! Or ask her to please contact me at and we will negotiate with her so we can all share the goodness here!

And one more Tweet – totally random…

Another picture from Louis’ photo shoot at last year’s Dragon*Con has surfaced – it is with Laura Boyle.
Thanks for sharing!

And since Mr. Mallozzi has so kindly given Ferreira Fest special permission to post his Louis pictures, here’s another goodie. Thank you, Joe!

Since we had Louis’ boots last month and Louis in his Colonel Young uniform above, here is the actual suit Louis wore in SGU’s “Air Part 1”, in the scenes prior to the evacuation from Icarus base. To our knowledge, this was the only Icarus suit that came with a belt.
Where can you get your own Icarus suit? This one came from eBay. There aren’t any more left, so at least you have the pictures here as the next best thing. You can probably make your own if you’re the crafty kind and can find a similar suit to start out with. The Icarus patch is occasionally available on eBay; the other insignia can be hand-made from pictures.
Click on the thumbnails for large versions. The pictures of the pants looked better without the flash, so that’s why they appear a little different.

This month Kimmy made screencaps for the episode “Scott Free” from the TV series “The Pretender”. Lots and lots of great caps, and Louis gets to play a dad again. Thanks for the beautiful caps, Kimmy! Click here or on the screen cap to see the whole collection.

Breaking Bad, The American Dream, Goola City – Louis has been busy! He’s still on vacation for a little longer, so here are some Q & As from our last conversation a few weeks ago.
The first two have pretty poor sound quality as Louis was in the car and had the phone on speaker, and the last three are from that fiendishly early morning phone call where he was really really tired,
Due to all the highway robbery of copyrighted files there will only be embedded clips again; if you wish to have the actual file to download for your personal use only, please drop a note at and I will get them to you. Thanks for understanding.
Breaking Bad
Listen to the sound clip here:
Q: What can you tell us about BREAKING BAD?
LF: A great coup for any actor because it’s dealing with the kind of show that is recognized as a quality Emmy award-winning type show. You know that’s what every actor tries to be a part of. Every once in a while you get lucky. I was grateful.
I had auditioned in Vancouver and thought there was no way I would get it, and when the offer came in I was only too thrilled to do it and all I can tell you is that I was thrilled to be a part of that show, and having worked with the actors, especially Bryan Cranston. I was very very grateful for that. I can also say that the first time I went out to shoot I was feeling faint and my throat was seizing up and I was like, what’s going on? And they told me it takes several days to get acclimated to the altitude. I was having major headaches and they told me it was normal that was going on, so it was frustrating for me cause I thought I was swimming in my head!
But I enjoyed myself thoroughly. What a great group of people, and it’s always nice when you’re part of that kind of show and people are as nice as they are and a stellar cast, a stellar group. I have nothing but nice things to say about it, so it went well.
The American Dream
Listen to the sound clip here:
Q: How did you get involved in Jamil’s movie “The American Dream”?
LF: Jamil just asked me – I’m Papa Smurf and he wanted me to do that voice part of it, so we just recorded it at a friend’s house and I’d do anything for my Jamil, so he just asked me straight out.
FF: So it was basically something you did on the side?
LF: Yeah yeah, Jamil and I we were working together on Stargate and he was like “Hey Papa Smurf, would you mind doing this for me?” and I was like, of course! So we’re sitting at a friend’s house and we recorded it. He was very awesome as he directed me.
FF: It’s a great movie. I really enjoyed it.
LF: I thought it was a great movie myself.
Note: Jamil’s movie is absolutely worth watching – it’s not something you will easily forget. With its quiet intensity and subtle humor throughout most of the film the latter part will grab you with an iron fist and won’t let you go. It’s brilliant storytelling, pure and simple. Louis has a voiceover in the movie – he’s in it towards the very end, and he plays an Armed Forces recruiter, but you can’t miss that voice. As mentioned last month, Ming-Na also has a voiceover part; she plays an admissions counselor for a film school. And guess who has a big role in it as well? None other than our friend Bradley Stryker! More reasons to watch it!
The movie was originally published under the title “Make a Movie like Spike” and it has been re-titled “The American Dream” for its official DVD release. You can purchase the DVD here.

Goola City
Listen to the sound clip here:
LF: I did record “Goola City”
FF: Yeah, so let’s talk about that.
LF: Goola City was done over two days and (yawns) it was fun for me – the first day I was actually a little bit nervous, cause I was like, this is something I wasn’t used to and they move incredibly fast – like we literally recorded the entire movie in a day.
FF: Wow.
LF: Then I went back day two to tweak and I get to go back again cause it is kind of a specific character with a certain sound and I felt that was challenging for me but in a good way and I enjoyed it. But the people were super super nice and it’s certainly one of the things I’m glad I did it. I can say that I did it.
FF: Yeah!
LF: So it’s just another one of those Actor Bucket List days I have… (yawns)
FF: Now, you said since you’re playing a jazz monkey you’re actually singing in that, too? Was that also part of that?
LF: I sing a little bit. Actually, that’s not true. I go back and I’m gonna record an entire song that’s very long, so yes, there’s some singing in it.
FF: Oh, awesome! Well, I’m sure a lot of people will look forward to that because that’s for your first CD, right? Remember? When you’re gonna do that?
LF: Oh yeah, right, right, right…
FF: We’re gonna put that on there!
“Touch” Auditions
Listen to the sound clip here:
Q: Do you remember what scene from the episode you actually auditioned with for “Touch”?
LF: Ah, yes, I auditioned the scene where I first meet her. When I ask her to go to the beach with me. There was another one but I don’t remember the other one as much.
Ferreira Fest
Listen to the sound clip here:
Q: After getting over the initial shock of knowing there’s a fan club for you, I’m sure you were excited to be involved (as the rest of us are), were you at first nervous and why/ why not?
LF: It still doesn’t register to me as a fanclub. It’s a weird thing to think of it that way for me. I think when I was meeting you there, and you had put so much work into something as a side thing, as a hobby almost, I was just… It seemed like an easy thing for me to participate in since all these people that did participate in it were… I was just flattered and I was like, I just wanted to participate in it. I know that a lot of actors do that and they – it’s just part of my, it reminds me of how my mother would have raised me with my blue collar mentality.
We’re all, we’re all just people trying to figure out our lives. My whole goal right now is to hopefully use the life that I’ve had which is a pretty challenging one on a lot of levels, and give back. That’s why things like The Daily Love and looking for those causes that we wanna be part of are sort of the thing that are really speaking to me, you know?
Like, right now it’s about Camp Dada, it’s really about me being able to give to my daughter and to my son – that’s when I’m happiest. It was yet another way of me just going, oh, this is about me giving back and if I can make someone smile or make someone feel inspired for a little bit amidst the hardship that our lives are, then that’s a good feeling if I do that even with one person, and I’m not beyond that, so… I guess that’s what it was really more about for me.

Special feature: SGU episode “Water” commentaries transcript, part 2 by Kimmy
DVD: SGU Season One – Episode Six “Water” Commentary with Louis Ferreira, Brian J Smith, Elyse Levesque, episode Director Will Waring and script coordinator Lawren Bancroft-Wilson.Note: Commentaries are recorded while the actors, directors and producers watch the episode and provide their insight into its filming. There are often multiple conversations taking place at the same time as well as the episode soundtrack playing the background. We will attempt to piece those conversations together to decrease reader confusion. At times, the commentators get caught up watching an episode and fail to discuss which will be noted as [episode soundtrack]. We will note scene progression by first sentence using the GateWorld transcript of the episode for tracking purposes.
Listen to the sound clip here:
[Scene: CHLOE’S QUARTERS: GREER: You. Next.]
Louis Ferreira: (laughing) Yeah!!! I love that line. Your turn. I love that.
Will Waring: That would scare me. That would scare me..
Elyse Leveque: He’s so cool.
[Scene soundtrack: breathing noises – Young and Scott in space suits on ice planet]
WW: Now, once they put the fans in those suits, did it make it any better?
LF: Yeah, it helped.
Brian J Smith: Yeah. Yeah.
LF: It helped.
WW: But it’s still crazy hot.
BJS: Well, the problem though, too, but then the problem with the fans is that you have to do so much ADR (Automated Dialogue Recording). Because the fans—
EL: Oh, so you guys had to do so much ADR on this?
LF: Do you remember what we would do between shots here? We would run outside and they had gotten these two chairs that we were able to lie down on.
BJS: Yeah.
LF: Because it was so strenuous on the back and like your joints.
BJS: Well, they pull; the thing that killed me was the shoulders. They really pulled the shoulders down. [Scene soundtrack: WALLACE: So what are we talking about? Like, one little cloud of bugs, or are they all over the ship?]
LF: Ha ha ha ha ha. (laughing)
BJS: That’s a good line.
EL: It was. I liked it.
[Scene soundtrack: WALLACE: Yeah, I have a problem with everything you just said.]
LF: I like this scene. David made me laugh.
[Scene Soundtrack plays through this point without comment: WALLACE (anxiously): OK, so now we’ve got aliens. What if they start bursting out of our stomachs?]
BJS: That’s an oddly prophetic line.
EL: It’s awesome.
LF: So, Will, you’re doing the show, it’s your first episode. It’s a very different show. At what point do you start feeling good about what you’re seeing? Or was it kind of weird for you, going “Oh my gosh, this is so different from the other…?”
WW: First day. First, middle of the first scene of the first day.
LF: You were like already convinced you were doing something cool?
WW: Absolutely. Yeah.
LF: Really?
EL: Was I in that first scene of that first day? I think I was.
WW: I think you were.
LF: (laughing) High Five (hand slap) When you’re with Elyse that would always do it.
WW: When you start realizing that you don’t got to worry about where the cameras are gonna go and that, you can just go again and watch you guys. You’re just totally captivated by watching each and every one of you. Which is cool, which doesn’t always happen.
[Scene soundtrack: WALLACE: That we’ve got aliens?!]
LF: (laughing) I love…I love Blue and that line. (Imitating David Blue) “That we’ve got aliens!”
BJS: (laughter)
LF: It’s like so—it’s so fantastic.
BJS: We love you, Blue.
EL: (laughter)
LF: We love that line. I don’t know what he sounds like, it sounds like someone. It feels like, um—it’s almost like, um, Billy Crystal.
BJS: I went to school—
EL: Oh yeah!
LF: It’s Billy Crystal to me.
BJS: I went to school with guys like him.
EL: No, he hates me but I always think of Nathan Lane.
LF: Oh, Nathan Lane is a good one too.
EL: He hates me for that.
LF: He loves his musical theatre. I don’t care what he tells you. He loves his musical theatre.
[Scene: DESTINY CORRIDOR. Corporal Gorman is walking along.]
BJS: Aw, this right here is great. I love this. [Scene soundtrack: gunfire, music sounds like angry bees swarming as aliens attack Corporal Gorman]
BJS: Aw, I feel it. I feel it.
LF: (acting like he’s being attacked by alien bugs) E-ah, oh, AHHHHH (gurgling yells)
BJS: (joins in with yell acting) Ahhh!
EL: That’s so hard to act, though. Like, pretending that nothing is there. Like nothing is there and you have to act that.
LF: (gurgle acting with the scene) It’s so great. Yeah. (more gurgle acting)
BJS: Oh, it’s going in his mouth.
WW: You’ve got to describe what it is. Yeah.
EL: He did such a good job. Such a good job.
BJS: I love this shot right here.
LF: I live the way it cuts out. Yeah. This is great.
EL: It feels like a horror movie.
BJS: Like you stay on it. Awwwww.
EL: Like, it feels like a horror movie.
WW: That was fun.
LF: That was a commercial break by the way, which was an awesome one. You’re like I gotta come back. [In the Gateroom, the hover board drifts through the open Stargate.] And this, how great is that. That liquid puddle sound. [Scene soundtrack: off-loading ice from kino sled]
EL: I need to be restrained.
LF: We just wrapped the entire season. We’re pretty excited. How do you feel?
BJS: Believe it or not, those, those suits are not air tight. They are not air tight.
EL: Proud. I’m so proud.
LF: I’m very proud too. That’s the word. How do you feel, Brian? You just wrapped an entire season on your first show.
BJS: Ah, it’s not real yet. It’s not real yet.
LF: Oh yeah. Still not real? Yeah.
BJS: It still feels like we’re going back to work next week.
EL: I know it.
LF: It is weird, a weird feeling.
EL: It’s gonna be sad when you guys are gone and I’m here all by myself.
[Scene soundtrack: RUSH: Corporal Gorman is alive. Lieutenant Johansen is attending to him now.]
BJS: I watched them shoot this scene. I remember thinking it was really great performances by both of them.
LF: Yeah, I love Blue and Rush here.
[Scene soundtrack: SCOTT (to Young): No, I doubt those things I saw were dangerous, sir. They … they helped me.]
LF: Eli is the audience essentially. He’s like the guy, like if you won the lotteries and, or if you were the person chosen and you’re the, you know, amidst this world, he’s, he’s your POV (point of view).
EL: Absolutely.
LF: And I love that sometimes he’s unaware of, sort of where he’s at, like this whole thing here, is about him just not, just, he’s just so blatantly honest in a weird kind of way.
BJS: He’s socially retarded.
LF: Yeah (laughing).
EL: Slightly harsh, but yeah, yeah something like that.
[Scene soundtrack: Gate shuts down]
WW: You need the fart machine while you’re doing this.
LF: Oh, the fart machine.
EL: Yeah, I know. That’s the last thing Louis needs.
BJS: I miss the fart machine.
EL: I think I mentioned that at some point in one of the other commentaries.
BJS: Have I mentioned lately how awesome Bobby is? I mean, he’s just… ridiculous.
[Scene soundtrack: RUSH (sternly): I said “we”.]
EL: I love that he just, like tells him off, then okay, come help me again.
BJS: Yeah, it’s like it’s… I like that relationship. He’s still dependent on this sort of, like, little Amadeus.
EL: Yep.
[Scene: GREER: I say we torch ’em.]
LF: I love the torch.
WW: Jamil’s flame thrower.
LF: I love the flame thrower. And he’s like “I love it” and he moves like he wants a friend.
EL: Yeah, I know. He wants a friend to everybody but—
LF: Hey, hey, hey, I want to be friends with you.
WW: That flame thrower only shot about three feet. Because we didn’t want to give Jamil one that would shoot further.
BJS: (Laughter) Oh right.
EL: What’s that Will?
WW: The flame thrower only shoots three feet and the viz (visual) effects make it go further.
EL: Oh really? I thought that was the real deal.
BJS: It’s really funny. There’s something funny about Greer with this improvised flame thrower. There’s something, like, kind of ridiculous about it in the most awesome way.
EL: Yeah.
BJS: He’s kind of strutting around with it.
LF: There’s a beat here.
[Scene soundtrack: JOHANSEN: And, Sergeant? No torching!]
LF: (evil laughing)
EL: Yeah, right. You know that’s exactly what’s he’s gonna do.
LF: Bobby does something later that makes me laugh.
[Scene: PLANET. The men have returned to the frozen waterfall. Scott is on his knees cutting up a large chunk of ice with the plasma cutter]
BJS: This was an actual plasma cutter, right here.
WW: Actual plasma cutter.
LF: I remember.
BJS: With an actual piece of ice.
EL: Oh really.
BJS: And look how real that ice looks compared to the rest of the ice. It’s awesome. I mean that’s some real, like—
LF: I think that they’ve done an amazing job with all the…the one I’m lifting there is about… good job.
BJS: You know. I think the fake ice—
WW: The fake ice looks pretty good.
BJS: The fake ice is more real than the real ice.
LF: That thing I lifted was light as a feather.
BJS: That’s always the worst when you have to lift something heavy. It’s not heavy.
LF: (exaggerated pronunciation) ACTING! (laughter) Jon Lovitz. What did he do, what was that thing? THESPIAN! (exaggerated pronunciation) What was that? Remember that? I forget what it was. He had the greatest skit on Saturday Night Live.
Lawern Bancroft-Wilson: ACTING!
LF: (exaggerated pronunciation) ACTING!
[Scene soundtrack: Rush: You have to get them off the ship.]
BJS: (laughs) I love the way he says that.
LF: I love how he keeps challenging her.
BJS: Yeah.
EL: Yeah.
LF: Like with the whole like…
BJS: Like good luck. Let’s see how you handle this one, Girly.
[Scene soundtrack: JOHANSEN: Sergeant Greer, come in.]
LF: My favorite line.
[Scene soundtrack: GREER (into radio): I’m a little busy right now.]
(They all laugh uproariously)
EL: He’s going to be the most quoted character, I think on the show.
LF: (mimicking Greer’s line) I’m a little busy right now. I love it.
[Scene soundtrack: RUSH (into radio): Don’t antagonize them.]
LF: Watch Bobby’s reaction with… [Scene soundtrack: GREER: “I won’t … unless they antagonize me first.” Louis refers to Bobby Carlyle’s hand movement with the radio to Greer’s response] Did you see that? I love that. He thinks the money’s like… “Oh my god, what am I going to do with this guy.” That’s my favorite.
WW: Here comes the flame thrower.
EL: I didn’t even notice that.
LF: Yeah, that’s my favorite little beat. [Scene: Instantly the ice shatters beneath Scott’s feet and he plunges into a narrow crevasse. Young turns around in shock as Scott screams out.]
BJS: Whooaaaaa!!
EL: Wow. How did you guys shoot that?
LF: That was a great effect. I remember being there.
WW: That worked out nice.
BJS: Stunt double.
LF: That worked great.
EL: Like was it viz effects or an actually a set?
WW: And well…two sets.
LF: Two sets.
BJS: This is a set.
WW: This set. And you got the crevasse set where you can look up in and this set right now is actually four feet above the floor. So you fall through.
EL: Oh wow.
BJS: Crevasse set was like how many feet high?
LF: It was like twenty feet. Yeah.
WW: About twenty, twenty-two high.
LF: Twenty feet. Yeah.
EL: No really? So Bri did you have to be wedged into that? Did you have to go into that?
LF: I remember when Brian was lodged in there for the first time, you hated it. You were like, remember you were like claustrophobic in there. Big time.
WW: Totally claustrophobic.
BJS: For the first time when I went in there, I had a freak-out moment. I did.
LF: Yeah. He freaked, and rightly so.
BJS: Because the suits in themselves are pretty—
LF: Claustrophobic to begin with, yeah.
BJS: –they can induce claustrophobia but when you’re in one, this situation right here and you’re being hung on a wire and it takes like a good forty-five seconds to pull you out, no one can help you. If you panic, you’re—
LF: Yeah, and you were… And wait, so you’re not only in a space suit, you’re in this tight little crevasse and you are harnessed. Weren’t you harnessed?
LBW: And you’re suspended above everyone else twenty feet.
WW: And sometimes suspended on a wire.
EL: My god.
WW: And sometimes we…and at one point we brought that little lift in there to stand on.
BJS: Which was really great.
LF: Yeah, that made the difference.
BJS: Yeah.
LF: That made you feel a lot better.
BJS: Well, because the harness also cuts off, if you’re just hanging there for as long as were shooting it, it cuts off the blood flow to your feet and your legs.
LBW: (laughs) Your—
BJS: But that being said, um, I remember the producers gave us a bottle of wine and a free massage.
LF: Aw right, we got the massage. We got like, yeah.
EL: Oh really, ohhh…
WW: Nice.
EL: Well earned.
LF: Which I’ve yet to use. Have you used yours yet? (laughter)
BJS: No. (laughter)
LF: Yeah, me neither.
EL: No. Oh my gosh, I would have used it. Gosh.
LF: I know, we both have yet. I figured it’s a Christmas gift.
[Scene soundtrack: another earthquake tremor shakes the area. – rumbling sound]
EL: I’m always amazed how they make it look like it’s vibrating. Is that just purely camera work?
LF: I don’t–
WW: No, the Viz effects will do that after.
LF: It’s amazing isn’t it?
EL: Really?
WW: The camera guys might do a little bit but it never looks— It doesn’t have the frequency, the high pitch.
BJS: Man, you gotta watch this show in HD.
WW: This I think is a big difference.
LF: Huge difference. It’s beautiful.
EL: It really does.
WW: I mean the difference from watching this from when we saw it an hour ago when it aired because it doesn’t air in HD.
LF: Right no, yeah. Which by the way, if anybody from SPACE Canada is watching, “for the love of god, get HD.”
BJS: (laughing) Yeah.
LF: You know what I mean? Like, get with it.
EL: (laughing) yeah. Hear, hear.
BJS: You, the texture, the detail—
EL: This kind of show is shot for HD.
LF: Well, if you want to compete in the market that’s out there why wouldn’t you compete in HD format? But what do I know? (evil laughter)
(General laughter from group)
LF: We’ve just, uh, said goodbye to Jamil who’s on his way to LA tomorrow.
BJS: Yeah.
LF: Significant.
EL: I’m gonna miss that guy.
LF: Aww. I love my Jamil.
[Scene: Greer turns and nods to his team, then starts to climb the ladder.]
EL: He’s so opposite his character.
WW: Watch this. He goes one-handed up this ladder.
LF: Um-hm. What?
WW: That’s tough. I tried that. It’s tough.
EL: He goes one-handed up that ladder?
[Scene soundtrack: YOUNG: Yeah, that’s good thinking. There’s no way the bullets will ricochet into your ass!]
BJS: You changed that line. Remember that?
LF: I don’t remember.
BJS: On that day, that, that. “There’s no way the bullets will ricochet into your ass.” It was written different.
LF: I think it was probably, yeah.
BJS: You actually on the day, you had a, ah, you had an idea.
LF: Yeah, yeah.
[Scene soundtrack: Another tremor starts. – rumbling sounds]
LF: This tremor stuff is wild, eh?
EL: Yeah.
BJS: I would love to see the guys who poured dirt into like a bowl to get that like falling snow sound. You know what I mean?
General laughter from group.
BJS: No, no a little less rock. A little less rock.
EL: (laughter) The walla. All the walla. Yeah.
[Scene: Chloe is sitting and listening to music through earphones plugged into a portable media player.]
EL: What am I listening too? (laughter) It kinda sounds, like Asian-like.
LF: Asian Country Music.
EL: Asian Fusion. [Scene soundtrack: ARMSTRONG: I thought we were supposed to be confined to quarters.]
EL: I love this scene for Julia (Benson). And I love the choice on behalf of the writers—
LF: Yeah.
EL: –to have her come in and inform me of what’s going on. It’s strong. It’s a strong choice.
LF: Oh dear. Do you see, do you see?
BJS: I like this… It’s nice to have—
LF: Do you see?
EL: I think it’s nice to have, like, you know. You imagine, like, stuff is going to go down between those two, but instead it’s like a very grown up way of dealing with this choice.
LF: Was this grown up?
EL: I think so.
LF: You thought that was grown up?
EL: For James, I thought that was incredibly grown up.
LF: Really?
EL: Yeah. (laughter) What. You’re shaking your head. What? What? What?
LF: (laughter) I’m just messing with you.
EL: Share your thoughts. Share your thoughts, it’s open mike.
LF: No. I’m just wondering. I’m just saying I could just literally see, uh, Scott’s —
BJS: What?
(EL and LF are laughing)
WW: What was that?
LF: (laughing) —that was just – I’m just saying it was all about… You know she seems sad about the loss.
EL: Yeah, yeah, of course.
LF: That’s all.
EL: Yeah, absolutely. But I think it was an interesting choice other than having her be angry about it.
LF: Sure. Sad about—
EL: It’s different.
LF: Yeah.
EL: She takes the high road.
LF: Yeah.
EL: Okay, next scene.
(General silly laughter.)
To be continued in Ferreira Fest 33 next month!

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:
Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.
Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.
Contact or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!
We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!
Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.
We hope to see you all next month!