Ferreira Fest 024

Published December 2011
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

Welcome, everyone! It’s time for Ferreira Fest 24, the once-a-month newsletter of the Official Louis Ferreira Fan Club! Please join us for Louis news, a con report, interviews, screencaps and much more as we celebrate the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis). Grab a pineapple drink at the free bar and join us!


First of all, here is a message from Louis for all of his friends out there:

Happy Holidays and every happiness to everyone, and best wishes for the new year!

He’s spending the holidays on the family farm near Toronto. He took the four dogs and the cat with him, and they are all having a good time. Louis is hiking, relaxing, and enjoying being with his family and daughter.

We have a lot of ground to cover today, so let’s get this party started!

Breaking News: great news for all Louis fans (and for Louis, too!): he just finished shooting an episode of NCIS called “A Desperate Man“. It should air sometime early next year, within the next few months. Louis enjoyed his time on NCIS tremendously.

He writes: “I am loving NCIS; they are a great family over there who know how blessed they are… I feel blessed to be on that set.”

He also said that Mark Harmon, who he loved working with, shares a nickname with him. On the Stargate Universe set Louis was affectionately known as “Papa Smurf”, which, incidentally, is what the NCIS cast calls Mark Harmon as well. Whoever spots the first air date of this NCIS episode, please be sure to let us know so we can all watch it together!

ADDENDUM: Agi wins that prize: The episode will air on Tuesday January 10 at 8pm EST on CBS. See the comments below for more info and SPOILERS.


As promised, here is the final day of Dragon*Con 2011 – Monday September 4, 2011.

Bea reports:
The three of us who had made the trek to Atlanta got up early to get a good spot in line for the last SGU panel. David Nykl from SGA was moderating, and first David Blue came out, pretending to be terribly hung over. The crowd’s laughter turned to frantic cheers when Louis wobbled on stage, carrying an “unconscious” Patrick Gilmore over his shoulder! And Patrick is a pretty good sized hunk of a man! Everyone was duly impressed.

Louis spent a portion of the panel sitting out in the audience with us to get the con attendant’s perspective, which created a good amount of giggles around him (here’s a picture by taelcat).

When he joined his friends on the stage again they all sat in front of the panel tables, which gave the whole event a very personal and relaxed atmosphere. When asked about the TJ/ Young relationship Louis “answered” by doing a little Dirty Dancing, which was pretty hilarious, but we knew exactly what he was saying there. He admitted he wasn’t much of a drinker and at one point he secretly untied David Blue’s shoe.

It was so refreshing to see these guys interact with each other – they were so at ease with everything and comfortable. At the end the con photographer took a picture of the panelists and audience together. If anyone can find this picture on the Dragon*Con website, please let us know!
They all mingled with the crowd for a short while afterwards and then we had to leave the room for the next scheduled event. Here are a few official Dragon*Con pictures of the panel.

rwillia532 posted a bunch of nice pictures from the panel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (links are active and you can download various image sizes)
Here is a Con report by Trish Myers about her top 10 favorite moments – Louis makes the list!
And one by Whitney Perkins that also mentions Louis as a highlight.
And a nice picture posted by JScarb1992. (link is still active and different downloads are available)
Shawn Hill got a picture of himself with Louis, too. (link is still active and different downloads are available)

And here are the absolutely fabulous pictures Agi took at Dragon*Con this year. Thanks so much for allowing us to post the link to your collection!

Thanks to everybody who sent in links to share!

We ran into Louis a short while later in one of the catering areas and told him how much we enjoyed his panels. He said he had fun with them, and that he can’t understand those actors who sit there and pontificate about their art, when it’s really all about meeting the fans.

Obviously, Louis did just that, and taelcat saw him on the dance floor at the Hard Rock Cafe later that evening.

Finally we went to see him at his autograph table, and as usual frantic and disorganized people shoved us around from line to line, and when we finally reached the room there were hardly any people for the SGU folks anyway. As Agi commented: “They need to hire a grad student for this thing. They know how to organize!”

Louis, Patrick and David took their time with their smattering of visitors, so that was good – we didn’t have to get whipped through like cattle. As always, Louis graciously signed everything we had brought plus a few extra things, which was very nice of him.

One of the organizers came by and said it was such a shame that Louis had to play such a dour role in SGU. That didn’t sit too well with three Young fans and the guy who played him for two years! We all disagreed with her – because Young certainly had his moments, and the character’s tendency seemed to be going towards a little more lightheartedness. Alas, we will never find out for sure.

We agreed to keep in touch about getting the official fanclub rolling, Eszter got a kiss on the cheek, and then we left and chilled out in our little balcony for a while. Later on Louis passed by a level further down and we waved and he blew us kisses.

Generally, that’s how a con encounter ends – with a promise and no follow-up. Obviously, Louis is not your average guy, because we are working on Ferreira Fest together now! And let me tell you, it is quite an out of this world experience to forget to set your alarm and be woken by a phone call from Louis!

So that’s our cue to report on the future of Ferreira Fest.


We now own the domain name louisferreira.org which will be the home of the new Fanclub Website, where Ferreira Fest will become the monthly newsletter, in the same format you’re used to, but we will also have pages for biographical info, a filmography, photo gallery and discussion forum. Louis will be actively involved in the content of the site, and we’re already planning the next three months at this point. Most of all we want to get Louis’ preferred charity project going – stay tuned for more info over the next few issues! We’ve started an “Ask Louis” collection where you can leave your questions (keep it clean, please) and we will ask him next time we get a chance and then post his replies here.

More great news: IMDB now lists Ferreira Fest as the Official Fan Site for Louis! Be sure to check it out next time you’re over there – it’s in the links section below the credits listing.


Our resident Twitter spy ashimon  found some messages from James Bamford (stunt coordinator on SGU) and Brian J. Smith (Matthew Scott on SGU) regarding Louis:

JamesBamford James Bamford  
On the way out for a nice dinner with my good friend Louis Ferrara…..yes, that Col. Young guy. Looking forward to a good laugh….

@OneDestiny82 Joanna
@BrianJacobSmith do you know how Louis Ferreira is doing after SGU? Loved him in SGU, especially the chemistry between you, Loui and Carlyle

ConanGradson Conan Gradson
@OneDestiny82 @BrianJacobSmith I saw the two of them walking around Granville Island in Vancouver today chatting it up. They seemed good.

Agi also found a few exchanges from Peter Kelamis (Adam Brody on SGU) who was dog sitting for Louis over the Thanksgiving Holiday:

1) connie_point Connie Point
@PeterKelamis How’re you doing? Big plans for Thanksgiving in the US?

PeterKelamis Peter Kelamis
@connie_point Keeping it pretty low key…we are Dog sitting Louie Ferreira’s dogs at his house…This should be funny

connie_point Connie Point
@PeterKelamis Does Louie’s dog get along well with Bugsy and Marilyn? Take some pictures of their antics for us canine-less people, please!

@PeterKelamis Peter Kelamis
connie_point They get along great, but Bugsy gets very jealous when Daddy pets other Dogs… but they will work it out…

2) PeterKelamis Peter Kelamis
Taking care of Louie Ferreira’s doggies… along with our guys… that’s 5 dogs!… Going to bed tonite will be HILARIOUS!

lisawest99 Lisa
@PeterKelamis so … where are you sleeping exactly?

@PeterKelamis Peter Kelamis
@lisawest99 …In Colonel Young’s bed…Dammit, that sounds weird now! THANKS LISA!

lisawest99 Lisa
@PeterKelamis and it should sounds weird.. I assumed you were talking care of them at YOUR place.. unless he has a bed there too ? 😉

@PeterKelamis Peter Kelamis
@lisawest99 …you are making weirder…I meant at HIS place, while he is away…Now STOP IT! 🙂

lisawest99 Lisa@ @PeterKelamis fine fine, just follow the usual rules, as I am sure you always do, when you share…er Stay in his bed.. clean up after 😉

(Note: Twitter messages were not corrected/ edited for spelling)


Sadly, one of Peter Kelamis’ dogs recently passed away. Louis was very sad about it, too. Most pet owners know how harrowing the death of a loved companion animal can be. Hugs to Peter!

Jamil Walker Smith (Ronald Greer on SGU) recently did an interview at Gateworld, where he mentions Louis and says some very nice things about him. It seems all of his colleagues appreciate his support during filming a great deal.

David DeLuise (Pete Shanahan on SG-1) also did a Gateworld interview where he mentions his friendship with Louis several times. They worked together some ten years ago and have remained buddies.

Alaina Huffman (Tamara Johansen on SGU) just did an interview in Australia where she talks about her recent roles, and she has a very thoughtful response about the relationship of her character Tamara Johansen with Everett Young. Alaina is close to becoming a mom for the fourth time – we’ll keep our fingers crossed that everything goes well!


If you haven’t seen the Jace Hall show, you can watch the episode with Louis here. Scroll to set 24 of 27:The Jace Hall Show: The Impulsive Froglok, Full Episode  (06:59) Louis shows up at 4:55, getting beat up by “Jane”. When I asked him about it he laughed out loud and said, oh yes, he remembered getting “beat up” by the lady, and he loved staging that little snippet!

For the movie collectors out there: you can now order your very own legitimate copy of the TV series “Letters to God” which Louis moderated. Thanks to wolfev  for this little gem!


This month we have the last batch of screenshots from “Loves Music Loves to Dance“. Yes, Louis’ character gets to rescue the girl from certain death! Thanks, Kimmy – those were a lot of caps for one movie!
**Note: all three parts have been combined into one on our Google Drive

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!

Thanks for another wonderful year of Louis goodies. Ferreira Fest has always been a great place for Louis fans to meet, and next year will be even better because Louis is now at the party as well! Best wishes for the holidays, and have a good transition into the new year.

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, there are many ways to make your voice heard:

Visit the Forum and start a discussion or participate in an existing one. Signing up is easy and hassle-free but not required for visits, and nobody there will send you spam or unwanted emails.

Leave a note in the Guestbook. Guestbook notes will get a response via email if available.

Contact  or any other staff member. Everyone is listed on the Contact Page. If you have any questions that you need answered, email is the way to go!

We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute, and there are perks associated with being a correspondent or staff member!

Please remember: all content of Ferreira Fest and indeed this entire website is copyright protected. That’s what the note on the bottom of each page says. It means that you should never re-post anything you find here elsewhere. If you absolutely must do so please contact  first so we can work things out. We all work for free here, and we all work very hard, and it’s just not fair if you steal stuff and claim it as your own. Your mom/ dad/ parental unit/ teacher already told you as much. Please play by the rules.

We hope to see you all next month!