Published November 2011
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All newsletters up to Ferreira Fest 44 (including this one) used an off-site image storage system that is now unfortunately defunct.
This means that most photos in these newsletters have been lost.
Whenever possible, photos have been added afterwards.
And once again the 20th day of the month has rolled around, and it’s time for another Ferreira Fest, the monthly celebration of the acting career of Louis Ferreira (Justin Louis)! Grab a free pineapple drink at the open bar and come on over – we have another Dragon*Con report, videos, screen caps and other goodies!

Addendum: Louis called on November 22, and he wishes everybody a Happy Thanksgiving! He is grateful for your support and is looking forward to meeting all of you at some point.

Report by Bea
After the reports of Friday and Saturday at this year’s Dragon*Con in Atlanta, today it’s the Sunday report! Thanks to Agi, coffeegirluk and Kimmy for all the links!
On Sunday Agi, Eszter and I got to sleep in a little since there was nothing of interest to us scheduled in the morning. Of course, there were dozens of programs available, but we were there for Louis and SGU, so we didn’t get started until 11:30am at the Walk of Fame, to get more autographs.
I have been to a good number of cons, but the autograph lines at Dragon*Con, at least in this area, were about the worst organized ever. There were conflicting signs, nobody knew where to line up for anything, and nervous and overstressed people kept moving us around, not knowing what to do. At one point this one organizer lady freaked out, like: “I have Misha Collins coming for autographs! It’s going to be crazy! I need more room for that line!” The three of us just looked at each other: “Who on Earth is Misha Collins?!”
As usual, there was hardly anybody with the SGU folks, so the whole lining up thing was kind of a moot point anyway. Louis was thrilled to see us and signed a bunch of posters and pictures for us. He asked us whether we had gone out partying last night. We said we’d had our own little Louis-party at the hotel room. He said he’s been in bed by 11 but his son Aidan came home at 12 midnight and woke him up, and he was unable to go back to sleep after that and had been up and about since then. “I have insomnia,” he admitted.
We told him we’d see him at the Multiverse panel, and he said he might not be there, as he felt awkward about being thrown in with all the other shows he knew little about. Needless to say we begged him to go anyway, promising that we’d be there to cheer him on. So of course he relented.
We had lunch and then went to line up for the Multiverse panel – and shockingly the line was about a mile long already – winding through the building, up a set of stairs, outside through a courtyard and half way around the block! We met a lot of friends while standing in line, and shortly before the start word came through that it was NOT a Multiverse panel – it was SGU only. We were quite happy with the news, plus the line thinned out a bit. Still, it was a huge crowd, and we sat quite far from the front but still had a good view of the panelists, and they had large projection screens on either side so we saw quite well.
Louis came out with his camera, taking pictures of the crowd and soon getting everyone to sing “Sweet Caroline” again. Patrick Gilmore, Julie McNiven and David Blue joined him, and the four of them were absolutely fantastic together. You could tell they enjoyed each other’s company. Everyone voted Louis to be the “least like his character” on SGU.
Here are some pictures of the panel by TheDelphi (click on the thumbnails for hi-res downloads of the original – links are still active):
Louis promptly ran out into the crowd to get his picture taken with a guy whose costume was, well, barely there. He almost forgot to bring his camera back! He wore a black Dr. Who t-shirt over his hoodie that his son had given to him. We had a great time and laughed so hard – Julie surprised everyone by swearing like a trucker the whole time, it was hilarious.
Luckily there is a video of the panel by thezumble and has four parts:
Enjoy! Please be sure to thank the filmmaker for sharing the videos online!
Afterwards we debated stopping by at Louis’ next photo session. We had used up our tickets, but it might be another chance to chat with him. We eventually decided against it, not wanting to be the obnoxious fan crowd. But other people sure had fun in that session! Here are some pictures from Sean Koo, arguably the biggest Stargate fan alive, who had booked double sessions with Louis and David Blue. Thanks for sharing them, Sean! Click on the thumbnails to access the original with several size downloads available (the links are still active).
We settled down in one of the countless balconies in the Hilton atrium, across from the wing where the photo sessions were located. Then we spotted Louis, leaning against the railing way across from us. We waved and he shouted “My girls!” and then he started walking, leaving his handler standing there. Would he come over to visit with us?
And yes, he did!
Plopping himself right down on the floor in our little chillout spot he didn’t realize that three fan hearts almost stopped beating. But he’s such a friendly, likeable guy, so easy to talk to, it feels immediately as if you’ve known him forever. I handed him my folder of old Louis pictures, and he had a blast looking through them, reminiscing about when they were taken.
The picture with the sneakers, he explained, was his old theatre shot, right out of high school.

His sitcom shot led to a discussion about Hidden Hills, and its unfortunate early demise, since it was a really terrific show.

I brought up the topic of an official fan club and he was all excited about it, especially when I mentioned potential charity work. “Let’s do it,” he said. He has some very specific ideas about the kinds of charities he wants to support because of his difficult childhood, once we get everything underway. He told us about buying 150 sleeping bags and going around to the homeless with his son to hand them out. It seems that when it comes to taking action, Louis is all do and little talk! And that’s how the Official Louis Ferreira Fan Club was born on a balcony on the third floor of the Atlanta Hilton Hotel!
We discussed his time on Missing and he spoke very highly of his co-star Caterina Scorsone, whom he dated at the time (talk about a couple with a cuteness factor at lethal levels!). Apparently I am a spitting image of Caterina’s mother who also happens to be a math genius and provided many of the equations in SGU!
We also talked about the Toronto film scene, and his desire to do less series TV and more movies. He’s considering living in Toronto again, where his roots are, because his daughter lives there and he has good memories of making movies like Boozecan and Blood and Donuts. And when I mentioned The Trial of Red Riding Hood he even still remembered his lines and the lyrics of the rap song he sang as MC Porker, and how much fun he had with the role!
After almost half an hour his handler came over, quite apologetic about breaking up our little private party, but he was scheduled to sign more autographs, so it was back to work for him while we just sat there, quite speechless by the whole encounter.
We went to get more stuff signed just as Louis was about to leave his autographs table, but of course he sat right back down again for us and signed everything we had. Then he was off to dinner. Lamenting his poor diet over the past few days, he said that normally he ate pretty healthy, but the con schedule he was signed up for didn’t allow for much beyond in-between snacks during the day.
And before he left he insisted on giving every one of us what he called an “evening hug” – a full body, rib-cracking embrace that left us quite breathless!
On the next Ferreira Fest: farewell to Louis – the last day of Dragon*Con.

IMDB has adjusted the release date for Louis’ latest movie Duke to 2012 (but it does have pictures now), so we have to wait a little longer to watch that one! Kimmy also reports that Louis’ Starmeter has gone up again after experiencing a dip over the last few weeks, so it seems people are looking up his profile again!
Our Twitter spy Agi found a picture that Peter Kelamis posted on Twitter, of himself, Mike Dopud and Louis having fun at Big Wang’s in North Hollywood. Classic Louis face!

This month Kimmy has screencapped the second part of Loves Music, Loves to Dance for you, where Louis plays the sympathetic, dashing and very handsome detective Vincent DiSalva. Thanks, Kimmy! Click here or on the cap to access the collection.
**Note: all three screen cap parts have been combined into one folder on our Google Drive.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate!
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We hope to see you all next month!