Ferreira Fest 002

Published February 2010
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All content copyright © louisferreira.org.

It’s February 20th, and guess whose birthday is today?!
So, in honor of The Man’s special day here is another batch of links to Louis Ferreira stuff.
Grab a drool bucket and enjoy.


Here is an interesting clip about the making of the Mausoleum trap from Saw IV. Louis gets to goof around between takes – it’s very funny. Nice close-up of his special effects make-up, and of course he makes fun of that, too.

And here is a Claymation version of the Mausoleum trap. The soundtrack is from the actual movie but all the characters have been replaced by modelling clay figures and copious amounts of strawberry jelly.

Here’s a video of Louis talking about the infamous prank he played on Robert Carlyle with the whole SGU cast.

And a great video on why Young and Rush on SGU fight all the time, which includes an interview with Louis.


As a very special treat we have some screen caps of the episode “The Domino Heart” from the 6th season of “ER“. Louis plays Michael Mueller, a gay man who is being physically abused by his partner and who ends up in the ER because of a seizure. It’s a fabulous episode and quite heartbreaking. As always, Louis does a fantastic job and those puppydog eyes serve the character well without him ever appearing wimpy or weak. Click here or on the image below to see the whole collection.

And that, dear Friends, is about it for this month! Thanks for visiting often! Be sure to follow us on “X” / Twitter for all the Louis news you can handle and TV reminders!

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We hope to see you all next month!