COVID-19: We’re all in this together! would like to remind everyone to take the current pandemic very seriously.
In the United States, find the latest information at the CDC – The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as your local Health Department. You can now sign up at or to schedule vaccinations or booster shots, and you can choose a site close to you where you can make appointments right there online – it’s super-easy!! You can order free at-home tests at
In Canada please visit the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Here are the official Corona Virus pages of the countries of our most frequent visitors:
– Germany
– France
– United Kingdom
– Brazil
– Hungary
– Spain
– Portugal
– Australia
– Russia
– Czechia
For other countries, a quick internet search will get you the official national site for the current status and recommendations.
In the meantime, please be smart. Stay at home unless absolutely necessary. Call your friends or do video chats instead of meeting them in person. Practice social distancing – stay at least 6 feet (3 meters) away from the next person. Wash your hands frequently (use soap and sing Happy Birthday twice while you scrub up!), avoid touching your face, and cough or sneeze into your elbow. And whenever you’re leaving the house, please do your part, just like Louis and Jackie:

Why you should always wear a mask in public:

How not to wear your mask in public:

Are you in quarantine but wish you could help out there? Go online shopping at Haven Toronto’s Shop & Share Page. Anything you buy there goes directly to an elder homeless man in need. Our homeless brothers and sisters are especially vulnerable, and your contribution will make a big difference.
Always practice positive thinking! Louis sends the following useful mindset shift suggestions from Sumaira Z, and the Health Department of British Columbia (Canada) shared a COVID-19 mental health bingo card: complete a row, column or diagonal per week!
If you do get sick, stay home and call your healthcare provider on what steps to take next.
But above all:

We all need to care about each other, follow our daily routines in a safe manner and remain calm. Nothing improves with panic, but clear heads and thoughtful behavior will help us through this situation.
Stay active! If you can’t leave the house – dance! You can join Jackie and Louis right here!
Need some cool at-home activities for yourself and/ or the kids? Check out NASA at Home – they have something for every skill level and attention span, from videos to actual science projects! Click on the screenshot below to join the experience!
Got some photos to share on how you are coping? Things that made you feel better? Cute cat or dog photos? Pretty views from your window? Send them over via email and we’ll post them here!
Squirrelhead by Eric “Sparkles” by Bea Baby Snake with hat by Julia Ann Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Salt Spring Island by Nicole Pilich Freshly baked bread by Rob Munic Pebbles by DeVo Paco by Casey Paco by Casey Navid the pizza delivery guy by Nicole Mallard Duck by Louis Ferreira Dad with Baby Donkey by Hannah Salt Spring Island by Greyston Holt Baby Donkey by Hannah Cutie Dog by Lillie Cross Stitch by Caroline Cat in snow by Natalie Calvin by Amanda Books by Agi